48 resultados para Pharyngeal swallowing


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Introduction: Rotenone is a botanical pesticide derived from extracts of Derris roots, which is traditionally used as piscicide, but also as an industrial insecticide for home gardens. Its mechanism of action is potent inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation by blocking electron transport at complex-I. Despite its classification as mild to moderately toxic to humans (estimated LD50, 300-500 mg/kg), there is a striking variety of acute toxicity of rotenone depending on the formulation (solvents). Human fatalities with rotenone-containing insecticides have been rarely reported, and a rapid deterioration within a few hours of the ingestion has been described previously in one case. Case report: A 49-year-old Tamil man with a history of asthma, ingested 250 mL of an insecticide containing 1.24% of rotenone (3.125 g, 52.1-62.5 mg/kg) in a suicide attempt at home. The product was not labeled as toxic. One hour later, he vomited repeatedly and emergency services were alerted. He was found unconscious with irregular respiration and was intubated. On arrival at the emergency department, he was comatose (GCS 3) with fixed and dilated pupils, and absent corneal reflexes. Physical examination revealed hemodynamic instability with hypotension (55/30 mmHg) and bradycardia (52 bpm). Significant laboratory findings were lactic acidosis (pH 6.97, lactate 17 mmol/L) and hypokalemia (2 mmol/L). Cranial computed tomography (CT) showed early cerebral edema. A single dose of activated charcoal was given. Intravenous hydration, ephedrine, repeated boli of dobutamine, and a perfusor with 90 micrograms/h norepinephine stabilized blood pressure temporarily. Atropine had a minimal effect on heart rate (58 bpm). Intravenous lipid emulsion was considered (log Pow 4.1), but there was a rapid deterioration with refractory hypotension and acute circulatory failure. The patient died 5h after ingestion of the insecticide. No autopsy was performed. Quantitative analysis of serum performed by high-resolution/accurate mass-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography (LC-HR/AM-MS): 560 ng/mL rotenone. Other substances were excluded by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Conclusion: The clinical course was characterized by early severe symptoms and a rapidly fatal evolution, compatible with inhibition of mitochondrial energy supply. Although rotenone is classified as mild to moderately toxic, physicians must be aware that suicidal ingestion of emulsified concentrates may be rapidly fatal. (n=3): stridor, cyanosis, cough (one each). Local swelling after chewing or swallowing soap developed at the earliest after 20 minutes and persisted beyond 24 hours in some cases. Treatment with antihistamines and/or steroids relieved the symptoms in 9 cases. Conclusion: Bar soap ingestion by seniors carries a risk of severe local reactions. Half the patients developed symptoms, predominantly swellings of tongue and/or lips (38%). Cognitive impairment, particularly in the cases of dementia (37%), may increase the risk of unintentional ingestion. Chewing and intraoral retention of soap leads to prolonged contact with the mucosal membranes. Age-associated physiological changes of oral mucosa probably promote the irritant effects of the surfactants. Medical treatment with antihistamines and corticosteroids usually leads to rapid decline of symptoms. Without treatment, there may be a risk of airway obstruction.


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BACKGROUND: The management of pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) can be challenging, and laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) with cartilage interposition grafting remains the mainstay of surgical treatment for pediatric LTS in most experienced centers. The purpose of this study was to report the results of this procedure in a center where primary cricotracheal resection is frequently performed. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on 45 patients who underwent LTR in our hospital between October 1997 and July 2012. Demographic characteristics and information on the preoperative status, stenosis, and operation were collected. Primary outcomes were measured as overall (ODR) and operation-specific (OSDR) decannulation rates and secondary outcomes as morbidity, mortality, and postoperative functional results. RESULTS: ODR and OSDR were 86.7% (39/45) and 66.7% (30/45), respectively. Re-stenosis was observed in 11/45 (24%) patients, all of whom were endoscopically or surgically treated. Revision surgery was performed in 10 patients, 6 for re-stenosis and 2 for peristomial tracheomalacia. Two children died of mucous obstruction of tracheostomy tube at 3 and 6 months postoperatively (4.4%). Respiratory, voice, and swallowing functions were excellent or good in 86, 75, and 84% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: LTR for pediatric LTS has high decannulation rates with acceptable morbidity and mortality in selected patients. Most LTR procedures were double-stage for lower grade subglottic stenoses associated with glottic involvement that required stenting. Careful preoperative evaluation and adequate surgical indications are extremely important to achieve high decannulation rates.


