25 resultados para Negative emotional state


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease often alleviates the motor symptoms, but causes cognitive and emotional side effects in a substantial number of cases. Identification of the motor part of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as part of the presurgical workup could minimize these adverse effects. In this study, we assessed the STN's connectivity to motor, associative, and limbic brain areas, based on structural and functional connectivity analysis of volunteer data. For the structural connectivity, we used streamline counts derived from HARDI fiber tracking. The resulting tracks supported the existence of the so-called "hyperdirect" pathway in humans. Furthermore, we determined the connectivity of each STN voxel with the motor cortical areas. Functional connectivity was calculated based on functional MRI, as the correlation of the signal within a given brain voxel with the signal in the STN. Also, the signal per STN voxel was explained in terms of the correlation with motor or limbic brain seed ROI areas. Both right and left STN ROIs appeared to be structurally and functionally connected to brain areas that are part of the motor, associative, and limbic circuit. Furthermore, this study enabled us to assess the level of segregation of the STN motor part, which is relevant for the planning of STN DBS procedures.


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The present study examined the bottom-up influence of emotional context on response inhibition, an issue that remains largely unstudied in children. Thus, 62 participants, aged from 6 to 13 years old, were assessed with three stop signal tasks: one with circles, one with neutral faces, and one with emotional faces (happy and sad). Results showed that emotional context altered response inhibition ability in childhood. However, no interaction between age and emotional influence on response inhibition was found. Positive emotions were recognized faster than negative emotions, but the valence did not have a significant influence on response inhibition abilities.


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Le répertoire cellulaire Τ a pour but d'être tolérant aux antigènes du soi afin d'éviter l'induction de maladies autoimmunes. C'est pourquoi les lymphocytes Τ autoréactifs sont éliminés dans le thymus lors de leur développement par le processus de sélection négative. La plupart des recherches étudient les lymphocytes Τ de haute avidité. Ces lymphocytes Τ de haute avidité sont très sensibles et réagissent fortement à un antigène du soi. En conséquence, ces cellules induisent le développement de maladies autoimmunes lorsqu'elles ciblent des organes exprimant l'antigène du soi. Plusieurs études ont montré que les lymphocytes Τ qui réagissent faiblement aux antigènes spécifiques à un tissu, nommé lymphocytes Τ de faible avidité, peuvent contourner les mécanismes de tolérance centrale et périphérique. J'ai utilisé des souris Rip-mOva qui expriment l'Ovalbumine comme antigène du soi spécifique à un tissu. Dans ces souris transgéniques Rip-mOva, les lymphocytes Τ de faible avidité survivent à la sélection négative. Une fois stimulés à la périphérie, ces lymphocytes Τ CD8+ de faible avidité ont la capacité d'infiltrer les organes qui expriment l'antigène du soi chez les souris Rip-mOva et peuvent induire une destruction tissulaire. L'objectif principal de mon projet de thèse était de comprendre les caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles de ces lymphocytes Τ dans un état d'équilibre et dans un contexte infectieux. Pour étudier ces cellules dans un modèle murin bien défini, nous avons généré des souris exprimant un récepteur de cellule Τ transgénique appelé OT-3. Ces souris transgéniques OT-3 ont des lymphocytes Τ CD8+ de faible avidité spécifiques à l'épitope SIINFEKL de l'antigène Ovalbumine. Nous avons