358 resultados para Logique interne


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We have examined the internal validity of the French translation of the NEO PI-R personality test which measures the « big five » (Rolland, 1993). The impact of age, gender and professional categories on the NEO PI-R scales was assessed. A large sample (n=731) of subjects of different age, gender and profession and a sample of Swiss students (n=261) responding anonymously were used. Factor analyses confirmed the structure of the instrument (5 domains) and the structures of the domains in terms of facets (six facets within each domain). On the other hand, the age has a significant impact on all the domains of the NEO PI-R; the gender has an impact on the scores on N (neuroticism), O (openness) and A (agreeableness), and the profession has an impact on the domains E (extraversion), O (openness) and A (agreeableness). The scores on several facets are also affected by those three variables. Our study gives the researchers and the practitioner a reference score table according to the studied variables.


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L'année 2007 a été marquée par la publication de plusieurs études internationales concernant directement le quotidien de l'interniste hospitalier. Un résumé de ces travaux ne saurait être qu'un extrait condensé et forcément subjectif d'une croissante et dynamique diversité. Au gré de leurs lectures, de leurs intérêts et de leurs interrogations, les chefs de clinique du Service de médecine interne vous proposent ainsi un parcours original revisitant les thèmes de l'insuffisance cardiaque, du diabète, de l'endocardite, de la BPCO ou de la qualité des soins. Cette variété de sujets illustre à la fois le vaste champ couvert par la médecine interne actuelle, ainsi que les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la pratique médicale moderne basée sur les preuves. In 2007, several international studies brought useful information for the daily work of internists in hospital settings. This summary is of course subjective but reflects the interests and questions of the chief residents of the Department of internal medicine who wrote this article like an original trip in medical literature. This trip will allow you to review some aspects of important fields such as heart failure, diabetes, endocarditis, COPD, and quality of care. Besides the growing diversity of the fields covered by internal medicine, these various topics underline also the uncertainty internists have to face in a practice directed towards evidence.


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Training new doctors in general internal medicine represents a challenge. This requires to define future needs, which result from interest that are not necessarily convergent between patients, doctors, insurers and politicians. Problems related to medical demography in Switzerland, with the ageing of the population, the increase in health care costs and the place of Switzerland within the European Community require the implementation of specific objectives to train new physicians in general internal medicine. The success of these opportunities depends on social factors, political choices and choices from physician's association. In this article we will approach these challenges by formulating some proposals--nonexhaustive--in order to guarantee sufficient renewal in general internal medicine.


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Undernutrition is a widespread problem in the intensive care and is associated with a worse clinical outcome. Enteral nutrition is the recommended nutritional support in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition is frequently insufficient to cover protein-energy needs. The initiation of supplemental parenteral nutrition, when enteral nutrition is insufficient, could optimize the nutritional therapy. Such a combination could allow reducing morbidity, length of stay and recovery, as well as improving quality of life and health care costs. Prospective studies are currently underway to test this hypothesis.


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The knowledge of the national legislation and the key concepts of bioethics are necessary for medical practice. The four principles of bioethics are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. General internal medicine is the speciality of comprehensive care for often elderly patients with multiple chronic illnesses. This care is related to many ethically difficult decisions. In our article, we discuss common ethical problems in general internal medicine, including ethical aspects of the patient-physician relationship and medical decision making, the ethical significance of time management, research in bioethics and medical education.


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Cet article interroge les fonctions psychologiques que peuvent occuper les victimes dans l'économie psychique de l'auteur d'une agression, dans le cadre de la commission de certaines infractions à caractère sexuel et violent. Nous montrerons que chez des sujets pour lesquels la dynamique psychique de l'acte renvoie à un mouvement défensif contre des angoisses majeures sur le plan identitaire et objectal, le recours à la victime dans l'acte d'agression assurerait une fonction de continuité interne face à la discontinuité identitaire.


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During the year 2005, the chief residents of the University Medical Outpatient Clinic of Lausanne have done a database of useful articles for daily practice, scientifically validated and with excellent didactic quality, from 10 electronic journals. They have used those selected articles in personal meetings between the chief residents on a regular basis and the possibility to access the database by the junior physicians. Six of these articles concerning different topics (depression, tuberculosis detection, anticoagulation at home, cholinesterase inhibitors, insomnia and therapies, transdermal nitroglycerin and tendinopathies) are presented.