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Abstract : Textural division of a mineral in pyramids, with their apices located at the centre of the mineral and their bases corresponding to the mineral faces is called textural sector zoning. Textural sector zoning is observed in many metamorphic minerals like andalousite and garnet. Garnets found in the graphite rich black shales of the Mesozoic cover of the Gotthard Massif display textural sector zoning. The morphology of this sector zoning is not the same in different types of black shales observed in the Nufenen pass area. Garnets in foliated black shales display a well developed sector zoning while garnets found in cm-scale layered black shales display well developed sectors in the direction of the schistosity plane. This sector zoning is always associated with up to 30μm sized birefringent lamellae emanating radial from the sector boundaries. They alternate with isotrope lamellae. The garnet forming reaction was determined using singular value decomposition approach and results compared to thermodynamic calculations. It is of the form chl + mu + cc + cld = bt + fds + ank + gt + czo and is similar in both layered and foliated black shales. The calculated X(O) is close to 0.36 and does not significantly vary during the metamorphic history of the rock. This corresponds to X CO2, X CH4, and X H2O BSE imaging of garnets on oriented-cuts revealed that the orientation of the lamellae found within the sectors is controlled by crystallography. BSE imaging and electron microprobe analysis revealed that these lamellae are calcium rich compared to the isotropic lamellae. The addition of Ca to an almandine rich garnet causes a small distortion of the X site and potentially, ordering. Ordered and disordered garnet might have very similar free energies for this composition. Hence, two garnets with different composition can be precipitated with minor overstepping of the reaction. It is enough that continued nucleation of a new garnet layer slightly prefers the same structure to assure a fiber-like growth of both garnet compositions side by side. This hypothesis is in agreement with the thermodynamic properties of the garnet solid solution described in the literature and could explain the textures observed in garnets with these compositions. To understand the differences in sector zoning morphology, and crystal growth kinetics, crystal size distribution were determined in several samples using 2D spatial analysis of slab surfaces. The same nucleation rate law was chosen for all cases. Different growth rate law for non-layered black shales and layered black shales were used. Garnet in layered black shales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt ½. The transport of nutrient is the limiting factor. Transport will occur preferentially on the schistosity planes. The shapes of the garnets in such rocks are therefore ovoid with the longest axis parallel to the schistosity planes. Sector zoning is less developed with sectors present only parallel to the schistosity planes. Garnet in non-layered blackshales grew according to a growth rate law of the form R=kt. The limiting factor is the attachment at the surface of the garnet. Garnets in these rocks will display a well developed sector zoning in all directions. The growth rate law is thus influenced by the texture of the rock. It favours or hinders the transport of nutrient to the mineral surface. Résumé : La zonation sectorielle texturale consiste en la division d'un cristal en pyramides dont les sommets sont localisés au centre du minéral. La base de ces pyramides correspond aux faces du minéral. Ce type de zonation est fréquemment observé dans les minéraux métamorphiques tels que l'andalousite ou le grenat. Les grenats présents dans les marnes riches en graphites de la couverture Mésozoïque du Massif du Gotthard présent une zonation sectorielle texturale. La morphologie de cette zonation n'est pas la même dans les marnes litées et dans les marnes foliées. Les grenats des marnes foliées montrent des secteurs bien développés dans 3 directions. Les grenats des marnes litées montrent des secteurs développés uniquement dans la direction des plans de schistosité. Cette zonation sectorielle est toujours associée à des lamelles biréfringentes de quelques microns de large qui partent de la limite des secteurs et qui sont perpendiculaires aux faces du grenat. Ces lamelles alternent avec des lamelles isotropes. La réaction de formation du grenat a été déterminée par calcul matriciel et thermodynamique. La réaction est de la forme chl + mu + cc + cld= bt + fds + ank + gt + czo. Elle est similaire dans les roches litées et dans les roches foliées. L'évaluation