A decline in human sperm quality and quantity has been reported in numerous Western countries. This observation was also accompanied by an increase in urogenital malformations. The need for epidemiological studies dealing with unbiased populations in order to understand the causes of these observations is obvious. In Switzerland, the large majority of young men are asked to attend a military camp to be drafted into the army. A few weeks before this camp, conscripts were contacted and invited to participate in a large national study on semen quality. The participation was totally voluntary and anonymous. From September 2005 to June 2007, 770 volunteers filled out a questionnaire, underwent a clinical examination and provided sperm, blood and urine samples. Using self-rated health assessments, the observed cohort could be considered as healthy and no testicular cancer was found. Moreover, the testicular volumes, measured using Prader's orchidometry and ultrasonography, were comparable to those already published for young male populations. The median sperm concentration was 47 x 10(6)/ml, which is close to the concentration reported in Denmark, known to have the highest incidence of testicular cancer in Europe. Statistically significant differences were observed between regions with a lower sperm concentration for men residing in the Alps (43 x 10(6)/ml) and in the Zurich area (36 x 10(6)/ml) compared to men from West Plateau (54 x 10(6)/ml) and from the Jura (54 x 10(6)/ml). Such a regional discrepancy could be related to environmental factors, including endocrine disruptors. In order to confirm such regional differences more volunteers from the already studied regions should be studied and other parts of the country should be investigated. The rather low sperm concentration of Swiss young volunteers should be considered as a national health issue and investigated further.
Y chromosome variation is determined by several confounding factors including mutation rate, effective population size, demography, and selection. Disentangling these factors is essential to better understand the evolutionary properties of the Y chromosome. We analyzed genetic variation on the Y chromosome, X chromosome, and mtDNA of the greater white-toothed shrew, a species with low variance in male reproductive success and limited sex-biased dispersal, which enables us to control to some extent for life-history effects. We also compared ancestral (Moroccan) to derived (European) populations to investigate the role of demographic history in determining Y variation. Recent colonization of Europe by a small number of founders (combined with low mutation rates) is largely responsible for low diversity observed on the European Y and X chromosomes compared to mtDNA. After accounting for mutation rate, copy number, and demography, the Y chromosome still displays a deficit in variation relative to the X in both populations. This is possibly influenced by directional selection, but the slightly higher variance in male reproductive success is also likely to play a role, even though the difference is small compared to that in highly polygynous species. This study illustrates that demography and life-history effects should be scrutinized before inferring strong selective pressure as a reason for low diversity on the Y chromosome.
RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC La complexité des sociétés d'insectes (telles que les abeilles, les termites ou les fourmis) a depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Depuis le débfit du XIXème siècle, de nombreux travaux observationnels, comportementaux et théoriques leur on été consacrés afin de mieux les décrire et comprendre. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire à la fin du XXèrne siècle a offert de nouveaux outils scientifiques pour identifier et étudier les gènes et molécules impliqués dans le développement et le comportement des êtres vivants. Alors que la majorité de ces études s'est focalisée sur des organismes de laboratoire tel que la mouche ou les nématodes, l'utilisation de ces outils est restée marginale jusqu'à présent dans l'étude des sociétés d'insectes. Lors de ma thèse, j'ai développé des outils moléculaires permettant de déterminer le niveau d'activité de zo,ooo gènes chez la fourmi de feu, Solenopsis invicta, ainsi qu'une base de données et un portail en ligne regroupant les informations relatives à l'étude génétique des fourmis: Fourmidable. J'ai ensuite utilisé ces outils dans le cadre d'une étude comportementale chez la fourmis S. invicta. Dans les sociétés d'insectes, une hiérarchie peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un dominant, les subordonnés entrent en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies de S. invicta contenant une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. A la mort de la reine mère, un grand nombre de reines vierges tentent de la remplacer en arrachant leurs ailes et en activant leurs organes reproducteurs plutôt que de partir en vol nuptial. Ces tentatives sont le plus souvent arrêtées par les ouvrières qui exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, j'ai étudié l'activité de gènes au sein des reines au début de ce