18 resultados para LACTIS
Résumé Le staphylocoque doré est un pathogène responsable d'une grande variété de maladies chez l'être humain. Il est extrêmement bien équipé de facteurs de virulence, dont les adhésines. Jusqu'à présent, 21 protéines liant des composants de tissus de l'hôte ("microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules, MSCRAMM") ont été identifiées, par exemple le "clumping factor" A (CIfA) ou la "fibronectin-binding protein" A (FnBPA). Néanmoins, pour la plupart de ces protéines, leur rôle dans la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré reste à être élucidé. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à ce processus. Premièrement, les "MSCRAMM" CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ et SasK ont été exprimés dans une bactérie substitut, Lactococcus lactis, et testés pour leurs propriétés adhésives et leur pathogénicité dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale (voir chapitre 1). Cette technique a préalablement été utilisée avec succès et a l'avantage d'éviter le contexte complexe des redondances et systèmes de régulations propres au staphylocoque doré. Les résultats montrent que, de tous les facteurs de virulence testés, seuls CIfA et FnBPA sont d'importance primordiale dans le développement d'endocardite expérimentale. En ce qui concerne l'internalisation dans les cellules endothéliales, seulement FnPBA et FnBPB en sont capables. En outre, l'adhérence à chacun des ligands testés (fibrinogène, fibronectine, kératine, élastine, collagène, et les caillots de fibrine et plaquettes) est très spécifique et est médiée par une ou plusieures adhésines provenant du staphylocoque doré. Par conséquence, ces protéines pourraient représenter des cibles potentielles pour de futures thérapies anti-adhésives contre le staphylocoque doré. Deuxièmement, l'expression des facteurs de virulence décrits dans le chapitre 1 par les souches recombinantes de lactocoques a été vérifiée par une nouvelle méthode utilisant la spectrométrie de masse (voir chapitre 2). L'expression de toutes ces protéines par les souches recombinantes a pu être confirmée. Cette méthode pourrait être de grande valeur dans la vérification de la présence de protéines quelconques dans toutes sortes d'applications. Troisièmement, deux facteurs de virulence du staphylocoque, CIfA et une forme tronquée de FnBPA, ont été exprimés de façon simultanée dans une souche recombinante de lactocoque (voir chapitre 3}. Contrairement à une souche exprimant la FnBPA entière, une souche exprimant la forme tronquée de FnPBA, qui ne contient plus le domaine capable de lier le fibrinogène, perd complètement sa capacité d'infecter dans le modèle d'endocardite expérimentale. Par contre, il est montré que, en cas de complémentation de la forme tronquée de FnPBA avec le domaine de liaison au fibrinogène de CIfA dans la souche double recombinante, le phénotype intégral de FnBPA est récupéré. En conséquence, les facteurs de virulence sont capables de coopérer dans le but de la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré. Summary Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen causing a wide variety of disease. It is extremely well equipped with both secreted and surface-attached virulence factors, which can act as adhesins to host tissues. In total, twenty-one microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) have been identified, so far. These include well-characterized adhesins such as clumping factor A (CIfA) or fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA). However, for most of them their potential role in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections remains to be elucidated. This has been attempted in this thesis work. Firstly, the staphylococcal MSCRAMMs CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ, and SasK have been expressed in a surrogate bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, and tested for their in vitro adherence properties and their pathogenicity in the rat model of experimental endocarditis (see chapter 1). This model has successfully been used previously, and has the advantage of bypassing the complex S. aureus background of redundancies and differential regulation. Here, it is shown that of the seventeen tested potential virulence factors, only CIfA and FnBPA are critical for the pathogenesis of experimental endocarditis in rats, while internalization into bovine endothelial cells is mediated exclusively by FnBPA and FnBPB. In addition, the adherence to specific host ligands (fibrinogen, fibronectin, keratin, elastin, collagen, and fibrin-platelet clots) is highly specific and mediated by one or few staphylococcal adhesins, respectively. Thus, these surface proteins may represent potential targets for an anti-adhesive strategy against S. aureus infections. Secondly, the expression of the staphylococcal proteins by L. lactis recombinants described in chapter 1 was tested by a novel method using mass spectrometry (see chapter 2). The expression of all the staphylococcal proteins by the respective recombinant lactococcal strain could be confirmed. This method may prove to be of great value in the confirmation of the presence of any given protein in various experimental settings. Thirdly, two staphylococcal virulence factors, CIfA and a truncated form of FnBPA, were expressed simultaneously in one recombinant lactococcal strain (see chapter 3). In contrast to a recombinant strain expressing full-length FnPBA, a recombinant strain expressing a truncated FnPBA, lacking the domain capable of binding fibrinogen, completely lost infectivity in experimental endocarditis. However, it is shown that the complementation of the truncated form of FnBPA with the fibrinogenbinding domain of CIfA in a double recombinant strain results in the recovery of the complete phenotype of full-length FnBPA. Thus, virulence factors can cooperate in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections.
