70 resultados para Kruger, Barbara


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Background: Although combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) dramatically reduces rates of AIDS and death, a minority of patients experience clinical disease progression during treatment. <p>Objective: To investigate whether detection of CXCR4(X4)-specific strains or quantification of X4-specific HIV-1 load predict clinical outcome. Methods: From the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, 96 participants who initiated cART yet subsequently progressed to AIDS or death were compared with 84 contemporaneous, treated nonprogressors. A sensitive heteroduplex tracking assay was developed to quantify plasma X4 and CCR5 variants and resolve HIV-1 load into coreceptor-specific components. Measurements were analyzed as cofactors of progression in multivariable Cox models adjusted for concurrent CD4 cell count and total viral load, applying inverse probability weights to adjust for sampling bias. Results: Patients with X4 variants at baseline displayed reduced CD4 cell responses compared with those without X4 strains (40 versus 82 cells/mu l; P= 0.012). The adjusted multivariable hazard ratio (HR) for clinical progression was 4.8 [95% confidence interval (Cl) 2.3-10.0] for those demonstrating X4 strains at baseline. The X4-specific HIV-1 load was a similarly independent predictor, with HR values of 3.7(95%Cl, 1.2-11.3) and 5.9 (95% Cl, 2.2-15.0) for baseline loads of 2.2-4.3 and > 4.3 log(10)copies/ml, respectively, compared with < 2.2 log(10)copies/ml. Conclusions: HIV-1 coreceptor usage and X4-specific viral loads strongly predicted disease progression during cART, independent of and in addition to CD4 cell count or total viral load. Detection and quantification of X4 strains promise to be clinically useful biomarkers to guide patient management and study HIV-1 pathogenesis.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the influence of demethylation with 5-aza-cytidine (AZA) on radiation sensitivity and to define the intrinsic radiation sensitivity of methylation deficient colorectal carcinoma cells. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Radiation sensitizing effects of AZA were investigated in four colorectal carcinoma cell lines (HCT116, SW480, L174 T, Co115), defining influence of AZA on proliferation, clonogenic survival, and cell cycling with or without ionizing radiation. The methylation status for cancer or DNA damage response-related genes silenced by promoter methylation was determined. The effect of deletion of the potential target genes (DNMT1, DNMT3b, and double mutants) on radiation sensitivity was analyzed. RESULTS: AZA showed radiation sensitizing properties at >or=1 micromol/l, a concentration that does not interfere with the cell cycle by itself, in all four tested cell lines with a sensitivity-enhancing ratio (SER) of 1.6 to 2.1 (confidence interval [CI] 0.9-3.3). AZA successfully demethylated promoters of p16 and hMLH1, genes associated with ionizing radiation response. Prolonged exposure to low-dose AZA resulted in sustained radiosensitivity if associated with persistent genomic hypomethylation after recovery from AZA. Compared with maternal HCT116 cells, DNMT3b-defcient deficient cells were more sensitive to radiation with a SER of 2.0 (CI 0.9-2.1; p = 0.03), and DNMT3b/DNMT1-/- double-deficient cells showed a SER of 1.6 (CI 0.5-2.7; p = 0.09). CONCLUSIONS: AZA-induced genomic hypomethylation results in enhanced radiation sensitivity in colorectal carcinoma. The mediators leading to sensitization remain unknown. Defining the specific factors associated with radiation sensitization after genomic demethylation may open the way to better targeting for the purpose of radiation sensitization.


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In Seychelles, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), notably stroke, ischemic heart disease and hypertensive heart disease has become the largest contributor of deaths (40%) in the entire population. CVD also results in a large burden of disability and also has subsequent social and economic impact. The Unit for Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases (UPCCD) provides leadership, expertise and capacity at national level for the surveillance, prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases through education, programs and input into policy.


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[Table des matières] I. Introduction et méthode. 1. Evaluation globale de la stratégie de prévention VIH/sida en Suisse. 2. Questions d'évaluation. 3. Développement de la grille d'analyse. 4. Entretiens au niveau supracantonal. 5. Synthèse cantonale et procédure de validation. 6. Analyse transversale des informations. II. Contexte. 1. Structure du système éducatif. 2. Organisation administrative (communale, cantonale et fédérale). 3. Les modèles d'organisation. 4. Origines de l'introduction des trois approches en milieu scolaire. 5. Les offres et les compétences à disposition dans le canton. III. Questions d'évaluation. 1. Bases légales et administratives pour les cours de prévention VIH/sida et d'éducation sexuelle. 2. Limites de la notion d'obligation et la question de consentement parental. 3. Organisation des cours de prévention VIH/sida et d'éducation sexuelle. 4. Niveau administratif. 5. Intervenants. 6. Niveau de couverture atteint par cette éducation. 7. Contenu des cours de prévention VIH/sida et de l'éducation sexuelle. 8. Formation des intervenants : le corps enseignant chargé de l'enseignement sur le VIH et/ou de l'éducation sexuelle, la formation de base, la formation continue, la formation des spécialistes externes dans les régions francophones. 9. Matériel didactique utilisé. IV. Conclusions et recommandations. V. Synthèses cantonales : fiches de synthèse par canton. 1. Grilles pour la récolte d'informations. 2. Guide d'entretien. 3. Lettres de demande de collaboration auprès des irecteurs de l'Instruction Publique (DIP). 4. Principales personnes-ressources contactées par canton. 5. Existence de budgets spécifiques par thème. 6. Concept "Fächerübergreifend" (exemple BEg, école obligatoire). 7. Liste du matériel didactique HIV/sida.