processus. J'ai ainsi déterminé que des gènes impliqués dans communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile sont activês à ce moment là. La vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont ensuite liés à leur probabilité de survie. ABSTRACT : Honeybees, termites and ants occupy the "pinnacle of social evolution" with societies of a complexity that rivals our own. Humans have long been fascinated by social insects, but studying them has been mostly limited to observational and behavioral experiments. The advent of molecular biology first made it possible to investigate the molecular-genetic basis of development in model systems such as the fruit fly Drosophila melarcogaster or the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and subsequently their behavior. Molecular and genomic tools are now becoming available for the study of social insects as well. To permit genomic research on the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, we developed a cDNA microarray that can simultaneously determine the expression levels of approximately 1oooo genes. These genes were assembled and bioinformatically annotated using custom pipelines. The obtained data formed the cornerstones for Fourmidable, a web portal centralizing sequence, gene annotation and gene expression data as well as laboratory protocols for research on ants. In many animals living in groups the reproductive status of individuals is determined by their social status. In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to improve their social status. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of S. invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged non-reproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. The workers base their collective decision on pheromonal cues associated with the onset of reproductive development of the virgin queens which occurs after orphaning. We used the aforementioned tools to determine that genes putatively involved in processes including olfactory signaling, reproductive development and Juvenile Hormone metabolism are differentially expressed at the onset of competition. Additionally, we found that queens that initiate reproductive development faster and, to a certain extent, shed their wings faster after orphaning are more likely to become replacement queens. These results provide candidate genes that are putatively linked to competition outcome. To determine the extent to which specific genes affect different aspects of life in ant colonies, functional tests such as gene activation and silencing will still be required. We conclude by discussing some of the challenges and opportunities for molecular-genetic research on ants. RÉSUMÉ Les sociétés d'abeilles, de termites et de fourmis sont d'une complexité proche de celle de la nôtre et ont depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Cependant, leur étude était jusqu'à présent limitée aux observations et expériences comportementales. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire a d'abord rendu possible l'étude moléculaire et génétique du développement d'organismes modèles tels que la mouche Drosophila melanogaster ou le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, puis dans un second temps de leur comportement. De telles études deviennent désormais possibles pour les insectes sociaux. Nous avons développé une puce à ADN permettant de déterminer simultanément les niveaux d'expression de 1oooo gènes de la fourmi de feu, Solenopsís invicta. Ces gènes ont été séquencés puis assemblés et annotés à l'aide de pipelines que nous avons développés. En se basant sur les informations obtenues, nous avons créé un portail web, Fourmidable. Ce portail vise à centraliser toutes les informations de séquence, d'annotation et d'expression de gènes, ainsi que les protocoles de laboratoire utilisés pour la recherche sur les fourmis. Par la suite, nous avons utilisé les outils développés pour étudier un aspect particulier de S. invicta. Chez les animaux grégaires, une hiérarchie sociale peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un individu dominant, les individus subordonnés peuvent entrer en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies monogynes de S. invicta, qui contiennent habituellement une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. Suite à la mort de la reine mère, dominante, un grand nombre de reines vierges, subordonnées, perdent leurs ailes et activent leurs organes reproducteurs au lieu de partir en vol nuptial. Au cours des semaines suivantes, les ouvrières exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, nous avons étudié l'expression de gènes au début de cette compétition. Nous avons identifié 297 gènes différemment exprimés, dont l'annotation indique qu'ils seraient impliqués dans des processus biologiques dont la communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé que la vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes en début de compétition ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont corrélés à la probabilité de survie des reines. Nous concluons en discutant des opportunités offertes par la recherche génétique sur les fourmis ainsi que les défis qu'elle devra surmonter.
