62 resultados para International convention for the protection of birds.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 is an effective biocontrol agent of various soilborne pathogens. It controls damping-off or root rot caused byPythium ultimum on cucumber, wheat and cress. Strain CHA0 synthesizes several antibiotic metabolites such as hydrogen cyanide, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, and pyoluteorin. The role of pyoluteorin in the suppression of damping-off was investigated. Two Tn5 mutants (CHA660 and CHA661) of strain CHA0 were isolated which had lost the capacity to produce pyoluteorin but still produced 2,4-diacteylphloroglucinol and HCN. These mutants still inhibitedP. ultimum on malt agar (which favours the production of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol) but had partially lost the ability to inhibit this pathogen on King's B agar (which favours the production of pyoluteorin). The two pyoluteorin-negative mutants showed a reduced capacity to suppress damping-off of cress caused byP. ultimum but were as effective in the protection of cucumber against this pathogen as the wild-type strain. These results indicate that, depending on the plant, pyoluteorin production plays a role in the suppression of damping-off by strain CHA0 without being a major mechanism in disease suppression. We suggest that the contribution of pyoluteorin to the biocontrol activity of strain CHA0 is determined by the quantity of this antibiotic produced in the rhizosphere, which might depend on the root exudates of the host plant.
Plants naturally produce the lipid-derived polyester cutin, which is found in the plant cuticle that is deposited at the outermost extracellular matrix of the epidermis covering nearly all aboveground tissues. Being at the interface between the cell and the external environment, cutin and the cuticle play important roles in the protection of plants from several stresses. A number of enzymes involved in the synthesis of cutin monomers have recently been identified, including several P450s and one acyl-CoA synthetase, thus representing the first steps toward the understanding of polyester formation and, potentially, polyester engineering to improve the tolerance of plants to stresses, such as drought, and for industrial applications. However, numerous processes underlying cutin synthesis, such as a controlled polymerization, still remain elusive. Suberin is a second polyester found in the extracellular matrix, most often synthesized in root tissues and during secondary growth. Similar to cutin, the function of suberin is to seal off the respective tissue to inhibit water loss and contribute to resistance to pathogen attack. Being the main constituent of cork, suberin is a plant polyester that has already been industrially exploited. Genetic engineering may be worth exploring in order to change the polyester properties for either different applications or to increase cork production in other species. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are attractive polyesters of 3-hydroxyacids because of their properties as bioplastics and elastomers. Although PHAs are naturally found in a wide variety of bacteria, biotechnology has aimed at producing these polymers in plants as a source of cheap and renewable biodegradable plastics. Synthesis of PHA containing various monomers has been demonstrated in the cytosol, plastids, and peroxisomes of plants. Several biochemical pathways have been modified in order to achieve this, including the isoprenoid pathway, the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway, and the fatty acid β-oxidation pathway. PHA synthesis has been demonstrated in a number of plants, including monocots and dicots, and up to 40% PHA per gram dry weight has been demonstrated in Arabidopsis thaliana. Despite some successes, production of PHA in crop plants remains a challenging project. PHA synthesis at high level in vegetative tissues, such as leaves, is associated with chlorosis and reduced growth. The challenge for the future is to succeed in synthesis of PHA copolymers with a narrow range of monomer compositions, at levels that do not compromise plant productivity. This goal will undoubtedly require a deeper understanding of plant biochemical pathways and how carbon fluxes through these pathways can be manipulated, areas where plant "omics" can bring very valuable contributions.