des conditions fluides montrent que le X(O) est proche de 0.36 et ne change pas de façon significative durant l'histoire métamorphique de la roche. Des images BSE sur des coupes orientées ont révélé que l'orientation de lamelles biréfringentes est contrôlée parla crystallographie. La comparaison des analyses à la microsonde électronique et des images BSE révèle également que les lamelles biréfringentes sont plus riches en calcium que les lamelles isotropes. L'addition de calcium va déformer légèrement le site X et ainsi créer un ordre sur ce site. L'énergie interne d'un grenat ordré et d'un grenat désordonné sont suffisamment proches pour qu'un léger dépassement de l'énergie de la réaction de formation permette la coexistence des 2 types de grenat dans le même minéral. La formation de lamelles est expliquée par le fait qu'un grenat préférera la même structure. Ces observations sont en accord avec la thermodynamique des solutions solides du grenat et permet d'expliquer les structures similaires observées dans des grenats provenant de lithologies différentes. Une étude de la distribution des tailles des grenats et une modélisation de la croissance a permis de mettre en évidence 2 mécanismes de croissance différents suivant la texture de la roche. Dans les 2 cas, la loi de nucléation est la même. Dans les roches litées, la loi de croissance est de forme R=kt½. Le transport des nutriments est le facteur limitant. Ce transport a lieu préférentiellement dans la direction des niveaux de schistosité. Les grenats ont une forme légèrement allongée car la croissance des secteurs est facilitée sur les niveaux de schistosité. La croissance des grenats dans les roches foliées suit une loi de croissance de la forme R=kt. Les seuls facteurs limitant la croissance sont les processus d'attachement à la surface du grenat. La loi de croissance de ces grenats est donc contrainte par la texture de la roche. Cela se marque par des différences dans la morphologie de la zonation sectorielle.
Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by extreme corneal thinning and fragility. Corneal rupture can therefore occur either spontaneously or following minimal trauma in affected patients. Two genes, ZNF469 and PRDM5, have now been identified, in which causative pathogenic mutations collectively account for the condition in nearly all patients with BCS ascertained to date. Therefore, effective molecular diagnosis is now available for affected patients, and those at risk of being heterozygous carriers for BCS. We have previously identified mutations in ZNF469 in 14 families (in addition to 6 reported by others in the literature), and in PRDM5 in 8 families (with 1 further family now published by others). Clinical features include extreme corneal thinning with rupture, high myopia, blue sclerae, deafness of mixed aetiology with hypercompliant tympanic membranes, and variable skeletal manifestations. Corneal rupture may be the presenting feature of BCS, and it is possible that this may be incorrectly attributed to non-accidental injury. Mainstays of management include the prevention of ocular rupture by provision of protective polycarbonate spectacles, careful monitoring of visual and auditory function, and assessment for skeletal complications such as developmental dysplasia of the hip. Effective management depends upon appropriate identification of affected individuals, which may be challenging given the phenotypic overlap of BCS with other connective tissue disorders.
Adolescence corresponds to a transition period that requires adaptation and change capacities and skills. Most young people succeed with this challenge, whereas a minority fail. In order to identify with the teenage culture, become autonomous, and differentiate from their parents, some adolescents choose to use drugs, beginning with the use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, followed by other illicit drugs such as opiates and stimulants. A high proportion of these adolescents attempt suicide, which is the primary cause of death during adolescence in many European countries. Who are the "vulnerable" adolescents? What are the mechanisms that can explain the varieties of drug-use initiation or suicide attempts? Can "protective factors" be identified? What kind of strategies might be developed at a social and political level in order to prevent or to minimize drug abuse and suicide attempts, among other harmful behaviors? These issues will be discussed on the basis of the recent literature and in the light of a recent study carried out in the French-speaking part of Switzerland on large cohorts of adolescent drug users. Unresolved critical issues are noted and future needed research is suggested.
