63 resultados para Issues in social networks
This thesis addresses the issue of the moving boundaries between family and friends' roles in personal networks, adopting a life-course perspective and using Switzerland as a case study. In a period of major changes in personal life happening in contemporary Western societies, understanding the organization of personal networks intertwined with the unfolding of individual life courses is of prime importance in facing new challenges with regard to social integration. The data stem from a representative national survey carried out in 2011 named Family tiMes, including 803 individuals born either in 1950-1955 or in 1970-1975. An innovative research design was adopted, combing cross-sectional ego-centered network data and retrospective longitudinal life-course data. The results show continuing boundaries between family and friends' roles and that family keeps a prominent role in personal networks despite the notable importance of friendship ties. One relationship stands out above all, that with the partner, followed quite a few steps behind by those with children. Regarding life courses, de-standardization tendencies were found in family formation and also a persistent gendering of occupational trajectories. Two kinds of life trajectories are particularly intertwined with personal networks, co-residence and partnership trajectories, both related to the unfolding of family life. In particular, transition to parenthood functions as a turning point in individuals' lives, deeply transforming their sociability. Finally, a twofold pluralization process was identified, affecting simultaneously the organization of personal networks and the unfolding of individual life courses. This thesis contributes to the literature on the sociology of family and personal life, and to fruitful interlinkage between the network approach and the life-course perspective.
Psychiatry is now subject to two apparently contradictory movements. On the one hand, the need to respect the autonomy and rights of patients is reinforced and coercive measures are strictly defined and limited. On the other hand, security concerns in our society leads to prosecution of psychiatric disorders, especially when accompanied by behavioral problems or criminal acts. In these situations of compulsory treatment or care provided in prisons, a number of dilemmas emerge. The place of the healthcare professional in treatments ordered by the Justice and problems related to administrative detention are discussed in more detail.
Eusociality is taxonomically rare, yet associated with great ecological success. Surprisingly, studies of environmental conditions favouring eusociality are often contradictory. Harsh conditions associated with increasing altitude and latitude seem to favour increased sociality in bumblebees and ants, but the reverse pattern is found in halictid bees and polistine wasps. Here, we compare the life histories and distributions of populations of 176 species of Hymenoptera from the Swiss Alps. We show that differences in altitudinal distributions and development times among social forms can explain these contrasting patterns: highly social taxa develop more quickly than intermediate social taxa, and are thus able to complete the reproductive cycle in shorter seasons at higher elevations. This dual impact of altitude and development time on sociality illustrates that ecological constraints can elicit dynamic shifts in behaviour, and helps explain the complex distribution of sociality across ecological gradients.
Division of labour is one of the most prominent features of social insects. The efficient allocation of individuals to different tasks requires dynamic adjustment in response to environmental perturbations. Theoretical models suggest that the colony-level flexibility in responding to external changes and internal perturbation may depend on the within-colony genetic diversity, which is affected by the number of breeding individuals. However, these models have not considered the genetic architecture underlying the propensity of workers to perform the various tasks. Here, we investigated how both within-colony genetic variability (stemming from variation in the number of matings by queens) and the number of genes influencing the stimulus (threshold) for a given task at which workers begin to perform that task jointly influence task allocation efficiency. We used a numerical agent-based model to investigate the situation where workers had to perform either a regulatory task or a foraging task. One hundred generations of artificial selection in populations consisting of 500 colonies revealed that an increased number of matings always improved colony performance, whatever the number of loci encoding the thresholds of the regulatory and foraging tasks. However, the beneficial effect of additional matings was particularly important when the genetic architecture of queens comprised one or a few genes for the foraging task's threshold. By contrast, a higher number of genes encoding the foraging task reduced colony performance with the detrimental effect being stronger when queens had mated with several males. Finally, the number of genes encoding the threshold for the regulatory task only had a minor effect on colony performance. Overall, our numerical experiments support the importance of mating frequency on efficiency of division of labour and also reveal complex interactions between the number of matings and genetic architecture.
