24 resultados para Knowledge-intensive professional service firms


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It is well established that interactions between CD4(+) T cells and major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) positive antigen-presenting cells (APCs) of hematopoietic origin play key roles in both the maintenance of tolerance and the initiation and development of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. In sharp contrast, despite nearly three decades of intensive research, the functional relevance of MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic tissue-resident cells has remained obscure. The widespread assumption that MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic APCs has an impact on autoimmune and inflammatory diseases has in most instances neither been confirmed nor excluded by indisputable in vivo data. Here we review and put into perspective conflicting in vitro and in vivo results on the putative impact of MHCII expression by non-hematopoietic APCs-in both target organs and secondary lymphoid tissues-on the initiation and development of representative autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Emphasis will be placed on the lacunar status of our knowledge in this field. We also discuss new mouse models-developed on the basis of our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate MHCII expression-that constitute valuable tools for filling the severe gaps in our knowledge on the functions of non-hematopoietic APCs in inflammatory conditions.


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OBJECTIVES: To review and update the evidence on predictors of poor outcome (death, persistent vegetative state or severe neurological disability) in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, to identify knowledge gaps and to suggest a reliable prognostication strategy. METHODS: GRADE-based systematic review followed by expert consensus achieved using Web-based Delphi methodology, conference calls and face-to-face meetings. Predictors based on clinical examination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from a total of 73 studies was reviewed. The quality of evidence was low or very low for almost all studies. In patients who are comatose with absent or extensor motor response at ?72h from arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, bilateral absence of either pupillary and corneal reflexes or N20 wave of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were identified as the most robust predictors. Early status myoclonus, elevated values of neuron specific enolase at 48-72h from arrest, unreactive malignant EEG patterns after rewarming, and presence of diffuse signs of postanoxic injury on either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were identified as useful but less robust predictors. Prolonged observation and repeated assessments should be considered when results of initial assessment are inconclusive. Although no specific combination of predictors is sufficiently supported by available evidence, a multimodal prognostication approach is recommended in all patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore the user-friendliness and ergonomics of seven new generation intensive care ventilators. DESIGN: Prospective task-performing study. SETTING: Intensive care research laboratory, university hospital. METHODS: Ten physicians experienced in mechanical ventilation, but without prior knowledge of the ventilators, were asked to perform eight specific tasks [turning the ventilator on; recognizing mode and parameters; recognizing and setting alarms; mode change; finding and activating the pre-oxygenation function; pressure support setting; stand-by; finding and activating non-invasive ventilation (NIV) mode]. The time needed for each task was compared to a reference time (by trained physiotherapist familiar with the devices). A time >180 s was considered a task failure. RESULTS: For each of the tests on the ventilators, all physicians' times were significantly higher than the reference time (P < 0.001). A mean of 13 +/- 8 task failures (16%) was observed by the ventilator. The most frequently failed tasks were mode and parameter recognition, starting pressure support and finding the NIV mode. Least often failed tasks were turning on the pre-oxygenation function and alarm recognition and management. Overall, there was substantial heterogeneity between machines, some exhibiting better user-friendliness than others for certain tasks, but no ventilator was clearly better that the others on all points tested. CONCLUSIONS: The present study adds to the available literature outlining the ergonomic shortcomings of mechanical ventilators. These results suggest that closer ties between end-users and manufacturers should be promoted, at an early development phase of these machines, based on the scientific evaluation of the cognitive processes involved by users in the clinical setting.