Summary Gynodioecy, the joint occurrence of females and hermaphrodites within natural populations, is a widely studied mating system ever since Darwin (1877). It is an exceptional mating system because continuous selection is necessary to maintain it. Since females only reproduce through ovules whereas hermaphrodites transmit genes through ovules and pollen, larger female fitness, in terms of seed output, is required to allow their maintenance. Two non-exclusive mechanisms can account for the maintenance of females. First, as females do not produce pollen they can reallocate their resources towards a higher ovule production. Second, hermaphrodites can self- and cross-fertilize whereas females are obligate outcrossers. Thus hermaphrodites should partly suffer from inbreeding depression (i.e.: the fitness decline of inbred relative to outbred individuals) and thereby produce less fit progeny than females. This thesis investigated the effects of self- and cross-fertilization of heimaphrodites over two consecutive generations. Inbreeding depression increased across the successive stages of the life- cycle (i.e.: from "seed traits" to "reproductive traits") displaying large inbreeding depression estimates (up to 0.76). This investigation not only detected large inbreeding depression estimates but also detected mechanisms involved in the maintenance of inbreeding depression. For instance cryptic self-incompatibility which is here a larger in vivo pollen performance of distant pollen compared to self-pollen; the expression of inbreeding depression especially in late life-cycle stages, and the appearance of females in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites. The female biased sex ratio in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites was a surprising result and could either come from the sex determining mechanisms (complex nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction(s)) and/or from inbreeding depression. Indeed, we not only got females and hermaphrodites but also partial male-sterile (PMS) individuals (i.e.: individuals with differing number of viable stamens). We detected that inbred pollen bearing plants (excluding females) have less viable stamens per flower than outbred plants. A positive correlation was detected between inbreeding depression for the number of viable stamens per flower and the difference in sex ratio between inbred and outbred individuals. A positive relationship was also detected between inbreeding depression for pollen viability and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower. Each correlation can either account for pleiotropic effects (a major gene acting on the two considered traits) or linkage disequilibrium between genes controlling each of the two related traits. If we hypothesize that these correlations are due to a major gene with pleiotropic effects, the positive relationship between inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower and inbreeding depression for pollen viability showed that deleterious alleles present on a major gene coding for pollen production and viability depressed male fitness within inbred plants. The positive relationship between sex ratio difference between inbred and outbred individuals and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower indicates that (1) either number of viable stamens per flower is, in addition to inbreeding, also affected by the loci coding for sex determinism or, (2) the presence of females within the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites is a consequence of large inbreeding depression inhibiting pollen production, or (3) sex is here determined by a combination of loci coding for sex expression and inbreeding depression for male reproductive traits. In conclusion, Silene vulgaris has been shown to be a good model for understanding the evolution of mating systems that promote outbreeding. Résumé La gynodïoécie est définie comme étant la présence simultanée d'hermaphrodites et de femelles au sein de populations naturelles d'une même espèce. Ce système de reproduction a toujours fasciné le monde scientifique depuis Darwin, comme en témoigne ses écrits (1876, 1877) sur les systèmes de reproduction chez les plantes. Les femelles ne transmettent leurs gènes qu'à travers leurs ovules alors que les hermaphrodites transmettent leurs gènes à la fois par la voie mâle (le pollen) et la