Acute exercise increases energy expenditure (EE) during exercise and post-exercise recovery [excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)] and therefore may be recommended as part of the multidisciplinary management of obesity. Moreover, chronic exercise (training) effectively promotes an increase in insulin sensitivity, which seems to be associated with increased fat oxidation rates (FORs). The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate 1) FORs and extra-muscular factors (hormones and plasma metabolites) that regulate fat metabolism during acute and chronic exercise; and 2) EPOC during acute post-exercise recovery in obese and severely obese men (class II and III). In the first study, we showed that obese and severely obese men present a lower exercise intensity (Fatmax) eliciting maximal fat oxidation and a lower reliance on fat oxidation at high, but not at low and moderate, exercise intensities compared to lean men. This was most likely related to an impaired muscular capacity to oxidize non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) rather than decreased plasma NEFA availability or a change in the hormonal milieu during exercise. In the second study, we developed an accurate maximal incremental test to correctly and simultaneously evaluate aerobic fitness and fat oxidation kinetics during exercise in this population. This test may be used for the prescription of an appropriate exercise training intensity. In the third study, we demonstrated that only 2 wk of exercise training [continuous training at Fatmax and adapted high-intensity interval training (HIIT)], matched with respect to mechanical work, may be effective to improve aerobic fitness, FORs during exercise and insulin sensitivity, which suggest that FORs might be rapidly improved and that adapted HIIT is feasible in this population. The increased FORs concomitant with the lack of changes in lipolysis during exercise suggest an improvement in the mismatching between NEFA availability and oxidation, highlighting the importance of muscular (oxidative capacity) rather than extra-muscular (hormones and plasma metabolites) factors in the regulation of fat metabolism after a training program. In the fourth study, we observed a positive correlation between EE during exercise and EPOC, suggesting that a chronic increase in the volume or intensity of exercise may increase EE during exercise and during recovery. This may have an impact in weight management in obesity. In conclusion, these findings might have practical implications for exercise training prescriptions in order to improve the therapeutic approaches in obesity and severe obesity. -- L'exercice aigu augmente la dépense énergétique (DE) pendant l'exercice et la récupération post-exercice [excès de consommation d'oxygène post-exercise (EPOC)] et peut être utilisé dans la gestion multidisciplinaire de l'obésité. Quant à l'exercice chronique (entraînement), il est efficace pour augmenter la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui semble être associé à une amélioration du débit d'oxydation lipidique (DOL). Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier 1) le DOL et les facteurs extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) qui régulent le métabolisme lipidique pendant l'exercice aigu et chronique et 2) l'EPOC lors de la récupération aiguë post-exercice chez des hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses (classe II et III). Dans la première étude nous avons montré que les hommes obèses et sévèrement obèses présentent une plus basse intensité d'exercice (Fatmax) correspondant au débit d'oxydation lipidique maximale et un plus bas DOL à hautes, mais pas à faibles et modérées, intensités d'exercice comparé aux sujets normo-poids, ce qui est probablement lié à une incapacité musculaire à oxyder les acides gras non-estérifiés (AGNE) plutôt qu'à une diminution de leur disponibilité ou à un changement du milieu hormonal pendant l'exercice. Dans la deuxième étude nous avons développé un test maximal incrémental pour évaluer simultanément l'aptitude physique aérobie et la cinétique d'oxydation des lipides pendant l'exercice chez cette population. Dans la troisième étude nous avons montré que seulement deux semaines d'entraînement (continu à Fatmax et intermittent à haute intensité), appariés par la charge de travail, sont efficaces pour améliorer l'aptitude physique aérobie, le DOL pendant l'exercice et la sensibilité à l'insuline, ce qui suggère que le DOL peut être rapidement amélioré chez cette population. Ceci, en absence de changements de la lipolyse pendant l'exercice, suggère une amélioration de la balance entre la disponibilité et l'oxydation des AGNE, ce qui souligne l'importance des facteurs musculaires (capacité oxydative) plutôt que extra-musculaires (hormones et métabolites plasmatiques) dans la régulation du métabolisme lipidique après un entraînement. Dans la quatrième étude nous avons observé une corrélation positive entre la DE pendant l'exercice et l'EPOC, ce qui suggère qu'une augmentation chronique du volume ou de l'intensité de l'exercice pourrait augmenter la DE lors de l'exercice et lors de la récupération post-exercice. Ceci pourrait avoir un impact sur la gestion du poids chez cette population. En conclusion, ces résultats pourraient avoir des implications pratiques lors de la prescription des entraînements dans le but d'améliorer les approches thérapeutiques de l'obésité et de l'obésité sévère.
