106 resultados para Lorraine, Province de -- Justice


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[Sommaire] Introduction. - Concepts biochimiques de base. - Concepts génétiques de base. - Quelques méthodes d'analyse de base en biologie. - Analyses génétiques - La caisse à outils de base. - Analyses génétiques - La caisse à outils spécialisée. - Les traces biologiques dans leur utilisation pratique. - Tests indicatifs et recherche des traces. - Quelques éléments d'évaluation probabiliste. - Au-delà du laboratoire. - Glossaire. - Index


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L'émergence des nouvelles technologies de la reproduction (NTR) est allée de pair avec un certain nombre de discours. Un discours promettant d'une part une extension de la palette de choix reproductifs des individus, une extension de leur liberté et de leur autonomie reproductives, dont la forme la plus extrême peut se traduire par la formule : un enfant quand je veux et comme je veux. D'autre part, un discours annonçant une série de « catastrophes » à venir, telles que l'effondrement de l'institution de la famille et la modification de l'espèce humaine. En d'autres termes, une tension entre promesses et catastrophes qui place les sociétés contemporaines face à de nombreux défis sociaux, politiques et éthiques, notamment quant à la question de la régulation de la PMA (procréation médicalement assistée) : qui peut y avoir accès ? Quelles techniques doit-on autoriser ? Ou au contraire limiter ? Tant de questions auxquelles aucune réponse simple et évidente n'existe. La diversité des réponses législatives quant à ces questions illustre cette complexité. L'éthique peut, ici, jouer un rôle fondamental. Sans toutefois prétendre donner des réponses toutes faites et facilement applicables, elle offre un espace de réflexion, le privilège de prendre une certaine distance face à des enjeux contemporains. C'est dans cette perspective que nous avons ancré ce travail de recherche en questionnant les enjeux éthiques de la PMA à partir d'une perspective de justice. Toutefois, au sein des études en bioéthique, majoritairement issues de la tradition libérale, la tension énoncée précédemment mène la bioéthique à justifier un certain nombre d'inégalités plutôt que de veiller à les dépasser. Ainsi, une évaluation de la pratique de la PMA à partir d'une perspective de la justice, exige, au préalable, une réévaluation du concept même de justice. Ce faisant, par une articulation entre l'éthique du care de Joan Tronto et l'approche des capabilités de Martha Nussbaum qui placent la vulnérabilité au coeur de la personne, nous avons proposé une conception de la justice fondée sur une anthropologie de la vulnérabilité. Cette conception nous permet d'identifier, dans le cadre de la pratique de la PMA en Suisse et en partant de la loi sur la procréation assistée (LPMA), les constructions normatives qui mènent à la non-reconnaissance et, ce faisant, à la mise à l'écart, de certaines formes de vulnérabilité : une vulnérabilité générique et une vulnérabilité socio-économique. Traitant la question de la vulnérabilité générique principalement, nos analyses ont une incidence sur les conceptions de la famille, du bien de l'enfant, de la femme et de la nature, telles qu'elles sont actuellement véhiculées par une conception naturalisée de la PMA. Répondre aux vulnérabilités identifiées, en veillant à leur donner une place, signifie alors déplacer ces conceptions naturalisées, afin que les vulnérabilités soient intégrées aux pratiques sociales et que les exigences de justice soient ainsi remplies. - The emergence of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) came along with several discourses. On the one hand a discourse promising an extension of the individuals' reproductive choices, their procreative liberty and autonomy. On the other hand a discourse announced a series of disasters to come such as the collapse of the family institution and the modification of human kind. In other words, a growing tension appears between promises and disasters and contemporary societies are facing inevitable social, political and ethical challenges, in particular with regard to the issue of ART regulation: who has access? What procedures should be authorized? Which ones should be limited? These complex questions have no simple or obvious answers. The variety of legislative responses to these questions highlights complexity. Ethics can play a fundamental role, and without claiming to give simple answers, also offer a space for reflection as well as the privilege to distance itself with regard to contemporary issues. It is in this perspective that this study questions the ethical considerations of ART in a perspective of justice. However, in previous studies in bioethics mainly following a liberal tradition, previously mentioned tension has lead bioethics to justify some inequalities instead of trying to overcome them. As a consequence, evaluating practices of ART from a perspective of justice requires to first reevaluate the concept of justice itself. In doing so we offer a conception of justice founded on the anthropology of vulnerability. This conception draws on an articulation of the ethic of care of Joan Tronto and the capability approach of Martha Nussbaum, which places vulnerability at the center of the person. This conception allows us to identify, within the framework of ARTS in Switzerland and starting with the laws of medically assisted procreation (LPMA), some normative constructions. These constructions lead to the non-recognition and the disregard of some forms of vulnerability: a generic vulnerability as well as socio-economic counterpart. Focusing mainly on the issue of generic vulnerability, our analysis has implications for the conceptions of family, the best interests of the child, woman, and nature in the way they are defined in a naturalized conception of ART. Responding to such failures by taking into account these vulnerabilities thus means to move these conceptions in order for vulnerabilities to be integrated in social practices and requirements for justice to be fulfilled.