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Brake wear particulate matter (PM) may provoke cardiovascular effects. A system was developed to expose cells to airborne PM from brakes. Six car models were tested, each with full stop and normal deceleration. PM numbers, mass and surface, metals, and carbon compounds were measured. Full stop produced higher PM number and mass concentrations than normal deceleration (up to 10 million particles/cm3 in 0.2 m3 volume). 87% of the PM mass was in the fine (100 nm to 2.5 ìm) and 12% in the coarse (2.5 to 10 ìm) fraction, whereas 74% of the PM number was nanoscaled (ultrafine < 0.1 ìm) and 26% fine PM. Elemental concentrations were 2,364, 236, and 18 ìg/m3 of iron, copper and manganese, respectively, and 664 and 36 ìg/m3 of organic and elemental carbon. PM-release differed between cars and braking behaviour. Temperature and humidity were stable. In conclusion, the established system seems feasible for exposing cell cultures to brake wear PM. [Authors]


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Le présent volume réunit les conférences plénières et une sélection de contributions choisies parmi les plus intéressantes et les plus représentatives des quatre axes de recherche proposés pour le XIIe Congrès de l'International Courtly Literature Society qui s'est tenu aux Universités de Lausanne et de Genève du 29 juillet au 4 août 2007 : - Mythologie courtoise convie à une interrogation sur les implications mythiques de la passion amoureuse, qu'elle marque les aventures de Tristan, de Merlin, de Morgane ou d'Enée ; - Mises en scène du pouvoir examine la capacité à l'autoreprésentation mythique du prince et de la cour, du XIIe au XVe siècle, en Italie aussi bien qu'en France ou en Allemagne ; - Figures exemplaires étudie les modèles culturels actifs dans la construction de héros romanesques dont l'exemplarité est volontiers mise au service d'une utilitas politique ; - Débattre d'amour met en lumière l'importance du débat dans la littérature du Moyen Age finissant, aussi bien dans le sillage du Roman de la Rose qu'à travers les échos suscités par l'oeuvre d'Alain Chartier. Rassemblant des chercheurs d'horizons intellectuels divers, réunis par leur intérêt commun pour la culture courtoise, le volume permet de confronter, dans leur actualité la plus immédiate, les différentes approches de la recherche sur l'art, la littérature et l'histoire du Moyen Age. Son propos, résolument interdisciplinaire, consiste à identifier les problèmes que suscite la notion de mythe, que l'on comprend ici comme une manifestation artistique ou politique, par laquelle une personne ou un événement sont arrachés à la contingence historique pour être chargé d'une valeur symbolique qui leur confère le statut de modèle. Il rend aussi compte de la dimension européenne d'une civilisation en mouvement dont les échos se font entendre jusqu'au XVIe siècle. Enfin, les éditeurs entendent nourrir le débat en l'affranchissant des frontières qui séparent habituellement les domaines des études médiévales.


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Cancer/Testis (CT) genes, normally expressed in germ line cells but also activated in a wide range of cancer types, often encode antigens that are immunogenic in cancer patients, and present potential for use as biomarkers and targets for immunotherapy. Using multiple in silico gene expression analysis technologies, including twice the number of expressed sequence tags used in previous studies, we have performed a comprehensive genome-wide survey of expression for a set of 153 previously described CT genes in normal and cancer expression libraries. We find that although they are generally highly expressed in testis, these genes exhibit heterogeneous gene expression profiles, allowing their classification into testis-restricted (39), testis/brain-restricted (14), and a testis-selective (85) group of genes that show additional expression in somatic tissues. The chromosomal distribution of these genes confirmed the previously observed dominance of X chromosome location, with CT-X genes being significantly more testis-restricted than non-X CT. Applying this core classification in a genome-wide survey we identified >30 CT candidate genes; 3 of them, PEPP-2, OTOA, and AKAP4, were confirmed as testis-restricted or testis-selective using RT-PCR, with variable expression frequencies observed in a panel of cancer cell lines. Our classification provides an objective ranking for potential CT genes, which is useful in guiding further identification and characterization of these potentially important diagnostic and therapeutic targets.


