29 resultados para Interval graph
BACKGROUND: Aminoglycosides are mandatory in the treatment of severe infections in burns. However, their pharmacokinetics are difficult to predict in critically ill patients. Our objective was to describe the pharmacokinetic parameters of high doses of tobramycin administered at extended intervals in severely burned patients. METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 23 burned patients receiving tobramycin in combination therapy for Pseudomonas species infections in a burn ICU over 2 years in a therapeutic drug monitoring program. Trough and post peak tobramycin levels were measured to adjust drug dosage. Pharmacokinetic parameters were derived from two points first order kinetics. RESULTS: Tobramycin peak concentration was 7.4 (3.1-19.6)microg/ml and Cmax/MIC ratio 14.8 (2.8-39.2). Half-life was 6.9 (range 1.8-24.6)h with a distribution volume of 0.4 (0.2-1.0)l/kg. Clearance was 35 (14-121)ml/min and was weakly but significantly correlated with creatinine clearance. CONCLUSION: Tobramycin had a normal clearance, but an increased volume of distribution and a prolonged half-life in burned patients. However, the pharmacokinetic parameters of tobramycin are highly variable in burned patients. These data support extended interval administration and strongly suggest that aminoglycosides should only be used within a structured pharmacokinetic monitoring program.
Background: Publications from the International Breast Screening Network (IBSN) have shown that varying definitions create hurdles for comparison of screening performance. Interval breast cancer rates are particularly affected. Objective: to test whether variations in definition of interval cancer rates (ICR) affect comparisons of international ICR, specific to a comparison of ICR in Norway and North Carolina (NC). Methods: An interval cancer (IC) was defined as a cancer diagnosed following a negative screening mammogram in a defined follow-up period. ICR was calculated for women ages 50-69, at subsequent screening in Norway and NC, during the time period 1996 - 2002. ICR was defined using three different denominators (negative screens, negative final assessments and all screens) and three different numerators (DCIS, invasive cancer and all cancers). ICR was then calculated with two methods: 1) number of ICs divided by the number of screens, and ICs divided by the number of women-years at risk for IC. Results: There were no differences in ICR depending on the definition used. In the 1-12 month follow up period ICR (based on number of screens) were: 0.53, 0.54, and 0.54 for Norway; and 1.20, 1.25 and 1.17 for NC, for negative screens, negative final assessment and all screens, respectively: The same trend was seen for 13-24 and 1-24 months follow-up. Using women-years for the analysis did not change the trend. ICR was higher in NC compared to Norway under all definitions and in all follow-up time periods, regardless of calculation method. Conclusion: The ICR within or between Norway and NC did not differ by definition used. ICR were higher in NC than Norway. There are many potential explanations for the difference.
Schizophrenia is postulated to be the prototypical dysconnection disorder, in which hallucinations are the core symptom. Due to high heterogeneity in methodology across studies and the clinical phenotype, it remains unclear whether the structural brain dysconnection is global or focal and if clinical symptoms result from this dysconnection. In the present work, we attempt to clarify this issue by studying a population considered as a homogeneous genetic sub-type of schizophrenia, namely the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS). Cerebral MRIs were acquired for 46 patients and 48 age and gender matched controls (aged 6-26, respectively mean age = 15.20 ± 4.53 and 15.28 ± 4.35 years old). Using the Connectome mapper pipeline (connectomics.org) that combines structural and diffusion MRI, we created a whole brain network for each individual. Graph theory was used to quantify the global and local properties of the brain network organization for each participant. A global degree loss of 6% was found in patients' networks along with an increased Characteristic Path Length. After identifying and comparing hubs, a significant loss of degree in patients' hubs was found in 58% of the hubs. Based on Allen's brain network model for hallucinations, we explored the association between local efficiency and symptom severity. Negative correlations were found in the Broca's area (p < 0.004), the Wernicke area (p < 0.023) and a positive correlation was found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (p < 0.014). In line with the dysconnection findings in schizophrenia, our results provide preliminary evidence for a targeted alteration in the brain network hubs' organization in individuals with a genetic risk for schizophrenia. The study of specific disorganization in language, speech and thought regulation networks sharing similar network properties may help to understand their role in the hallucination mechanism.
