48 resultados para Information storage and retrieval systems Management


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We propose a method for brain atlas deformation in the presence of large space-occupying tumors, based on an a priori model of lesion growth that assumes radial expansion of the lesion from its starting point. Our approach involves three steps. First, an affine registration brings the atlas and the patient into global correspondence. Then, the seeding of a synthetic tumor into the brain atlas provides a template for the lesion. The last step is the deformation of the seeded atlas, combining a method derived from optical flow principles and a model of lesion growth. Results show that a good registration is performed and that the method can be applied to automatic segmentation of structures and substructures in brains with gross deformation, with important medical applications in neurosurgery, radiosurgery, and radiotherapy.


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L'article présente les étapes de la mise en place d'une veille bibliographique (ou veille scientifique) thématique effectuée conjointement depuis 2005 par 4 institutions francophones du domaine de la santé au travail : l'INRS (France), l'IRSST (Québec), l'IST (Suisse) et l'UCL (Belgique).La thématique suivie est celle de la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail. Les données recueillies et mises en forme par les documentalistes servent aux chercheurs spécialistes du sujet non seulement pour suivre les nouveautés du domaine, mais aussi pour documenter des cours et mettre à jour des guides de surveillance biologique. Les différentes étapes de l'approche méthodologique du projet sont décrites : le choix des bases de données à interroger et la mise au point de la stratégie de recherche, la mise en place d'une procédure de partage des tâches pour toutes les étapes du processus de veille qui se répètent à chaque mise à jour (interrogation, création de bases de données avec le logiciel Reference Manager, mise en forme et indexation des références, création et mise à disposition des partenaires des bases de données consolidées au fil du temps avec tous les articles analysés), les moyens administratifs, humains et techniques d'échange de fichiers et les essais pour élargir la veille à la surveillance de pages Web sélectionnées.Un bilan chiffré des six années de la veille est également donné.L'information récoltée et analysée durant les deux dernières années par les partenaires du projet fera l'objet d'un second article axé sur les principales tendances de la thématique choisie.


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The Complete Arabidopsis Transcriptome Micro Array (CATMA) database contains gene sequence tag (GST) and gene model sequences for over 70% of the predicted genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome as well as primer sequences for GST amplification and a wide range of supplementary information. All CATMA GST sequences are specific to the gene for which they were designed, and all gene models were predicted from a complete reannotation of the genome using uniform parameters. The database is searchable by sequence name, sequence homology or direct SQL query, and is available through the CATMA website at http://www.catma.org/.


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Les deux premières parties de cet article parues précédemment ont présenté la méthodologie ainsi que les premiers éléments du bilan réalisé sur la période allant de 2009 à 2012 de la veille bibliographique sur la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail (SBEPC MT) mise en place par un réseau francophone multidisciplinaire.


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PURPOSE: To improve the tag persistence throughout the whole cardiac cycle by providing a constant tag-contrast throughout all the cardiac phases when using balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The flip angles of the imaging radiofrequency pulses were optimized to compensate for the tagging contrast-to-noise ratio (Tag-CNR) fading at later cardiac phases in bSSFP imaging. Complementary spatial modulation of magnetization (CSPAMM) tagging was implemented to improve the Tag-CNR. Numerical simulations were performed to examine the behavior of the Tag-CNR with the proposed method, and to compare the resulting Tag-CNR with that obtained from the more commonly used spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) imaging. A gel phantom, as well as five healthy human volunteers, were scanned on a 1.5T scanner using bSSFP imaging with and without the proposed technique. The phantom was also scanned with SPGR imaging. RESULTS: With the proposed technique, the Tag-CNR remained almost constant during the whole cardiac cycle. Using bSSFP imaging, the Tag-CNR was about double that of SPGR. CONCLUSION: The tag persistence was significantly improved when the proposed method was applied, with better Tag-CNR during the diastolic cardiac phase. The improved Tag-CNR will support automated tagging analysis and quantification methods.


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The broad aim of biomedical science in the postgenomic era is to link genomic and phenotype information to allow deeper understanding of the processes leading from genomic changes to altered phenotype and disease. The EuroPhenome project (http://www.EuroPhenome.org) is a comprehensive resource for raw and annotated high-throughput phenotyping data arising from projects such as EUMODIC. EUMODIC is gathering data from the EMPReSSslim pipeline (http://www.empress.har.mrc.ac.uk/) which is performed on inbred mouse strains and knock-out lines arising from the EUCOMM project. The EuroPhenome interface allows the user to access the data via the phenotype or genotype. It also allows the user to access the data in a variety of ways, including graphical display, statistical analysis and access to the raw data via web services. The raw phenotyping data captured in EuroPhenome is annotated by an annotation pipeline which automatically identifies statistically different mutants from the appropriate baseline and assigns ontology terms for that specific test. Mutant phenotypes can be quickly identified using two EuroPhenome tools: PhenoMap, a graphical representation of statistically relevant phenotypes, and mining for a mutant using ontology terms. To assist with data definition and cross-database comparisons, phenotype data is annotated using combinations of terms from biological ontologies.


