34 resultados para Islands of the Adriatic
The geometry and kinematics of the map scale Maggia cross-fold structure has been studied by several generations of geologists over seventy years and different models have been proposed for its formation. New observations indicate that the Maggia structure is a SW-verging cross-fold created after earlier NW-directed overthrusting of the Maggia nappe onto the deeper Simano and Antigorio recumbent fold nappes. The nappe emplacement and later cross-folding occurred under amphibolite facies conditions by detachment of the upper European crust during its SE-directed underthrusting below the Adriatic plate.
Genomic islands, large potentially mobile regions of bacterial chromosomes, are a major contributor to bacteria evolution. Here, we investigated the fitness cost and phenotypic differences between the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and a derivative carrying one integrated copy of the clc element, a 103-kb genomic island [and integrative and conjugative element (ICE)] originating in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 and a close relative of genomic islands found in clinical and environmental isolates of P. aeruginosa. By using a combination of whole genome transcriptome profiling, phenotypic arrays, competition experiments, and biofilm formation studies, only few differences became apparent, such as reduced biofilm growth and fourfold stationary phase repression of genes involved in acetoin metabolism in PAO1 containing the clc element. In contrast, PAO1 carrying the clc element acquired the capacity to grow on 3-chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol as sole carbon and energy substrates. No fitness loss >1% was detectable in competition experiments between PAO1 and PAO1 carrying the clc element. The genes from the clc element were not silent in PAO1, and excision was observed, although transfer of clc from PAO1 to other recipient bacteria was reduced by two orders of magnitude. Our results indicate that newly acquired mobile DNA not necessarily invoke an important fitness cost on their host. Absence of immediate detriment to the host may have contributed to the wide distribution of genomic islands like clc in bacterial genomes
The actual geographic distribution of the two sibling mouse-eared bat species Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii, which occur widely sympatrically in the western Palaearctic region, remains largely controversial. This concerns particularly the specific attribution of marginal populations from the Mediterranean islands and from adjacent areas of North Africa and Asia, which are morphologically intermediate between continental M. myotis and M. blythii from Europe. This study attempts to clarify this question by using four different approaches: cranial morphology, external morphology, genetics and trophic ecology. The three latter methods show unambiguously that North Africa, Malta, Sardinia and Corsica are presently inhabited by monospecific populations of M. myotis. In contrast, cranial morphometrics do not yield conclusive results. These results contradict all recent studies, which attribute North African and Maltese mouse-eared bats to M. blythii and consider that Sardinia and Corsica harbour sympatric populations of the two species. As concerns south-eastern populations, doubts are also expressed about the attribution of the subspecific taxon omari which may actually refer to M. myotis instead of M. blythii. Protein electrophoresis is presently the only absolute method available for determining M. myotis and M. blythii throughout their distribution ranges. However, species identification may be approached by relying on less sophisticated morphometrical methods as presented in this study. Species-specific habitat specializations are probably responsible for the differences observed between the geographic distributions of M. myotis and M. blythii, as they provide a logical groundwork for a coherent model of speciation for these two bat species.
Genomic islands are DNA elements acquired by horizontal gene transfer that are common to a large number of bacterial genomes, which can contribute specific adaptive functions, e.g. virulence, metabolic capacities or antibiotic resistances. Some genomic islands are still self-transferable and display an intricate life-style, reminiscent of both bacteriophages and conjugative plasmids. Here we studied the dynamical process of genomic island excision and intracellular reintegration using the integrative and conjugative element ICEclc from Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 as model. By using self-transfer of ICEclc from strain B13 to Pseudomonas putida and Cupriavidus necator as recipients, we show that ICEclc can target a number of different tRNA(Gly) genes in a bacterial genome, but only those which carry the GCC anticodon. Two conditional traps were designed for ICEclc based on the attR sequence, and we could show that ICEclc will insert with different frequencies in such traps producing brightly fluorescent cells. Starting from clonal primary transconjugants we demonstrate that ICEclc is excising and reintegrating at detectable frequencies, even in the absence of recipient. Recombination site analysis provided evidence to explain the characteristics of a larger number of genomic island insertions observed in a variety of strains, including Bordetella petri, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia.
