67 resultados para NO reduction with CO
Aims Food-deceptive pollination, in which plants do not offer any food reward to their pollinators, is common within the Orchidaceae. As food-deceptive orchids are poorer competitors for pollinator visitation than rewarding orchids, their occurrence in a given habitat may be more constrained than that of rewarding orchids. In particular, the success of deceptive orchids strongly relies on several biotic factors such as interactions with co-flowering rewarding species and pollinators, which may vary with altitude and over time. Our study compares generalized food-deceptive (i.e. excluding sexually deceptive) and rewarding orchids to test whether (i) deceptive orchids flower earlier compared to their rewarding counterparts and whether (ii) the relative occurrence of deceptive orchids decreases with increasing altitude. Methods To compare the flowering phenology of rewarding and deceptive orchids, we analysed data compiled from the literature at the species level over the occidental Palaearctic area. Since flowering phenology can be constrained by the latitudinal distribution of the species and by their phylogenetic relationships, we accounted for these factors in our analysis. To compare the altitudinal distribution of rewarding and deceptive orchids, we used field observations made over the entire Swiss territory and over two Swiss mountain ranges. Important Findings We found that deceptive orchid species start flowering earlier than rewarding orchids do, which is in accordance with the hypotheses of exploitation of naive pollinators and/or avoidance of competition with rewarding co-occurring species. Also, the relative frequency of deceptive orchids decreases with altitude, suggesting that deception may be less profitable at high compared to low altitude.
Role of GLP-1 and GIP in beta cell compensatory responses to beta cell attack and insulin resistance were examined in C57BL/6 mice lacking functional receptors for GLP-1 and GIP. Mice were treated with multiple low dose streptozotocin or hydrocortisone. Islet parameters were assessed by immunohistochemistry and hormone measurements were determined by specific enzyme linked immunoassays. Wild-type streptozotocin controls exhibited severe diabetes, irregularly shaped islets with lymphocytic infiltration, decreased Ki67/TUNEL ratio with decreased beta cell and increased alpha cell areas. GLP-1 and GIP were co-expressed with glucagon and numbers of alpha cells mainly expressing GLP-1 were increased. In contrast, hydrocortisone treatment and induction of insulin resistance increased islet numbers and area, with enhanced beta cell replication, elevated mass of beta and alpha cells, together with co-expression of GLP-1 and GIP with glucagon in islets. The metabolic responses to streptozotocin in GLP-1RKO and GIPRKO mice were broadly similar to C57BL/6 controls, although decreases in islet numbers and size were more severe. In contrast, both groups of mice lacking functional incretin receptors displayed substantially impaired islet adaptations to insulin resistance induced by hydrocortisone, including marked curtailment of expansion of islet area, beta cell mass and islet number. Our observations cannot be explained by simple changes in circulating incretin concentrations, suggesting that intra-islet GLP-1 and GIP make a significant contribution to islet adaptation, particularly expansion of beta cell mass and compensatory islet compensation to hydrocortisone and insulin resistance.
Three-dimensional segmented echo planar imaging (3D-EPI) is a promising approach for high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging, as it provides an increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at similar temporal resolution to traditional multislice 2D-EPI readouts. Recently, the 3D-EPI technique has become more frequently used and it is important to better understand its implications for fMRI. In this study, the temporal SNR characteristics of 3D-EPI with varying numbers of segments are studied. It is shown that, in humans, the temporal variance increases with the number of segments used to form the EPI acquisition and that for segmented acquisitions, the maximum available temporal SNR is reduced compared to single shot acquisitions. This reduction with increased segmentation is not found in phantom data and thus likely due to physiological processes. When operating in the thermal noise dominated regime, fMRI experiments with a motor task revealed that the 3D variant outperforms the 2D-EPI in terms of temporal SNR and sensitivity to detect activated brain regions. Thus, the theoretical SNR advantage of a segmented 3D-EPI sequence for fMRI only exists in a low SNR situation. However, other advantages of 3D-EPI, such as the application of parallel imaging techniques in two dimensions and the low specific absorption rate requirements, may encourage the use of the 3D-EPI sequence for fMRI in situations with higher SNR.