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The main goal of CleanEx is to provide access to public gene expression data via unique gene names. A second objective is to represent heterogeneous expression data produced by different technologies in a way that facilitates joint analysis and cross-data set comparisons. A consistent and up-to-date gene nomenclature is achieved by associating each single experiment with a permanent target identifier consisting of a physical description of the targeted RNA population or the hybridization reagent used. These targets are then mapped at regular intervals to the growing and evolving catalogues of human genes and genes from model organisms. The completely automatic mapping procedure relies partly on external genome information resources such as UniGene and RefSeq. The central part of CleanEx is a weekly built gene index containing cross-references to all public expression data already incorporated into the system. In addition, the expression target database of CleanEx provides gene mapping and quality control information for various types of experimental resource, such as cDNA clones or Affymetrix probe sets. The web-based query interfaces offer access to individual entries via text string searches or quantitative expression criteria. CleanEx is accessible at: http://www.cleanex.isb-sib.ch/.


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The M-Coffee server is a web server that makes it possible to compute multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) by running several MSA methods and combining their output into one single model. This allows the user to simultaneously run all his methods of choice without having to arbitrarily choose one of them. The MSA is delivered along with a local estimation of its consistency with the individual MSAs it was derived from. The computation of the consensus multiple alignment is carried out using a special mode of the T-Coffee package [Notredame, Higgins and Heringa (T-Coffee: a novel method for fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment. J. Mol. Biol. 2000; 302: 205-217); Wallace, O'Sullivan, Higgins and Notredame (M-Coffee: combining multiple sequence alignment methods with T-Coffee. Nucleic Acids Res. 2006; 34: 1692-1699)] Given a set of sequences (DNA or proteins) in FASTA format, M-Coffee delivers a multiple alignment in the most common formats. M-Coffee is a freeware open source package distributed under a GPL license and it is available either as a standalone package or as a web service from www.tcoffee.org.


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Une veille bibliographique est organisée depuis 2005 sur la surveillance biologique aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail (SBEPC MT). Elle a été mise en place par le réseau francophone multidisciplinaire, composé de l'INRS (France), l'IRSST (Québec) et l'UCL (Belgique). Cet article dresse le bilan de l'information récoltée et analysée, de 2009 à 2012, au travers de 435 articles sélectionnés. Plusieurs thèmes d'intérêt ou d'actualités font l'objet d'une analyse plus approfondie, dont notamment les pesticides, les hydrocarbures aromatiques, le benzène, le mangannèse, la variabilité biologique, les dosages cutanés et frottis de surface, les dosages dans l'air expiré ou encore la spectrométrie de masse.


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Dans cette première de quatre parties, un réseau francophone multidisciplinaire présente les principaux résultats d'une veille bibliographique sur la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail.


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Cet article est la seconde partie d'une série de quatre consacrée aux résultats d'une veille bibliographique sur la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail (SBEPC MT). Alors que la précédente partie présentait les objectifs et l'organisation de la veille, cette partie ainsi que la partie 3 vont donc présenter une vue d'ensemble de la base de données en fonction de l'indexation des articles analysés par différents mots clés.


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Voici la quatrième et dernière partie des résultats d'une veille bibliographique sur la surveillance biologique de l'exposition aux produits chimiques en milieu de travail (SBEPCMT) mise en place par un réseau francophone multidisciplinaire.


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BACKGROUND: Knowledge about their past medical history is central for childhood cancer survivors to ensure informed decisions in their health management. Knowledge about information provision and information needs in this population is still scarce. We thus aimed to assess: (1) the information survivors reported to have received on disease, treatment, follow-up, and late effects; (2) their information needs in these four domains and the format in which they would like it provided; (3) the association with psychological distress and quality of life (QoL). PROCEDURE: As part of the Follow-up survey of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent a questionnaire to all survivors (≥18 years) who previously participated to the baseline survey, were diagnosed with cancer after 1990 at an age of <16 years. RESULTS: Most survivors had received oral information only (on illness: oral: 82%, written: 38%, treatment: oral: 79%, written: 36%; follow-up: oral: 77%, written: 23%; late effects: oral: 68%, written: 14%). Most survivors who had not previously received any information rated it as important, especially information on late effects (71%). A large proportion of survivors reported current information needs and would like to receive personalized information especially on late effects (44%). Survivors with higher information needs reported higher psychological distress and lower QoL. CONCLUSIONS: Survivors want to be more informed especially on possible late effects, and want to receive personalized information. Improving information provision, both qualitatively and quantitatively, will allow survivors to have better control of their health and to become better decision makers.


