124 resultados para Internal stimuli
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the internal mammary artery (IMA) grafts is much less pronounced than in other arteries and venous grafts. The aim of the study was to test whether various arteries respond differently to dilatation. METHODS: PTA of the IMA, carotid, renal and circumflex coronary (RCx) arteries was performed in 9 pigs (balloon to artery ratio of 1:1.5). After 8 weeks, angiography was repeated and vessels prepared for histological analysis. Immunohistochemical staining was done to examine proliferative activity (Ki67) and to identify the vasa vasorum of the adventitia (F VIII-RA). RESULTS: The intima-media ratio after PTA was lowest in the IMA (0.06), followed by the carotid (0.27) and renal arteries (0.49) and the RCx (0.69). Proliferation of the intima was seen at 287 degrees of the vessel circumference in the RCx, at 286 degrees in the renal and at 166 degrees in the carotid artery. No proliferative activity was seen in the IMA. The intima-adventitia ratio was lower in the IMA than in the RCx and renal arteries (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Intima proliferation after PTA varies between the different vessels, with best results seen in the IMA. There are differences in remodeling after PTA between muscular, muscular/elastic and elastic arteries.
In fear conditioning, an animal learns to associate an unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a shock, and a conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, so that the presentation of the CS alone can trigger conditioned responses. Recent research on the lateral amygdala has shown that following cued fear conditioning, only a subset of higher-excitable neurons are recruited in the memory trace. Their selective deletion after fear conditioning results in a selective erasure of the fearful memory. I hypothesize that the recruitment of highly excitable neurons depends on responsiveness to stimuli, intrinsic excitability and local connectivity. In addition, I hypothesize that neurons recruited for an initial memory also participate in subsequent memories, and that changes in neuronal excitability affect secondary fear learning. To address these hypotheses, I will show that A) a rat can learn to associate two successive short-term fearful memories; B) neuronal populations in the LA are competitively recruited in the memory traces depending on individual neuronal advantages, as well as advantages granted by the local network. By performing two successive cued fear conditioning experiments, I found that rats were able to learn and extinguish the two successive short-term memories, when tested 1 hour after learning for each memory. These rats were equipped with a system of stable extracellular recordings that I developed, which allowed to monitor neuronal activity during fear learning. 233 individual putative pyramidal neurons could modulate their firing rate in response to the conditioned tone (conditioned neurons) and/or non- conditioned tones (generalizing neurons). Out of these recorded putative pyramidal neurons 86 (37%) neurons were conditioned to one or both tones. More precisely, one population of neurons encoded for a shared memory while another group of neurons likely encoded the memories' new features. Notably, in spite of a successful behavioral extinction, the firing rate of those conditioned neurons in response to the conditioned tone remained unchanged throughout memory testing. Furthermore, by analyzing the pre-conditioning characteristics of the conditioned neurons, I determined that it was possible to predict neuronal recruitment based on three factors: 1) initial sensitivity to auditory inputs, with tone-sensitive neurons being more easily recruited than tone- insensitive neurons; 2) baseline excitability levels, with more highly excitable neurons being more likely to become conditioned; and 3) the number of afferent connections received from local neurons, with neurons destined to become conditioned receiving more connections than non-conditioned neurons. - En conditionnement de la peur, un animal apprend à associer un stimulus inconditionnel (SI), tel un choc électrique, et un stimulus conditionné (SC), comme un son, de sorte que la présentation du SC seul suffit pour déclencher des réflexes conditionnés. Des recherches récentes sur l'amygdale latérale (AL) ont montré que, suite au conditionnement à la peur, seul un sous-ensemble de neurones plus excitables sont recrutés pour constituer la trace mnésique. Pour apprendre à associer deux sons au même SI, je fais l'hypothèse que les neurones entrent en compétition afin d'être sélectionnés lors du recrutement pour coder la trace mnésique. Ce recrutement dépendrait d'un part à une activation facilité des neurones ainsi qu'une activation facilité de réseaux de neurones locaux. En outre, je fais l'hypothèse que l'activation de ces réseaux de l'AL, en soi, est suffisante pour induire une mémoire effrayante. Pour répondre à ces hypothèses, je vais montrer que A) selon un processus de mémoire à court terme, un rat peut apprendre à associer deux mémoires effrayantes apprises successivement; B) des populations neuronales dans l'AL sont compétitivement recrutées dans les traces mnésiques en fonction des avantages neuronaux individuels, ainsi que les avantages consentis par le réseau local. En effectuant deux expériences successives de conditionnement à la peur, des rats étaient capables d'apprendre, ainsi que de subir un processus d'extinction, pour les deux souvenirs effrayants. La mesure de l'efficacité