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 suppresses various plant diseases caused by soil-borne fungi. The pseudomonad produces the antimicrobial metabolites 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (Phl), pyoluteorin (Plt) and hydrogen cyanide, which are important for disease suppression, as well as the siderophores pyoverdine (Pvd), salicylic acid (Sal) and pyochelin (Pch). In the current work, a derivative of CHA0 with a mutation in the global regulator gene gacA (GacA−), which is unable to produce Phl, Plt and HCN, failed to protect the dicotyledonous plants cress and cucumber against damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum. In contrast, the GacA− mutant could still protect the Gramineae wheat and maize against damping-off mediated by the same strain of P. ultimum, and wheat against take-all caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis. However, the GacA− mutant overproduced Pch and Pvd. To gain more insight into disease protection afforded by the GacA− mutant, a GacA− Pvd− double mutant (strain CHA496) was constructed by gene replacement. Strain CHA496 overproduced Pch and Sal compared with CHA0 and protected wheat against P. ultimum and G. graminis, whereas cress and cucumber were not protected. Addition of FeCl3 repressed Pch and Sal production by strain CHA496 in vitro and impaired the protection of wheat in soil microcosms. In conclusion, a functional gacA gene was necessary for the protection of dicotyledons against root diseases, but not for that of Gramineae. Results indicated also that Pch and/or Sal were involved in the ability of the GacA− Pvd− mutant of CHA0 to suppress root diseases in Gramineae.
OBJECTIVE To identify metabolic pathways that may underlie susceptibility or resistance to high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We performed comparative transcriptomic analysis of the livers of A/J and C57Bl/6 mice, which are, respectively, resistant and susceptible to high-fat diet-induced hepatosteatosis and obesity. Mice from both strains were fed a normal chow or a high-fat diet for 2, 10, and 30 days, and transcriptomic data were analyzed by time-dependent gene set enrichment analysis. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial respiration was performed to confirm the transcriptomic analysis. RESULTS Time-dependent gene set enrichment analysis revealed a rapid, transient, and coordinate upregulation of 13 oxidative phosphorylation genes after initiation of high-fat diet feeding in the A/J, but not in the C57Bl/6, mouse livers. Biochemical analysis using liver mitochondria from both strains of mice confirmed a rapid increase by high-fat diet feeding of the respiration rate in A/J but not C57Bl/6 mice. Importantly, ATP production was the same in both types of mitochondria, indicating increased uncoupling of the A/J mitochondria. CONCLUSIONS Together with previous data showing increased expression of mitochondrial β-oxidation genes in C57Bl/6 but not A/J mouse livers, our present study suggests that an important aspect of the adaptation of livers to high-fat diet feeding is to increase the activity of the oxidative phosphorylation chain and its uncoupling to dissipate the excess of incoming metabolic energy and to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species. The flexibility in oxidative phosphorylation activity may thus participate in the protection of A/J mouse livers against the initial damages induced by high-fat diet feeding that may lead to hepatosteatosis.
Background: Well-conducted behavioural surveillance (BS) is essential for policy planning and evaluation. Data should be comparable across countries. In 2008, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) began a programme to support Member States in the implementation of BS for Second Generation Surveillance. Methods: Data from a mapping exercise on current BS activities in EU/EFTA countries led to recommendations for establishing national BS systems and international coordination, and the definition of a set of core and transversal (UNGASS-Dublin compatible) indicators for BS in the general and eight specific populations. A toolkit for establishing BS has been developed and a BS needs-assessment survey has been launched in 30 countries. Tools for BS self-assessment and planning are currently being tested during interactive workshops with country representatives. Results: The mapping exercise revealed extreme diversity between countries. Around half had established a BS system, but this did not always correspond to the epidemiological situation. Challenges to implementation and harmonisation at all levels emerged from survey findings and workshop feedback. These include: absence of synergy between biological and behavioural surveillance and of actors having an overall view of all system elements; lack of awareness of the relevance of BS and of coordination between agencies; insufficient use of available data; financial constraints; poor sustainability, data quality and access to certain key populations; unfavourable legislative environments. Conclusions: There is widespread need in the region not only for technical support but also for BS advocacy: BS remains the neglected partner of second generation surveillance and requires increased political support and capacity-building in order to become effective. Dissemination of validated tools for BS, developed in interaction with country experts, proves feasible and acceptable.