Background and aim of the study: Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital heart malformation, and a high percentage of patients with this condition will develop complications over time. It is rare that pilots undergo aortic valve surgery, and the confirmation of flight-licensing requirements after aortic valve replacement (AVR) is a challenge for the patient's cardiac surgeon and, particularly, for the Aeromedical Examiner (AME). Only AMEs are able to determine the flight status of pilots. Furthermore, in military and in civil aviation (e.g., Red Bull Air Race), the high G-load environment experienced by pilots is an exceptional physiological parameter, which must be considered postoperatively. Methods: A review was conducted of the aeronautical, surgical and medical literature, and of European pilot-licensing regulations. Case studies are also reported for two Swiss Air Force pilots. Results: According to European legislation, pilots can return to flight duty from the sixth postoperative month, with the following limitations: that an aortic bioprosthesis presents no restrictions in cardiac function, requires no cardioactive medications, yet requires a flight operation with co-pilot, the avoidance of accelerations over +3 Gz and, in military aviation, restricts the pilot to non-ejection-seat aircraft. The patient follow up must include both echocardiographic and rhythm assessments every six months. Mechanical prostheses cannot be certified because the required anticoagulation therapy is a disqualifying condition for pilot licensing. Conclusion: Pilot licensing after aortic valve surgery is possible, but with restrictions. The +Gz exposition is of concern in both military and civilian aviation (aerobatics). The choice of bioprosthesis type and size is determinant. Pericardial and stentless valves seem to show better flow characteristics under high-output conditions. Repetitive cardiological controls are mandatory for the early assessment of structural valve disease and rhythm disturbances. A pre-emptive timing is recommended when reoperation is indicated, without waiting for clinical manifestations of structural valve disease.
Research on achievement goals usually defines mastery goals as the desire to acquire knowledge, and performance goals as the desire to outperform (or not to underperform) others. Educational contexts are most of the time social contexts, involving various persons and groups, of various hierarchical positions, and various cultural and ideological contexts. Surprisingly, most research in the achievement goal field has been conducted at an individual level of analysis. In the present paper, we will review the social consequences and antecedents of goal endorsement. This research indicates that goals strongly affect the way one behaves with co-learners. Moreover, it suggests that more than merely individual dispositions, goals reflect the social relation students have with other persons, institutions, and with the society to which they belong. We conclude this paper by setting an agenda for future achievement goal research.
The clinical pharmacology of a synthetic rat atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP) was evaluated in normal volunteers. During a dose-ranging study at 1-40 micrograms/min we observed a dose-dependent decrease in mean intra-arterial blood pressure, an acceleration of the heart rate and a transient increase in blood flow to the skin. During a 4-h constant-dose infusion at 0.5 and 5.0 micrograms/min, inulin clearance remained unchanged but there was a dose-related fall in paraaminohippurate (PAH) clearance and an increase in the filtration fraction. Urinary excretion of sodium, chloride and calcium increased in a dose-related fashion, but with the high dose the excretion curve had a bell-shape. No change in plasma renin activity, angiotensin II and aldosterone was observed during the rANP infusion despite the excretion of large amounts of sodium and a blood pressure reduction with the high dose. Indocyanine green clearance, a measure of hepatic blood flow, was significantly decreased by a 2-h rANP infusion at 1.0 microgram/min. In normal volunteers, therefore, rANP induced vasodilation and blood pressure reduction, a decrease in renal and hepatic blood flow and a natriuretic and transient diuretic effect without activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Meiosis in triploids faces the seemingly insuperable difficulty of dividing an odd number of chromosome sets by two. Triploid vertebrates usually circumvent this problem through either asexuality or some forms of hybridogenesis, including meiotic hybridogenesis that involve a reproductive community of different ploidy levels and genome composition. Batura toads (Bufo baturae; 3n = 33 chromosomes), however, present an all-triploid sexual reproduction. This hybrid species has two genome copies carrying a nucleolus-organizing region (NOR+) on chromosome 6, and a third copy without it (NOR-). Males only produce haploid NOR+ sperm, while ova are diploid, containing one NOR+ and one NOR- set. Here, we conduct sibship analyses with co-dominant microsatellite markers so as (i) to confirm the purely clonal and maternal transmission of the NOR- set, and (ii) to demonstrate Mendelian segregation and recombination of the NOR+ sets in both sexes. This new reproductive mode in vertebrates ('pre-equalizing hybrid meiosis') offers an ideal opportunity to study the evolution of non-recombining genomes. Elucidating the mechanisms that allow simultaneous transmission of two genomes, one of Mendelian, the other of clonal inheritance, might shed light on the general processes that regulate meiosis in vertebrates.
