32 resultados para Latin poetry.
Global connexity and circulation of knowledge. Aspects of Anthropology of Knowledge in Latin America
L'article s'inscrit dans une recherche sur la survie du Protévangile de Jacques en latin. Il contient l'édition critique et la traduction d'une homélie pour la fête de sainte Anne, qui combine le début du Protévangile (ch. 1-4) et le début du De Nativitate Mariae (ch. 1-5 ). L'homélie se compose de trois parties. (1) un préambule (<pilcrow> 1-6) ; (2) un récit sur Anne et Joachim, qui associe les deux sources précitées (<pilcrow> 7-29), (3) une péroraison (<pilcrow> 30-34 ). Les manuscrits l'ont conservée sous des formes plus ou moins complètes et remaniées. Certains la transmettent comme légende d'Anne au sein de la Legenda Aurea de Jacques de Voragine. La plupart son t des recueils liturgiques, contenant l'office et les lectures pour la fête d'Anne. Dans un cas, l'homélie a été transformée et fournit des leçons pour la fête de la Conception de la Vierge. L'auteur de l'homélie s'adresse à une communauté de moniales qui lui ont demandé de traduire en latin un « petit livre grec - qui n'est autre que le Protévangile. Le texte a dû être composé à Chartres ou dans les environs immédiats de cette ville, durant les premières années du XIIIe siècle Son origine est liée à l'institution dans l'église de Chartres d'une fête en l'honneur de sainte Anne. Cette innovation liturgique s'explique par la donation d'une relique- la tête de la sainte - acquise par Louis de Blois et provenant du butin enlevé à Constantinople lors de la conquête de la ville par les Latins (1204).
Adipose tissue is not an inert cell mass contributing only to the storage of fat, but a sophisticated ensemble of cellular components with highly specialized and complex functions. In addition to managing the most important energy reserve of the body, it secretes a multitude of soluble proteins called adipokines, which have beneficial or, alternatively, deleterious effects on the homeostasis of the whole body. The expression of these adipokines is an integrated response to various signals received from many organs, which depends heavily on the integrity and physiological status of the adipose tissue. One of the main regulators of gene expression in fat is the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), which is a fatty acid- and eicosanoid-dependent nuclear receptor that plays key roles in the development and maintenance of the adipose tissue. Furthermore, synthetic PPARgamma agonists are therapeutic agents used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.This review discusses recent knowledge on the link between fat physiology and metabolic diseases, and the roles of PPARgamma in this interplay via the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism. Finally, we assess the putative benefits of targeting this nuclear receptor with still-to-be-identified highly selective PPARgamma modulators.
The new Swiss federal law on organ and transplantation strengthens the responsibilities of the intensive care units. In Italian and French speaking parts of Switzerland, the Programme Latin pour le Don d'Organe (PLDO) has been launched to foster a wider collaboration between intensivists and donation coordinators. The PLDO aims at optimising knowledge and expertise in organ donation through improvements in identification, notification and management of organ donors and their next of kin. The PLDO dispenses education to all professionals involved. Such organisation should allow increasing the number of organs available, while improving healthcare professionals experience and next of kin emotion throughout the donation process.
This volume reflects a variegated and fruitful dialogue between classical and medieval philologists and historians of science, philosophy, literature and language as well as of medicine - the diverse range of interests that the history of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world and the medieval West continues to stimulate and draw on. A recurrent theme is the transformation of medical knowledge in different languages, literary forms and cultural milieux. Several papers concern editorial work in progress on unpublished texts, available only in manuscript or early printed editions. Ce recueil met en dialogue des spécialistes des textes médicaux latins de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Certaines analyses adoptent une approche sociolinguistique, d'autres s'intéressent à des questions de transmission et de réception, d'autres enfin livrent des études sur le lexique médical. Mais toutes concourent à éclairer une histoire culturelle de la médecine qui s'inscrit dans un monde en mutation. With a preface by D. R. Langslow, and contributions by M. Baldin, J. P. Barragán Nieto, P. P. Conde Parrado, D. Crismani, M. Cronier, C. de la Rosa Cubo, A. Ferraces Rodríguez, K.-D. Fischer, P. Gaillard-Seux, A. García González, V. Gitton-Ripoll, G. Haverling, F. Le Blay, B. Maire, G. Marasco, A. I. Martín Ferreira, I. Mazzini, F. Messina, Ph. Mudry, V. Nutton, M. Pardon-Labonnelie, R. Passarella, M. J. Pérez Ibáñez, S. Sconocchia, A. M. Urso, M. E. Vázquez Buján, and H. von Staden.
The 1st federal transplant law was enforced in July 2007 with the obligation to promote quality and efficiency in the procedures for organ and tissue donation for transplantation. The Latin organ donation programme (LODP) created in 2008 aims to develop organ donation in 17 public hospitals in 7 Latin cantons, covering 2.2 million people; 29% of the Swiss population. The implementation of various effective measures by the LODP enabled the increase in the number of donors by 70% between 2008 and 2010, with four organs procured per donor; greatly exceeding the European average of three. The results show that LODP has successfully professionalised the system and we can only hope that similar organisations will be put into place throughout Switzerland.
Despite recent medical progresses in patient support, the mortality of sepsis remains high. Recently, new supporting strategies were proposed to improve outcome. Whereas such strategies are currently considered as standard of care, their real impact on mortality, morbidity, length of stay, and hence, health care resources utilization has been only weakly evaluated so far. Obviously, there is a critical need for epidemiologic surveys of sepsis to better address these major issues. The Lausanne Cohort of septic patients aims at building a large clinical, biological and microbiological database that will be used as a multidisciplinary research platform to study the various pathogenic mechanisms of sepsis in collaboration with the various specialists. This could be an opportunity to strengthen the collaboration within the Swiss Latin network of Intensive Care Medicine.
Background: The 1st Swiss federal Transplant Law was finally enforced in July 2007 with the obligation to promote quality and efficiency in transplant procedures. The LODP was created to develop organ and tissue donation in the Latin area of Switzerland covering seventeen hospitals (29% of the population).Methods: Each of the partner hospitals designated at least one Local Donor Coordinator (LDC), member of the Intensive Care team, trained in the organ donation (OD) process. The principal tasks of the LDC's are the introduction of OD procedures, organisation of educational sessions for hospital staff and execution of the Donor Action programme. The LODP has been operational since July 2009, when training of the LDC's was completed, the web-site and hotline activated and the attendance of Transplant Procurement Coordinators (TPC) during the OD process organised.Results: National and regional guidelines are accessible on the LODP website. The Hospital Attitude Survey obtained a 57% return rate. Many of the staff requested training and sessions are now running in the partner hospitals. The Medical Record Revue revealed an increase in the conversion rate from 3.5% to 4.5%. During the 5 years before creation of LODP the average annual number of utilised donors was 31, an increase of 70%, has since been observed.Conclusion: This clear progression in utilised donors in the past two years can be attributed to the fact that partner hospitals benefit from the various support given (hotline, website and from TPC's). Despite the increase in OD within the LODP the Swiss donation rates remain low, on average 11.9 donors per million population. This successful model should be applied throughout Switzerland, but the crucial point is to obtain financial support.