Humoral factors play an important role in the control of exercise hyperpnea. The role of neuromechanical ventilatory factors, however, is still being investigated. We tested the hypothesis that the afferents of the thoracopulmonary system, and consequently of the neuromechanical ventilatory loop, have an influence on the kinetics of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2), and ventilation (VE) during moderate intensity exercise. We did this by comparing the ventilatory time constants (tau) of exercise with and without an inspiratory load. Fourteen healthy, trained men (age 22.6 +/- 3.2 yr) performed a continuous incremental cycle exercise test to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max = 55.2 +/- 5.8 ml x min(-1) x kg(-1)). On another day, after unloaded warm-up they performed randomized constant-load tests at 40% of their VO2max for 8 min, one with and the other without an inspiratory threshold load of 15 cmH2O. Ventilatory variables were obtained breath by breath. Phase 2 ventilatory kinetics (VO2, VCO2, and VE) could be described in all cases by a monoexponential function. The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameters, indicating an accurate determination for all parameters. Paired Student's t-tests showed that the addition of the inspiratory resistance significantly increased the tau during phase 2 of VO2 (43.1 +/- 8.6 vs. 60.9 +/- 14.1 s; P < 0.001), VCO2 (60.3 +/- 17.6 vs. 84.5 +/- 18.1 s; P < 0.001) and VE (59.4 +/- 16.1 vs. 85.9 +/- 17.1 s; P < 0.001). The average rise in tau was 41.3% for VO2, 40.1% for VCO2, and 44.6% for VE. The tau changes indicated that neuromechanical ventilatory factors play a role in the ventilatory response to moderate exercise.
The purpose of this study was to compare O(2) uptake ((.)VO(2)) and muscle electromyography activity kinetics during moderate and severe exercise to test the hypothesis of progressive recruitment of fast-twitch fibers in the explanation of the VO(2) slow component. After an incremental test to exhaustion, 7 trained cyclists (mean +/- SD, 61.4 +/- 4.2 ml x min(-1) x kg(- 1)) performed several square-wave transitions for 6 min at moderate and severe intensities on a bicycle ergometer. The (.)VO(2) response and the electrical activity (i.e., median power frequency, MDF) of the quadriceps vastus lateralis and vastus medialis of both lower limbs were measured continuously during exercise. After 2 to 3 min of exercise onset, MDF values increased similarly during moderate and severe exercise for almost all muscles whereas a (.)VO(2) slow component occurred during severe exercise. There was no relationship between the increase of MDF values and the magnitude of the (.)VO(2) slow component during the severe exercise. These results suggest that the origin of the slow component may not be due to the progressive recruitment of fast-twitch fibers.