AIM: Although acute pain is frequently reported by patients admitted to the emergency room, it is often insufficiently evaluated by physicians and is thus undertreated. With the aim of improving the care of adult patients with acute pain, we developed and implemented abbreviated clinical practice guidelines (CG) for the staff of nurses and physicians in our hospital's emergency room. METHODS: Our algorithm is based upon the practices described in the international literature and uses a simultaneous approach of treating acute pain in a rapid and efficacious manner along with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. RESULTS: Pain was assessed using either a visual analogue scale (VAS) or a numerical rating scale (NRS) at ER admission and again during the hospital stay. Patients were treated with paracetamol and/or NSAID (VAS/NRS <4) or intravenous morphine (VAS/NRS > or =04). The algorithm also outlines a specific approach for patients with headaches to minimise the risks inherent to a non-specific treatment. In addition, our algorithm addresses the treatment of paroxysmal pain in patients with chronic pain as well as acute pain in drug addicts. It also outlines measures for pain prevention prior to minor diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Based on published guidelines, an abbreviated clinical algorithm (AA) was developed and its simple format permitted a widespread implementation. In contrast to international guidelines, our algorithm favours giving nursing staff responsibility for decision making aspects of pain assessment and treatment in emergency room patients.
Zero correlation between measurement error and model error has been assumed in existing panel data models dealing specifically with measurement error. We extend this literature and propose a simple model where one regressor is mismeasured, allowing the measurement error to correlate with model error. Zero correlation between measurement error and model error is a special case in our model where correlated measurement error equals zero. We ask two research questions. First, we wonder if the correlated measurement error can be identified in the context of panel data. Second, we wonder if classical instrumental variables in panel data need to be adjusted when correlation between measurement error and model error cannot be ignored. Under some regularity conditions the answer is yes to both questions. We then propose a two-step estimation corresponding to the two questions. The first step estimates correlated measurement error from a reverse regression; and the second step estimates usual coefficients of interest using adjusted instruments.
SETTING: Ambulatory paediatric clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland, a country with a significant proportion of tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants. AIM: To assess the factors associated with positive tuberculin skin tests (TST) among children examined during a health check-up or during TB contact tracing, notably the influence of BCG vaccination (Bacille Calmette Guérin) and history of TB contact. METHOD: A descriptive study of children who had a TST (2 Units RT23) between November 2002 and April 2004. Age, sex, history of TB contact, BCG vaccination status, country of origin and birth outside Switzerland were recorded. RESULTS: Of 234 children, 176 (75%) had a reaction equal to zero and 31 (13%) tested positive (>10 mm). In a linear regression model, the size of the TST varied significantly according to the history of TB contact, age, TB incidence in the country of origin and BCG vaccination status but not according to sex or birth in or outside Switzerland. In a logistic regression model including all the recorded variables, age (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08; 1.35), a history of TB contact (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23; 24) and the incidence of TB in the country of origin (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00; 1.02) were significantly associated with a positive TST but sex (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50; 2.78) and BCG vaccination status (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91; 9.72) were not associated. CONCLUSIONS: TB incidence in the country of origin, BCG vaccination and age influence the TSTreaction (size or proportion of TST > or = 10 mm). However the most obvious risk factor for a positive TST is a history of contact with TB.
Résumé: Ce travail d'histoire comparée de la littérature et de la sociologie s'interroge sur l'émergence de la notion de type dans les pratiques de description du monde social au cours des années 1820-1860. A partir de l'analyse des opérations de schématisation engagées par Honoré Balzac dans La Comédie humaine et par Frédéric Le Play dans Les Ouvriers européens, soit deux oeuvres que tout semble éloigner du point de vue de leurs ambitions, de leur forme, et de la trajectoire de leur auteur, mais qui toutes deux placent cependant la typification au centre de leur dispositif, il s'est agi de produire une histoire de l'imagination typologique, et des ontologies, sociales ou non, qui lui furent associées. Aussi le corpus intègre-t-il des textes d'histoire naturelle, de sciences médicales, d'histoire, de chimie, de géologie, de métallurgie, et, bien évidemment, les genres du roman sentimental, du roman historique et de la littérature panoramique, ainsi que les enquêtes ouvrières et la statistique. Abstract: This work offers a compared history of literature and sociology in France between 1820 and 1860. During that period, the notion of type appears in the literary and sociological descriptions of social reality, and becomes more and more central in the apprehension of the differenciations among classes, communities or groups. Based on the analysis of Honoré Balzac's La Comédie humaine and Frédéric Le Play's Les Ouvriers européens, this study shows that these two series of novels and of workers' monographies put typification at the center of their descriptive ambition. More broadly, it proposes a history of the uses of a typological imagination and of the ontologies, above all social, that were underlying them. That is why the texts also taken into account in this study ranges from natural history, medical sciences, history, chemistry geology and metallurgy, to the sentimental novel, the historical novel and the panoramic literature, as well as social inquiries and statistics.