voie femelle (les ovules). La condition pour que la gynodïoécie se maintienne nécessite donc une fitness de la fonction femelle plus élevée chez les femelles que chez les hermaphrodites. Deux mécanismes mutuellement non exclusifs peuvent expliquer le maintien des femelles au sein de ces populations gynodioïques. D'une part, les femelles peuvent réallouer les ressources non utilisées pour la production de pollen et peuvent par conséquent produire plus d'ovules. D'autre part, la reproduction des femelles ne peut se faire que par allo-fécondation alors que les hermaphrodites, peuvent se reproduire à la fois par auto- et allo-fécondation. L'autofécondation s'accompagne en général d'une diminution de fitness de la descendance relativement à la progéniture issue d'allo-fécondation ; ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de dépression de consanguinité. Cette thèse avait pour but de mettre en évidence une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité chez Silene vulgaris, une espèce gynodioïque. Des hermaphrodites, issus de trois vallées alpines, ont été auto- et allo¬fécondés sur deux générations successives. La dépression de consanguinité pouvant s'exprimer à tous les stades de vie d'un individu, plusieurs traits de fitness, allant du nombre de graines par fruit à la production de gamètes ont été mesurés sur différents stades de vie successifs. L'estimation de la dépression de consanguinité totale atteignait des valeurs allant de 0.52 à 0.76 selon la vallée considérée, ce qui indiquerait que les hermaphrodites ont tout intérêt à limiter l'autofécondation et que les femelles ne devraient pas avoir de peine à subsister dans les vallées étudiées. Par la même occasion des mécanismes diminuant la purge potentielle du fardeau génétique, et permettant ainsi le maintien du « niveau » de dépression de consanguinité et par conséquence le maintien de la gynodïoécie ont été mis en évidence. En effet, nos résultats montrent que la dépression de consanguinité s'exprimait tard dans le cycle de vie permettant ainsi à un certain nombre individus consanguins de transmettre leurs allèles délétères à la génération suivante. D'autre part, la croissance in vivo des tubes polliniques d'auto-pollen était plus lente que celle de l'allo-pollen et donc en situation de compétition directe, les ovules devraient plutôt être issus d'allo-fécondation, diminuant ainsi les chances de purges d'allèles délétères. Enfin, l'apparition de femelles dans la progéniture d'hermaphrodites autofécondés diminue aussi les chances de purge d'allèles délétères. Il nous a été impossible de déterminer si l'apparition de femelles dans la descendance d'hermaphrodites autofécondés était due au déterminisme génétique du sexe ou si la différence de sexe ratio entre la descendance auto- et allo-fécondée était due à une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité inhibant la production de pollen. Nous avons observé que S. vulgaris ne présentaient pas uniquement des hermaphrodites et des femelles mais aussi toute sorte d'individus intermédiaires avec un nombre variable d'étamines viables. Nous avons pu mettre' en évidence des corrélations positives entre (1) la différence de sexe ratio (la proportion d'individus produisant du pollen) entre individus consanguins et non consanguins et une estimation de la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables d'individus produisant du pollen, ainsi qu'entre (2) la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables et celle estimée pour la viabilité du pollen. Chaque corrélation indique soit l'effet d'un (ou plusieurs) gène(s) pléiotropique(s), soit un déséquilibre de liaison entre les gènes. En considérant que ces corrélations sont le résultat d'effet pléiotropiques, la relation entre le nombre d'étamines viables par fleur et la viabilité du pollen, indiquerait un effet négatif de la consanguinité sur la production et la viabilité du pollen due partiellement à un gène majeur. La seconde corrélation indiquerait soit que les gènes responsables de la détermination du sexe agissent aussi sur l'expression de la fonction mâle soit que l'expression du sexe est sujette à la dépression de consanguinité, ou encore un mélange des deux. Aux regards de ces résultats, Silene vulgaris s'est avéré être un bon modèle de compréhension de l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction vers la séparation des sexes.