The contribution of respiratory muscle work to the development of the O(2) consumption (Vo(2)) slow component is a point of controversy because it has been shown that the increased ventilation in hypoxia is not associated with a concomitant increase in Vo(2) slow component. The first purpose of this study was thus to test the hypothesis of a direct relationship between respiratory muscle work and Vo(2) slow component by manipulating inspiratory resistance. Because the conditions for a Vo(2) slow component specific to respiratory muscle can be reached during intense exercise, the second purpose was to determine whether respiratory muscles behave like limb muscles during heavy exercise. Ten trained subjects performed two 8-min constant-load heavy cycling exercises with and without a threshold valve in random order. Vo(2) was measured breath by breath by using a fast gas exchange analyzer, and the Vo(2) response was modeled after removal of the cardiodynamic phase by using two monoexponential functions. As anticipated, when total work was slightly increased with loaded inspiratory resistance, slight increases in base Vo(2), the primary phase amplitude, and peak Vo(2) were noted (14.2%, P < 0.01; 3.5%, P > 0.05; and 8.3%, P < 0.01, respectively). The bootstrap method revealed small coefficients of variation for the model parameter, including the slow-component amplitude and delay (15 and 19%, respectively), indicating an accurate determination for this critical parameter. The amplitude of the Vo(2) slow component displayed a 27% increase from 8.1 +/- 3.6 to 10.3 +/- 3.4 ml. min(-1). kg(-1) (P < 0.01) with the addition of inspiratory resistance. Taken together, this increase and the lack of any differences in minute volume and ventilatory parameters between the two experimental conditions suggest the occurrence of a Vo(2) slow component specific to the respiratory muscles in loaded condition.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that athletes having a slower oxygen uptake ( VO(2)) kinetics would benefit more, in terms of time spent near VO(2max), from an increase in the intensity of an intermittent running training (IT). After determination of VO(2max), vVO(2max) (i.e. the minimal velocity associated with VO(2max) in an incremental test) and the time to exhaustion sustained at vVO(2max) ( T(lim)), seven well-trained triathletes performed in random order two IT sessions. The two IT comprised 30-s work intervals at either 100% (IT(100%)) or 105% (IT(105%)) of vVO(2max) with 30-s recovery intervals at 50% of vVO(2max) between each repeat. The parameters of the VO(2) kinetics (td(1), tau(1), A(1), td(2), tau(2), A(2), i.e. time delay, time constant and amplitude of the primary phase and slow component, respectively) during the T(lim) test were modelled with two exponential functions. The highest VO(2) reached was significantly lower ( P<0.01) in IT(100%) run at 19.8 (0.9) km(.)h(-1) [66.2 (4.6) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] than in IT(105%) run at 20.8 (1.0) km(.)h(-1) [71.1 (4.9) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)] or in the incremental test [71.2 (4.2) ml(.)min(-1.)kg(-1)]. The time sustained above 90% of VO(2max) in IT(105%) [338 (149) s] was significantly higher ( P<0.05) than in IT(100%) [168 (131) s]. The average T(lim) was 244 (39) s, tau(1) was 15.8 (5.9) s and td(2) was 96 (13) s. tau(1) was correlated with the difference in time spent above 90% of VO(2max) ( r=0.91; P<0.01) between IT(105%) and IT(100%). In conclusion, athletes with a slower VO(2) kinetics in a vVO(2max) constant-velocity test benefited more from the 5% rise of IT work intensity, exercising for longer above 90% of VO(2max) when the IT intensity was increased from 100 to 105% of vVO(2max).
BACKGROUND: Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR, CD87) is a widely distributed 55-kD, glycoprotein I-anchored surface receptor. On binding of its ligand uPA, it is known to increase leukocyte adhesion and traffic. Using genetically deficient mice, we explored the role of uPAR in platelet kinetics and TNF-induced platelet consumption. METHODS AND RESULTS: Anti-uPAR antibody stained platelets from normal (+/+) but not from uPAR-/- mice, as seen by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. 51Cr-labeled platelets from uPAR-/- donors survived longer than those from +/+ donors when injected into a +/+ recipient. Intratracheal TNF injection induced thrombocytopenia and a platelet pulmonary localization, pronounced in +/+ but absent in uPAR-/- mice. Aprotinin, a plasmin inhibitor, decreased TNF-induced thrombocytopenia. TNF injection markedly reduced the survival and increased the pulmonary localization of 51Cr-labeled platelets from +/+ but not from uPAR-/- donors, indicating that it is the platelet uPAR that is critical for their response to TNF. As seen by electron microscopy, TNF injection increased the number of platelets and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) in the alveolar capillaries of +/+ mice, whereas in uPAR-/- mice, platelet trapping was insignificant and PMN trapping was slightly reduced. Platelets within alveolar capillaries of TNF-injected mice were activated, as judged from their shape, and this was evident in +/+ but not in uPAR-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate for the first time the critical role of platelet uPAR for kinetics as well as for activation and endothelium adhesion associated with inflammation.