Staphylococcus aureus invasion of mammalian cells, including epithelial, endothelial, and fibroblastic cells, critically depends on fibronectin bridging between S. aureus fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) and the host fibronectin receptor integrin alpha(5)beta(1) (B. Sinha et al., Cell. Microbiol. 1:101-117, 1999). However, it is unknown whether this mechanism is sufficient for S. aureus invasion. To address this question, various S. aureus adhesins (FnBPA, FnBPB, and clumping factor [ClfA]) were expressed in Staphylococcus carnosus and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris. Both noninvasive gram-positive microorganisms are genetically distinct from S. aureus, lack any known S. aureus surface protein, and do not bind fibronectin. Transformants of S. carnosus and L. lactis harboring plasmids coding for various S. aureus surface proteins (FnBPA, FnBPB, and ClfA) functionally expressed adhesins (as determined by bacterial clumping in plasma, specific latex agglutination, Western ligand blotting, and binding to immobilized and soluble fibronectin). FnBPA or FnBPB but not of ClfA conferred invasiveness to S. carnosus and L. lactis. Invasion of 293 cells by transformants was comparable to that of strongly invasive S. aureus strain Cowan 1. Binding of soluble and immobilized fibronectin paralleled invasiveness, demonstrating that the amount of accessible surface FnBPs is rate limiting. Thus, S. aureus FnBPs confer invasiveness to noninvasive, apathogenic gram-positive cocci. Furthermore, FnBP-coated polystyrene beads were internalized by 293 cells, demonstrating that FnBPs are sufficient for invasion of host cells without the need for (S. aureus-specific) coreceptors.
Staphylococcus aureus infections involve numerous adhesins and toxins, which expression depends on complex regulatory networks. Adhesins include a family of surface proteins covalently attached to the peptidoglycan via a conserved LPXTG motif. Here we determined the protein and mRNA expression of LPXTG-proteins of S. aureus Newman in time-course experiments, and their relation to fibrinogen adherence in vitro. Experiments were performed with mutants in the global accessory-gene regulator (agr), surface protein A (Spa), and fibrinogen-binding protein A (ClfA), as well as during growth in iron-rich or iron-poor media. Surface proteins were recovered by trypsin-shaving of live bacteria. Released peptides were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass-spectrometry. To unambiguously identify peptides unique to LPXTG-proteins, the analytical conditions were refined using a reference library of S. aureus LPXTG-proteins heterogeneously expressed in surrogate Lactococcus lactis. Transcriptomes were determined by microarrays. Sixteen of the 18 LPXTG-proteins present in S. aureus Newman were detected by proteomics. Nine LPXTG-proteins showed a bell-shape agr-like expression that was abrogated in agr-negative mutants including Spa, fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA), ClfA, iron-binding IsdA, and IsdB, immunomodulator SasH, functionally uncharacterized SasD, biofilm-related SasG and methicillin resistance-related FmtB. However, only Spa and SasH modified their proteomic and mRNA profiles in parallel in the parent and its agr- mutant, whereas all other LPXTG-proteins modified their proteomic profiles independently of their mRNA. Moreover, ClfA became highly transcribed and active in fibrinogen-adherence tests during late growth (24 h), whereas it remained poorly detected by proteomics. On the other hand, iron-regulated IsdA-B-C increased their protein expression by >10-times in iron-poor conditions. Thus, proteomic, transcriptomic, and adherence-phenotype demonstrated differential profiles in S. aureus. Moreover, trypsin peptide signatures suggested differential protein domain exposures in various environments, which might be relevant for anti-adhesin vaccines. A comprehensive understanding of the S. aureus physiology should integrate all three approaches.