Background: Integrative and conjugative elements (ICE) form a diverse group of DNA elements that are integrated in the chromosome of the bacterial host, but can occasionally excise and horizontally transfer to a new host cell. ICE come in different families, typically with a conserved core for functions controlling the element's behavior and a variable region providing auxiliary functions to the host. The ICEclc element of Pseudomonas knackmussii strain B13 is representative for a large family of chromosomal islands detected by genome sequencing approaches. It provides the host with the capacity to degrade chloroaromatics and 2-aminophenol. Results: Here we study the transcriptional organization of the ICEclc core region. By northern hybridizations, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5'-RACE) fifteen transcripts were mapped in the core region. The occurrence and location of those transcripts were further confirmed by hybridizing labeled cDNA to a semi-tiling micro-array probing both strands of the ICEclc core region. Dot blot and semi-tiling array hybridizations demonstrated most of the core transcripts to be upregulated during stationary phase on 3-chlorobenzoate, but not on succinate or glucose. Conclusions: The transcription analysis of the ICEclc core region provides detailed insights in the mode of regulatory organization and will help to further understand the complex mode of behavior of this class of mobile elements. We conclude that ICEclc core transcription is concerted at a global level, more reminiscent of a phage program than of plasmid conjugation.
Habitat, morphology and karyotype of the Saharan shrew Crocidura tarfayaensis (Mammalia : Soricidae)
The Saharan shrew Crocidura tarfayaensis Vesmanis and Vesmanis, 1980, has a limited disribution along the Atlantic coast of Sahara, south of Agadir (Morocco) through Western Sahara into Mauritania and is only known from few captures and some owl pellets. Here we report field data from the successful trapping of five specimens of C. tarfayaensis in the Guelmim region. The habitat was characterized by sand dunes along a river, with dense shrubberies of Tamarix sp., the huge grass Erianthus ravennae (Poaceae) and flat bushes of Atriplex glauca var. ifniensis (Chenopodiaceae). Morphological discrimination with C. whitakeri were examined. The chromosomes of C. tarfayaensis revealed a karyotype of 2n = 36, similar to that of the Canary shrew C. canariensis and the Sicilian shrew C. sicula. In conclusion, C. tarfayaensis seems to be a descendant of the presumed continental ancestor of the two island species.
The European Variscan and Alpine mountain chains are collisional orogens, and are built up of pre-Variscan ``building blocks'' which, in most. cases, originated at the Gondwana margin. Such pre-Variscan elements were part of a pre-Ordovician archipelago-like continental ribbon in the former eastern prolongation of Avalonia, and their present-day distribution resulted from juxtaposition through Variscan and/or Alpine tectonic evolution. The well-known nomenclatures applied to these mountain chains are the mirror of Variscan resp. Alpine organization. It is the aim of this paper to present a terminology taking into account their pre-Variscan evolution at the Gondwana margin. They may contain relics of volcanic islands with pieces of Cadomian crust, relics of volcanic arc settings, and accretionary wedges, which were separated from Gondwana by initial stages of Rheic ocean. opening. After a short-lived Ordovician orogenic event and amalgamation of these elements at the Gondwanan margin, the still continuing Gondwana-directed subduction triggered the formation of Ordovician Al-rich granitoids and; the latest Ordovician opening of Palaeo-Tethys. An example from the Alps (External Massifs) illustrates the gradual reworking of Gondwana-derived, pre-Variscan. elements during the Variscan and Alpine/ Tertiary orogenic cycles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The oceanic crust fragments exposed in central America, in north-western South America, and in the Caribbean islands have been considered to represent accreted remnants of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP). On the basis of trace element and Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic compositions we infer that cumulate rocks, basalts, and diabases from coastal Ecuador have a different source than the basalts from the Dominican Republic. The latter suite includes the 86 Ma basalts of the Duarte Complex which are light rare earth element (REE) -enriched and display (relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, NMORB) moderate enrichments in large ion lithophile elements, together with high Nb, Ta, Pb, and low Th contents. Moreover, they exhibit a rather restricted range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios consistent with their derivation from an ocean island-type mantle source, the composition of which includes the HIMU (high U-238/Pb-204) component characteristic of the Galapagos hotspot. In contrast, the 123 Ma Ecuadorian oceanic rocks have flat REE patterns and (relative to NMORB) are depleted in Zr, Hf, Th, and U. Moreover, they show a wide range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios intermediate between those of ocean island basalts and NMORB. It is unlikely, on geochemical grounds, that the plume source of the Ecuadorian fragments was similar to that of the Galapagos. In addition, because of the NNE motion of the Farallon plate during the Early Cretaceous, the Ecuadorian oceanic plateau fragments could not have been derived from the Galapagos hotspot but were likely formed at a ridge-centered or near-ridge hotspot somewhere in the SE Pacific.