Glucose supply from blood to brain occurs through facilitative transporter proteins. A near linear relation between brain and plasma glucose has been experimentally determined and described by a reversible model of enzyme kinetics. A conformational four-state exchange model accounting for trans-acceleration and asymmetry of the carrier was included in a recently developed multi-compartmental model of glucose transport. Based on this model, we demonstrate that brain glucose (G(brain)) as function of plasma glucose (G(plasma)) can be described by a single analytical equation namely comprising three kinetic compartments: blood, endothelial cells and brain. Transport was described by four parameters: apparent half saturation constant K(t), apparent maximum rate constant T(max), glucose consumption rate CMR(glc), and the iso-inhibition constant K(ii) that suggests G(brain) as inhibitor of the isomerisation of the unloaded carrier. Previous published data, where G(brain) was quantified as a function of plasma glucose by either biochemical methods or NMR spectroscopy, were used to determine the aforementioned kinetic parameters. Glucose transport was characterized by K(t) ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 mM, T(max)/CMR(glc) from 4.6 to 5.6, and K(ii) from 51 to 149 mM. It was noteworthy that K(t) was on the order of a few mM, as previously determined from the reversible model. The conformational four-state exchange model of glucose transport into the brain includes both efflux and transport inhibition by G(brain), predicting that G(brain) eventually approaches a maximum concentration. However, since K(ii) largely exceeds G(plasma), iso-inhibition is unlikely to be of substantial importance for plasma glucose below 25 mM. As a consequence, the reversible model can account for most experimental observations under euglycaemia and moderate cases of hypo- and hyperglycaemia.
In prokaryotes and eukaryotes, most genes appear to be transcribed during short periods called transcriptional bursts, interspersed by silent intervals. We describe how such bursts generate gene-specific temporal patterns of messenger RNA (mRNA) synthesis in mammalian cells. To monitor transcription at high temporal resolution, we established various gene trap cell lines and transgenic cell lines expressing a short-lived luciferase protein from an unstable mRNA, and recorded bioluminescence in real time in single cells. Mathematical modeling identified gene-specific on- and off-switching rates in transcriptional activity and mean numbers of mRNAs produced during the bursts. Transcriptional kinetics were markedly altered by cis-regulatory DNA elements. Our analysis demonstrated that bursting kinetics are highly gene-specific, reflecting refractory periods during which genes stay inactive for a certain time before switching on again.
Soluble peptide/MHC-class-I (pMHC) multimers have recently emerged as unique reagents for the study of specific interactions between the pMHC complex and the TCR. Here, we assessed the relative binding efficiency of a panel of multimers incorporating single-alanine-substituted variants of the tumor-antigen-derived peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) to specific CTL clones displaying different functional avidity. For each individual clone, the efficiency of binding of multimers incorporating MAGE-A10 peptide variants was, in most cases, in good although not linear correlation with the avidity of recognition of the corresponding variant. In addition, we observed two types of discrepancies between efficiency of recognition and multimer binding. First, for some peptide variants, efficient multimer binding was detected in the absence of measurable effector functions. Some of these peptide variants displayed antagonist activity. Second, when comparing different clones we found clear discrepancies between the dose of peptide required to obtain half-maximal lysis in CTL assays and the binding efficiency of the corresponding multimers. These discrepancies, however, were resolved when the differential stability of the TCR/pMHC complexes was determined. For individual clones, decreased recognition correlated with increased TCR/pMHC off-rate. TCR/pMHC complexes formed by antagonist ligands displayed off-rates faster than those of TCR/pMHC complexes formed with weak agonists. In addition, when comparing different clones, the efficiency of multimer staining correlated better with relative multimer off-rates than with half-maximal lysis values. Altogether, the data presented here reconcile and extend our previous results on the impact of the kinetics of interaction of TCR with pMHC complexes on multimer binding and underline the crucial role of TCR/pMHC off-rates for the functional outcome of such interactions.