du conditionnement à la peur a été effectuée 1 heure après l'apprentissage pour chaque souvenir. Ces rats ont été équipés d'un système d'enregistrements extracellulaires stables que j'ai développé, ce qui a permis de suivre l'activité neuronale pendant l'apprentissage de la peur. 233 neurones pyramidaux individuels pouvaient moduler leur taux d'activité en réponse au son conditionné (neurones conditionnés) et/ou au son non conditionné (neurones généralisant). Sur les 233 neurones pyramidaux putatifs enregistrés 86 (37%) d'entre eux ont été conditionnés à un ou deux tons. Plus précisément, une population de neurones code conjointement pour un souvenir partagé, alors qu'un groupe de neurones différent code pour de nouvelles caractéristiques de nouveaux souvenirs. En particulier, en dépit d'une extinction du comportement réussie, le taux de décharge de ces neurones conditionné en réponse à la tonalité conditionnée est resté inchangée tout au long de la mesure d'apprentissage. En outre, en analysant les caractéristiques de pré-conditionnement des neurones conditionnés, j'ai déterminé qu'il était possible de prévoir le recrutement neuronal basé sur trois facteurs : 1) la sensibilité initiale aux entrées auditives, avec les neurones sensibles aux sons étant plus facilement recrutés que les neurones ne répondant pas aux stimuli auditifs; 2) les niveaux d'excitabilité des neurones, avec les neurones plus facilement excitables étant plus susceptibles d'être conditionnés au son ; et 3) le nombre de connexions reçues, puisque les neurones conditionné reçoivent plus de connexions que les neurones non-conditionnés. Enfin, nous avons constaté qu'il était possible de remplacer de façon satisfaisante le SI lors d'un conditionnement à la peur par des injections bilatérales de bicuculline, un antagoniste des récepteurs de l'acide y-Aminobutirique.
INTRODUCTION: The EORTC 22922/10925 trial investigated the potential survival benefit and toxicity of elective irradiation of the internal mammary and medial supraclavicular (IM-MS) nodes Accrual completed in January 2004 and first results are expected in 2012. We present the toxicity reported until year 3 after treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: At each visit, toxicity was reported but severity was not graded routinely. Toxicity rates and performance status (PS) changes at three years were compared by chi(2) tests and logistic regression models in all the 3,866 of 4,004 patients eligible to the trial who received the allocated treatment. RESULTS: Only lung (fibrosis; dyspnoea; pneumonitis; any lung toxicities) (4.3% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.0001) but not cardiac toxicity (0.3% vs. 0.4%; p = 0.55) significantly increased with IM-MS treatment. No significant worsening of the PS was observed (p = 0.79), suggesting that treatment-related toxicity does not impair patient's daily activities. CONCLUSIONS: IM-MS irradiation seems well tolerated and does not significantly impair WHO PS at three years. A follow-up period of at least 10 years is needed to determine whether cardiac toxicity is increased after radiotherapy.
Background: A form of education called Interprofessional Education (IPE) occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other. The purpose of IPE is to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Today, IPE is considered as a key educational approach for students in the health professions. IPE is highly effective when delivered in active patient care, such as in clinical placements. General internal medicine (GIM) is a core discipline where hospital-based clinical placements are mandatory for students in many health professions. However, few interprofessional (IP) clinical placements in GIM have been implemented. We designed such a placement. Placement design: The placement took place in the Department of Internal Medicine at the CHUV. It involved students from nursing, physiotherapy and medicine. The students were in their last year before graduation. Students formed teams consisting of one student from each profession. Each team worked in the same unit and had to take care of the same patient. The placement lasted three weeks. It included formal IP sessions, the most important being facilitated discussions or "briefings" (3x/w) during which the students discussed patient care and management. Four teams of students eventually took part in this project. Method: We performed a type of evaluation research called formative evaluation. This aimed at (1) understanding the educational experience and (2) assessing the impact of the placement on student learning. We collected quantitative data with pre-post clerkship questionnaires. We also collected qualitative data with two Focus Groups (FG) discussions at the end of the placement. The FG were audiotaped and transcribed. A thematic analysis was then performed. Results: We focused on the qualitative data, since the quantitative data lacked of statistical power due to the small numbers of students (N = 11). Five themes emerged from the FG analysis: (1) Learning of others' roles, (2) Learning collaborative competences, (3) Striking a balance between acquiring one's own professional competences and interprofessional competences, (4) Barriers to apply learnt IP competences in the future and (5) Advantages and disadvantages of IP briefings. Conclusions: Our IP clinical placement in GIM appeared to help students learn other professionals' roles and collaborative skills. Some challenges (e.g. finding the same patient for each team) were identified and will require adjustments.