BACKGROUND. Glomerular hyperfiltration (GHF) is a well-recognized early renal alteration in diabetic patients. As the prevalence of GHF is largely unknown in populations in the African region with respect to normal fasting glucose (NFG), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and type 2 diabetes [diabetes mellitus (DM)], we conducted a cross-sectional study in the Seychelles islands among families including at least one member with hypertension. METHODS. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and proximal tubular sodium reabsorption were measured using inulin, p-aminohippurate (PAH) and endogenous lithium clearance, respectively. Twenty-four-hour urine was collected on the preceding day. RESULTS. Of the 363 participants (mean age 44.7 years), 6.6% had IFG, 9.9% had DM and 63.3% had hypertension. The prevalence of GHF, defined as a GFR >140 ml/min, was 17.2%, 29.2% and 52.8% in NFG, IFG and DM, respectively (P trend <0.001). Compared to NFG, the adjusted odds ratio for GHF was 1.99 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73-5.44] for IFG and 5.88 (2.39-14.45) for DM. Lithium clearance and fractional excretion of lithium were lower in DM and IFG than NFG (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION. In this population of African descent, subjects with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes had a high prevalence of GHF and enhanced proximal sodium reabsorption. These findings provide further insight on the elevated incidence of nephropathy reported among African diabetic individuals.
A serological survey of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections was carried out on a random sex- and age-stratified sample of 1006 individuals aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles islands. Anti-HBc and anti-HCV antibodies were detected using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), followed by a Western blot assay in the case of a positive result for anti-HCV. The age-adjusted seroprevalence of anti-HBc antibodies was 8.0% (95% CI: 6.5-9.9%) and the percentage prevalence among males/females increased from 7.0/3.1 to 19.1/13.4 in the age groups 25-34 to 55-64 years, respectively. Two men and three women were positive for anti-HCV antibodies, with an age-adjusted seroprevalence of 0.34% (95% CI: 0.1-0.8%). Two out of these five subjects who were positive for anti-HCV also had anti-HBc antibodies. The seroprevalence of anti-HBc was significantly higher in unskilled workers, persons with low education, and heavy drinkers. The age-specific seroprevalence of anti-HBc in this population-based survey, which was conducted in 1994, was approximately three times lower than in a previous patient-based survey carried out in 1979. Although there are methodological differences between the two surveys, it is likely that the substantial decrease in anti-HBc prevalence during the last 15 years may be due to significant socioeconomic development and the systematic screening of blood donors since 1981. Because hepatitis C virus infections are serious and the cost of treatment is high, the fact that the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies is at present low should not be an argument for not screening blood donors for anti-HCV and eliminating those who are positive.
New karyological and morphological data show that Sicily, the Egadi Islands, Malta and Gozo are (ore were) inhabited by a particular species of Crocidura, for which the name Crocidura sicula Miller, 1901 is available. The species is briefly diagnosed and described and a new key to the European species of Crocidura is presented
We investigate the population genetic structure of the Maghrebian bat, Myotis punicus, between the mainland and islands to assess the island colonization pattern and current gene flow between nearby islands and within the mainland. Location North Africa and the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Methods We sequenced part of the control region (HVII) of 79 bats across 11 colonies. The phylogeographical pattern was assessed by analysing molecular diversity indices, examining differentiation among populations and estimating divergence time. In addition, we genotyped 182 bats across 10 colonies at seven microsatellite loci. We used analysis of molecular variance and a Bayesian approach to infer nuclear population structure. Finally, we estimated sex-specific dispersal between Corsica and Sardinia. Results Mitochondrial analyses indicated that colonies between Corsica, Sardinia and North Africa are highly differentiated. Within islands there was no difference between colonies, while at the continental level Moroccan and Tunisian populations were highly differentiated. Analyses with seven microsatellite loci showed a similar pattern. The sole difference was the lack of nuclear differentiation between populations in North Africa, suggesting a male-biased dispersal over the continental area. The divergence time of Sardinian and Corsican populations was estimated to date back to the early and mid-Pleistocene. Main conclusions Island colonization by the Maghrebian bats seems to have occurred in a stepping-stone manner and certainly pre-dated human colonization. Currently, open water seems to prevent exchange of bats between the two islands, despite their ability to fly and the narrowness of the strait of Bonifacio. Corsican and Sardinian populations are thus currently isolated from any continental gene pool and must therefore be considered as different evolutionarily significant units (ESU).