démontré qu'un grand nombre de lymphocytes Τ CD8+ OT-3 ne sont pas éliminés lors de la sélection négative dans le thymus après avoir rencontré l'antigène du soi. Par conséquent, les lymphocytes Τ OT-3 de faible avidité sont présents dans une fenêtre de sélection comprise entre la sélection positive et négative. Cette limite se définie comme le seuil d'affinité et est impliquée dans l'échappement de certains lymphocytes Τ OT- 3 autoréactifs. A la périphérie, ces cellules sont capables d'induire une autoimmunité après stimulation au cours d'une infection, ce qui nous permet de les définir comme étant non tolérante et non dans un état anergique à la périphérie. Nous avons également étudié le seuil d'activation des lymphocytes Τ OT-3 à faible avidité à la périphérie et avons constaté que des ligands peptidiques plus faibles que l'épitope natif SIINFEKL sont capables de les activer au cours d'une infection ainsi que de les différencier en lymphocytes Τ effecteurs et mémoires. Les données illustrent une déficience lors de la sélection négative dans le thymus de lymphocytes Τ CD8+ autoréactifs de faible avidité contre un antigène du soi spécifique à tissu et montrent que ces cellules sont entièrement compétentes lors d'une infection. - The diverse Τ cell repertoire needs to be tolerant to self-antigen to avoid the induction of autoimmunity. This is why autoreactive developing Τ cells are deleted in the thymus. The deletion of self-reactive Τ cells occurs through the process of negative selection. Most studies investigated high avidity Τ cells. These high avidity Τ cells are very sensitive and strongly react to a self-antigen. As a consequence, these cells induce the development of autoimmunity when they target organs which express the self-antigen. High avidity autoreactive CD8+ Τ cells are deleted in the thymus. However, several studies have shown Τ cells that weakly respond to tissue-restricted antigen, referred to as low avidity Τ cells, can bypass central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms. I used Rip-mOva mice that expressed Ovalbumin as a neo self-antigen in a tissue-restricted fashion. In these transgenic Rip-mOva mice low avidity CD8+ Τ cells survive negative selection. Upon stimulation in the periphery, these low avidity CD8+ Τ cells have the ability to infiltrate organs that express the self-antigen in the Rip-mOva mice and can also induce the destruction of the tissue. The major aim of my PhD project was to understand the phenotypic and functionality characteristics of these Τ cells in a steady-state condition and in a context of an infection. To study these cells in a well-defined mouse model, we generated OT-3 Τ cell receptor transgenic mice that express low avidity CD8+ Τ cells that are specific for the SIINFEKL epitope of the Ovalbumin antigen. We have been able to demonstrate that a large number of OT-3 CD8+ Τ cells survive negative selection in the thymus after encountering the self-antigen. Thus, low avidity OT-3 Τ cells are present in a window of selection comprised between positive and negative selection. This boundary defined as the affinity threshold is involved in the escape of some autoreactive low avidity OT-3 Τ cells. Once they circulate in the periphery, they are able to induce autoimmunity after stimulation during an infection, allowing us to allocate these cells as being non-tolerant and not in an anergic state in the periphery. We have also looked at the threshold of activation of low avidity OT-3 CD8+ Τ cells in the periphery and found that peptide ligands that are weaker than the native SIINFEKL epitope are able to activate OT-3 Τ cells during an infection and to differentiate them into effector and memory Τ cells. The data illustrate the impairment of negatively selecting low avidity autoreactive CD8+ Τ cells against a tissue-restricted antigen in the thymus and shows that these cells are fully competent upon an infection.