Protein kinase genes account for almost 10% of all currently known cancer genes, highlighting the role of signal transduction in oncogenesis. A reexamination of the literature and available databases shows that E3 ubiquitin ligases are also key mediators of tumorigenesis. Altogether kinase and E3 genes represent more than 15% of the known cancer genes, underlining the importance of phosphorylation and ubiquitylation signaling pathways in cancer formation. Considering the recent literature reporting correlations between alterations in ubiquitylation processes and oncogenesis, this percentage is likely to increase even further in the future. Finally, E3 genes could serve as baits for the identification of additional cancer genes (e.g. their interacting partners). In contrast, deubiquitinases, like phosphatases, are not overrepresented among cancer genes. The same holds for E1 and E2 genes. Thus, kinase and E3 genes represent primary targets as cancer susceptibility genes for mutation screening and for the design of novel therapies.
Introduction. Preoperative malnutrition is a major risk factor for increased postoperative morbidity and mortality. Definition and diagnosis of malnutrition and its treatment is still subject for controversy. Furthermore, practical implementation of nutrition-related guidelines is unknown. Methods. A review of the available literature and of current guidelines on perioperative nutrition was conducted. We focused on nutritional screening and perioperative nutrition in patients undergoing digestive surgery, and we assessed translation of recent guidelines in clinical practice. Results and Conclusions. Malnutrition is a well-recognized risk factor for poor postoperative outcome. The prevalence of malnutrition depends largely on its definition; about 40% of patients undergoing major surgery fulfil current diagnostic criteria of being at nutritional risk. The Nutritional Risk Score is a pragmatic and validated tool to identify patients who should benefit from nutritional support. Adequate nutritional intervention entails reduced (infectious) complications, hospital stay, and costs. Preoperative oral supplementation of a minimum of five days is preferable; depending on the patient and the type of surgery, immune-enhancing formulas are recommended. However, surgeons' compliance with evidence-based guidelines remains poor and efforts are necessary to implement routine nutritional screening and nutritional support.
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
OBJECTIVE: Antitumor necrosis factor a agents have significantly improved the management of Crohn's disease (CD), but not all patients benefit from this therapy. We used data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study and predefined appropriateness criteria to examine the appropriateness of use of infliximab (IFX) in CD patients. METHODS: EPACT II (European Panel on the Appropriateness of CD Therapy, 2007; www.epact.ch) appropriateness criteria have been developed using a formal explicit panel process combining evidence from the published literature and expert opinion. Questionnaires relating to EPACT II criteria were used at enrollment and follow-up of all Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study patients. A step-by-step analysis of all possible indications for IFX therapy in a given patient allowed identification of the most appropriate indication and final classification in a single appropriateness category (appropriate, uncertain, inappropriate). RESULTS: Eight hundred and twenty-one CD patients were prospectively enrolled between November 2006 and March 2009. IFX was administered to 146 patients (18%) at enrollment and was most frequently used for complex fistulizing disease and for the maintenance of remission induced by biological therapy. IFX therapy was considered appropriate in 44%, uncertain in 44%, and inappropriate in 10% of patients. CONCLUSION: In this cohort, 9 out of 10 indications for IFX therapy were clinically generally acceptable (appropriate or uncertain) according to EPACT II criteria. Uncertain indications resulted mainly from the current more liberal use of IFX in clinical practice as compared with the EPACT II criteria.