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Introductionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse est la mieux adaptée pour obtenirun contrôle glycémique rapidement efficace ou lors de besoins en insulinechangeants de façon peu prévisible, mais son emploi hors des soins intensifs seheurte souvent aux manque de formation et réticences des soignants. L'inclusionL'inclusiondu contrôle glycémique rapide dans nos standards institutionnels de priseen charge de l'AVC aigu a suscité une demande de protocole thérapeutiqueadapté aux besoins de l'Unité cérébrovasculaire.Patients et méthodesþ: Le protocole d'insulinothérapie a été dérivé d'algorithmespubliés intégrant glycémie actuelle, cinétique glycémique et sensibilité àl'insuline du patient. Aux repas, une augmentation du débit d'insuline iv. pendant1 h a été ajoutée. Les objectifs glycémiques étaient 4-6þmmol/l en préprandialetþ< 8þmmol/l en postprandial. L'implémentation s'est faite à travers unprocessus de co-construction (outils de gestion, documents et activités de formation)avec les responsables médico-infirmiers du service.Résultatsþ: Les données des 90 premiers patients ont été analysées (diabète connuþ:38, hyperglycémie nouvelleþ: 52, 2715h de traitement cumulées). Les duréesd'insulinothérapie iv. étaient de 34,5 h [interquartile 24-39] et 26,5 h [21-36,3] respectivement(pþ=þ0,03), les délais d'atteinte de l'objectif de 5 h [4.0-8.25] et 7 h[4.0-9.75] (pþ=þns.). Pendant les 24 h suivantes, les taux de glycémies dans la cibleétaient de 70,4þ%/81,3þ% (90,3þ%/94,6þ% entre 4-8þmmol/l), avec un faible tauxd'hypoglycémies (3,9þ%/3,1þ%þ< 4,0þmmol/l, 0,4þ%/0,2þ%þ<þ3,3þmmol/l) et un contrôleglycémique postprandial comparable (excursions +2,6þmmol/l [0,7-3,9] et+1,7þmmol/l [0,6-3,7]þ; Nþ=þ75þ; pþ=þns.).Conclusionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse hors des soins intensifs est faisable,hautement sûre et efficace, même avec des objectifs glycémiques particulièrementstricts. Outre la fiabilité perçue de l'outil de gestion, la démarche departenariat adoptée avec les soignants, permettant la prise en compte de leurspréoccupations à chaque étape du processus, a été un facteur de succès importantpour son implémentation.


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A growing body of epidemiologic evidence suggests an association between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory dysfunction. Due to the lack of quantitative assessments of respiratory exposures to airborne irritants and sensitizers among professional cleaners, the culpable substances have yet to be identified.Purpose: Focusing on previously identified irritants, our aims were to determine (i) airborne concentrations of monoethanolamine (MEA), glycol ethers, and benzyl alcohol (BA) during different cleaning tasks performed by professional cleaning workers and assess their determinants; and (ii) air concentrations of formaldehyde, a known indoor air contaminant. METHODS: Personal air samples were collected in 12 cleaning companies, and analyzed by conventional methods. RESULTS: Nearly all air concentrations [MEA (n = 68), glycol ethers (n = 79), BA (n = 15), and formaldehyde (n = 45)] were far below (<1/10) of the corresponding Swiss occupational exposure limits (OEL), except for ethylene glycol mono-n-butyl ether (EGBE). For butoxypropanol and BA, no OELs exist. Although only detected once, EGBE air concentrations (n = 4) were high (49.48-58.72mg m(-3)), and close to the Swiss OEL (49mg m(-3)). When substances were not noted as present in safety data sheets of cleaning products used but were measured, air concentrations showed no presence of MEA, while the glycol ethers were often present, and formaldehyde was universally detected. Exposure to MEA was affected by its amount used (P = 0.036), and spraying (P = 0.000) and exposure to butoxypropanol was affected by spraying (P = 0.007) and cross-ventilation (P = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: Professional cleaners were found to be exposed to multiple airborne irritants at low concentrations, thus these substances should be considered in investigations of respiratory dysfunctions in the cleaning industry; especially in specialized cleaning tasks such as intensive floor cleaning.


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Background: Interpersonal violence is a worldwide social reality which seems to increasingly affect even the safest of countries, such as Switzerland. In this country, road traffic accidents, as well as professional and recreational activities, are the main providers of trauma-related injuries. The incidence of penetrative trauma related to stab wounds seems to be regularly increasing in our ED. The question arises of whether our strategies in trauma management are adapted to deal efficiently with these injuries.Methods: To answer this question, the study analysed patients admitted for intentional penetrative injuries in a tertiary urban emergency department (ED) during a 23 month period. Demographics, conditions of the assault, injury type and treatments applied were analysed.Results: Eighty patients admitted due to an intentional penetrating trauma accounted for 0.2% of the surgical practice of our ED. The assault occurred equally in a public or a private context, mainly affecting young males during the night and the weekend. Sixty six patients (83%) were treated as out-patients. Only 10 patients needed surgery. None of them required damage control surgery. No patient died and the mean hospital stay was 5.5 days.Conclusions: The prevalence of stab wounds in Switzerland is low. These injuries rarely need complex, surgical procedures. Observational strategies should be considered according to the patient status.


