62 resultados para Obstetrical emergencies.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to analyze the duration of chest tube drainage on pain intensity and distribution after cardiac surgery. METHODS: Two groups of 80 cardiac surgery adult patients, operated on in two different hospitals, by the same group of cardiac surgeons, and with similar postoperative strategies, were compared. However, in one hospital (long drainage group), a conservative policy was adopted with the removal the chest tubes by postoperative day (POD) 2 or 3, while in the second hospital (short drainage group), all the drains were usually removed on POD 1. RESULTS: There was a trend toward less pain in the short drainage group, with a statistically significant difference on POD 2 (P=0.047). There were less patients without pain on POD 3 in the long drainage group (P=0. 01). The areas corresponding to the tract of the pleural tube, namely the epigastric area, the left basis of the thorax, and the left shoulder were more often involved in the long drainage group. There were three pneumonias in each group and no patient required repeated drainage. CONCLUSIONS: A policy of early chest drain ablation limits pain sensation and simplifies nursing care, without increasing the need for repeated pleural puncture. Therefore, a policy of short drainage after cardiac surgery should be recommended.


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Non-urgent cases represent 30-40% of all ED consults; they contribute to overcrowding of emergency departments (ED), which could be reduced if they were denied emergency care. However, no triage instrument has demonstrated a high enough degree of accuracy to safely rule out serious medical conditions: patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies have been inappropriately denied care. Insurance companies have instituted financial penalties to discourage the use of ED as a source of non-urgent care, but this practice mainly restricts access for the underprivileged. More recent data suggest that in fact most patients consult for appropriate urgent reasons, or have no alternate access to urgent care. The safe reduction of overcrowding requires a reform of the healthcare system based on patients' needs rather than access barriers.