Abstract : Activation of naïve T lymphocytes is essential for the onset of an adaptive immune response against a pathogenic threat. T lymphocytes are activated through the engagement of their highly specific cell surface antigen-receptor (TCR), together with co-stimulatory receptors, by activated antigen-presenting cells that display antigenic peptide fragments from the pathogen that they have detected. Dissection of the mechanisms that modulate TCR- and co-stimulation- induced signals is therefore crucial for the understanding of the molelcular basis of adaptive immune responses. Following antigen-receptor triggering, the Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1 (CBM) proteins assemble into an oligomeric complex, which is essential for activation of the NF-κB and JNK signaling pathways in lymphocytes. In this work, by using human epithelial and lymphocytic cell lines, we identified the TNF-receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins TRAF3 and TRAF7 as new binding partners of Bcl10 and Carma1, respectively. We could show that TRAF3 is required for the proper transcriptional upregulation of IL-2 in activated T cells, and that endogenous TRAF3 is recruited to Bcl10 following TCR engagement. Although the mechanisms used by TRAF3 to modulate the transcriptional activation of the IL-2 promoter are not elucidated, the stimulus-dependent association ofTRAF3 with its direct binding partner Bcl10 suggests that TRAF3 is regulating Bcl10 function in TCR-activated lymphocytes. We also demonstrated that TRAF7 acts as a negative regulator of Carma1-induced NFκB-and AP1-dependent transcription by overexpression in 293T cells. These data suggest that TRAF7 could contribute to the negative regulation of TCR-dependent Carma1 functions. Finally, we showed that Carma1 is processed upon antigen-receptor triggering in B and T cell lines, as well as in primary human CTLs, and that this processing is dependent on the proteolytic activity of Malt1. Collectively, this work contributes to describe new proteins and regulatory mechanisms that modulate CBM-dependent functions in activated lymphocytes. Furthermore, it uncovers new tracks that could lead to a better molecular understanding of the complex interplay between the activatory and inhibitory regulators associated with the CBM complex. Résumé : L'activation des lymphocytes T naifs est une étape essentielle à la mise en place d'une réponse immunitaire adaptative pour combattre une infection. Après la détection d'un pathogène, les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes exposent à leur surface des fragments peptidiques provenant du pathogène, qui activent le récepteur à antigène (TCR) spécifique des lymphocytes T, ainsi que des molécules co-stimulatrices qui contribuent à l'activation complète des lymphocytes T. La caractérisation des mécanismes qui modulent les cascades de signaux émanant du TCR et des récepteurs de co-stimulation est essentielle à la compréhension du fonctionnement moléculaire de la réponse immunitaire adaptative. La ligation du TCR induit la formation d'un complexe oligomérique comprenant les protéines Carma1, Bcl10 et Malt1, qui est essentiel à l'activation des voies de signalisation cellulaires NF-κB et JNK induisant l'activation complète des lymphorctes T. Dans cette étude, à l'aide de lignées de cellules humaines épithéliales et lymphocytaires, nous avons identifié que deux protéines de la famille des TRAF (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factor), TRAF3 et TRAF7, s'associent à Bc110 et à Carma1, respectivement. Les TRAFs sont d'importants régulateurs des voies de signalisation dans les cellules du système immunitaire inné et adaptatif. Nous avons démontré que TRAF3 était important pour permettre la transcription de l'interleukine-2 (IL-2) dans les lymphocytes T activés, et que TRAF3 s'associait à Bc110 à la suite de la stimulation du TCR Les mécanismes que TRAF3 utilise pour moduler l'activation du promoteur de l'IL-2 ne sont pas connus, mais l'association de TRAF3 à Bc110 suite à la stimulation du TCR suggère que TRAF3 régule la fonction de Bc110. Nous avons également identifié TRAF7 comme un nouveau régulateur négatif des voies NF-κB et JNK induites par surexpression de la protéine Carma1. Nos données suggèrent que TRAF7 pourrait également contribuer à la régulation négative de la fonction de Carma1 dans les lymphocytes activés. Enfin, nous avons découvert que Carma1 était clivé suite à la stimulation du TCR, et que ce clivage dépendait de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1. Cette étude contribue ainsi à la description de nouvelles protéines et de nouveaux mécanismes qui modulent l'activité du complexe CBM dans les lymphocytes activés, et ouvre la voie à la caractérisation moléculaire de ces nouveaux mécanismes importants pour la régulation de la réponse immunitaire adaptative.