160 resultados para Mobius transformations


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The aim of this IRB-approved study was to analyze prospectively quality of life (QOL) and psychological changes in 30 ESRD patients before and after kidney transplantation (KT). Semi-structured interviews were conducted after inclusion on the waiting list (A). Follow-up interviews were performed 6 months later with patients still awaiting KT (B6, n= 15), and with transplant recipients 6, 12 and 24 months after KT (C6, n=15; C12, n=15; C24, n=14). Qualitative thematic analysis was performed. A: All patients reported loss of freedom, 87% tried to maintain normality; 57% modified medical directives. All mentioned emotional fragility, negative thoughts (43%), and suicidal thoughts (20%) related to loss of QOL from dialysis (D), and professional tension (26%). B6: 40% reported no change compared to baseline, while 60% mentioned increase of illness intrusiveness, 46% D side effects, 40% communication problems, and 33% concerns about the waiting list handling. Fear of emotional breakdown (40%), couple problems (47%), and worsened professional difficulties (20%) were reported. C6: All patients reported recovery of QOL and concerns about acute rejection. 73% were anxious about laboratory results. 93% felt dependent on immunosuppressants (IS), 47% reported difficulties coping with their regimen, and 47% were concerned about side effects; 67% had resumed work, but medical constraints led 40% to professional stigmatization. C12: All enjoyed good QOL. Adherence to IS was mandatory (100%). All were aware of the limited long-term graft survival and 47% anxious about a possible return to D. 60% underlined positive life value; 47% resumed a full time job; 40% were on social security. C24: Good QOL was underlined (86%). Patients stated they would prefer re-TX to resuming D (71%). Post-TX health problems were mentioned (64%); increase of creatinine levels induced fear (36%). 79% complained about side effects. 64% reported changes in life values. This study reveals positive QOL and psychological transformations after KT, which are associated with positive changes related to graft survival and freedom from D. Psychological follow-up should be offered to patients who face relapsing ESRD or post-TX co-morbidities.


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The aim of this IRB-approved study was to prospectively analyze psychological transformations in ESRD patients before and after transplantation (KT). Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 30 patients (mean age = 53±10) after their inclusion on the waiting-list (Gr. A). Follow-up interviews were performed 6 months later in 15 patients still awaiting KT (Gr. B6), and in 15 patients 6 months (Gr. C6) and 12 months (Gr. C12) after KT. Qualitative analysis was performed. Gr: A:All patients underlined loss of freedom, 87% devoted much energy to maintain normality, 57% modified medical directives. All reported emotional fragility related to dialysis and loss of quality of life (QOL), negative (43%) or suicidal thoughts (20%). Professional stigma was underlined (26%). Gr: B6:40% reported no change, 60% mentioned increase of illness intrusiveness, 46% dialysis side-effects, 40% communication problems, 33% tension with medical staff and waiting list handling. Fear of emotional breakdown (40%), couple problems (47%) and worsened professional difficulties (20%) were reported. Gr: C6:All patients mentioned improved QOL and freedom recovery (87%). All expressed concerns about possible acute rejection, 73% were anxious about laboratory results, 93% experienced dependence to immunosuppressants, 47% reported difficulties in handling medication, 21% feared to forget them, 47% were concerned about side-effects, 67% had resumed work but medical constraints led to professional tension (40%). Gr: C12:All mentioned recovered QOL. Medical controls were accepted as a routine (87%) and adherence to medication was mandatory (100%). All mentioned the limited long-term graft survival and 47% were anxious about possible return to dialysis, especially younger patients (27%). Positive identity and existential changes were reported (60%). This prospective qualitative study identifies psychological modifications in the course of KT. It provides a basis to adequately address concerns, but it shows also that KT is clearly associated with positive psychological transformations.


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Nonlinear regression problems can often be reduced to linearity by transforming the response variable (e.g., using the Box-Cox family of transformations). The classic estimates of the parameter defining the transformation as well as of the regression coefficients are based on the maximum likelihood criterion, assuming homoscedastic normal errors for the transformed response. These estimates are nonrobust in the presence of outliers and can be inconsistent when the errors are nonnormal or heteroscedastic. This article proposes new robust estimates that are consistent and asymptotically normal for any unimodal and homoscedastic error distribution. For this purpose, a robust version of conditional expectation is introduced for which the prediction mean squared error is replaced with an M scale. This concept is then used to develop a nonparametric criterion to estimate the transformation parameter as well as the regression coefficients. A finite sample estimate of this criterion based on a robust version of smearing is also proposed. Monte Carlo experiments show that the new estimates compare favorably with respect to the available competitors.


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L'a. cherche à dater l'historiographie deutéronomiste et à établir une transformation à l'intérieur de cette historiographie. Les écrits de propagande de l'époque de Josias (Rois, Deutéronome, Josué, Exode et Nombres) ont été changés après la catastrophe de 597/87 en récit historique prenant une distance et présentant la Tora prenant la relève de l'autorité perdue du Temple. L'A. peut ainsi pencher pour une rédaction de ce courant historiographique datant de l'époque post-éxilique.


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The origins of biblical historiography may be dated to the end of the VIIth c. and linked to those of the deuteronomic school itself. In order to justify Josiah's politics, his scribes elaborated a collection of texts (Deut, Josh, Kings, a vita Mosis in Gen-Nb) which were widely inspired by Assyrian ideology. During the Babylonian exile, this literature underwent a transformation: the new created « Deuteronomistic History, (Deut-2 Kings) converted propaganda into theodicee. The Deuteronomists were still at work in the Persian period as can be seen in numerous texts in Deut-2 Kings, as well as in the edition of the prophetic corpus. From now on, dtr ideology was centered on three points: the restauration by law, the end of prophecy and the need to separate Israel from the « others » (cf. EsdNeh). But the Persian period was also the, time of compromise. The Pentateuch was made by putting together dtr and priestly ideologies, « autochtonous » and « exodic » views about the origins of Israel.