This paper explores the role of international standards in the globalisation of the service economy. Various strands of economic analyses consider that core attributes of services affect their ability to be reliably delocalised, industrialised and standardised. In contrast, international political economy (IPE) approaches draw attention to power configurations supporting conflicting use of standards across industries and nations. The paper examines the case of the Indian service industry in business process outsourcing to probe these opposing views. Our findings suggest that standards matter in types of services conventionally identified as unlikely to be standardised, and that their use raise little conflict. An IPE perspective on service standardisation highlights, however, the importance of potential power issues likely to be included in more progressive forms of standardisation
La gouvernance de l'Internet est une thématique récente dans la politique mondiale. Néanmoins, elle est devenue au fil des années un enjeu économique et politique important. La question a même pris une importance particulière au cours des derniers mois en devenant un sujet d'actualité récurrent. Forte de ce constat, c ette recherche retrace l'histoire de la gouvernance de l'Internet depuis son émergence comme enjeu politique dans les années 1980 jusqu'à la fin du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI) en 2005. Plutôt que de se focaliser sur l'une ou l'autre des institutions impliquées dans la régulation du réseau informatique mondial, cette recherche analyse l'émergence et l'évolution historique d'un espace de luttes rassemblant un nombre croissant d'acteurs différents. Cette évolution est décrite à travers le prisme de la relation dialectique entre élites et non-élites et de la lutte autour de la définition de la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cette thèse explore donc la question de comment les relations au sein des élites de la gouvernance de l'Internet et entre ces élites et les non-élites expliquent l'emergence, l'évolution et la structuration d'un champ relativement autonome de la politique mondiale centré sur la gouvernance de l'Internet. Contre les perspectives dominantes réaliste et libérales, cette recherche s'ancre dans une approche issue de la combinaison des traditions hétérodoxes en économie politique internationale et des apports de la sociologie politique internationale. Celle-ci s'articule autour des concepts de champ, d'élites et d'hégémonie. Le concept de champ, développé par Bourdieu inspire un nombre croissant d'études de la politique mondiale. Il permet à la fois une étude différenciée de la mondialisation et l'émergence d'espaces de lutte et de domination au niveau transnational. La sociologie des élites, elle, permet une approche pragmatique et centrée sur les acteurs des questions de pouvoir dans la mondialisation. Cette recherche utilise plus particulièrement le concept d'élite du pouvoir de Wright Mills pour étudier l'unification d'élites a priori différentes autour de projets communs. Enfin, cette étude reprend le concept néo-gramscien d'hégémonie afin d'étudier à la fois la stabilité relative du pouvoir d'une élite garantie par la dimension consensuelle de la domination, et les germes de changement contenus dans tout ordre international. A travers l'étude des documents produits au cours de la période étudiée et en s'appuyant sur la création de bases de données sur les réseaux d'acteurs, cette étude s'intéresse aux débats qui ont suivi la commercialisation du réseau au début des années 1990 et aux négociations lors du SMSI. La première période a abouti à la création de l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) en 1998. Cette création est le résultat de la recherche d'un consensus entre les discours dominants des années 1990. C'est également le fruit d'une coalition entre intérêts au sein d'une élite du pouvoir de la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cependant, cette institutionnalisation de l'Internet autour de l'ICANN excluait un certain nombre d'acteurs et de discours qui ont depuis tenté de renverser cet ordre. Le SMSI a été le cadre de la remise en cause du mode de gouvernance de l'Internet par les États exclus du système, des universitaires et certaines ONG et organisations internationales. C'est pourquoi le SMSI constitue la seconde période historique étudiée dans cette thèse. La confrontation lors du SMSI a donné lieu à une reconfiguration de l'élite du pouvoir de la gouvernance de l'Internet ainsi qu'à une redéfinition des frontières du champ. Un nouveau projet hégémonique a vu le jour autour d'éléments discursifs tels que le multipartenariat et autour d'insitutions telles que le Forum sur la Gouvernance de l'Internet. Le succès relatif de ce projet a permis une stabilité insitutionnelle inédite depuis la fin du SMSI et une acceptation du discours des élites par un grand nombre d'acteurs du champ. Ce n'est que récemment que cet ordre a été remis en cause par les pouvoirs émergents dans la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cette thèse cherche à contribuer au débat scientifique sur trois plans. Sur le plan théorique, elle contribue à l'essor d'un dialogue entre approches d'économie politique mondiale et de sociologie politique internationale afin d'étudier à la fois les dynamiques