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Scanty data are available on the incidence (i.e., the absolute risk) of second cancers of the head and neck (HN) and its pattern with age. We investigated this issue using data from a multicentric study of 13 population-based cancer registries from Europe, Canada, Australia and Singapore for the years 1943-2000. A total of 99,257 patients had a first primary HN cancer (15,985 tongue, 22,378 mouth, 20,758 pharyngeal, and 40,190 laryngeal cancer), contributing to 489,855 person-years of follow-up. A total of 1,294 of the patients (1.3%) were diagnosed with second HN cancers (342 tongue, 345 mouth, 418 pharynx and 189 larynx). Male incidence rates of first HN cancer steeply increased from 0.68/100,000 at age 30-34 to 46.2/100,000 at age 70-74, and leveled off at older age; female incidence increased from 0.50/100,000 at age 30-34 to 16.5/100,000 at age 80-84. However, age-specific incidence of second HN cancers after a first HN cancer in men was around 200-300/100,000 between age 40-44 and age 70-74 and tended to decline at subsequent ages (150/100,000 at age 80-84); in women, incidence of second HN cancers was around 200-300/100,000 between age 45-49 and 80-84. The patterns of age-specific incidence were consistent for different subsites of second HN cancer and sexes; moreover, they were similar for age-specific incidence of first primary HN cancer in patients who subsequently developed a second HN cancer. The incidence of second HN cancers does not increase with age, but remains constant, or if anything, decreases with advancing age.


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Investigations, diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal paralysis depend upon history taking and examination of phonation, swallowing and of the pharyngo-larynx. In unilateral paralysis, the main symptom is dysphonia. Dysphagia lasting more than 10 days may indicate a proximal vagus nerve lesion. Voice and swallowing therapy may be undertaken. If this remains insufficient after one month, a temporary or definitive vocal fold medialisation may be considered. Paralysis is considered to be definitive if lasting for more than 12 months. A minimal of one-year follow-up is indicated in case of idiopathic paralysis.


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BACKGROUND: Hypoglycaemia is a poor prognostic indicator in severe malaria. Intravenous infusions are rarely feasible in rural areas. The efficacy of sublingual sugar (SLS) was assessed in a pilot randomized controlled trial among hypoglycaemic children with severe malaria in Mali. METHODS: Of 151 patients with presumed severe malaria, 23 children with blood glucose concentrations < 60 mg/dl (< 3.3 mmol/l) were assigned randomly to receive either intravenous 10% glucose (IVG; n = 9) or sublingual sugar (SLS; n = 14). In SLS, a teaspoon of sugar, moistened with a few drops of water, was gently placed under the tongue every 20 minutes. The child was put in the recovery position. Blood glucose concentration (BGC) was measured every 5-10 minutes for the first hour. All children were treated for malaria with intramuscular artemether. The primary outcome measure was treatment response, defined as reaching a BGC of >or= 3.3 mmol/l (60 mg/dl) within 40 minutes after admission. Secondary outcome measures were early treatment response at 20 minutes, relapse (early and late), maximal BGC gain (CGmax), and treatment delay. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the groups in the primary outcome measure. Treatment response occurred in 71% and 67% for SLS and IVG, respectively. Among the responders, relapses occurred in 30% on SLS at 40 minutes and in 17% on IVG at 20 minutes. There was one fatality in each group. Treatment failures in the SLS group were related to children with clenched teeth or swallowing the sugar, whereas in the IVG group, they were due to unavoidable delays in beginning an infusion (median time 17.5 min (range 3-40).Among SLS, the BGC increase was rapid among the nine patients who really kept the sugar sublingually. All but one increased their BGC by 10 minutes with a mean gain of 44 mg/dl (95%CI: 20.5-63.4). CONCLUSION: Sublingual sugar appears to be a child-friendly, well-tolerated and effective promising method of raising blood glucose in severely ill children. More frequent repeated doses are needed to prevent relapse. Children should be monitored for early swallowing which leads to delayed absorption, and in this case another dose of sugar should be given. Sublingual sugar could be proposed as an immediate "first aid" measure while awaiting intravenous glucose. In many cases it may avert the need for intravenous glucose.