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Il est important pour les entreprises de compresser les informations détaillées dans des sets d'information plus compréhensibles. Au chapitre 1, je résume et structure la littérature sur le sujet « agrégation d'informations » en contrôle de gestion. Je récapitule l'analyse coûts-bénéfices que les comptables internes doivent considérer quand ils décident des niveaux optimaux d'agrégation d'informations. Au-delà de la perspective fondamentale du contenu d'information, les entreprises doivent aussi prendre en considération des perspectives cogni- tives et comportementales. Je développe ces aspects en faisant la part entre la comptabilité analytique, les budgets et plans, et la mesure de la performance. Au chapitre 2, je focalise sur un biais spécifique qui se crée lorsque les informations incertaines sont agrégées. Pour les budgets et plans, des entreprises doivent estimer les espérances des coûts et des durées des projets, car l'espérance est la seule mesure de tendance centrale qui est linéaire. A la différence de l'espérance, des mesures comme le mode ou la médiane ne peuvent pas être simplement additionnés. En considérant la forme spécifique de distributions des coûts et des durées, l'addition des modes ou des médianes résultera en une sous-estimation. Par le biais de deux expériences, je remarque que les participants tendent à estimer le mode au lieu de l'espérance résultant en une distorsion énorme de l'estimati¬on des coûts et des durées des projets. Je présente également une stratégie afin d'atténuer partiellement ce biais. Au chapitre 3, j'effectue une étude expérimentale pour comparer deux approches d'esti¬mation du temps qui sont utilisées en comptabilité analytique, spécifiquement « coûts basés sur les activités (ABC) traditionnelles » et « time driven ABC » (TD-ABC). Au contraire des affirmations soutenues par les défenseurs de l'approche TD-ABC, je constate que cette dernière n'est pas nécessairement appropriée pour les calculs de capacité. Par contre, je démontre que le TD-ABC est plus approprié pour les allocations de coûts que l'approche ABC traditionnelle. - It is essential for organizations to compress detailed sets of information into more comprehensi¬ve sets, thereby, establishing sharp data compression and good decision-making. In chapter 1, I review and structure the literature on information aggregation in management accounting research. I outline the cost-benefit trade-off that management accountants need to consider when they decide on the optimal levels of information aggregation. Beyond the fundamental information content perspective, organizations also have to account for cognitive and behavi¬oral perspectives. I elaborate on these aspects differentiating between research in cost accounti¬ng, budgeting and planning, and performance measurement. In chapter 2, I focus on a specific bias that arises when probabilistic information is aggregated. In budgeting and planning, for example, organizations need to estimate mean costs and durations of projects, as the mean is the only measure of central tendency that is linear. Different from the mean, measures such as the mode or median cannot simply be added up. Given the specific shape of cost and duration distributions, estimating mode or median values will result in underestimations of total project costs and durations. In two experiments, I find that participants tend to estimate mode values rather than mean values resulting in large distortions of estimates for total project costs and durations. I also provide a strategy that partly mitigates this bias. In the third chapter, I conduct an experimental study to compare two approaches to time estimation for cost accounting, i.e., traditional activity-based costing (ABC) and time-driven ABC (TD-ABC). Contrary to claims made by proponents of TD-ABC, I find that TD-ABC is not necessarily suitable for capacity computations. However, I also provide evidence that TD-ABC seems better suitable for cost allocations than traditional ABC.


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BACKGROUND: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients are confronted with needs and concerns related to their disease. AIM: To explore information expectations of patients included in a national bilingual IBD cohort in Switzerland (SIBDC). METHODS: This is a mixed-methods study, comprising 1) a semi-narrative survey sent to 1506 patients from the SIBDC and 2) two focus groups conducted with 14 patients to explore and assess the relevance of the survey's findings. Data collected within the framework of the SIBDC was used to characterize survey's responders. RESULTS: 728 patients (48%) replied to the survey: 52.5% females, 56% Crohn's disease (CD), 87% secondary/tertiary level educated, 70% full/part-time employed. On average, 47% of patients sought for information, regardless of the disease stage; 27% of them were dissatisfied with information received at the time of first symptoms. During flares, 43% were concerned about drugs and therapies; in remission, 57% had concerns on research and developments; 27% searched for information linked to daily disease management. Information-seeking increased when active disease, for CD with high levels of perceived stress (OR = 2.47; p = 0.003), and for all with higher posttraumatic stress symptoms. The focus groups confirmed a perceived lack of information about general functioning, disease course, treatments and their risks, extra-intestinal symptoms and manifestations. CONCLUSIONS: Information remains insufficient for IBD patients. Lack of information in specific domains can potentially cause stress and hinder detection of symptoms. Better information should be considered as a potentially important component in improving patients' outcomes in IBD.