The formation and structural evolution of the jungrau syncline is described, based on excellent outcrops occurring in the lotschental, in the central alps of switzerland. the quality of the outcrops allows us to demonstrate that the external massifs of the swiss alps have developed due to internal folding. The jungfrau suncline, which separates the autochtonous gastern dome from the aar massif basement gneiss folds, is composed of slivers of basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover. in the inner faflertal, a side valley of the lotschental, the 200 m thick syncline cp, roses fpir imots, the gastern massif with a reduced mesozoic sedimentary cover in a normal stratigraphic succession, two units of overturned basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover, and the overturned lower limn of the tschingelhorn gneiss fold of the aar massif with lenses of its sedimentary cover. stratigraphy shows that the lower units, related to the gastern massis, are condensed and that the upper units, deposited farther away from a gastern paleo-high, form a more complete sequence, linked to the doldenhorn meso-cneozoic basin fill. the integration of these local observations with published regional data leads to the following model. on the northern margin of the doldenhorn hbasin, at the northern fringe of the alpine tethuys, the pre-triassic crystalline basement and its mesozoic sedimentary cover were folded by ductile deformation at temperatures above 300 degrees C and in the presence of high fluid pressures, as the helveti c and penninic nappes were overthrusted towards the northwest during the main alpine deformation phase, the visosity contrast between the basement gneisses and the sediments caused the formation of large basement anticlines and tight sedimentary sunclines (mullion-type structures). The edges of basement blocks bounded buy pre-cursor se-dipping normal faults at the northwestern border of the doldenhorn basin were deformed bu simple shear, creating overturned slices of crystalline rocks with their sedimentary cover in what now forms the hungfrau syncline. the localisation of ductile deformation in the vicinity of pre-existing se-dipping faults is thought to have been helped by the circulation of fluids along the faults; these fluids would have been released from the mesozoic sediments by metamorphic dehydration reactions accompanied by creep and dynamic recrystallisation of quartz at temperatures above 300 degrees C. Quantification of the deformation suggests an strain ellipsoid with a ratio (1 + e(1)/+ e(3)) of approximately 1000. The jungfrau suncline was deformed bu more brittle nw-directed shear creating well-developed shear band cleavages at a late stage, after cooling by uplift and erosion. It is suggested that the external massifs of the apls are basement gneiss folds created at temperatures of 300 degrees C by detachment through ductile deformation of the upper crust of the european plate as it was underthrusted below the adriatic plate.
BACKGROUND: The genome of Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, a Parachlamydia-related endosymbiont of free-living amoebae, was recently published, providing the opportunity to search for genomic islands (GIs). RESULTS: On the residual cumulative G+C content curve, a G+C-rich 19-kb region was observed. This sequence is part of a 100-kb chromosome region, containing 100 highly co-oriented ORFs, flanked by two 17-bp direct repeats. Two identical gly-tRNA genes in tandem are present at the proximal end of this genetic element. Several mobility genes encoding transposases and bacteriophage-related proteins are located within this chromosome region. Thus, this region largely fulfills the criteria of GIs. The G+C content analysis shows that several modules compose this GI. Surprisingly, one of them encodes all genes essential for F-like conjugative DNA transfer (traF, traG, traH, traN, traU, traW, and trbC), involved in sex pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization, strongly suggesting that, similarly to the other F-like operons, the parachlamydial tra unit is devoted to DNA transfer. A close relatedness of this tra unit to F-like tra operons involved in conjugative transfer is confirmed by phylogenetic analyses performed on concatenated genes and gene order conservation. These analyses and that of gly-tRNA distribution in 140 GIs suggest a proteobacterial origin of the parachlamydial tra unit. CONCLUSIONS: A GI of the UWE25 chromosome encodes a potentially functional F-like DNA conjugative system. This is the first hint of a putative conjugative system in chlamydiae. Conjugation most probably occurs within free-living amoebae, that may contain hundreds of Parachlamydia bacteria tightly packed in vacuoles. Such a conjugative system might be involved in DNA transfer between internalized bacteria. Since this system is absent from the sequenced genomes of Chlamydiaceae, we hypothesize that it was acquired after the divergence between Parachlamydiaceae and Chlamydiaceae, when the Parachlamydia-related symbiont was an intracellular bacteria. It suggests that this heterologous DNA was acquired from a phylogenetically-distant bacteria sharing an amoebal vacuole. Since Parachlamydiaceae are emerging agents of pneumonia, this GI might be involved in pathogenicity. In future, conjugative systems might be developed as genetic tools for Chlamydiales.
Asexual reproduction is particularly common among introduced species, probably because it helps to overcome the negative effects associated with low population densities during colonization. The ant Cerapachys biroi has been introduced to tropical and subtropical islands around the world since the beginning of the last century. In this species, workers can reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we use genetic markers to reconstruct the history of anthropogenic introductions of C. biroi, and to address the prevalence of female parthenogenesis in introduced and native populations. We show that at least four genetically distinct lineages have been introduced from continental Asia and have led to the species' circumtropical establishment. Our analyses demonstrate that asexual reproduction dominates in the introduced range and is also common in the native range. Given that C. biroi is the only dorylomorph ant that has successfully become established outside of its native range, this unusual mode of reproduction probably facilitated the species' worldwide spread. On the other hand, the rare occurrence of haploid males and at least one clear case of sexual recombination in the introduced range show that C. biroi has not lost the potential for sex. Finally, we show that thelytoky in C. biroi probably has a genetic rather than an infectious origin, and that automixis with central fusion is the most likely underlying cytological mechanism. This is in accordance with what is known for other thelytokous eusocial Hymenoptera.