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the steroid/thyroid nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors. To date, three isotypes have been identified, alpha, beta and gamma, encoded by three different genes. The alpha isotype is expressed at high levels in the liver where it has a role in lipid oxidation. Its expression and activity follow a diurnal rhythm that parallels the circulating levels of corticosterone in the bloodstream. The gamma isotype on the other hand, is mainly expressed in adipose tissue and has a critical role in adipocyte differentiation and lipid storage. The function of the ubiquitously expressed isotype, PPAR beta, remains to be determined. Besides fulfilling different roles in lipid metabolism, the different PPAR isotypes also have different ligand specificities. A new approach to identify ligands was developed based on the ligand-dependent interaction of PPAR with the recently characterized co-activator SRC-1. This so-called CARLA assay has allowed the identification of fatty acids and eicosanoids as PPAR ligands. Although the evidence clearly links PPAR isotypes to distinct functions, the molecular basis for this isotype-specificity is still unclear. All three isotypes are able to bind the same consensus response element, formed by a direct repeat of two AGGTCA hexamers separated by one base, though with different affinities. We recently demonstrated that besides the core DR-1 element, the 5' flanking sequence should be included in the definition of a PPRE. Interestingly, the presence of this flanking sequence is of particular importance in the context of PPAR alpha binding. Moreover, it reflects the polarity of the PPAR-RXR heterodimer on DNA, with PPAR binding to the 5' half-site and RXR binding to the 3' half-site. This unusual polarity may confer unique properties to the bound heterodimer with respect to ligand binding and interaction with co-activators and corepressors.
BACKGROUND: The efficacy and safety of anticoagulant treatment for patients with acute, symptomatic superficial-vein thrombosis in the legs, but without concomitant deep-vein thrombosis or symptomatic pulmonary embolism at presentation, have not been established. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind trial, we assigned 3002 patients to receive either fondaparinux, administered subcutaneously at a dose of 2.5 mg once daily, or placebo for 45 days. The primary efficacy outcome was a composite of death from any cause or symptomatic pulmonary embolism, symptomatic deep-vein thrombosis, or symptomatic extension to the saphenofemoral junction or symptomatic recurrence of superficial-vein thrombosis at day 47. The main safety outcome was major bleeding. The patients were followed until day 77. RESULTS: The primary efficacy outcome occurred in 13 of 1502 patients (0.9%) in the fondaparinux group and 88 of 1500 patients (5.9%) in the placebo group (relative risk reduction with fondaparinux, 85%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 74 to 92; P<0.001). The incidence of each component of the primary efficacy outcome was significantly reduced in the fondaparinux group as compared with the placebo group, except for the outcome of death (0.1% in both groups). The rate of pulmonary embolism or deep-vein thrombosis was 85% lower in the fondaparinux group than in the placebo group (0.2% vs. 1.3%; 95% CI, 50 to 95; P<0.001). Similar risk reductions were observed at day 77. A total of 88 patients would need to be treated to prevent one instance of pulmonary embolism or deep-vein thrombosis. Major bleeding occurred in one patient in each group. The incidence of serious adverse events was 0.7% with fondaparinux and 1.1% with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Fondaparinux at a dose of 2.5 mg once a day for 45 days was effective in the treatment of patients with acute, symptomatic superficial-vein thrombosis of the legs and did not have serious side effects. (Funded by GlaxoSmithKline; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00443053.)