Introduction: Many therapeutic decisions in the management of fistulizing and fibrostenotic Crohn's disease (CD) have to be taken without the benefit of strong scientific evidence. For this reason, explicit appropriateness criteria for CD fistula and stenosis treatment were developed by a multidisciplinary European expert panel in 2004 with the aim of making them easily available on the Internet and thus allowing individual case scenario evaluation; these criteria were updated in 2007. Methods: Twelve international experts convened in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007. Explicit clinical scenarios, corresponding to real daily practice, were rated on a 9-point scale based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own expertise. Median ratings were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6) and inappropriate (1-3). Results: Overall, panelists rated 60 indications pertaining to fistulas. Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for simple and complex fistulas. In the event of previous failure of azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine therapy, methotrexate and infliximab were considered appropriate for complex fistulas. The panel also rated 72 indications related to the management of fibrostenotic CD. The experts considered balloon dilation, if the stricture was endoscopically accessible, stricturoplasty and bowel resection to be appropriate for small bowel fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, and balloon dilation and bowel resection appropriate for fibrostenotic colonic disease. In the presence of an ileocolonic or ileorectal anastomotic stricture of <7 cm, endoscopic balloon dilation, and bowel resection were considered appropriate. Conclusion: Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for fistulizing Crohn's disease. Infliximab is a therapeutic option in patients without prior response to immunosuppressant therapy. In fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, endoscopic balloon dilation, if feasible, or surgical therapy should be considered. These expert recommendations are available online (www.epact.ch). Prospective evaluation is now needed to test the validity of these appropriateness criteria in clinical practice. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction Many therapeutic decisions in the management of fistulizing and fibrostenotic Crohn's disease (CD) have to be taken without the benefit of strong scientific evidence. For this reason, explicit appropriateness criteria for CD fistula and stenosis treatment were developed by a multidisciplinary European expert panel in 2004 with the aim of making them easily available on the Internet and thus allowing individual case scenario evaluation; these criteria were updated in 2007. Methods Twelve international experts convened in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2007. Explicit clinical scenarios, corresponding to real daily practice, were rated on a 9-point scale based on evidence from the published literature and panelists' own expertise. Median ratings were stratified into three categories: appropriate (7-9), uncertain (4-6) and inappropriate (1-3). Results Overall, panelists rated 60 indications pertaining to fistulas. Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for simple and complex fistulas. In the event of previous failure of azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine therapy, methotrexate and infliximab were considered appropriate for complex fistulas. The panel also rated 72 indications related to the management of fibrostenotic CD. The experts considered balloon dilation, if the stricture was endoscopically accessible, stricturoplasty and bowel resection to be appropriate for small bowel fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, and balloon dilation and bowel resection appropriate for fibrostenotic colonic disease. In the presence of an ileocolonic or ileorectal anastomotic stricture of <7 cm, endoscopic balloon dilation, and bowel resection were considered appropriate. Conclusion Antibiotics, azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine, and conservative surgery are the mainstay of therapy for fistulizing Crohn's disease. Infliximab is a therapeutic option in patients without prior response to immunosuppressant therapy. In fibrostenotic Crohn's disease, endoscopic balloon dilation, if feasible, or surgical therapy should be considered. These expert recommendations are available online (www.epact.ch). Prospective evaluation is now needed to test the validity of these appropriateness criteria in clinical practice.
This paper addresses the migration behaviours of young university graduates from a rural region in Switzerland. Based on a questionnaire survey, it compares graduates' current place of residence (i.e. whether or not they returned to their home region) with characteristics related to their socio-familial, migration and professional trajectories. The propensity to return varies not only according to labour market variables (employment opportunities), but also to other factors, some of which have even more influence than job opportunities. The graduates' life course position (kind of household), their partners' characteristics (level of education and home region) and their family background (socio-economic status and history of migration) all play a central role. On the whole, results show that migration appears as a selective and complex process embedded in the life course of graduates.