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ABSTRACTA significant share of deliveries are performed by Cesarian section (C-section) in Europe and in many developed and developing countries. The aims of this thesis are to highlight the non medical, especially economic and financial, incentives that explain the use of C-section, as well as the medical consequences of C-section on women's health, in regard with other factors of ob¬stetrical care quality such as hospital concentration. Those diagnoses enable us to exhibit ways of improvement of obstetrical care quality in France. Our analysis focus on two countries, France and Switzerland. In the first part of the thesis, we show the influence of two non medical factors on the C-section use, namely the hospital payment system on the one hand and the obstetricians behaviour, especially their demand for leisure, on the other hand. With French data on the year 2003, we show firstly that the fee-for-service payment system of private for profit hospitals induces a higher probability of using C-section. Obstetricians play also a preeminent role in the decision to use a C-section, as the probability of a C-section rises with the number of obstetricians. We then focus on a French reform introduced in 2004, to investigate the impact of Prospective Payment System on obstetric practise. We show that the rise of C-section rate between 2003 and 2006 is mainly caused by changes in hospitals and patients features. Obstetricians practises do not vary a lot for patients with the same risk code. In the mean time however, the number of women coded with a high risk rises. This can be caused by improvements in the quality of coding, obstetricians chosing codes that match better the real health state of their patients. Yet, it can also show that obstetricians change their coding practises to justify the use of certain practises, such as C-section, with no regard to the health state of patients. Financial factors are not the only non medical fac¬tors that can influence the resort to C-section. Using Shelton Brown ΠΙ identification strategy, we focus on the potential impact of obstetricians leisure preference on the use of C-section. We use the distributions of days and hours of delivering and the types of C-section - planned or emergency C-sections - to show that the obstetricians demand for leisure has a significant impact on the resort to C-section, but only in emergency situations. The second part of the thesis deals with some ways to improve obstetric care quality. We use on the one hand swiss and french data to study the impact of C-section on the patients' probability of having an obstetric complication and on the other hand the influence of hospital concentration on the quality of obstetric care. We find the same results as former medical studies about the risks entailed by C-section on obstetric complications.These results prove women ought to be better informed of the medical consequences of C-section and that the slowing of C-section use should be a priority of public health policy. We finally focus on another way to improve obstetric care quality, that is hospital lmarket concentration. We investigate the impact of hospital concentration by integrating the Herfindahl-Hirschman index in our model, on health care quality, measured by the HCUP indicator. We find that hospital concentration has a negative impact on obstetric care quality, which undermines today's policy of hospital closings in France.JEL classification: 112; 118Keywords: Hospital; C-section; Payment System; Counterfactual Estimation; Quality of Care.RÉSUMÉUne part importante des accouchements sont réalisés par césarienne en Europe et dans de nom¬breux pays développés ou en développement. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont de mettre en évidence les déterminants non médicaux, notamment économiques et financiers, expliquant le développe¬ment de cette pratique, ainsi que ses conséquences sur la santé des femmes après Γ accouchement, en lien avec d'autres facteurs comme la concentration locale des structures hospitalières. Les résul¬tats exposés dans cette thèse éclairent les perspectives et voies d'amélioration de la qualité des soins en obstétriques.Notre analyse se concentre sur deux pays : la France et la Suisse. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous mettons en évidence l'influence de deux déterminants non médicaux sur l'emploi de la césarienne : le système de paiement des hôpitaux d'une part, et le comportement des médecins obstétriciens d'autre part. En étudiant des données françaises de 2003, nous montrons d'abord que le financement à l'acte des établissements privés engendre une hausse de la proba¬bilité de pratiquer une césarienne. Le rôle de l'obstrétricien paraît également déterminant dans la décision d'opérer une césarienne, la probabilité d'employer cette technique augmentant avec le nombre d'obstétriciens. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à l'impact de la mise en place en 2004 du système de paiement prospectif sur l'évolution des pratiques obstétricales entre 2003 et 2006 en France. La hausse du taux de recours à la césarienne entre 2004 et 2006 peut ainsi être principa¬lement imputée aux évolutions des caractéristiques des hôpitaux et des patients, les pratiques des obstétriciens, pour un même codage de la situation du patient, variant peu. Dans le même temps cependant, les pratiques de codage des patients parles obstétriciens évoluent fortement, les femmes étant de plus en plus nombreuses à porter des codes correspondant à des situations à risques. Cette évolution peut indiquer que la qualité du codage en 2006 s'est améliorée par rapport à 2004, le codage correspondant de plus en plus à la situation réelle des patientes. H peut aussi indiquer que les pratiques de codage évoluent pour justifier un recours accru à la césarienne, sans lien avec l'état réel des patientes. Les facteurs financiers ne sont pas les seuls facteurs non médicaux à pouvoir expliquer le recours à la césarienne : nous nous intéressons, en suivant la stratégie d'identifica¬tion de Shelton Brown m, à l'impact potentiel de la demande de loisir des médecins obstétriciens sur la pratique de la césarienne. En utilisant la distribution des jours et heures d'accouchement, et en distinguant les césariennes planifiées de celles effectuées en urgence, nous constatons que la demande de loisir des obstétriciens influence significativement le recours à la césarienne, mais uni¬quement pour les interventions d'urgence. La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la qualité des soins en obstétriques. Nous utilisons des données suisses et françaises pour analyser d'une part l'impact de la césarienne sur la survenue de complications obstétricales et d'autre part l'impact de la concentration des soins sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique. Nons confirmons les résultats antérieurs de la littérature médicale sur la dangerosité de la césarienne comme facteur de complications obstétricales. Ces conclusions montrent que les femmes ont besoin d'être informées des conséquences de la césarienne sur leur santé et que le ralentissement de l'augmentation de la pratique de la césarienne devrait être un objectif de la politique publique de santé. Nous nous in¬téressons à un autre facteur d'amélioration des soins en obstrétique, l'organisation des hôpitaux et particulièrement leur concentration. Nous estimons ainsi l'effet de la concentration sur la qualité des soins obstétriques en intégrant l'indice de Herfindahl-Hirschman dans notre modèle, la qualité des soins étant mesurée à l'aide de l'indicateur HCUP. Nous constatons que la concentration des naissances a un impact négatif sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique, résultat qui va dans le sens contraire des politiques de fermeture d'hôpitaux menées actuellement en France. JEL classification : 112 ; 118Mots-clés : Hôpital ; Césarienne ; Système de paiement ; Contrefactuels ; Qualité des soins, sur la qualité des soins en obstétrique.