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Forensic experts play a major role in the legal process as they offer professional expert opinion and evidence within the criminal justice system adjudicating on the innocence or alleged guilt of an accused person. In this respect medico-legal examination is an essential part of the investigation process, determining in a scientific way, the cause(s) and manner of unexpected and/or unnatural death or bringing clinical evidence in case of physical, psychological or sexual abuse in living people. From a legal perspective, these types of investigation must meet international standards i-e it should be independent, effective and prompt. Ideally the investigations should be conducted by board certified experts in forensic medicine, endowed with a solid experience in this field, without any hierarchical relationship with the prosecuting authorities and having access to appropriate facilities in order to provide forensic reports of high quality. In this respect, there is a need for any private or public national or international authority including non-governmental organisations seeking experts qualified in forensic medicine,to have at disposal a list of specialists working in accordance with high standards of professional performance within forensic pathology services that have been successfully submitted to an official accreditation/certification process using valid and acceptable criteria. To reach this goal the National Association of Medical examiners (NAME) has elaborated an accreditation/certification check-list which should be served as decision-making support to assist inspectors appointed to evaluate applicants. In the same spirit than NAME Accreditation Standards, ECLM board decided to set up an ad hoc working group with the mission to elaborate an accreditation/certification procedure similar to the NAME's one but taking into account the realities of forensic medicine practices in Europe and restricted to post-mortem investigations. This accreditation process applies to services and not to individual practitioners by emphasizing policies and procedures rather than professional performance. In addition the standards to be complied with should be considered as the minimum standards needed to get the recognition of performing and reliable forensic pathology service.


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The Institute of Radiation Physics (IRA) is attached to the Department of Medical Radiology at the Vaud University Hospital Center (CHUV) in Lausanne. The Institute's main tasks are strongly linked to the medical activities of the Department: radiotherapy, radiodiagnostics, interventional radiology and nuclear medicine. The Institute also works in the fields of operational radiation protection, radiation metrology and radioecology. In the case of an accident involving radioactive materials, the emergency services are able to call on the assistance of radiation protection specialists. In order to avoid having to create and maintain a specific structure, both burdensome and rarely needed, Switzerland decided to unite all existing emergency services for such events. Thus, the IRA was invited to participate in this network. The challenge is therefore to integrate a university structure, used to academic collaborations and the scientific approach, to an interventional organization accustomed to strict policies, a military-style command structure and "drilled" procedures. The IRA's solution entails mobilizing existing resources and the expertise developed through professional experience. The main asset of this solution is that it involves the participation of committed collaborators who remain in a familiar environment, and are able to use proven materials and mastered procedures, even if the atmosphere of an accident situation differs greatly from regular laboratory routines. However, this solution requires both a commitment to education and training in emergency situations, and a commitment in terms of discipline by each collaborator in order to be integrated into a response plan supervised by an operational command center.


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PURPOSE: Unlike in the outpatient setting, delivery of aerosols to critically ill patients may be considered complex, particularly in ventilated patients, and benefits remain to be proven. Many factors influence aerosol delivery and recommendations exist, but little is known about knowledge translation into clinical practice. METHODS: Two-week cross-sectional study to assess the prevalence of aerosol therapy in 81 intensive and intermediate care units in 22 countries. All aerosols delivered to patients breathing spontaneously, ventilated invasively or noninvasively (NIV) were recorded, and drugs, devices, ventilator settings, circuit set-up, humidification and side effects were noted. RESULTS: A total of 9714 aerosols were administered to 678 of the 2808 admitted patients (24 %, CI95 22-26 %), whereas only 271 patients (10 %) were taking inhaled medication before admission. There were large variations among centers, from 0 to 57 %. Among intubated patients 22 % (n = 262) received aerosols, and 50 % (n = 149) of patients undergoing NIV, predominantly (75 %) inbetween NIV sessions. Bronchodilators (n = 7960) and corticosteroids (n = 1233) were the most frequently delivered drugs (88 % overall), predominantly but not exclusively (49 %) administered to patients with chronic airway disease. An anti-infectious drug was aerosolized 509 times (5 % of all aerosols) for nosocomial infections. Jet-nebulizers were the most frequently used device (56 %), followed by metered dose inhalers (23 %). Only 106 (<1 %) mild side effects were observed, despite frequent suboptimal set-ups such as an external gas supply of jet nebulizers for intubated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Aerosol therapy concerns every fourth critically ill patient and one-fifth of ventilated patients.