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Thymic positive and negative selection of developing T lymphocytes confronts us with a paradox: How can a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/peptide interaction in the former process lead to transduction of signals allowing for cell survival and in the latter induce programmed cell death or a hyporesponsive state known as anergy? One of the hypotheses put forward states that the outcome of a TCR-MHC/peptide interaction depends on the cell type presenting the selecting ligand to the developing thymocyte. Here we describe the development and lack of self-tolerance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in transgenic mice expressing MHC class I molecules in the thymus exclusively on cortical epithelial cells. Despite the absence of MHC class I expression on professional antigen-presenting cells, normal numbers of CD8(+) cells were observed in the periphery. Upon specific activation, transgenic CD8(+) T cells efficiently lysed syngeneic MHC class I(+) targets in vitro and in vivo, indicating that thymic cortical epithelium (in contrast to medullary epithelium and antigen-presenting cells of hematopoietic origin) is incapable of tolerance induction. Thus, compartmentalization of the antigen-presenting cells involved in thymic positive selection and tolerance induction can (at least in part) explain the positive/negative selection paradox.


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Aim  Background The expected benefit of transvaginal specimen extraction is reduced incision-related morbidity. Objectives A systematic review of transvaginal specimen extraction in colorectal surgery was carried out to assess this expectation. Method  Search strategy The following keywords, in various combinations, were searched: NOSE (natural orifices specimen extraction), colorectal, colon surgery, transvaginal, right hemicolectomy, left hemicolectomy, low anterior resection, sigmoidectomy, ileocaecal resection, proctocolectomy, colon cancer, sigmoid diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Selection criteria Selection criteria included large bowel resection with transvaginal specimen extraction, laparoscopic approach, human studies and English language. Exclusion criteria were experimental studies and laparotomic approach or local excision. All articles published up to February 2011 were included. Results  Twenty-three articles (including a total of 130 patients) fulfilled the search criteria. The primary diagnosis was colorectal cancer in 51% (67) of patients, endometriosis in 46% (60) of patients and other conditions in the remaining patients. A concurrent gynaecological procedure was performed in 17% (22) of patients. One case of conversion to laparotomy was reported. In two patients, transvaginal extraction failed. In left- and right-sided resections, the rate of severe complications was 3.7% and 2%, respectively. Two significant complications, one of pelvic seroma and one of rectovaginal fistula, were likely to have been related to transvaginal extraction. The degree of follow up was specified in only one study. Harvested nodes and negative margins were adequate and reported in 70% of oncological cases. Conclusion  Vaginal extraction of a colorectal surgery specimen shows potential benefit, particularly when associated with a gynaecological procedure. Data from prospective randomized trials are needed to support the routine use of this technique.


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Intellectual disability has long been associated with deficits in socio-emotional processing. However, studies investigating brain dynamics of maladaptive socio-emotional skills associated with intellectual disability are scarce. Here, we compared differences in brain activity between low intelligence quotient (I.Q.<75, N=13) and normal controls (N=15) while evaluating their subjective emotions. Positive (P) and negative (N) valenced pictures were presented one at a time to participants of both groups, at a rate of ¾. The task required that each participant evaluate their subjective emotion and press a predefined push-button when done, alternatively P and N. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were continuously recorded, and the 1000ms time window following each picture was analyzed offline for power in frequency domain. Alpha low (8-10Hz) and upper (10-13Hz) frequency bands were then compared for both groups and for both P and N emotions in 12 distributed scalp electrodes. The qualitative evaluation of emotions was similar between both groups, with constant longer reaction times for the low IQ participants. The EEG signal comparison shows marked power decrease in upper alpha frequency range for N emotions in low intelligence group. Otherwise no significant difference was noticed between low and normal IQ. Main findings of the present study are (1) results do not support the hypothesis that impairment in developmental intelligence roots in maladaptive emotional processing; (2) the strong alpha power suppression during negative-induced emotions suggests the involvement of an extended neural network and more effortful inhibition processes than positive ones. We call for further studies with a larger sample.


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To determine the metabolic effects of a single bout of exercise performed after a meal or in the fasting state, nine healthy subjects were studied over two 8-h periods during which net substrate oxidation was monitored by indirect calorimetry. On one occasion, exercise was performed 90 min after ingestion of a meal labeled with [U-13C]glucose [protocol meal-exercise (M-E)]. On the second occasion, exercise was performed after an overnight fast and was followed 30 min later by ingestion of an identical meal [protocol exercise-meal (E-M)]. Energy balances were similar in both protocols, but carbohydrate balance was positive (42.2 +/- 5.1 g), and lipid balance was negative (-11.1 +/- 2.0) during E-M, whereas they were nearly even during M-E. Total glycogen synthesis was calculated as carbohydrate intake minus oxidation of exogenous 13C-labeled carbohydrate (calculated from 13CO2 production). Total glycogen synthesis was increased by 90% (from 47.6 +/- 3.8 to 90.7 +/- 5.4 g, P < 0.0001) during E-M vs. M-E. Endogenous glycogen breakdown was calculated as net carbohydrate oxidation minus oxidation of exogenous carbohydrate and was increased by 44% (from 35.8 +/- 5.6 to 51.7 +/- 6.6 g, P < 0.004) during E-M. It is concluded that exercise performed in the fasting state stimulates glycogen turnover and fat oxidation.