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Infected lateral cervical cysts in newborn are rare. We present the case of a baby born at 41 weeks of gestation. At day 3, persistent cyanosis was noted, and a mass appeared in the left cervical region next to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. No cutaneous sinus was visible. Ultrasound imaging showed no sign of blood flow within the mass and no septae. The mass extended down to the aortic arch and pushed the trachea to the right. A cervical lymphangioma was first suspected. Puncture of the mass evacuated 80 mL of pus, and a drain was put in place. Opacification through the drain showed a tract originating from the left pyriform fossa. Preoperative laryngoscopy and catheterization of the fistula tract confirmed the diagnosis. The cyst was totally excised up to the sinus with the assistance of a guidewire inserted orally through a rigid laryngoscope. This is a rare case of an infected pyriform sinus cyst in the neonatal period.


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To monitor recent trends in oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality in 38 European countries, we analyzed data provided by the World Health Organization over the period 1975-2004. Joinpoint analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends. In the European Union (EU), male mortality rates rose by 2.1% per year between 1975 and 1984, by 1.0% between 1984 and 1993, and declined by 1.3% between 1993 and 2004, to reach an overall age-standardized rate of 6.1/100,000 in 2000-2004. Mortality rates were much lower in women, and the rate in the EU rose by 0.9% per year up to 2000, and levelled off to 1.1/100,000 in 2000-2004. In France and Italy - which had the highest rates in the past - male rates have steadily declined during the last two decades (annual percent change, APC=-4.8% in 1998-2004 in France, and -2.6% in 1986-2003 in Italy). Persisting rises were, however, observed in several central and eastern European countries, with exceedingly high rates in Hungary (21.1/100,000; APC=6.9% in 1975-1993 and 1.4% in 1993-2004) and Slovakia (16.9/100,000; APC=0.14% in 1992-2004). In middle aged (35 to 64) men, oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality rates in Hungary (55.2/100,000) and Slovakia (40.8/100,000) were comparable to lung cancer rates in several major European countries. The highest rates for women were in Hungary (3.3/100,000; APC=4.7% in 1975-2004) and Denmark (1.6/100,000; APC=1.3% in 1975-2001). Oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality essentially reflects the different patterns in tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking, including drinking patterns and type of alcohol in central Europe. (c) 2009 UICC.


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Medialization laryngoplasty was performed in 25 patients between 1993 and 1997. The underlying pathology resulting in glottal incompetence was vocal cord paralysis in 22 patients and vocal cord bowing in 3 patients. Two types of implants were used: self-carved Proplast in 19 patients and prefabricated hydroxyapatite prostheses in 6 patients. Preoperative and postoperative results were compared in terms of dysphagia, vocal quality as graded by three experienced voice specialists, and computer measurements of the glottal gap. All patients showed improvement both subjectively and on the objective measurements used. Swallowing returned to normal in all patients who had isolated recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. The voice improved in all patients but was rarely judged as entirely normal.