A novel approach to the study of hepatic glycogen kinetics and fractional gluconeogenesis in vivo is described. Ten healthy female subjects were fed an iso-caloric diet containing 55% carbohydrate energy with a 13C abundance of 1.083 atom percent for a 3-day baseline period; then, a diet of similar composition, but providing carbohydrate with a 13C abundance of 1.093 atom percent was started and continued for 5 days. Resting respiratory gas exchanges, urinary nitrogen excretion, breath 13CO2 and plasma 13C glucose were measured every morning in the fasting state. The enrichment in 13C of hepatic glycogen was calculated from these measured data. 13C glycogen enrichment increased after switching to a 13C enriched carbohydrate diet, and was identical to the 13C enrichment of dietary carbohydrates after 3 days. The time required to renew 50% of hepatic glycogen, as determined from the kinetics of 13C glycogen enrichment, was 18.9 +/- 3.6 h. Fractional gluconeogenesis, as determined from the difference between the enrichments of glucose oxidized originating from hepatic glycogen and plasma glucose 13C was 50.8 +/- 5.3%. This non-invasive method will allow the study of hepatic glycogen metabolism in insulin-resistant patients.
Many patients develop tumor antigen-specific T cell responses detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) following cancer vaccine. However, measurable tumor regression is observed in a limited number of patients receiving cancer vaccines. There is a need to re-evaluate systemically the immune responses induced by cancer vaccines. Here, we established animal models targeting two human cancer/testis antigens, NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-A4. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes of these antigens were investigated by immunizing BALB/c mice with plasmids encoding the entire sequences of NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4. CD8(+) T cells specific for NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A4 were able to be detected by ELISPOT assays using antigen presenting cells pulsed with overlapping peptides covering the whole protein, indicating the high immunogenicity of these antigens in mice. Truncation of these peptides revealed that NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 8mer peptides, NY-ESO-181-88. MAGE-A4-specific CD8(+) T cells recognized D(d)-restricted 9mer peptides, MAGE-A4265-273. MHC/peptide tetramers allowed us to analyze the kinetics and distribution of the antigen-specific immune responses, and we found that stronger antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses were required for more effective anti-tumor activity. Taken together, these animal models are valuable for evaluation of immune responses and optimization of the efficacy of cancer vaccines.
Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé grand public Comme toute matière, la roche est sensible à son environnement et cherche à s'adapter pour acquérir un état stable (état d'équilibre). Les changements des conditions physiques (température et pression) vont ainsi impliquer des modifications dans la roche. Le métamorphisme est l'étude de ces changements. Les minéraux qui constituent la roche peuvent modifier, leur structure, leur chimie ou être remplacer par d'autres minéraux plus stables. Il est ainsi crucial de déterminer les processus responsables et limitant de la croissance minérale. Trois processus permettent la croissance ; (1) la dissolution des éléments du réactant, (2) le transport de ces éléments vers le site de croissance, (3) l'incorporation de ces éléments dans la nouvelle structure. Cette thèse se focalise sur les structures des minéraux de haute pression (forme, zonation chimique, structure interne) pour essayer de déterminer les facteurs importants à l'origine de leur état final. Les zones d'étude se situent dans la zone de Sésia. La première partie traite de la problématique liée à l'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale. A l'image de la croissance humaine, les irrégularités minéralogiques permettent de mettre en lumière un dysfonctionnement de la croissance due à un excès ou à une carence d'un élément. Bien dosé, cet élément est cependant essentiel à la croissance. Les zoisites (épidotes) des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent une zonation chimique en sablier. Dans cette zonation la teneur en fer excède la capacité maximum que peut contenir la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite. Des défauts de structure permettent l'accommodation de cet excès. La