structurelles liées au processus de mondialisation et les pratiques localisées des acteurs dans un domaine précis. Elle insiste notamment sur l'apport de les notions de champ et d'élite du pouvoir et sur leur compatibilité avec les anlayses néo-gramsciennes de l'hégémonie. Sur le plan méthodologique, ce dialogue se traduit par une utilisation de méthodes sociologiques telles que l'anlyse de réseaux d'acteurs et de déclarations pour compléter l'analyse qualitative de documents. Enfin, sur le plan empirique, cette recherche offre une perspective originale sur la gouvernance de l'Internet en insistant sur sa dimension historique, en démontrant la fragilité du concept de gouvernance multipartenaire (multistakeholder) et en se focalisant sur les rapports de pouvoir et les liens entre gouvernance de l'Internet et mondialisation. - Internet governance is a recent issue in global politics. However, it gradually became a major political and economic issue. It recently became even more important and now appears regularly in the news. Against this background, this research outlines the history of Internet governance from its emergence as a political issue in the 1980s to the end of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2005. Rather than focusing on one or the other institution involved in Internet governance, this research analyses the emergence and historical evolution of a space of struggle affecting a growing number of different actors. This evolution is described through the analysis of the dialectical relation between elites and non-elites and through the struggle around the definition of Internet governance. The thesis explores the question of how the relations among the elites of Internet governance and between these elites and non-elites explain the emergence, the evolution, and the structuration of a relatively autonomous field of world politics centred around Internet governance. Against dominant realist and liberal perspectives, this research draws upon a cross-fertilisation of heterodox international political economy and international political sociology. This approach focuses on concepts such as field, elites and hegemony. The concept of field, as developed by Bourdieu, is increasingly used in International Relations to build a differentiated analysis of globalisation and to describe the emergence of transnational spaces of struggle and domination. Elite sociology allows for a pragmatic actor-centred analysis of the issue of power in the globalisation process. This research particularly draws on Wright Mill's concept of power elite in order to explore the unification of different elites around shared projects. Finally, this thesis uses the Neo-Gramscian concept of hegemony in order to study both the consensual dimension of domination and the prospect of change contained in any international order. Through the analysis of the documents produced within the analysed period, and through the creation of databases of networks of actors, this research focuses on the debates that followed the commercialisation of the Internet throughout the 1990s and during the WSIS. The first time period led to the creation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 1998. This creation resulted from the consensus-building between the dominant discourses of the time. It also resulted from the coalition of interests among an emerging power elite. However, this institutionalisation of Internet governance around the ICANN excluded a number of actors and discourses that resisted this mode of governance. The WSIS became the institutional framework within which the governance system was questioned by some excluded states, scholars, NGOs and intergovernmental organisations. The confrontation between the power elite and counter-elites during the WSIS triggered a reconfiguration of the power elite as well as a re-definition of the boundaries of the field. A new hegemonic project emerged around discursive elements such as the idea of multistakeholderism and institutional elements such as the Internet Governance Forum. The relative success of the hegemonic project allowed for a certain stability within the field and an acceptance by most non-elites of the new order. It is only recently that this order began to be questioned by the emerging powers of Internet governance. This research provides three main contributions to the scientific debate. On the theoretical level, it contributes to the emergence of a dialogue between International Political Economy and International Political Sociology perspectives in order to analyse both the structural trends of the globalisation process and the located practices of actors in a given issue-area. It notably stresses the contribution of concepts such as field and power elite and their compatibility with a Neo-Gramscian framework to analyse hegemony. On the methodological level, this perspective relies on the use of mixed methods, combining qualitative content analysis with social network analysis of actors and statements. Finally, on the empirical level, this research provides an original perspective on Internet governance. It stresses the historical dimension of current Internet governance arrangements. It also criticise the notion of multistakeholde ism and focuses instead on the power dynamics and the relation between Internet governance and globalisation.