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Introduction: Whereas the use of helicopters as a rapid means toreach victims and to bring them to a secure place is well-recognized,very few data are available about the value of winching physicians toprovide medical care for the victims directly on-site. We sought to studythe medical aspects of alpine helicopter rescue operations involving thewinching of an emergency physician to the victim.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical reports of a singlehelicopter-based emergency medical service. Data from 1 January 2003to 31 December 2008 were analyzed. Cases with emergency callindicating that the victim was deceased were excluded. Data includedthe category (trauma or illnesses), and severity (NACA score) of theinjuries, along with the main medical procedures performed on site.Results: 9879 rescue missions were conducted between 1 January2003 and 31 December 2008. The 921 (9.3%) missions involvingwinching of the emergency physician were analysed. 840 (91%)patients suffered from trauma-related injuries. The cases of the 81 (9%)people presenting with medical emergencies were, when compared tothe trauma victims, significantly more severe according to the NACAindex (p <0.001). Overall, 246 (27%) patients had a severe injury orillness, namely, a potential or overt vital threat (NACA score between4-6, table 1). A total of 478 (52%) patients required administration ofmajor analgesics: fentanyl (443 patients; 48%), ketamine (42 patients;5%) or morphine (7 patients; 1%). The mean dose of fentanyl was 188micrograms (range 25-750, SD 127). Major medical interventions wereperformed 72 times on 39 (4%) patients (table 2).Conclusions: The severity of the patients' injuries or illnesses alongwith the high proportion of medical procedures performed directlyon-site validate emergency physician winching for advanced life supportprocedures and analgesia.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the outcome of patients with ruptured descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing emergency repair, in comparison to elective surgery for chronic lesions. METHODS: A prospective study of 100 consecutive patients operated upon the descending aorta (1-8 segments) using proximal unloading and distal protection with partial cardiopulmonary bypass, heparin surface-coated perfusion equipment and low systemic heparinization (loading dose 100 IU/kg, activated coagulation time > 180 s), staged cross-clamping, sealed grafts and graft inclusion. RESULTS: Arteriosclerotic lesions were present in 53/100 patients (53%) for all, 30/53 (56%) for chronic, and 21/33 (63%) for ruptured, aneurysms (NS). Dissecting lesions were found in 38/100 patients (38%) for all, 20/53 (38%) for chronic, and 8/33 (24%) for ruptured aneurysms (NS). Preoperative hematocrit was 38 +/- 6% for all, 40 +/- 5% for chronic, and 33 +/- 5% for ruptured aneurysmal patients (P < 0.001 ruptured versus chronic). The extent of aortic repair (1-8 segments) was 3.3 +/- 1.6 for all, 3.5 +/- 1.5 for chronic, and 3.2 +/- 1.4 for ruptured, aneurysms (NS). Transdiaphragmatic repair was performed in 51/100 (51%) of all, 28/53 (53%) of chronic, and 17/33 (51%) of ruptured aneurysms (NS). Aortic cross-clamp time was 38 +/- 21 min for all, 39 +/- 24 min for chronic, and 38 +/- 17 min for ruptured, aneurysmal patients (NS). The amount of red cells washed and autotransfused was 2792 +/- 2239 ml in all, 3143 +/- 2531 ml in chronic, and 2074 +/- 1350 ml in ruptured, aneurysmal patients (P < 0.025). The amount of packed red cells required was 2181 +/- 1830 ml for all, 1736 +/- 1333 ml for chronic, and 2947 +/- 2395 ml for ruptured aneurysmal patients (P < 0.010). Thirty-day mortality was 9/100 (9%) for all, 3/53 (6%) for chronic, and 5/33 (15%) for ruptured aneurysmal patients (NS). Parapareses/plegias occurred in 9/100 (9%) of all, 6/53 (11%) of chronic, and 3/33 (9%) of ruptured, aneurysmal patients (NS). Stepwise regression analysis identified aortic cross-clamp time as a predictor of early mortality (P = 0.002) and parapareses and paraplegias (P = 0.001). Age (P = 0.001), extent of repair (P = 0.008) and preoperative hematocrit (P = 0.001) were predictors for homologous transfusion requirements. CONCLUSION: Emergency repair of ruptured descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms can be achieved with acceptable results.