zoisite peut ainsi adapter sa structure pour permettre l'incorporation d'une relativement grande quantité de fer. Les études précédentes montraient, pour des conditions similaires, la formation de deux épidotes distinctes. La deuxième partie se penche sur la compétition entre le minéral qui fait sa croissance et les minéraux (réactants) qui l'entourent. Les métapélites de la région du Monte Mucrone contiennent des grenats atollaires. Des études détaillées de la texture et de la zonation chimique du grenat ainsi qu'une modélisation thermodynamique ont permis de mieux cerner les facteurs importants responsables de la forme atollaire. Cette structure est obtenue par un changement du comportement de la croissance du grenat le long d'un chemin P-T hercynien. Dans un premier stade, le grenat croît rapidement et consume peu le quartz de la matrice. La croissance se fait ainsi le long des jointures des grains de quartz. Dans un second temps, les changements de conditions PT donnent une croissance lente du grenat et une forte consommation du quartz. Le grenat peut ainsi développer sa forme dodécaédrale classique. La troisième partie s'intéresse aux distances de transport par diffusion d'un élément (ici l'argon) durant la haute pression. Pour ce faire, un profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotite a été mesuré depuis un veine de haute pression riche en argon jusque dans son encaissant (granitoïd du Monte Mucrone). Le profile montre une répartition des âges suivant une courbe de diffusion. Le transport se fait sur une longueur de deux centimètre avec l'aide d'un fluide. Il est réduit à une échelle millimétrique quand la phase fluide disparaît. Cette étude montre ainsi les difficultés de transport des éléments durant la haute pression ne permettant pas un rééquilibrage de la roche à grande échelle. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé de thèse Les processus de croissance (diffusion des éléments et les réactions d'interface) et les conditions dans lesquelles les minéraux grandissent (température, pression, fluide, composition chimique de la roche), déterminent la texture ainsi que la zonation des minéraux. Cette thèse se focalise, par le biais de textures peu communes, sur trois différents processus impliqués dans la croissance minérale à haute pression (Zone de Sésia, Alpes de l'Ouest, Italie). L'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale ne peut se faire que dans des sites en accord avec la taille et la charge ionique de l'élément. De plus, la balance de charge doit être maintenue dans le minéral. La régularité de la structure cristalline fixe ainsi une limite maximum de concentration d'un élément donné. Les zoisites provenant des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent des zonations en sablier caractérisées par une concentration anormale en fer. La zonation se marque par une différente teinte de biréfringence et par un plus grand angle d'extinction que le reste de la zoisite. Une inter-croissance de clinozoisite à l'intérieur de la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite peut ainsi être suspectée. Les analyses XRD (diffraction des rayons x) ainsi que les analyses Raman ne confirment pas cette suspicion. Seules les analyses TEM (microscope à électrons transmis) montrent des défauts de structure pouvant être interprétés comme des modules de clinozoisite. Ils ne peuvent cependant pas être considérés comme une phase thermodynamique. Un nouveau trou d'immiscibilité entre deux zoisite (X ep= 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) a ainsi pu être établi. Dans les métapélites la région du Monte Mucrone, des grenats fortement zonés montrent une évolution texturale singulière. Ils présentent une forme initiale de `champignon' qui se développe pour former une structure atollaire finale. L'étude conjuguée de la structure 3D et des zonations, ainsi que l'établissement d'un model thermodynamique, indiquent que ces structures proviennent de deux épisodes de croissances : (1) La croissance du grenat durant un chemin prograde hercynien (de 525 °C et 6.2 kbar à 640 °C et 9 kbar) permet la formation des textures atollaires. Elles sont le résultat d'une croissance poecilitique initiale suivie d'une croissance idiomorphique du grenat. (2) La structure est rendue plus complexe par la cristallisation d'un grenat homogène tout autour ainsi qu'à l'intérieur du grenat hercynien durant la haute pression alpine (550 °C and 20 kbar). L'arrivée de l'eau durant la haute pression facilite le transport d'éléments et permet une cristallisation rapide du grenat. La