The purpose of this contribution is to analyse the trajectory, the challenges and the future of the sociology of sport on three levels: the internal dynamic within the specific sub-field of the sociology of sport, its interactions with sociology and sport sciences, and its relation with sport organizations. The paper notes that the changes of the trajectory of the sociology of sport, first leaning on the profession of physical education teacher and then to sport sciences, as important consequences. Because most of the sociologists specialized in sport are working in sport sciences departments, the most important consequence is the dependency on sport sciences rather than on sociology. Compared to other fields of sociology, it means challenging other sciences for recognition. The paper argues that to face the threat of a marginalization within the field of sport science, the future of sociology of sport could be to fight for an external recognition. Applying sociology could spread critical views that are necessary to sport organizations. It could also give sociologists access to very interesting data, which can help producing good research, and give it a greater legitimacy within sport sciences. However, it is a risky strategy because of the necessity for the sociologists to stay critical both on sporting organization and on their own work.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The beneficial effect of nonselective beta-blockers (NSBB) has recently been questioned in patients with end-stage cirrhosis. We analysed the impact of NSBB on outcomes in severe alcoholic hepatitis (AH). METHODS: This study was based on a prospective database of patients with severe, biopsy-proven AH. Patients admitted from July, 2006 to July, 2014 were retrospectively studied. Patients were divided into two groups (with and without NSBB) and assessed for the occurrence of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and transplant-free mortality during a 168-day follow-up period. RESULTS: One hundred thirty-nine patients were included, the mean Maddrey score was 71 ± 34 and 86 patients (61.9%) developed AKI. Forty-eight patients (34.5%) received NSBB. The overall 168-day transplant-free mortality was 50.5% (95%CI, 41.3-60.0%). The overall 168-day cumulative incidence of AKI was 61.9% (95%CI, 53.2-69.4%). When compared, patients with NSBB had a lower heart rate (65 ± 13 vs 92 ± 12, P < 0.0001) and a lower mean arterial pressure (MAP, 78 ± 3 vs 87 ± 5, P < 0.0001). Patients with NSBB had comparable MELD scores, Maddrey scores, and medical histories. The 168-day transplant-free mortality was 56.8% (95%CI, 41.3-69.7%) in patients with NSBB and 46.7% (95%CI, 35.0-57.6%) without NSBB (P = 0.25). The 168-day cumulative incidence of AKI was 89.6% (95%CI, 74.9-95.9%) with NSBB compared to 50.4% (95%CI: 39.0-60.7) for no NSBB (P = 0.0001). The independent factors predicting AKI were a higher MELD score and the presence of NSBB. CONCLUSIONS: The use of NSBB in patients with severe AH is independently associated with a higher cumulative incidence of AKI.
Results from quantitative surveys enable historians, sociologists and demographers to describe and analyse the evolution of sport participation in France from 1967 to 2010. However, most of these social scientists use the results of these surveys to create very different methodologies without having studied the surveys' empirical data or databases. In this article, we demonstrate how we have attempted to establish a basis for comparability of the surveys by analysing these databases. As a result of our work, certain affirmations on which the history of sport participation in France has long been based may be called into question or even changed.
The prevalence of obesity is increasing even in older patients. Bariatric surgery is often considered more risky in this group, and not necessarily associated with the same benefits as in younger patients. In France, guidelines recommend to assess indication for surgery based on comorbidities and physiological age.