Introduction : Population aging leads to a considerable increase in the prevalence of specific diseases. We aimed to assess if those changes were already reflected in an Internal Medicine ward. Methods : Anonymous data was obtained from the administrative database of the department of internal medicine of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). All hospitalizations of adult (>=18 years) patients occurring between 2003 and 2011 were included. Infections, cancers and diseases according to body system (heart, lung...) were defined by the first letter of the ICD-10 code for the main cause of hospitalization. Specific diseases (myocardial infarction, heart failure...) were defined by the first three letters of the ICD-10 codes for the main cause of hospitalization. Results : Data from 32,741 hospitalizations occurring between 2003 and 2011 was analyzed. Cardiovascular (ICD-10 code I) and respiratory (ICD-10 code J) diseases ranked first and second, respectively, and their ranks did not change during the study period (figure). Digestive and endocrine diseases decreased while psychiatric diseases increased from rank 9 in 2003 to rank 6 in 2011 (figure). Among specific diseases, pneumonia (organism unspecified, code J18) ranked first in 2003 and second in 2011. Acute myocardial infarction (code I21) ranked second in 2003 and third in 2011. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection (code J44) ranked third in 2003 and decreased to rank 8 in 2011. Conversely, heart failure (code I50) increased from rank 8 in 2003 to rank 1 in 2011 and delirium (not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances, code F05) increased from below rank 20 in 2003 to rank 4 in 2011. For more details, see table. Conclusion : In less than 10 years, considerable changes occurred in the presentation of patients attending an Internal Medicine ward. The changes in diseases call for adaptations in hospital staff and logistics.
Doctors must regularly adjust their patients' care according to recent relevant publications. The chief residents from the Department of Internal Medicine of a university hospital present some major themes of internal medicine treated during the year 2008, such as heart failure, diabetes, COPD, and thromboembolic disease. Emphasis will be placed primarily on changes in the daily hospital practice induced by these recent studies. This variety of topics illustrates both the broad spectrum of the current internal medicine, and the many uncertainties associated with modem medical practice based on evidence.
Post-prescription review of hospital antibiotic therapy may contribute to more appropriate use. We estimated the impact of a standardised review of intravenous antibiotic therapy three days after prescription in two internal medicine wards of a university hospital. In one ward, we assessed the charts of patients under intravenous antibiotic therapy using a standardised review process and provided feedback to the prescriber. There was no intervention in the other ward. After six months we crossed the allocation between the two wards. In all, 204 courses of antibiotic therapy were included in the intervention periods and 226 in the control periods. Post-prescription review led to proposals for modification in 46% of antibiotic courses. Time to treatment modification was 22% shorter in the intervention periods compared with the control periods (3.9+/-5.2 days vs 5.0+/-6.0 days, P=0.007). Patients included in the intervention group had lower antibiotic consumption than patients in the control group, but the intervention had no significant impact on the overall antibiotic consumption of the two wards.
