54 resultados para Lateral sizes
The aim of this study was to compare clinical and radiological outcome of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children treated with bioabsorbable or metallic material. From January 2008 to December 2009, 16 children with similar fractures and ages were grouped according to the fixation material used. Children were seen at 3, 6, and 12 months and more than 4 years (mean 51.8 months) postoperatively. The clinical results were compared using the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS). Radiographic studies of the fractured and opposite elbow were assessed at last follow-up control. Twelve children had a sufficient followup and could be included in the study. Seven could be included in the traditional group and 5 in the bioabsorbable group. At 12 months, the MEPS was 100 for every child in both groups. Asymptomatic bony radiolucent visible tracks and heterotopic ossifications were noted in both groups. There were no significant differences in terms of clinical and radiological outcome between the two groups. The use of bioabsorbable pins or screws is a reasonable alternative to the traditional use of metallic materials for the treatment of lateral condyle fracture of the elbow in children.
BACKGROUND: Chronic lateral ankle instability accounts for 20% of the ankle injuries. This study evaluates functional outcome of the modified Broström-Gould technique using suture anchors, with 4 different clinical scores. METHODS: A consecutive series of 41 patients were included with a minimum follow-up of one year. The function was assessed using 4 clinical scores including: the AOFAS for hind foot; the FAAM; the CAIT and the CAIS. RESULTS: Out of 41 patients; 27 patients were very satisfied, 11 satisfied and 3 were not satisfied. Ankle mobility returned to normal in 93% of patients. At follow-up the AOFAS was 89/100 (37-100), the FAAM 85/100% (35-100%), the CAIT 20/30 (5-30), and the CAIS 74/100% (27-100%). CONCLUSION: Outcome of modified Broström-Gould procedure is good with high satisfaction rate in terms of ankle mobility. The disparity in outcome of scores, signals towards the need of a standard evaluation system.
Ideally, reconstruction of lower extremity soft tissue defects includes not only an esthetically pleasing 3-dimensional shape and solid anchoring to the underlying structures to resist shear forces, but should also address the restoration of sensation. Therefore, we present a prospective study on defect reconstruction of the lower leg and ankle to evaluate the role of sensate free fasciocutaneous lateral arm flap and the impact of sensory nerve reconstruction. Thirty patients were allocated randomly to the study group (n = 15) that obtained end-to-side sensate coaptation using the lower lateral cutaneous brachial nerve to the tibial nerve using the epineural window technique, or to the control group reconstructed without nerve coaptation. At 1-year follow-up the patients were evaluated for pain sensation, thermal sensibility, static and moving 2-point discrimination, and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests. Data from both groups were compared and statistically analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test and the Fisher exact test. Flaps of the study group reached a static and moving 2-point discrimination and Semmes-Weinstein monofilament tests nearly equal to the contralateral leg area and significantly better than flaps of the control group. Donor damage morbidity of the tibial nerve did not occur. To our point of view resensation should be carried out by end-to-side neurorrhaphy to the tibial nerve because of the superior restoration of sensibility.
Swain corrects the chi-square overidentification test (i.e., likelihood ratio test of fit) for structural equation models whethr with or without latent variables. The chi-square statistic is asymptotically correct; however, it does not behave as expected in small samples and/or when the model is complex (cf. Herzog, Boomsma, & Reinecke, 2007). Thus, particularly in situations where the ratio of sample size (n) to the number of parameters estimated (p) is relatively small (i.e., the p to n ratio is large), the chi-square test will tend to overreject correctly specified models. To obtain a closer approximation to the distribution of the chi-square statistic, Swain (1975) developed a correction; this scaling factor, which converges to 1 asymptotically, is multiplied with the chi-square statistic. The correction better approximates the chi-square distribution resulting in more appropriate Type 1 reject error rates (see Herzog & Boomsma, 2009; Herzog, et al., 2007).