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Ce rapport a pour objectif général d'évaluer l'offre en matière d'éducation sexuelle dans les écoles vaudoises en vue de l'adapter à l'évolution de la société et de répondre aux exigences de la loi sur les subventions. Confiée à l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive, l'évaluation comprend un inventaire des prestations en éducation sexuelle dispensées aux écoliers vaudois, une description de leur articulation avec le monde scolaire, une revue de la littérature et des cadres de référence existants, une comparaison avec la situation prévalant dans les cantons romands, ainsi qu'un recueil des besoins et attentes des partenaires dans le domaine de l'éducation sexuelle.


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Background and aim of the study: Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital heart malformation, and a high percentage of patients with this condition will develop complications over time. It is rare that pilots undergo aortic valve surgery, and the confirmation of flight-licensing requirements after aortic valve replacement (AVR) is a challenge for the patient's cardiac surgeon and, particularly, for the Aeromedical Examiner (AME). Only AMEs are able to determine the flight status of pilots. Furthermore, in military and in civil aviation (e.g., Red Bull Air Race), the high G-load environment experienced by pilots is an exceptional physiological parameter, which must be considered postoperatively. Methods: A review was conducted of the aeronautical, surgical and medical literature, and of European pilot-licensing regulations. Case studies are also reported for two Swiss Air Force pilots. Results: According to European legislation, pilots can return to flight duty from the sixth postoperative month, with the following limitations: that an aortic bioprosthesis presents no restrictions in cardiac function, requires no cardioactive medications, yet requires a flight operation with co-pilot, the avoidance of accelerations over +3 Gz and, in military aviation, restricts the pilot to non-ejection-seat aircraft. The patient follow up must include both echocardiographic and rhythm assessments every six months. Mechanical prostheses cannot be certified because the required anticoagulation therapy is a disqualifying condition for pilot licensing. Conclusion: Pilot licensing after aortic valve surgery is possible, but with restrictions. The +Gz exposition is of concern in both military and civilian aviation (aerobatics). The choice of bioprosthesis type and size is determinant. Pericardial and stentless valves seem to show better flow characteristics under high-output conditions. Repetitive cardiological controls are mandatory for the early assessment of structural valve disease and rhythm disturbances. A pre-emptive timing is recommended when reoperation is indicated, without waiting for clinical manifestations of structural valve disease.


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Bowlby proposed that the individual's social experiences, as early as in infancy, contribute to the construction of Internal Working Models (IWMs) of attachment, which will later guide the individual's expectations and behaviors in close relationships all along his or her life. The qualitative, individual characteristics of these models reflect the specificity of the individual's early experiences with attachment figures. The attachment literature globally shows that the qualities of IWMs are neither gender specific nor cultural specific. Procedures to evaluate IWMs in adulthood have been well established, based on narrative accounts of childhood experiences. Narrative procedures at earlier ages (e.g., in the preschool years) have been proposed, such as Bretherton's Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT), to evaluate attachment representations. More than 500 ASCT narratives of preschoolers, coming from five different countries, have been collected, in the perspective of examining possible interactions between gender and culture regarding attachment representations. A specific Q-Sort coding procedure (CCH) has been used to evaluate several dimensions of the narratives. Girls' narratives appeared as systematically more secure than those of same-age boys, whatever their culture. The magnitude of gender differences, however, varied between countries. Taylor's model of gender-specific responses to stress and Harwood's and Posada's hypothesis on inter-cultural differences regarding caregiving are evoked to understand the differences across gender and countries.


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The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is widely used for the expression of heterologous enzymes. While the purity of the desired expression product is of major importance for many applications, we found that recombinant enzymes produced in methanol medium were contaminated by a 37-kDa endogenous yeast protease. This enzyme was completely inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) but not by 1,10-phenanthroline, EDTA, and pepstatin A, suggesting the nature of a serine protease. Its secretion was abolished in P. pastoris strains GS115 and KM71 by specific mutagenesis of a subtilisin gene (SUB2) but not by inactivation of the gene encoding vacuolar proteinase B (PRB). Bioinformatic comparisons of Sub2 protein with subtilisins from other fungal genomes and phylogenetic analyses indicated that this enzyme is not an orthologue of the vacuolar protease cerevisin generally present in yeasts but is more closely related to another putative subtilisin found in a small number of yeast genomes. During growth of P. pastoris, Sub2 was produced as a secreted enzyme at a concentration of 10 microg/ml of culture supernatant after overexpression of the full-length SUB2 gene. During fermentative production of recombinant enzymes in methanol medium, 1 ml of P. pastoris culture supernatant was found to contain approximately 3 ng of Sub2, while the enzyme was not detected during growth in a medium containing glycerol as a carbon source. The mutant strain GS115-sub2 was subsequently used as a host for the production of recombinant proteases without endogenous subtilisin contamination.