A group of nine patients with a diaphyseal fracture of the humerus and treated with retrograde nailing were studied with a mean follow-up of 15.3 months. Six patients with a humeral fracture without neurological deficit showed a good shoulder and elbow mobility at the last visit. Three patients with neurological lesion preoperatively suffer from a diminished range of movement not related to the surgical procedure. During the operation and postoperatively we found no complication related to the implant and more precisely we could not find a iatrogenic fracture or nervous lesion except one intraoperative lesion of the radial nerve probably related to an important traction movement during reduction with complete remission. Consolidation has been achieved for all fractures but one. This patient suffers from a lesion of the brachial plexus with complete plegia of the arm and a vascular lesion. This patient had to be reoperated for an atrophic non-union by bone grafting and plate fixation. The retrograde nail is a good implant and must be considered in our treatment plans as much as conservative treatment or surgical treatment with plating, anterograde nailing or the use of an external fixator. Only then will we be able to give to the patient the most adapted treatment for his fracture.
An important aspect of immune monitoring for vaccine development, clinical trials, and research is the detection, measurement, and comparison of antigen-specific T-cells from subject samples under different conditions. Antigen-specific T-cells compose a very small fraction of total T-cells. Developments in cytometry technology over the past five years have enabled the measurement of single-cells in a multivariate and high-throughput manner. This growth in both dimensionality and quantity of data continues to pose a challenge for effective identification and visualization of rare cell subsets, such as antigen-specific T-cells. Dimension reduction and feature extraction play pivotal role in both identifying and visualizing cell populations of interest in large, multi-dimensional cytometry datasets. However, the automated identification and visualization of rare, high-dimensional cell subsets remains challenging. Here we demonstrate how a systematic and integrated approach combining targeted feature extraction with dimension reduction can be used to identify and visualize biological differences in rare, antigen-specific cell populations. By using OpenCyto to perform semi-automated gating and features extraction of flow cytometry data, followed by dimensionality reduction with t-SNE we are able to identify polyfunctional subpopulations of antigen-specific T-cells and visualize treatment-specific differences between them.
Paradoxically, morbid obesity was suggested to protect from cardiovascular co-morbidities as compared to overweight/obese patients. We hypothesise that this paradox could be inferred to modulation of the "endocannabinoid" system on systemic and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) inflammation. We designed a translational project including clinical and in vitro studies at Geneva University Hospital. Morbid obese subjects (n=11) were submitted to gastric bypass surgery (GBS) and followed up for one year (post-GBS). Insulin resistance and circulating and SAT levels of endocannabinoids, adipocytokines and CC chemokines were assessed pre- and post-GBS and compared to a control group of normal and overweight subjects (CTL) (n=20). In vitro cultures with 3T3-L1 adipocytes were used to validate findings from clinical results. Morbid obese subjects had baseline lower insulin sensitivity and higher hs-CRP, leptin, CCL5 and anandamide (AEA) levels as compared to CTL. GBS induced a massive weight and fat mass loss, improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profile, decreased C-reactive protein, leptin, and CCL2 levels. In SAT, increased expression of resistin, CCL2, CCL5 and tumour necrosis factor and reduced MGLL were shown in morbid obese patients pre-GBS when compared to CTL. GBS increased all endocannabinoids and reduced adipocytokines and CC chemokines. In morbid obese SAT, inverse correlations independent of body mass index were shown between palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and N-oleoylethanolamide (OEA) levels and inflammatory molecules. In vitro, OEA inhibited CCL2 secretion from adipocytes via ERK1/2 activation. In conclusion, GBS was associated with relevant clinical, metabolic and inflammatory improvements, increasing endocannabinoid levels in SAT. OEA directly reduced CCL2 secretion via ERK1/2 activation in adipocytes.