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Les échantillons biologiques ne s?arrangent pas toujours en objets ordonnés (cristaux 2D ou hélices) nécessaires pour la microscopie électronique ni en cristaux 3D parfaitement ordonnés pour la cristallographie rayons X alors que de nombreux spécimens sont tout simplement trop << gros D pour la spectroscopie NMR. C?est pour ces raisons que l?analyse de particules isolées par la cryo-microscopie électronique est devenue une technique de plus en plus importante pour déterminer la structure de macromolécules. Néanmoins, le faible rapport signal-sur-bruit ainsi que la forte sensibilité des échantillons biologiques natifs face au faisceau électronique restent deux parmi les facteurs limitant la résolution. La cryo-coloration négative est une technique récemment développée permettant l?observation des échantillons biologiques avec le microscope électronique. Ils sont observés à l?état vitrifié et à basse température, en présence d?un colorant (molybdate d?ammonium). Les avantages de la cryo-coloration négative sont étudiés dans ce travail. Les résultats obtenus révèlent que les problèmes majeurs peuvent êtres évités par l?utilisation de cette nouvelle technique. Les échantillons sont représentés fidèlement avec un SNR 10 fois plus important que dans le cas des échantillons dans l?eau. De plus, la comparaison de données obtenues après de multiples expositions montre que les dégâts liés au faisceau électronique sont réduits considérablement. D?autre part, les résultats exposés mettent en évidence que la technique est idéale pour l?analyse à haute résolution de macromolécules biologiques. La solution vitrifiée de molybdate d?ammonium entourant l?échantillon n?empêche pas l?accès à la structure interne de la protéine. Finalement, plusieurs exemples d?application démontrent les avantages de cette technique nouvellement développée.<br/><br/>Many biological specimens do not arrange themselves in ordered assemblies (tubular or flat 2D crystals) suitable for electron crystallography, nor in perfectly ordered 3D crystals for X-ray diffraction; many other are simply too large to be approached by NMR spectroscopy. Therefore, single-particles analysis has become a progressively more important technique for structural determination of large isolated macromolecules by cryo-electron microscopy. Nevertheless, the low signal-to-noise ratio and the high electron-beam sensitivity of biological samples remain two main resolution-limiting factors, when the specimens are observed in their native state. Cryo-negative staining is a recently developed technique that allows the study of biological samples with the electron microscope. The samples are observed at low temperature, in the vitrified state, but in presence of a stain (ammonium molybdate). In the present work, the advantages of this novel technique are investigated: it is shown that cryo-negative staining can generally overcome most of the problems encountered with cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified native suspension of biological particles. The specimens are faithfully represented with a 10-times higher SNR than in the case of unstained samples. Beam-damage is found to be considerably reduced by comparison of multiple-exposure series of both stained and unstained samples. The present report also demonstrates that cryo-negative staining is capable of high- resolution analysis of biological macromolecules. The vitrified stain solution surrounding the sample does not forbid the access to the interna1 features (ie. the secondary structure) of a protein. This finding is of direct interest for the structural biologist trying to combine electron microscopy and X-ray data. developed electron microscopy technique. Finally, several application examples demonstrate the advantages of this newly


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is (1) to measure school technical efficiency and (2) to identify the determinants of primary school performance. Design/methodology/approach A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of school efficiency is conducted. At the first stage, DEA is employed to calculate an individual efficiency score for each school. At the second stage, efficiency is regressed on school characteristics and environmental variables. Findings The mean technical efficiency of schools in the State of Geneva is equal to 93%. By improving the operation of schools, 7% (100 - 93) of inputs could be saved, representing 17'744'656.2 Swiss francs in 2010. School efficiency is negatively influenced by (1) operations being held on multiple sites, (2) the proportion of disadvantaged pupils enrolled at the school and (3) the provision of special education, but positively influenced by school size (captured by the number of pupils). Practical implications Technically, the determinants of school efficiency are outside of the control of the headteachers. However, it is still possible to either boost the positive impact or curb the negative impact. Potential actions are discussed. Originality/value Unlike most similar studies, the model in this study is tested for multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity and endogeneity. It is therefore robust. Moreover, one explanatory variable of school efficiency (operations being held on multiple sites) is a truly original variable as it has never been tested so far.


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The amygdala nuclei appear to be critically implicated in emotional memory. However, in most studies, encoding and consolidation processes cannot be analyzed separately. We thus studied the verbal emotional memory in a young woman with a ganglioglioma of the left amygdala and analyzed its impact (1) on each step of the memory process (encoding, retrieval, and recognition) (2) on short- and long-term consolidation (1-hour and 1-week delay) and (3) on processing of valence (positive and negative items compared to neutral words). Results showed emotional encoding impairments and, after encoding was controlled for, emotional long-term consolidation. Finally, although the negative words were not acknowledged as emotionally arousing by the patient, these words were specifically poorly encoded, recalled, and consolidated. Our data suggest that separate cerebral networks support the processing of emotional versus neutral stimuli.