diffusion peut être un facteur limitant de la croissance minéralogique. Elle a aussi une grande importance pour la géochronologie. Une veine de haute pression à l'intérieur du granitoïde du Monte Mucrone a été étudiée dans le but de déterminer la distance de diffusion de l'argon. Le profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotites, établi de la veine vers le métagranitoïde, suit une courbe de diffusion. Les âges sont élevés proche de la veine (800 Ma) puis décroissent jusqu'à des âges homogènes (170-150 Ma) à deux centimètres de la veine. La présence de fluide, marqué par de hautes concentrations en chlore, permet une diffusion centimétrique. Cependant, la distance est réduite à une échelle millimétrique quand le fluide est absent. Les très faibles distances de diffusion préservent les âges pré-alpins et impliquent un événement géologique pour les âges de 170-150 Ma. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Thesis abstract Rock textures and zonings are the consequence of growth processes (element diffusion and interface reaction) steered by the environment in which they grew (pressure, differential stress, temperature, fluid and rock composition). The thesis presented here focuses on three different topics, each of it dealing with aspects of mineral growth processes during subduction, in a high-pressure environment. All studies were conducted in the Sesia Zone of the Western European Alps, Italy. The first study addresses the crystallography and geochemistry of element incorporation in zoisite, one of the major hydrous minerals found in subduction zone rocks. Elements can be incorporated into a mineral structure only on crystallographic sites that offer enough space for the ion and the overall charge balance has to be maintained. Element concentrations are hence limited. Incorporation of some elements produces complex zoning, including hourglass like patterns, which are the focus of the first contribution. Zoisites from Cima di Bonze (Sesia Zone) show spectacular hourglass zoning defined by Fe-content variations. The hourglass zones have a distinct birefringence and a different extinction angle than the regular part of the zoisite. We show by detailed XRD (X-ray diffraction) and confocal Raman analyses that the high Fe-zones are nevertheless zoisite, and not clinozoisite as one might expect. High resolution TEM (transmission electron microscopy) analyses show planar defects on (100) that can be interpreted as small-scale clinozoisite modules. However, these clinozoisites cannot be interpreted as a distinctive thermodynamic phase and the entire mineral has to be considered as zoisite. The miscibility gap between two zoisites (Xep = 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) can be then definite at 550 ± 50°C and 14 to 20 Kbar. Strongly zoned garnets in quartz rich metapelite from the Monte Mucrone area (Sesia Zone) show evolution form 3D mushroom to atoll structure. The second contribution presents textural investigations, garnet zoning and thermodynamic modeling that demonstrate that atoll garnets are the result of two distinctive growth events. (1) Garnet atoll structure is already formed during a prograde Hercynian path from 525 °C and 6.2 kbar to 640 °C and 9 kbar. It results in an initial poikilitic growth followed by a final idiomorphic growth event. (2) Alpine HP garnet are homogenous (550 °C and 20 kbar) and grew around and also inside the Hercynian garnet. Lack of prograde Alpine garnet and fast growth of the HP garnet is explained by the absence of water during much of the prograde path. Water saturation was only observed towards the end, close towards the peak metamorphic conditions. Diffusion could be a limiting factor for crystal growth. It has also a great importance in geochronology. HP vein inside the metagranitoide of the Monte Mucrone (~300 Ma) was investigated to determine argon diffusion scales during high-pressure metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages profile from the vein toward the metagranodiorite show a diffusion curve: old ages (800 Ma) located close to the vein decrease until homogenous 170-150 Ma ages are obtained, two centimeter away from the vein. Centimeter-scale diffusion occurs with help of a fluid phase marked by high chlorine concentrations. Argon diffusion is reduced to a millimeter scale when free fluid is absent. Very short diffusion distance permits to preserve pre-Alpine ages. The 170-150 Ma ages are considered to be geologic meaningful, probably resulting from the extensional tectonics linked to opening of the Tethian ocean.