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Although cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption increase risk for head and neck cancers, there have been few attempts to model risks quantitatively and to formally evaluate cancer site-specific risks. The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies and modeled the excess odds ratio (EOR) to assess risk by total exposure (pack-years and drink-years) and its modification by exposure rate (cigarettes/day and drinks/day). The smoking analysis included 1,761 laryngeal, 2,453 pharyngeal, and 1,990 oral cavity cancers, and the alcohol analysis included 2,551 laryngeal, 3,693 pharyngeal, and 3,116 oval cavity cancers, with over 8,000 controls. Above 15 cigarettes/day, the EOR/pack-year decreased with increasing cigarettes/day, suggesting that greater cigarettes/day for a shorter duration was less deleterious than fewer cigarettes/day for a longer duration. Estimates of EOR/pack-year were homogeneous across sites, while the effects of cigarettes/day varied, indicating that the greater laryngeal cancer risk derived from differential cigarettes/day effects and not pack-years. EOR/drink-year estimates increased through 10 drinks/day, suggesting that greater drinks/day for a shorter duration was more deleterious than fewer drinks/day for a longer duration. Above 10 drinks/day, data were limited. EOR/drink-year estimates varied by site, while drinks/day effects were homogeneous, indicating that the greater pharyngeal/oral cavity cancer risk with alcohol consumption derived from the differential effects of drink-years and not drinks/day.


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BACKGROUND: Data on the association between vitamin D and upper digestive tract neoplasms are limited. METHODS: In two case-control studies in Italy, we examined the relation between dietary vitamin D intake and squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus (SCCE; 304 cases) and oral/pharyngeal cancer (804 cases). Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: Adjusted ORs for SCCE and oral/pharyngeal cancer were 0.58 (95% CI 0.39-0.86) and 0.76 (95% CI 0.60-0.94), respectively, for the highest tertile of vitamin D intake. Using a reference group of those in the highest tertile of vitamin D who were never/former smokers, ORs were 8.7 (95% CI 4.1-18.7) for SCCE and 10.4 (95% CI 6.9-15.5) for oral/pharyngeal cancer among heavy smokers in the lowest vitamin D tertile; similarly, compared with those in the highest tertile of vitamin D who drank <3 alcoholic drinks/day, corresponding ORs were 41.9 (95% CI 13.7-128.6) for SCCE and 8.5 (95% CI 5.7-12.5) for oral/pharyngeal cancer, among heavy alcohol drinkers in the lowest vitamin D tertile. CONCLUSION: We observed inverse associations between dietary vitamin D intake and risk of SCCE and, perhaps, oral/pharyngeal cancer, which were most pronounced among heavy current smokers and heavy consumers of alcohol.


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Diabetes has been associated to the risk of a few cancer sites, though quantification of this association in various populations remains open to discussion. We analyzed the relation between diabetes and the risk of various cancers in an integrated series of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2009. The studies included 1,468 oral and pharyngeal, 505 esophageal, 230 gastric, 2,390 colorectal, 185 liver, 326 pancreatic, 852 laryngeal, 3,034 breast, 607 endometrial, 1,031 ovarian, 1,294 prostate, and 767 renal cell cancer cases and 12,060 hospital controls. The multivariate odds ratios (OR) for subjects with diabetes as compared to those without-adjusted for major identified confounding factors for the cancers considered through logistic regression models-were significantly elevated for cancers of the oral cavity/pharynx (OR = 1.58), esophagus (OR = 2.52), colorectum (OR = 1.23), liver (OR = 3.52), pancreas (OR = 3.32), postmenopausal breast (OR = 1.76), and endometrium (OR = 1.70). For cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, colorectum, liver, and postmenopausal breast, the excess risk persisted over 10 yr since diagnosis of diabetes. Our data confirm and further quantify the association of diabetes with colorectal, liver, pancreatic, postmenopausal breast, and endometrial cancer and suggest forthe first time that diabetes may also increase the risk of oral/pharyngeal and esophageal cancer. [Table: see text] [Table: see text].