Methadone inhibits the cardiac potassium channel hERG and can cause a prolonged QT interval. Methadone is chiral but its therapeutic activity is mainly due to (R)-methadone. Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments using cells expressing hERG showed that (S)-methadone blocked the hERG current 3.5-fold more potently than (R)-methadone (IC50s (half-maximal inhibitory concentrations) at 37 degrees C: 2 and 7 microM). As CYP2B6 slow metabolizer (SM) status results in a reduced ability to metabolize (S)-methadone, electrocardiograms, CYP2B6 genotypes, and (R)- and (S)-methadone plasma concentrations were obtained for 179 patients receiving (R,S)-methadone. The mean heart-rate-corrected QT (QTc) was higher in CYP2B6 SMs (*6/*6 genotype; 439+/-25 ms; n=11) than in extensive metabolizers (non *6/*6; 421+/-25 ms; n=168; P=0.017). CYP2B6 SM status was associated with an increased risk of prolonged QTc (odds ratio=4.5, 95% confidence interval=1.2-17.7; P=0.03). This study reports the first genetic factor implicated in methadone metabolism that may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. This risk could be reduced by the administration of (R)-methadone.
OBJECTIVE: To compare interval breast cancer rates (ICR) between a biennial organized screening programme in Norway and annual opportunistic screening in North Carolina (NC) for different conceptualizations of interval cancer. SETTING: Two regions with different screening practices and performance. METHODS: 620,145 subsequent screens (1996-2002) performed in women aged 50-69 and 1280 interval cancers were analysed. Various definitions and quantification methods for interval cancers were compared. RESULTS: ICR for one year follow-up were lower in Norway compared with NC both when the rate was based on all screens (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), negative final assessments (0.54 versus 1.29 per 1000 screens), and negative screening assessments (0.53 versus 1.28 per 1000 screens). The rate of ductal carcinoma in situ was significantly lower in Norway than in NC for cases diagnosed in both the first and second year after screening. The distributions of histopathological tumour size and lymph node involvement in invasive cases did not differ between the two regions for interval cancers diagnosed during the first year after screening. In contrast, in the second year after screening, tumour characteristics remained stable in Norway but became prognostically more favorable in NC. CONCLUSION: Even when applying a common set of definitions of interval cancer, the ICR was lower in Norway than in NC. Different definitions of interval cancer did not influence the ICR within Norway or NC. Organization of screening and screening performance might be major contributors to the differences in ICR between Norway and NC.
Introduction: We recently observed in a chronic ovine model that a shortening of action potential duration (APD) as assessed by the activation recovery interval (ARI) may be a mechanism whereby pacing-induced atrial tachycardia (PIAT) facilitates atrial fibrillation (AF), mediated by a return to 1:1 atrial capture after the effective refractory period has been reached. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of long term intermittent burst pacing on ARI before induction of AF.Methods: We specifically developed a chronic ovine model of PIAT using two pacemakers (PM) each with a right atrial (RA) lead separated by ∼2cm. The 1st PM (Vitatron T70) was used to record a broadband unipolar RA EGM (800 Hz, 0.4 Hz high pass filter). The 2nd was used to deliver PIAT during electrophysiological protocols at decremental pacing CL (400 beats, from 400 to 110ms) and long term intermittent RA burst pacing to promote electrical remodeling (5s of burst followed by 2s of sinus rhythm) until onset of sustained AF. ARI was defined as the time difference between the peak of the atrial repolarization wave and the first atrial depolarization. The mean ARIs of paired sequences (before and after remodeling), each consisting of 20 beats were compared.Results: As shown in the figure, ARIs (n=4 sheep, 46 recordings) decreased post remodeling compared to baseline (86±19 vs 103±12 ms, p<0.05). There was no difference in atrial structure as assessed by light microscopy between control and remodeled sheep.Conclusions: Using standard pacemaker technology, atrial ARIs as a surrogate of APDs were successfully measured in vivo during the electrical remodeling process leading to AF. The facilitation of AF by PIAT mimicking salvos from pulmonary veins is heralded by a significant shortening of ARI.