AIMS: Experimental models have reported conflicting results regarding the role of dispersion of repolarization in promoting atrial fibrillation (AF). Repolarization alternans, a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration, enhances dispersion of repolarization when propagation velocity is involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this work, original electrophysiological parameters were analysed to study AF susceptibility in a chronic sheep model of pacing-induced AF. Two pacemakers were implanted, each with a single right atrial lead. Right atrial depolarization and repolarization waves were documented at 2-week intervals. A significant and gradual decrease in the propagation velocity at all pacing rates and in the right atrial effective refractory period (ERP) was observed during the weeks of burst pacing before sustained AF developed when compared with baseline conditions. Right atrial repolarization alternans was observed, but because of the development of 2/1 atrioventricular block with far-field ventricular interference, its threshold could not be precisely measured. Non-sustained AF was not observed at baseline, but appeared during the electrical remodelling in association with a decrease in both ERP and propagation velocity. CONCLUSION: We report here on the feasibility of measuring ERP, atrial repolarization alternans, and propagation velocity kinetics and their potential in predicting susceptibility to AF in a free-behaving model of pacing-induced AF using the standard pacemaker technology.
Summary. Hepatitis C viral (HCV) kinetics after initiation of interferon-based therapy provide valuable insights for understanding virus pathogenesis, evaluating treatment antiviral effectiveness and predicting treatment outcome. Adverse effects of liver fibrosis and steatosis on sustained virological response have been frequently reported, yet their impacts on the early viral kinetics remain unclear. In this study, associations between histology status and early viral kinetics were assessed in 149 HCV genotype 1-infected patients treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin (DITTO trial). In multivariate analyses adjusted for critical factors such as IL28B genotype and baseline viral load, presence of significant fibrosis (Ishak stage > 2) was found to independently reduce the odds of achieving an initial reduction (calculated from day 0 to day 4) in HCV RNA of ≥2 logIU/mL (adjusted OR 0.03, P = 0.004) but was not associated with the second-phase slope of viral decline (calculated from day 8 to day 29). On the contrary, presence of liver steatosis was an independent risk factor for not having a rapid second-phase slope, that is, ≥0.3 logIU/mL/week (adjusted OR 0.22, P = 0.012) but was not associated with the first-phase decline. Viral kinetic modelling theory suggests that significant fibrosis primarily impairs the treatment antiviral effectiveness in blocking viral production by infected cells, whereas the presence of steatosis is associated with a lower net loss of infected cells. Further studies will be necessary to identify the biological mechanisms underlain by these findings.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether V˙O(2) kinetics and specifically, the time constant of transitions from rest to heavy (τ(p)H) and severe (τ(p)S) exercise intensities, are related to middle distance swimming performance. DESIGN: Fourteen highly trained male swimmers (mean ± SD: 20.5 ± 3.0 yr; 75.4 ± 12.4 kg; 1.80 ± 0.07 m) performed an discontinuous incremental test, as well as square wave transitions for heavy and severe swimming intensities, to determine V˙O(2) kinetics parameters using two exponential functions. METHODS: All the tests involved front-crawl swimming with breath-by-breath analysis using the Aquatrainer swimming snorkel. Endurance performance was recorded as the time taken to complete a 400 m freestyle swim within an official competition (T400), one month from the date of the other tests. RESULTS: T400 (Mean ± SD) (251.4 ± 12.4 s) was significantly correlated with τ(p)H (15.8 ± 4.8s; r=0.62; p=0.02) and τ(p)S (15.8 ± 4.7s; r=0.61; p=0.02). The best single predictor of 400 m freestyle time, out of the variables that were assessed, was the velocity at V˙O(2max)vV˙O(2max), which accounted for 80% of the variation in performance between swimmers. However, τ(p)H and V˙O(2max) were also found to influence the prediction of T400 when they were included in a regression model that involved respiratory parameters only. CONCLUSIONS: Faster kinetics during the primary phase of the V˙O(2) response is associated with better performance during middle-distance swimming. However, vV˙O(2max) appears to be a better predictor of T400.