Queens and workers in social insect colonies can differ in reproductive goals such as colony-level sex allocation and production of males by workers. That the presence of queen(s) often seems to affect worker behaviour in situations of potential conflict has given rise to the idea of queen control over reproduction. In small colonies queen control is possible via direct aggression against workers, but in large colonies queens cannot be effectively aggressive towards all the workers. This, plus evidence that queen-produced chemicals affect worker behaviour, has led to the conclusion that physical intimidation has been replaced by pheromonal queen control, whereby queen(s) chemically manipulate workers into behaving in ways that increase the queen's fitness at the worker's expense. It is argued in this paper, however, that pheromonal queen control has never conclusively been demonstrated and is evolutionarily difficult to justify. Proposed examples of pheromonal control are more likely to be honest signals, with workers' responses increasing their own inclusive fitness. A series of experimental and field studies in which positive results would give prima facie evidence for pheromonal queen control is suggested. Finally, three terms are defined: (1) pheromonal queen control for workers or subordinate queens being chemically manipulated into acting against their own best interests; (2) pheromonal queen signal for situations where workers or subordinate queens react to queen pheromones in ways that increase their, and possibly the queens', inclusive fitness; and (3) pheromonal queen effect where changes in the workers' or subordinate queens' behaviour have an unknown consequence on their inclusive fitness.
Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, yet only a small proportion of hypertensive individuals receive appropriate therapy and achieve target blood pressure (BP) values. Factors influencing the success of antihypertensive therapy include physicians' acceptance of guideline BP targets, the efficacy and tolerability of the drug regimen, and patient compliance and persistence with therapy. It is now well recognised that most hypertensive patients require at least two antihypertensive agents to achieve their target BP. However, complicated treatment regimens are a major contributory factor to poor patient compliance. The use of combination therapy for HTN offers a number of advantages over the use of monotherapy, including improved efficacy, as drug combinations with a synergistic mechanism of action can be used. This additive effect means that lower doses of the individual components can be used, which may translate into a decreased likelihood of adverse events. The use of single-pill combination therapy, in which two or more agents are combined in a single dosage form, offers all the benefits of free combination therapy (improved efficacy and tolerability over monotherapy) together with the added benefit of improved patient compliance because of the simplified treatment regimen. The use of single-pill combination therapy may also be associated with cost savings compared with the use of free combinations for reasons of cheaper drug costs, fewer physician visits and fewer hospitalisations for uncontrolled HTN and cardiovascular events. Thus, the use of single-pill combination therapy for HTN should help improve BP goal attainment through improved patient compliance, leading to reduced costs for cardiovascular-related care.
In eusocial Hymenoptera, queens and workers are in conflict over optimal sex allocation. Sex ratio theory, while generating predictions on the extent of this conflict under a wide range of conditions, has largely neglected the fact that worker control of investment almost certainly requires the manipulation of brood sex ratio. This manipulation is likely to incur costs, for example, if workers eliminate male larvae or rear more females as sexuals rather than workers. In this article, we present a model of sex ratio evolution under worker control that incorporates costs of brood manipulation. We assume cost to be a continuous, increasing function of the magnitude of sex ratio manipulation. We demonstrate that costs counterselect sex ratio biasing, which leads to less female-biased population sex ratios than expected on the basis of relatedness asymmetry. Furthermore, differently shaped cost functions lead to different equilibria of manipulation at the colony level. While linear and accelerating cost functions generate monomorphic equilibria, decelerating costs lead to a process of evolutionary branching and hence split sex ratios.
The scenario considered here is one where brain connectivity is represented as a network and an experimenter wishes to assess the evidence for an experimental effect at each of the typically thousands of connections comprising the network. To do this, a univariate model is independently fitted to each connection. It would be unwise to declare significance based on an uncorrected threshold of α=0.05, since the expected number of false positives for a network comprising N=90 nodes and N(N-1)/2=4005 connections would be 200. Control of Type I errors over all connections is therefore necessary. The network-based statistic (NBS) and spatial pairwise clustering (SPC) are two distinct methods that have been used to control family-wise errors when assessing the evidence for an experimental effect with mass univariate testing. The basic principle of the NBS and SPC is the same as supra-threshold voxel clustering. Unlike voxel clustering, where the definition of a voxel cluster is unambiguous, 'clusters' formed among supra-threshold connections can be defined in different ways. The NBS defines clusters using the graph theoretical concept of connected components. SPC on the other hand uses a more stringent pairwise clustering concept. The purpose of this article is to compare the pros and cons of the NBS and SPC, provide some guidelines on their practical use and demonstrate their utility using a case study involving neuroimaging data.