In sentinel node (SN) biopsy, an interval SN is defined as a lymph node or group of lymph nodes located between the primary melanoma and an anatomically well-defined lymph node group directly draining the skin. As shown in previous reports, these interval SNs seem to be at the same metastatic risk as are SNs in the usual, classic areas. This study aimed to review the incidence, lymphatic anatomy, and metastatic risk of interval SNs. METHODS: SN biopsy was performed at a tertiary center by a single surgical team on a cohort of 402 consecutive patients with primary melanoma. The triple technique of localization was used-that is, lymphoscintigraphy, blue dye, and gamma-probe. Otolaryngologic melanoma and mucosal melanoma were excluded from this analysis. SNs were examined by serial sectioning and immunohistochemistry. All patients with metastatic SNs were recommended to undergo a radical selective lymph node dissection. RESULTS: The primary locations of the melanomas included the trunk (188), an upper limb (67), or a lower limb (147). Overall, 97 (24.1%) of the 402 SNs were metastatic. Interval SNs were observed in 18 patients, in all but 2 of whom classic SNs were also found. The location of the primary was truncal in 11 (61%) of the 18, upper limb in 5, and lower limb in 2. One patient with a dorsal melanoma had drainage exclusively in a cervicoscapular area that was shown on removal to contain not lymph node tissue but only a blue lymph channel without tumor cells. Apart from the interval SN, 13 patients had 1 classic SN area and 3 patients 2 classic SN areas. Of the 18 patients, 2 had at least 1 metastatic interval SN and 2 had a classic SN that was metastatic; overall, 4 (22.2%) of 18 patients were node-positive. CONCLUSION: We found that 2 of 18 interval SNs were metastatic: This study showed that preoperative lymphoscintigraphy must review all known lymphatic areas in order to exclude an interval SN.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become indispensable for the diagnosis and control of hypertension. However, no consensus exists on how daytime and nighttime periods should be defined. OBJECTIVE: To compare daytime and nighttime blood pressure (BP) defined by an actigraph and by body position with BP resulting from arbitrary daytime and nighttime periods. PATIENTS AND METHOD: ABPM, sleeping periods and body position were recorded simultaneously using an actigraph (SenseWear Armband(®)) in patients referred for ABPM. BP results obtained with the actigraph (sleep and position) were compared to the results obtained with fixed daytime (7a.m.-10p.m.) and nighttime (10p.m.-7a.m.) periods. RESULTS: Data from 103 participants were available. More than half of them were taking antihypertensive drugs. Nocturnal BP was lower (systolic BP: 2.08±4.50mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.84±2.99mmHg, P<0.05) and dipping was more marked (systolic BP: 1.54±3.76%; diastolic BP: 2.27±3.48%, P<0.05) when nighttime was defined with the actigraph. Standing BP was higher (systolic BP 1.07±2.81mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.34±2.50mmHg) than daytime BP defined by a fixed period. CONCLUSION: Diurnal BP, nocturnal BP and dipping are influenced by the definition of daytime and nighttime periods. Studies evaluating the prognostic value of each method are needed to clarify which definition should be used.
The benefits obtained from mating are usually condition-dependent, favouring the evolution of flexible investment during copulation, for instance, in terms of invested time, energy, or sperm. Flexible investment strategies are predicted to depend on the likelihood of acquiring alternative mates and therefore they should depend on the timing of mate encounter. However, scarce experimental evidence for this hypothesis exists. Here we manipulated the time delay until first mating and the interval between first and second mating in the polygynandrous common lizard, Zootoca vivipara. We determined treatment effects on fertilisation success and copulation duration, the latter being a proxy for investment in mating and for quantity of transferred sperm. The duration of the second copulation decreased with increasing inter-mating interval and depended on the fertilisation success of first mates. The former provides evidence for time-dependent investment strategies, most likely resulting from the progression of the female's reproductive cycle. Fertilisation success of first mates increased with increasing inter-mating interval and was higher when females were closer to ovulation, showing that flexible investment strategies significantly affected male reproductive success. This points to fertilisation assurance, which may mitigate negative effects of low population density on reproductive success, e.g. Allee effects.