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Gastroschisis is a common congenital abdominal wall defect. It is almost always diagnosed prenatally thanks to routine maternal serum screening and ultrasound screening programs. In the majority of cases, the condition is isolated (i.e. not associated with chromosomal or other anatomical anomalies). Prenatal diagnosis allows for planning the timing, mode and location of delivery. Controversies persist concerning the optimal antenatal monitoring strategy. Compelling evidence supports elective delivery at 37 weeks' gestation in a tertiary pediatric center. Cesarean section should be reserved for routine obstetrical indications. Prognosis of infants with gastroschisis is primarily determined by the degree of bowel injury, which is difficult to assess antenatally. Prenatal counseling usually addresses gastroschisis issues. However, parental concerns are mainly focused on long-term postnatal outcomes including gastrointestinal function and neurodevelopment. Although infants born with gastroschisis often endure a difficult neonatal course, they experience few long-term complications. This manuscript, which is structured around common parental questions and concerns, reviews the evidence pertaining to the antenatal, neonatal and long-term implications of a fetal gastroschisis diagnosis and is aimed at helping healthcare professionals counsel expecting parents. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aim: This study examines the transition from fertility to obstetrical care of women who conceived through IVF. Materials & methods: 33 women filled out questionnaires before IVF, during pregnancy and after birth on infertility stress, maternal adjustment and depressive symptoms. During pregnancy, they participated in an interview about their emotional experiences regarding the transition. Responses were sorted into three categories: Autonomy, Dependence and Avoidance. Results: Exploratory results show that 51.5% of women had no difficulties making the transition (Autonomy), 21.2% had become dependent (Dependence) and 27.3% had distanced themselves from the specialists (Avoidance). Women who became dependent had more trouble adjusting to motherhood and more depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Difficulty making the transition may be linked to decreased ability to adjust to motherhood and more postpartum depressive symptoms.


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Today, postpartum hemorrhage remains a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Medical treatment, various surgical procedures and/or uterine artery embolisation have considerably reduced the risk of hysterectomy. It is important to identify the different risk factors of hemorrhage after delivery and to take the precautions to avoid it. A clear strategy defined by the obstetrical team is essential to decrease the delay in the management of this complication in order to increase the chances of a successful treatment.


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[TABLE DES MATIERES] 1 Résumé des travaux effectues ( Méthode. - Résultats. - Conclusion). - 2 Introduction. - 3 But et objectifs. - 4 Contexte. - 5 Méthode (Type d'étude. - Bases de données consultées. - Base des missions engagées par la Centrale 144 Vaud (référencée sous « base 144 »). - Base des missions ambulancières effectuées sur territoire vaudois (référencée sous « base AMB »). - Base des missions SMUR effectuées par les SMUR du Canton de Vaud (référencée sous « base SMUR »). - Définitions et descriptions des variables. - Analyses statistiques). - 6 Résultats (Préambule - difficultés rencontrées. - Evaluation du processus d'enregistrement. - Couverture d'enregistrement des missions. - Evaluation de la qualité du remplissage des fiches de missions. - Indicateurs de l'activité des services d'urgence pré hospitalière terrestres - évolution sur la période 2000-2010. - APPELS AU 144. - Volume d'activité des ambulances et des SMUR. - Démographie de la population prise en charge par les ambulances et par les SMUR. - Types de missions ambulances et SMUR. - Chronologie des missions ambulances et SMUR. - Lieux de prise en charge et orientation des missions ambulances et SMUR. - Devenir immédiat des patients pris en charge par le SMUR. - Devenir a 48h des patients pris en charge par les SMUR). - 7 Suite des analyses (Etude de l'adéquation de l'utilisation des services d'urgence pré hospitalière. - Etude de l'adéquation des soins prodigués sur le lieu de la mission. - Etude de l'adéquation de la durée des interventions pour les prises en charges de maladies cardio-vasculaires et cérébro-vasculaires). - 8 Discussion. - conclusions. - propositions . - 9 Références