The treatment of craniocervical instability caused by diverse conditions remains challenging. Different techniques have been described to stabilize the craniocervical junction. The authors present 2 cases in which tumoral destruction of the C-1 lateral mass caused craniocervical instability. A one-stage occipitoaxial spinal interarticular stabilization (OASIS) technique with titanium cages and posterior occipitocervical instrumentation was used to reconstruct the C-1 lateral mass and stabilize the craniocervical junction. The ipsilateral vertebral artery was preserved. The OASIS technique offers single-stage tumor resection, C-1 lateral mass reconstruction, and stabilization with a loadsharing construct. It could be an option in the treatment of select cases of C-1 lateral mass failure.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the risks of prosthesis dislocation, postoperative Trendelenburg gait, and sciatic nerve palsy after a posterior approach compared to a direct lateral approach for adult patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) for primary osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS: Medline, Embase, CINHAL, and Cochrane databases were searched until August 2003. All published trials comparing posterior and direct lateral surgical approaches to THA in adults with a diagnosis of primary hip osteoarthritis were collected. Retrieved articles were assessed independently for their methodological quality. RESULTS: Four prospective cohort studies involving 241 participants met the inclusion criteria. Regarding dislocation rate, no significant difference between posterior and direct lateral surgical approach was found (relative risk 0.35). The presence of postoperative Trendelenburg gait was not significantly different between surgical approaches. The risk of nerve palsy or injury was significantly higher with the direct lateral approach (relative risk 0.16). However, there were no significant differences when comparing this risk nerve by nerve, in particular for the sciatic nerve. Of the other outcomes considered, only the average range of internal rotation in extension of the hip was significantly higher (weighted mean difference 16 degrees ) in the posterior approach group (mean 35 degrees, SD 13 degrees ) compared to the direct lateral approach (mean 19 degrees, SD 13 degrees ). CONCLUSION: The quality and quantity of information extracted from the trials performed to date are insufficient to make a firm conclusion on the optimum choice of surgical approach for adult patients undergoing primary THA for OA.
Phototropism allows plants to orient their photosynthetic organs towards the light. In Arabidopsis, phototropins 1 and 2 sense directional blue light such that phot1 triggers phototropism in response to low fluence rates, while both phot1 and phot2 mediate this response under higher light conditions. Phototropism results from asymmetric growth in the hypocotyl elongation zone that depends on an auxin gradient across the embryonic stem. How phototropin activation leads to this growth response is still poorly understood. Members of the phytochrome kinase substrate (PKS) family may act early in this pathway, because PKS1, PKS2 and PKS4 are needed for a normal phototropic response and they associate with phot1 in vivo. Here we show that PKS proteins are needed both for phot1- and phot2-mediated phototropism. The phototropic response is conditioned by the developmental asymmetry of dicotyledonous seedlings, such that there is a faster growth reorientation when cotyledons face away from the light compared with seedlings whose cotyledons face the light. The molecular basis for this developmental effect on phototropism is unknown; here we show that PKS proteins play a role at the interface between development and phototropism. Moreover, we present evidence for a role of PKS genes in hypocotyl gravi-reorientation that is independent of photoreceptors. pks mutants have normal levels of auxin and normal polar auxin transport, however they show altered expression patterns of auxin marker genes. This situation suggests that PKS proteins are involved in auxin signaling and/or lateral auxin redistribution.
Analysis of variance is commonly used in morphometry in order to ascertain differences in parameters between several populations. Failure to detect significant differences between populations (type II error) may be due to suboptimal sampling and lead to erroneous conclusions; the concept of statistical power allows one to avoid such failures by means of an adequate sampling. Several examples are given in the morphometry of the nervous system, showing the use of the power of a hierarchical analysis of variance test for the choice of appropriate sample and subsample sizes. In the first case chosen, neuronal densities in the human visual cortex, we find the number of observations to be of little effect. For dendritic spine densities in the visual cortex of mice and humans, the effect is somewhat larger. A substantial effect is shown in our last example, dendritic segmental lengths in monkey lateral geniculate nucleus. It is in the nature of the hierarchical model that sample size is always more important than subsample size. The relative weight to be attributed to subsample size thus depends on the relative magnitude of the between observations variance compared to the between individuals variance.