Abstract Phenotypic polymorphism is an ideal system to study natural selection in wild populations, because it allows tracking population genetic changes by means of phenotypic changes. A wide variety of polymorphic traits have been studied in numerous animals and plants, as for example colour patterns in moths, snails and birds, human laterality, male reproductive strategies, plant morphology or mating systems. This thesis focused on Dactylorhiza sarnbucina, a rewardless European orchid species, showing a striking flower colour polymorphism, with either yellow or red flowered individuals co-occurring in natural populations. Several studies have investigated its evolutionary ecology since Nilsson's seminal paper in 1980, with a particular emphasis in the evolution and maintenance of its colour polymorphism. One of the main selective forces proposed to maintain this colour polymorphism was pollinator driven negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS), when each morph is advantaged when rare, and comparatively disadvantaged when common. However, other investigators have recently questioned the occurrence of NFDS, and proposed alternatively that fluctuating selection may maintain this colour polymorphism. In this thesis, we aimed at reviewing and synthesizing these different studies, and also brought our contribution on D. sambucina reproductive ecology. Because numerous hypotheses have still to be tested, we concluded by saying that we are a long way from understanding the evolution and dynamics of colour polymorphism in natural D. sambucina populations. Beside the debated question of colour polymorphism maintenance, one question remained to be tested: what are the consequences of polymorphism per se. We experimentally addressed this question using artificial populations of D. sambucina, and found no relationship between population phenotypic diversity and orchid pollination success. This finding suggest that polymorphism itself was not an advantage for deceptive species such D sambucina, contrarily to the expectations. Finally, we suggest potential research perspectives that could allow a better understanding of the evolutionary ecology of this species. Résumé Le polymorphisme phénotypique est un système biologique idéal pour étudier l'action de la sélection en populations naturelles, grâce à la possibilité de suivre les changements génétiques de la population en étudiant les phénotypes des individus. De très nombreuses études ont montré du polymorphisme phénotypique chez les animaux, par exemple la latéralité chez l'Homme, la coloration des escargots ou des oiseaux. Dans le règne végétal, le polymorphisme est souvent associé à des traits du système de reproduction. Cette thèse est centrée sur une espèce d'orchidée Européenne qui ne produit pas de nectar, Dactylorhiza sambucina. Cette espèce présente des individus à fleurs jaunes et des individus à fleurs rouge, généralement présents en mélange dans les populations naturelles. Plusieurs études ont investigué l'écologie évolutive de cette espèce depuis 25 ans, avec comme thème central l'évolution et le maintien de ce polymorphisme. La principale force sélective proposée pour maintenir ce polymorphisme de couleur est la sélection fréquence-dépendante, exercée par le comportement des pollinisateurs. Chacun des deux variants de couleur est favorisé quand il est rare, et défavorisé quand il devient commun. Bien que ce mécanisme semble agir, certains auteurs doutent de son importance, et ont proposé que les variations temporelles ou spatiales des forces de sélection puisse maintenir le polymorphisme de couleur chez D. sambucina. Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu résumer et synthétiser les résultats de ces différentes études, et aussi présenter des données nouvelles concernant la reproduction de cette espèce. À la vue de ces résultats, il apparait que de nombreux points nécessitent des expériences complémentaires, et que la compréhension de ce système biologique est encore fragmentaire. Nous nous sommes également intéressés à une question laissée en suspens dans la littérature: le polymorphisme de couleur en soit confère-t-il un avantage à l'espèce, comme proposé par certains auteurs? En construisant des populations artificielles de D. sambucina, nous avons pu montrer que le polymorphisme de couleur n'augmente pas le succès reproducteur de l'espèce. Nous terminons ce travail de recherche en proposant plusieurs axes de recherche pouvant conduire à une meilleure compréhension de l'écologie et de l'évolution de cette espèce.