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BACKGROUND: Hypovitaminosis D is well known in different populations, but may be under diagnosed in certain populations. We aim to determine the first diagnosis considered, the duration and resolution of symptoms, and the predictors of response to treatment in female asylum seekers suffering from hypovitaminosis D. METHODS: Design: A pre- and post-intervention observational study. Setting: A network comprising an academic primary care centre and nurse practitioners. Participants: Consecutive records of 33 female asylum seekers with complaints compatible with osteomalacia and with hypovitaminosis D (serum 25-(OH) vitamin D < 21 nmol/l). Treatment intervention: The patients received either two doses of 300,000 IU intramuscular cholecalciferol as well as 800 IU of cholecalciferol with 1000 mg of calcium orally, or the oral treatment only. Main outcome measures: We recorded the first diagnosis made by the physicians before the correct diagnosis of hypovitaminosis D, the duration of symptoms before diagnosis, the responders and non-responders to treatment, the duration of symptoms after treatment, and the number of medical visits and analgesic drugs prescribed 6 months before and 6 months after diagnosis. Tests: Two-sample t-tests, chi-squared tests, and logistic regression analyses were performed. Analyses were performed using SPSS 10.0. RESULTS: Prior to the discovery of hypovitaminosis D, diagnoses related to somatisation were evoked in 30 patients (90.9%). The mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 2.53 years (SD 3.20). Twenty-two patients (66.7%) responded completely to treatment; the remaining patients were considered to be non-responders. After treatment was initiated, the responders' symptoms disappeared completely after 2.84 months. The mean number of emergency medical visits fell from 0.88 (SD 1.08) six months before diagnosis to 0.39 (SD 0.83) after (P = 0.027). The mean number of analgesic drugs that were prescribed also decreased from 1.67 (SD 1.5) to 0.85 (SD 1) (P = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Hypovitaminosis D in female asylum seekers may remain undiagnosed, with a prolonged duration of chronic symptoms. The potential pitfall is a diagnosis of somatisation. Treatment leads to a rapid resolution of symptoms, a reduction in the use of medical services, and the prescription of analgesic drugs in this vulnerable population.


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BACKGROUND: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) with aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegic arrest remains the method of choice for patients requiring standard myocardial revascularization. Therefore, very high-risk patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina, onset of cardiac decompensation and requiring emergency multiple myocardial revascularization, can have a poor outcome. The on-pump beating heart technique can reduce the mortality and the morbidity in such a selected group of patients and this report describes our clinical experience. METHODS: Out of 290 patients operated for CABG from January 2005 to January 2006, 25 (8.6%) selected high-risk patients suffering from life threatening coronary syndrome (mean age 69 +/- 7 years) and requiring emergency multiple myocardial revascularization, underwent on-pump beating heart surgery. The mean pre-operative left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) was 27 +/- 8%. The majority of them (88%) suffered of tri-vessel coronary disease and 6 (24%) had a left main stump disease. Nine patients (35%) were on severe cardiac failure and seven among them (28%) received a pre-operative intra-aortic balloon pump. The pre-operative EuroScore rate was equal or above 8 in 18 patients (73%). RESULTS: All patients underwent on-pump-beating heart coronary revascularization. The mean number of graft/patient was 2.9 +/- 0.6 and the internal mammary artery was used in 23 patients (92%). The mean CPB time was 84 +/- 19 minutes. Two patients died during the recovery stay in the intensive care unit, and there were no postoperative myocardial infarctions between the survivors. Eight patients suffered of transitorily renal failure and 1 patient developed a sternal wound infection. The mean hospital stay was 12 +/- 7 days. The follow-up was complete for all 23 patients survived at surgery and the mean follow-up time was 14 +/- 5 months. One patient died during the follow-up for cardiac arrest and 2 patients required an implantable cardiac defibrillator. One year after surgery they all had a standard trans-thoracic echocardiogram showing a mean LVEF rate of 36 +/- 11.8%. CONCLUSION: Standard on-pump arrested heart coronary surgery has higher mortality and morbidity in emergencies. The on-pump beating heart myocardial revascularization seems to be a valid alternative for the restricted and selected cohort of patients suffering from life threatening coronary syndrome and requiring multiple emergency CABG.