Background: One characteristic of post traumatic stress disorder is an inability to adapt to a safe environment i.e. to change behavior when predictions of adverse outcomes are not met. Recent studies have also indicated that PTSD patients have altered pain processing, with hyperactivation of the putamen and insula to aversive stimuli (Geuze et al, 2007). The present study examined neuronal responses to aversive and predicted aversive events. Methods: Twenty-four trauma exposed non-PTSD controls and nineteen subjects with PTSD underwent fMRI imaging during a partial reinforcement fear conditioning paradigm, with a mild electric shock as the unconditioned stimuli (UCS). Three conditions were analyzed: actual presentations of the UCS, events when a UCS was expected, but omitted (CS+), and events when the UCS was neither expected nor delivered (CS-). Results: The UCS evoked significant alterations in the pain matrix consisting of the brainstem, the midbrain, the thalamus, the insula, the anterior and middle cingulate and the contralateral somatosensory cortex. PTSD subjects displayed bilaterally elevated putamen activity to the electric shock, as compared to controls. In trials when USC was expected, but omitted, significant activations were observed in the brainstem, the midbrain, the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate. PTSD subjects displayed similar activations, but also elevated activations in the amygdala and the posterior insula. Conclusions: These results indicate altered fear and safety learning in PTSD, and neuronal activations are further explored in terms of functional connectivity using psychophysiological interaction analyses.
Monitoring of internal exposure for nuclear medicine workers requires frequent measurements due to the short physical half-lives of most radionuclides used in this field. The aim of this study was to develop screening measurements performed at the workplace by local staff using standard laboratory instrumentation, to detect whether potential intake has occurred. Such measurements do not enable to determine the committed effective dose, but are adequate to verify that a given threshold is not exceeded. For radioiodine, i.e. (123)I, (124)I, (125)I and (131)I, a calibrated surface contamination monitor is placed in front of the thyroid to detect whether the activity threshold has been exceeded. For radionuclides with very short physical half-lives (≤6 h), such as (99m)Tc and those used in positron emission tomography imaging, i.e. (11)C, (15)O, (18)F and (68)Ga, screening procedures consist in performing daily measurements of the ambient dose rate in front of the abdomen. Other gamma emitters used for imaging, i.e. (67)Ga, (111)In and (201)Tl, are measured with a scintillation detector located in front of the thorax. For pure beta emitters, i.e. (90)Y and (169)Er, as well as beta emitters with low-intensity gamma rays, i.e. (153)Sm, (177)Lu, (186)Re and (188)Re, the procedure consists in measuring hand contamination immediately after use. In Switzerland, screening procedures have been adopted by most nuclear medicine services since such measurements enable an acceptable monitoring while taking into account practical and economic considerations.
L'année 2007 a été marquée par la publication de plusieurs études internationales concernant directement le quotidien de l'interniste hospitalier. Un résumé de ces travaux ne saurait être qu'un extrait condensé et forcément subjectif d'une croissante et dynamique diversité. Au gré de leurs lectures, de leurs intérêts et de leurs interrogations, les chefs de clinique du Service de médecine interne vous proposent ainsi un parcours original revisitant les thèmes de l'insuffisance cardiaque, du diabète, de l'endocardite, de la BPCO ou de la qualité des soins. Cette variété de sujets illustre à la fois le vaste champ couvert par la médecine interne actuelle, ainsi que les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la pratique médicale moderne basée sur les preuves. In 2007, several international studies brought useful information for the daily work of internists in hospital settings. This summary is of course subjective but reflects the interests and questions of the chief residents of the Department of internal medicine who wrote this article like an original trip in medical literature. This trip will allow you to review some aspects of important fields such as heart failure, diabetes, endocarditis, COPD, and quality of care. Besides the growing diversity of the fields covered by internal medicine, these various topics underline also the uncertainty internists have to face in a practice directed towards evidence.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments are widely used to determine, within entire genomes, the occupancy sites of any protein of interest, including, for example, transcription factors, RNA polymerases, or histones with or without various modifications. In addition to allowing the determination of occupancy sites within one cell type and under one condition, this method allows, in principle, the establishment and comparison of occupancy maps in various cell types, tissues, and conditions. Such comparisons require, however, that samples be normalized. Widely used normalization methods that include a quantile normalization step perform well when factor occupancy varies at a subset of sites, but may miss uniform genome-wide increases or decreases in site occupancy. We describe a spike adjustment procedure (SAP) that, unlike commonly used normalization methods intervening at the analysis stage, entails an experimental step prior to immunoprecipitation. A constant, low amount from a single batch of chromatin of a foreign genome is added to the experimental chromatin. This "spike" chromatin then serves as an internal control to which the experimental signals can be adjusted. We show that the method improves similarity between replicates and reveals biological differences including global and largely uniform changes.