Queens in social insect colonies advertise their presence in the colony to: a) attract workers' attention and care; b) gain acceptance by workers as replacement or supplemental reproductives; c) prevent reproductive development in nestmates. We analyzed the chemical content of whole body surface extracts of adult queens of different developmental and reproductive stages, and of adult workers from monogyne (single colony queen) and polygyne (multiple colony queens) forms of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. We found that the composition of the most abundant components, venom alkaloids, differed between queens and workers, as well as between reproductive and non-reproductive queens. Additionally, workers of the two forms could be distinguished by alkaloid composition. Finally, sexually mature, non-reproductive queens from polygyne colonies differed in their proportions of cis-piperidine alkaloids, depending on their Gp-9 genotype, although the difference disappeared once they became functional reproductives. Among the unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons characteristic of queens, there were differences in amounts of alkenes/alkadienes between non-reproductive polygyne queens of different Gp-9 genotypes, between non-reproductive and reproductive queens, and between polygyne and monogyne reproductive queens, with the amounts increasing at a relatively higher rate through reproductive ontogeny in queens bearing the Gp-9 b allele. Given that the genotype-specific piperidine differences reflect differences in rates of reproductive maturation between queens, we speculate that these abundant and unique compounds have been co-opted to serve in fertility signaling, while the cuticular hydrocarbons now play a complementary role in regulation of social organization by signaling queen Gp-9 genotype.
Background and Aims Male-biased sex allocation commonly occurs in wind-pollinated hermaphroditic plants, and is often positively associated with size, notably in terms of height. Currently, it is not well established whether a corresponding pattern holds for dioecious plants: do males of wind-pollinated species exhibit greater reproductive allocation than females? Here, sexual dimorphism is investigated in terms of life history trade-offs in a dioecious population of the wind-pollinated ruderal herb Mercurialis annua.Methods The allocation strategies of males and females grown under different soil nutrient availability and competitive (i.e. no, male or female competitor) regimes were compared.Key Results Male reproductive allocation increased disproportionately with biomass, and was greater than that of females when grown in rich soils. Sexual morphs differentially adjusted their reproductive allocation in response to local environmental conditions. In particular, males reduced their reproductive allocation in poor soils, whereas females increased theirs, especially when competing with another female rather than growing alone. Finally, males displayed smaller above-ground vegetative sizes than females, but neither nutrient availability nor competition had a strong independent effect on relative size disparities between the sexes.Conclusions Selection appears to favour plasticity in reproductive allocation in dioecious M. annua, thereby maintaining a relatively constant size hierarchy between sexual morphs. In common with other dioecious species, there seems to be little divergence in the niches occupied by males and females of M. annua.
The benefits obtained from mating are usually condition-dependent, favouring the evolution of flexible investment during copulation, for instance, in terms of invested time, energy, or sperm. Flexible investment strategies are predicted to depend on the likelihood of acquiring alternative mates and therefore they should depend on the timing of mate encounter. However, scarce experimental evidence for this hypothesis exists. Here we manipulated the time delay until first mating and the interval between first and second mating in the polygynandrous common lizard, Zootoca vivipara. We determined treatment effects on fertilisation success and copulation duration, the latter being a proxy for investment in mating and for quantity of transferred sperm. The duration of the second copulation decreased with increasing inter-mating interval and depended on the fertilisation success of first mates. The former provides evidence for time-dependent investment strategies, most likely resulting from the progression of the female's reproductive cycle. Fertilisation success of first mates increased with increasing inter-mating interval and was higher when females were closer to ovulation, showing that flexible investment strategies significantly affected male reproductive success. This points to fertilisation assurance, which may mitigate negative effects of low population density on reproductive success, e.g. Allee effects.
Mechanisms of reproductive isolation between an ant species of hybrid origin and one of its parents.