BACKGROUND: When fructose is ingested together with glucose (GLUFRU) during exercise, plasma lactate and exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates are higher than with glucose alone. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to investigate to what extent GLUFRU increased lactate kinetics and oxidation rate and gluconeogenesis from lactate (GNG(L)) and from fructose (GNG(F)). DESIGN: Seven endurance-trained men performed 120 min of exercise at approximately 60% VOmax (maximal oxygen consumption) while ingesting 1.2 g glucose/min + 0.8 g of either glucose or fructose/min (GLUFRU). In 2 trials, the effects of glucose and GLUFRU on lactate and glucose kinetics were investigated with glucose and lactate tracers. In a third trial, labeled fructose was added to GLUFRU to assess fructose disposal. RESULTS: In GLUFRU, lactate appearance (120 +/- 6 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)), lactate disappearance (121 +/- 7 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)), and oxidation (127 +/- 12 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)) rates increased significantly (P < 0.001) in comparison with glucose alone (94 +/- 16, 95 +/- 16, and 97 +/- 16 mumol . kg(1) . min(1), respectively). GNG(L) was negligible in both conditions. In GLUFRU, GNG(F) and exogenous fructose oxidation increased with time and leveled off at 18.8 +/- 3.7 and 38 +/- 4 mumol . kg(1) . min(1), respectively, at 100 min. Plasma glucose appearance rate was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in GLUFRU (91 +/- 6 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)) than in glucose alone (82 +/- 9 mumol . kg(1) . min(1)). Carbohydrate oxidation rate was higher (P < 0.05) in GLUFRU. CONCLUSIONS: Fructose increased total carbohydrate oxidation, lactate production and oxidation, and GNG(F). Fructose oxidation was explained equally by fructose-derived lactate and glucose oxidation, most likely in skeletal and cardiac muscle. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01128647.
Reduced re'nal function has been reported with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). It is not clear whether TDF co-administered with a boosted protease inhibitor (PI) leads to a greater decline in renal function than TDF co-administered with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).Methods: We selected ail antiretroviral therapy-naive patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) with calibrated or corrected serum creatinine measurements starting antiretroviral therapy with TDF and either efavirenz (EFV) or the ritonavir-boosted PIs, lopinavir (LPV/r) or atazanavir (ATV/r). As a measure of renal function, we used the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). We calculated the difference in eGFR over time between two therapies using a marginal model for repeated measures. In weighted analyses, observations were weighted by the product of their point of treatment and censoring weights to adjust for differences both in the sort of patients starting each therapy and in the sort of patients remaining on each therapy over time.Results: By March 2011, 940 patients with at least one creatinine measurement on a first therapy with either TDF and EFV (n=484), TDF and LPVlr (n=269) or TDF and ATV/r (n=187) had been followed for a median of 1. 7, 1.2 and 1.3 years, respectively. Table 1 shows the difference in average estimated GFR (eGFR) over time since starting cART for two marginal models. The first model was not adjusted for potential confounders; the second mode! used weights to adjust for confounders. The results suggest a greater decline in renal function during the first 6 months if TDF is used with a PI rather than with an NNRTI, but no further difference between these therapies after the first 6 months. TDF and ATV/r may lead to a greater decline in the first 6 months than TDF and LPVlr.Conclusions: TDF co-administered with a boosted PI leads to a greater de cline in renal function over the first 6 months of therapy than TDF co-administered with an NNRTI; this decline may be worse with ATV/r than with LPV/r.