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Palliative care, which is intended to keep patients at home as long as possible, is increasingly proposed for patients who live at home, with their family, or in retirement homes. Although their condition is expected to have a lethal evolution, the patients-or more often their families or entourages-are sometimes confronted with sudden situations of respiratory distress, convulsions, hemorrhage, coma, anxiety, or pain. Prehospital emergency services are therefore often confronted with palliative care situations, situations in which medical teams are not skilled and therefore frequently feel awkward.We conducted a retrospective study about cases of palliative care situations that were managed by prehospital emergency physicians (EPs) over a period of 8 months in 2012, in the urban region of Lausanne in the State of Vaud, Switzerland.The prehospital EPs managed 1586 prehospital emergencies during the study period. We report 4 situations of respiratory distress or neurological disorders in advanced cancer patients, highlighting end-of-life and palliative care situations that may be encountered by prehospital emergency services.The similarity of the cases, the reasons leading to the involvement of prehospital EPs, and the ethical dilemma illustrated by these situations are discussed. These situations highlight the need for more formal education in palliative care for EPs and prehospital emergency teams, and the need to fully communicate the planning and implementation of palliative care with patients and patients' family members.


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OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine the relation between recommended levels of physical activity during pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted an observational study with energy expenditure, aerobic fitness, and sleeping heart rate measured in 44 healthy women in late pregnancy. Medical records were examined for pregnancy outcome. RESULTS: Active women, who engaged in > or = 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day, had significantly better fitness and lower sleeping heart rate compared to the inactive. Duration of second stage of labor was 88 and 146 minutes in the active vs inactive women, respectively (P = .05). Crude odds ratio of operative delivery in the inactive vs the active was 3.7 (95% confidence interval, 0.87-16.08). Birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity adjusted odds ratio was 7.6 (95% confidence interval, 1.23-45.8). Neonatal condition and other obstetric outcomes were similar between groups. CONCLUSION: Active women have better aerobic fitness as compared to inactive women. The risk for operative delivery is lower in active women compared to inactive, when controlled for birthweight, maternal weight gain, and parity. Further studies with larger sample size are required to confirm the association between physical activity and pregnancy outcomes.


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Severe hypertension represents a frequent problem for the general practitioner. One has to decide if the blood pressure needs to be decreased immediately (hypertensive emergency), or if the blood pressure maybe progressively decreased in a few hours and normalized in a few days (hypertensive crisis). Thus it is crucial to identify on the basis of the clinical history and a careful physical examination, the patients for whom the arterial blood pressure elevation represents an acute danger for organ damage or a vital threat in the absence of immediate blood pressure control. In the case of hypertensive crisis, oral medication is usually sufficient (slow release or GITS nifedipine, nitroglycerin, labetalol, captopril). The hypertensive emergency sometimes requires an oral medication before the admission to the emergency room, then followed by intravenous drug administration (sodium nitroprussiate, nitroglycerin, labetalol).


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Recent data for the global burden of disease reflect major demographic and lifestyle changes, leading to a rise in non-communicable diseases. Most countries with high levels of tuberculosis face a large comorbidity burden from both non-communicable and communicable diseases. Traditional disease-specific approaches typically fail to recognise common features and potential synergies in integration of care, management, and control of non-communicable and communicable diseases. In resource-limited countries, the need to tackle a broader range of overlapping comorbid diseases is growing. Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS persist as global emergencies. The lethal interaction between tuberculosis and HIV coinfection in adults, children, and pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa exemplifies the need for well integrated approaches to disease management and control. Furthermore, links between diabetes mellitus, smoking, alcoholism, chronic lung diseases, cancer, immunosuppressive treatment, malnutrition, and tuberculosis are well recognised. Here, we focus on interactions, synergies, and challenges of integration of tuberculosis care with management strategies for non-communicable and communicable diseases without eroding the functionality of existing national programmes for tuberculosis. The need for sustained and increased funding for these initiatives is greater than ever and requires increased political and funder commitment.