The establishment of new species by hybridization is difficult because it requires the development of reproductive isolation (RI) in sympatry to escape the homogenizing effects of gene flow from the parental species. Here we investigated the role of two pre- and two postzygotic mechanisms of RI in a system comprising two interdependent Pogonomyrmex harvester ant lineages (the H1 and H2 lineages) of hybrid origin and one of their parental species (P. rugosus). Similar to most other ants, P. rugosus is characterized by an environmental system of caste determination with female brood developing either into queens or workers depending on nongenetic factors. By contrast, there is a strong genetic component to caste determination in the H1 and H2 lineages because the developmental fate of female brood depends on the genetic origin of the parents, with interlineage eggs developing into workers and intralineage eggs developing into queens. The study of a mixed mating aggregation revealed strong differences in mating flight timing between P. rugosus and the two lineages as a first mechanism of RI. A second important prezygotic mechanism was assortative mating. Laboratory experiments also provided support for one of the two investigated mechanisms of postzygotic isolation. The majority of offspring produced from the few matings between P. rugosus and the lineages aborted at the egg stage. This hybrid inviability was under maternal influence, with hybrids produced by P. rugosus queens being always inviable whereas a small proportion of H2 lineage queens produced large numbers of adult hybrid offspring. Finally, we found no evidence that genetic caste determination acted as a second postzygotic mechanism reducing gene flow between P. rugosus and the H lineages. The few viable P. rugosus-H hybrids were not preferentially shunted into functionally sterile workers but developed into both workers and queens. Overall, these results reveal that the nearly complete (99.5%) RI between P. rugosus and the two hybrid lineages stems from the combination of two typical prezygotic mechanisms (mating time divergence and assortative mating) and one postzygotic mechanism (hybrid inviability).
Much progress has been made over the past decades in the development of in vitro techniques for the assessment of chemically induced effects in embryonic and fetal development. In vitro assays have originally been developed to provide information on the mechanism of action of normal development, and have hence more adequately been used in fundamental research. These assays had to undergo extensive modification to be used in developmental toxicity testing. The present paper focuses on the rat whole embryo culture system, but also reviews modifications that were undertaken for the in vitro chick embryo system and the aggregate cultures of fetal rat brain cells. Today these tests cannot replace the existing in vivo developmental toxicity tests. They can, however, be used to screen chemicals for further development or further testing. In addition, these in vitro tests provide valuable information on the mechanisms of developmental toxicity and help to understand the relevancy of findings for humans. In vitro systems, combined with selected in vivo testing and pharmacokinetic investigations in animals and humans, can thus provide essential information for human risk assessment.
Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are important birth defects, but their pathogenesis remains incompletely understood. We studied a patient with severe unilateral microphthalmia who had a 2.7 Mb deletion at chromosome 18q22.1 that was inherited from his mother. In-situ hybridization showed that one of the deleted genes, TMX3, was expressed in the retinal neuroepithelium and lens epithelium in the developing murine eye. We re-sequenced TMX3 in 162 patients with anophthalmia or microphthalmia, and found two missense substitutions in unrelated patients: c.116G>A, predicting p.Arg39Gln, in a male with unilateral microphthalmia and retinal coloboma, and c.322G>A, predicting p.Asp108Asn, in a female with unilateral microphthalmia and severe micrognathia. We used two antisense morpholinos targeted against the zebrafish TMX3 orthologue, zgc:110025, to examine the effects of reduced gene expression in eye development. We noted that the morphant larvae resulting from both morpholinos had significantly smaller eye sizes and reduced labeling with islet-1 antibody directed against retinal ganglion cells at 2 days post fertilization. Co-injection of human wild type TMX3 mRNA rescued the small eye phenotype obtained with both morpholinos, whereas co-injection of human TMX3(p.Arg39Gln) mutant mRNA, analogous to the mutation in the patient with microphthalmia and coloboma, did not rescue the small eye phenotype. Our results show that haploinsufficiency for TMX3 results in a small eye phenotype and represents a novel genetic cause of microphthalmia and coloboma. Future experiments to determine if other thioredoxins are important in eye morphogenesis and to clarify the mechanism of function of TMX3 in eye development are warranted.