We review methods to estimate the average crystal (grain) size and the crystal (grain) size distribution in solid rocks. Average grain sizes often provide the base for stress estimates or rheological calculations requiring the quantification of grain sizes in a rock's microstructure. The primary data for grain size data are either 1D (i.e. line intercept methods), 2D (area analysis) or 3D (e.g., computed tomography, serial sectioning). These data have been used for different data treatments over the years, whereas several studies assume a certain probability function (e.g., logarithm, square root) to calculate statistical parameters as the mean, median, mode or the skewness of a crystal size distribution. The finally calculated average grain sizes have to be compatible between the different grain size estimation approaches in order to be properly applied, for example, in paleo-piezometers or grain size sensitive flow laws. Such compatibility is tested for different data treatments using one- and two-dimensional measurements. We propose an empirical conversion matrix for different datasets. These conversion factors provide the option to make different datasets compatible with each other, although the primary calculations were obtained in different ways. In order to present an average grain size, we propose to use the area-weighted and volume-weighted mean in the case of unimodal grain size distributions, respectively, for 2D and 3D measurements. The shape of the crystal size distribution is important for studies of nucleation and growth of minerals. The shape of the crystal size distribution of garnet populations is compared between different 2D and 3D measurements, which are serial sectioning and computed tomography. The comparison of different direct measured 3D data; stereological data and direct presented 20 data show the problems of the quality of the smallest grain sizes and the overestimation of small grain sizes in stereological tools, depending on the type of CSD. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Les fractures du condyle externe de l'enfant sont un traumatisme relativement fréquent qui survient le plus souvent chez l'enfant entre 5 et 15 ans. Elles sont classées en 3 grades : le grade 1 sans déplacement qui peuvent être traitées conservativement et les grades 2 (déplacées) et 3 (disloquées) qui nécessitent une prise en charge chirurgicale par réduction ouverte et embrochage. Le traitement traditionnel de ces fractures consistent en la mise en place de broches/vis métalliques qui doivent être retirées quelques semaines plus tard lors d'une seconde intervention. Depuis les années 90, des matériaux bio-résorbables à base d'acide polyglycoliques sont apparus en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique. En raison de la survenue de complications telles que réactions inflammatoires, formation de séromes ou ostéolyse, l'utilisation du matériel conventionnel a été préférée. Cependant, depuis quelques années, de nouveaux matériaux en acide polylactique sont apparus sur le marché. La période de résorption étant beaucoup plus lente, ces matériaux induisent des réactions beaucoup plus faibles, sans conséquences cliniques relevées jusqu'à présent. Chez l'adulte, de récentes études ont prouvés l'efficacité et l'absence d'effets secondaires liés à ces matériaux. Par contre, chez l'enfant, peu d'études à moyen terme ont été réalisées et l'impact sur l'os en croissance est peu connu, même si pour l'heure aucune conséquence clinique n'a été relevée. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous avons comparé 2 groupes d'enfants traités pour des fractures du condyle externe du coude. Le premier groupe traité par du matériel conventionnel et le second par matériel résorbable. Les enfants ont tous étés suivis de manière très étroite durant la première année et la récupération clinique est similaire pour les 2 groupes. A 4 ans du traumatisme, les résultats fonctionnels sont identiques pour les 2 groupes et aucune complication liée au matériel résorbable n'a été mise en évidence. Par ailleurs, à 1 et 4 ans, les clichés radiologiques montrent l'absence de lésions liées au matériel résorbable. En conclusion, dans le cadre de notre travail nous avons pu montrer l'efficacité des matériaux résorbables dans la prise en charge des fractures du condyle externe du coude chez l'enfant. Ces matériaux permettent d'optimiser la prise en charge de ce type de fracture en prévenant un risque opératoire et anesthésique liés à une seconde intervention nécessaire au retrait du matériel d'ostéosynthèse conventionnel. Par ailleurs le coût lié à la prise en charge globale de ce type de fracture est moindre lors de l'utilisation de matériel résorbable.
The free extended lateral arm flap (ELAF) has gained increasing popularity thank to its slimness and versatility, longer neurovascular pedicle, and greater flap size when compared with the original flap design. The aim of this study was to assess the donor-site morbidity associated with this extended procedure. A retrospective study of 25 consecutive patients analyzing postoperative complications using a visual analogue scale questionnaire revealed high patients satisfaction and negligible donor-site morbidity of the ELAF. Scar visibility was the commonest negative outcome. Impaired mobility of the elbow had the highest correlation with patient dissatisfaction. Sensory deficits or paresthetic disorders did not affect patient satisfaction. The extension of the lateral arm flap and positioning over the lateral humeral epicondyle is a safe and well-accepted procedure with minimal donor-site morbidity. To optimize outcomes, a maximal flap width of 6 or 7 cm and intensive postoperative mobilization therapy is advisable.
BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.
BACKGROUND: Outcome following foot and ankle surgery can be assessed by disease- and region-specific scores. Many scoring systems exist, making comparison among studies difficult. The present study focused on outcome measures for a common foot and ankle abnormality and compared the results obtained by 2 disease-specific and 2 body region-specific scores. METHODS: We reviewed 41 patients who underwent lateral ankle ligament reconstruction. Four outcome scales were administered simultaneously: the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) and the Chronic Ankle Instability Scale (CAIS), which are disease specific, and the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot scale and the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), which are both body region-specific. The degree of correlation between scores was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient. Nonparametric tests, the Kruskal-Wallis and the Mann-Whitney test for pairwise comparison of the scores, were performed. RESULTS: A significant difference (P < .005) was observed between the CAIS and the AOFAS score (P = .0002), between the CAIS and the FAAM 1 (P = .0001), and between the CAIT and the AOFAS score (P = .0003). CONCLUSIONS: This study compared the performances of 4 disease- and body region-specific scoring systems. We demonstrated a correlation between the 4 administered scoring systems and notable differences between the results given by each of them. Disease-specific scores appeared more accurate than body region-specific scores. A strong correlation between the AOFAS score and the other scales was observed. The FAAM seemed a good compromise because it offered the possibility to evaluate the patient according to his or her own functional demand. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The present study contributes to the development of more critical and accurate outcome assesment methods in foot and ankle surgery.
Introduction: Several methods have already been proposed to improve the mobility of reversed prostheses (lateral or inferior displacement, increase of the glenosphere size). However, the effect of these design changes have only been evaluated on the maximal range of motion and were not related to activities of daily living (ADL). Our aim was thus to measure the effect of these design changes and to relate it to 4 typical ADL. Methods: CT data were used to reconstruct a accurate geometric model of the scapula and humerus. The Aequalis reversed prosthesis (Tornier) was used. The mobility of a healthy shoulder was compared to the mobility of 4 different reversed designs: 36 and 42 mm glenospheres diameters, inferior (4 mm) and lateral (3.2 mm) glenospheres displacements. The complete mobility map of the prosthesis was compared to kinematics measurement on healthy subjects for 4 ADL: 1) hand to contra lateral shoulder, 2) hand to mouth, 3) combing hair, 4) hand to back pocket. The results are presented as percentage of the allowed movement of the prosthestic shouder relative to the healthy shoulder, considered as the control group. Results: None of the tested designs allowed to recover a full mobility. The differences of allowed range of motion among each prosthetic designs appeared mainly in two of the 4 movements: hand to back pocket and hand to contra lateral shoulder. For the hand to back pocket, the 36 had the lowest mobility range, particularly for the last third of the movement. The 42 appeared to be a good compromise for all ADL activities. Conclusion: Reverse shoulder prostheses does not allow to recover a full range of motion compared to healthy shoulders, even for ADL. The present study allowed to obtain a complete 3D mobility map for several glenosphere positions and sizes, and to relate it to typical ADL. We mainly observed an improved mobility with inferior displacement and increased glenosphere size. We would suggest to use larger glenosphere, whenever it is possible.
There is growing interest in understanding the role of the non-injured contra-lateral hemisphere in stroke recovery. In the experimental field, histological evidence has been reported that structural changes occur in the contra-lateral connectivity and circuits during stroke recovery. In humans, some recent imaging studies indicated that contra-lateral sub-cortical pathways and functional and structural cortical networks are remodeling, after stroke. Structural changes in the contra-lateral networks, however, have never been correlated to clinical recovery in patients. To determine the importance of the contra-lateral structural changes in post-stroke recovery, we selected a population of patients with motor deficits after stroke affecting the motor cortex and/or sub-cortical motor white matter. We explored i) the presence of Generalized Fractional Anisotropy (GFA) changes indicating structural alterations in the motor network of patientsâeuro? contra-lateral hemisphere as well as their longitudinal evolution ii) the correlation of GFA changes with patientsâeuro? clinical scores, stroke size and demographics data iii) and a predictive model.