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BACKGROUND: The magnitude of risk conferred by the interaction between tobacco and alcohol use on the risk of head and neck cancers is not clear because studies have used various methods to quantify the excess head and neck cancer burden. METHODS: We analyzed individual-level pooled data from 17 European and American case-control studies (11,221 cases and 16,168 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. We estimated the multiplicative interaction parameter (psi) and population attributable risks (PAR). RESULTS: A greater than multiplicative joint effect between ever tobacco and alcohol use was observed for head and neck cancer risk (psi = 2.15; 95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.04). The PAR for tobacco or alcohol was 72% (95% confidence interval, 61-79%) for head and neck cancer, of which 4% was due to alcohol alone, 33% was due to tobacco alone, and 35% was due to tobacco and alcohol combined. The total PAR differed by subsite (64% for oral cavity cancer, 72% for pharyngeal cancer, 89% for laryngeal cancer), by sex (74% for men, 57% for women), by age (33% for cases <45 years, 73% for cases >60 years), and by region (84% in Europe, 51% in North America, 83% in Latin America). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that the joint effect between tobacco and alcohol use is greater than multiplicative on head and neck cancer risk. However, a substantial proportion of head and neck cancers cannot be attributed to tobacco or alcohol use, particularly for oral cavity cancer and for head and neck cancer among women and among young-onset cases.


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BACKGROUND: Consumption of red meat has been related to increased risk of several cancers. Cooking methods could modify the magnitude of this association, as production of chemicals depends on the temperature and duration of cooking. METHODS: We analyzed data from a network of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland between 1991 and 2009. The studies included 1465 oral and pharyngeal, 198 nasopharyngeal, 851 laryngeal, 505 esophageal, 230 stomach, 1463 colon, 927 rectal, 326 pancreatic, 3034 breast, 454 endometrial, 1031 ovarian, 1294 prostate and 767 renal cancer cases. Controls included 11 656 patients admitted for acute, non-neoplastic conditions. Odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated by multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for known confounding factors. RESULTS: Daily intake of red meat was significantly associated with the risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx (OR for increase of 50 g/day = 1.38; 95% CI: 1.26-1.52), nasopharynx (OR = 1.29; 95% CI: 1.04-1.60), larynx (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.30-1.64), esophagus (OR = 1.46; 95% CI: 1.23-1.72), colon (OR = 1.17; 95% CI: 1.08-1.26), rectum (OR = 1.22; 95% CI:1.11-1.33), pancreas (OR = 1.51; 95% CI: 1.25-1.82), breast (OR = 1.12; 95% CI: 1.04-1.19), endometrium (OR = 1.30; 95% CI: 1.10-1.55) and ovary (OR = 1.29; 95% CI: 1.16-1.43). Fried meat was associated with a higher risk of cancer of oral cavity and pharynx (OR = 2.80; 95% CI: 2.02-3.89) and esophagus (OR = 4.52; 95% CI: 2.50-8.18). Risk of prostate cancer increased for meat cooked by roasting/grilling (OR = 1.31; 95% CI: 1.12-1.54). No heterogeneity according to cooking methods emerged for other cancers. Nonetheless, significant associations with boiled/stewed meat also emerged for cancer of the nasopharynx (OR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.30-3.00) and stomach (OR = 1.86; 95% CI: 1.20-2.87). CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis confirmed red meat consumption as a risk factor for several cancer sites, with a limited impact of cooking methods. These findings, thus, call for a limitation of its consumption in populations of Western countries.


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Distal myopathies represent a heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal muscle disorders. One type of adult-onset, progressive autosomal-dominant distal myopathy, frequently associated with dysphagia and dysphonia (vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness with distal myopathy [VCPDM]), has been mapped to chromosome 5q31 in a North American pedigree. Here, we report the identification of a second large VCPDM family of Bulgarian descent and fine mapping of the critical interval. Sequencing of positional candidate genes revealed precisely the same nonconservative S85C missense mutation affecting an interspecies conserved residue in the MATR3 gene in both families. MATR3 is expressed in skeletal muscle and encodes matrin 3, a component of the nuclear matrix, which is a proteinaceous network that extends throughout the nucleus. Different disease related haplotype signatures in the two families provided evidence that two independent mutational events at the same position in MATR3 cause VCPDM. Our data establish proof of principle that the nuclear matrix is crucial for normal skeletal muscle structure and function and put VCPDM on the growing list of monogenic disorders associated with the nuclear proteome.