PURPOSE: To select and propose a set of knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential for the care of adolescents; to encourage the development of adolescent health multidisciplinary networks; and to set up training programs in as many European countries as possible. METHODS: The curriculum was developed by 16 physicians from 11 European countries with various professional specializations. In line with modern guidelines in medical education, it is a modular, flexible instrument which covers the main teaching areas in the field, such as basic skills (i.e. setting, rights and confidentiality, gender and cultural issues) as well as specific themes (i.e. sexual and reproductive health, eating disorders, chronic conditions). It consists of 17 thematic modules, each containing detailed objectives, learning approaches, examples, and evaluation methods. RESULT: Two international one-week summer schools were used to assess the feasibility and appropriateness of the curriculum. The overall evaluation was good, with most of the items surpassing three on a four-point Likert scale. However, it pointed to several aspects (process and content) which will need to be refined in the future, such as an increase in interactive sessions (role playing), and a better mix of clinical and public health issues.
Inbreeding avoidance is predicted to induce sex biases in dispersal. But which sex should disperse? In polygynous species, females pay higher costs to inbreeding and thus might be expected to disperse more, but empirical evidence consistently reveals male biases. Here, we show that theoretical expectations change drastically if females are allowed to avoid inbreeding via kin recognition. At high inbreeding loads, females should prefer immigrants over residents, thereby boosting male dispersal. At lower inbreeding loads, by contrast, inclusive fitness benefits should induce females to prefer relatives, thereby promoting male philopatry. This result points to disruptive effects of sexual selection. The inbreeding load that females are ready to accept is surprisingly high. In absence of search costs, females should prefer related partners as long as delta<r/(1+r) where r is relatedness and delta is the fecundity loss relative to an outbred mating. This amounts to fitness losses up to one-fifth for a half-sib mating and one-third for a full-sib mating, which lie in the upper range of inbreeding depression values currently reported in natural populations. The observation of active inbreeding avoidance in a polygynous species thus suggests that inbreeding depression exceeds this threshold in the species under scrutiny or that inbred matings at least partly forfeit other mating opportunities for males. Our model also shows that female choosiness should decline rapidly with search costs, stemming from, for example, reproductive delays. Species under strong time constraints on reproduction should thus be tolerant of inbreeding.
Background and Aims The males and females of many dioecious plant species differ from one another in important life-history traits, such as their size. If male and female reproductive functions draw on different resources, for example, one should expect males and females to display different allocation strategies as they grow. Importantly, these strategies may differ not only between the two sexes, but also between plants of different age and therefore size. Results are presented from an experiment that asks whether males and females of Mercurialis annua, an annual plant with indeterminate growth, differ over time in their allocation of two potentially limiting resources (carbon and nitrogen) to vegetative (below-and above-ground) and reproductive tissues.Methods Comparisons were made of the temporal patterns of biomass allocation to shoots, roots and reproduction and the nitrogen content in the leaves between the sexes of M. annua by harvesting plants of each sex after growth over different periods of time.Key Results and Conclusions Males and females differed in their temporal patterns of allocation. Males allocated more to reproduction than females at early stages, but this trend was reversed at later stages. Importantly, males allocated proportionally more of their biomass towards roots at later stages, but the roots of females were larger in absolute terms. The study points to the important role played by both the timing of resource deployment and the relative versus absolute sizes of the sinks and sources in sexual dimorphism of an annual plant.
A series of studies in schizophrenic patients report a decrease of glutathione (GSH) in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cerebrospinal fluid, a decrease in mRNA levels for two GSH synthesizing enzymes and a deficit in parvalbumin (PV) expression in a subclass of GABA neurons in PFC. GSH is an important redox regulator, and its deficit could be responsible for cortical anomalies, particularly in regions rich in dopamine innervation. We tested in an animal model if redox imbalance (GSH deficit and excess extracellular dopamine) during postnatal development would affect PV-expressing neurons. Three populations of interneurons immunolabeled for calcium-binding proteins were analyzed quantitatively in 16-day-old rat brain sections. Treated rats showed specific reduction in parvalbumin immunoreactivity in the anterior cingulate cortex, but not for calbindin and calretinin. These results provide experimental evidence for the critical role of redox regulation in cortical development and validate this animal model used in schizophrenia research.