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In the Cape Caribou River allochthon (CCRA), metaigneous and gneissic units occur as a shallowly plunging synform in the hanging wall of the Grand Lake thrust system (GLTS), a Grenvillian structure that forms the boundary between the Mealy Mountains and Groswater Bay terranes. The layered rocks of the CCRA are cut by a stockwork of monzonite dykes related to the Dome Mountain suite and by metadiabase-amphibolite dykes that probably form part of the ca. 1380 Ma Mealy swarm. The mafic dykes appear to postdate much of the development of subhorizontal metamorphic layering within the lower parts of the CCRA. The uppermost (least metamorphosed) units of the CCRA, the North West River anorthosite-metagabbro and the Dome Mountain monzonite suite, have been dated at 1625 +/- 6 and 1626 +/- 2 Ma, respectively. An amphibolite unit that concordantly underlies the anorthosite-metagabbro and is intruded discordantly by monzonite dykes has given metamorphic ages of 1660 +/- 3 and 1631 +/- 2 Ma. Granitoid gneisses that form the lowest level of the CCRA have given a migmatization age of 1622 +/- 6 Ma. The effects of Grenvillian metamorphism become apparent in the lower levels of the allochthon where gneisses, amphibolite, and mafic dykes have given new generation zircon ages of 1008 +/- 2, 1012 +/- 3, and 1011 +/- 3 Ma, respectively. A posttectonic pegmatite has also given zircon and monazite ages of 1016(-3)(+7) and 1013 +/- 3 Ma, respectively. Although these results indicate new growth of Grenvillian zircon, this process was generally not accompanied by penetrative deformation or melting. Thus, the formation of gneissic fabrics and the overall layered nature of the lower CCRA are a result primarily of Labradorian (1660-1620 Ma) tectonism and intrusion, and probably reflect early movement on an ancestral GLTS. Grenvillian heating and metamorphism (up to granulite facies) was strongly concentrated towards the base of the CCRA and probably occurred during northwestward thrusting of the allochthon over the Groswater Bay terrane.


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The Hamersley province of northwest Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore regions with high-grade martite-microplaty hematite iron ore deposits mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman Iron Formations of the Hamersley Group. These high-grade iron ores contain between 60 and 68 wt percent Fe, and formed by the multistage interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the host BIF formation. The oxygen isotope compositions of magnetite and hematite from BIF, hydrothermal alteration assemblages, and high-grade iron Ore were analyzed from the Mount Tom Price, Paraburdoo, and Charmar iron ore deposits. The delta(18)O values of magnetite and hematite from hydrothermal alteration assemblages and high-grade iron ore range from -9.0 to -2.9 per mil, a depletion of 5 to 15 per mil relative to the host BIF. The delta(18)O values are spatially controlled by faults within the deposits, a response to higher fluid flux and larger influence the isotopic compositions by the hydrothermal fluids. The oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids (delta(18)O(fluid)) indicates that the decrease in the (18)O content of iron oxides was due to the interaction of both basinal brines and meteoric fluids with the original BIF. Late-stage talc-bearing ore at the Mount Tom Price deposit formed in the presence of a pulse of delta(18)O-enriched basinal brine, indicating that hydrothermal fluids may have repeatedly interacted with the BIFs during the Paleoproterozoic.


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The Spanish judicial system is independent and headed by the Supreme Court. Spain has a civil law system. The criminal procedure is governed by the legality principle--by opposition to the opportunity or expediency principle--which implies that prosecution must take place in all cases in which sufficient evidence exists of guilt. Traditionally, the role of the PPS in Spain has been very limited during the investigative stage of the process. That stage is under the responsibility of the Examining Magistrate (EM). Since the end of the 1980s, a series of modifications has been introduced in order to extend the functions of the PPS. In 1988, the PPS received extended competences which allow them to receive reports of offenses. Upon knowing of an offense (reported or known to have been committed), the PPS can initiate the criminal proceeding. The PPS is also allowed to lead a sort of plea bargain under a series of restrictive conditions and only for some offenses. At the same time, the PPS received extended competences in the juvenile justice criminal proceeding in 2000. With all this said, the role of the PPS has not changed radically and, during the investigative stage of the process, their main role remains the presentation of the accusation, playing a more active role during the trial stage of the proceeding. In this article the national criminal justice system of Spain is described. Special attention is paid to the function of the PPS within this framework and its relationship to police and courts. The article refers to legal provisions and the factual handling of criminal cases.