85 resultados para INPATIENTS
Introduction: Osteoporosis presenting as low-impact fractures to traumatology units is often undiagnosed and under-treated. Results from the Osteocare study in Lausanne (a nurse based intervention, passive pathway) showed that only 19% of patients received management for osteoporosis, and in the literature [1], the rate is between 10-25%. We have evaluated a different management concept, based on the systematic assessment of patients with osteoporotic fractures during and after hospitalization (active pathway). Methods: Inpatients admitted to the Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine for a fragility fracture were identified by a nurse according to a predefined questionnaire and were then clinically evaluated by a doctor. Based on the results, a management plan was proposed to the patients. Patients could choose between follow up either by their GP or by the Centre of Bone Disease of the CHUV. For patients who chose follow-up in our Centre, we assessed their adherence to medical follow-up 1 year inclusion. The results of patients who had been evaluated in our cohort between the 1 November 2008 and the 1 December 2009 were analysed. Results: 573 inpatients received specific management of their osteoporotic fracture over 18 months. The mean age was 77 y (31-99), 81% were women (203 hip fractures, 40 pelvis fractures, 101 arm fractures, 57 vertebral fractures, 63 ankle fractures, and 25 others sites). During the study period, 303 patients received a proposition of a specific treatment. 39 (13%) chose a follow up with the GP, 19 (6%) dead and 245 (81%) preferred a follow up in our Centre. After 1 year, 166 (67%) patients are under follow up in our outpatient clinic. Conclusion: With an active clinical pathway that starts during the hospitalization, consisting on a nursing evaluation followed by a medical consultation by an expert in osteoporosis, the adherence increased from 19% to 67% in terms of follow up. These results lead us to propose a consultation with a doctor experienced in osteoporosis after all osteoporotic fractures.
Background: There is increasing evidence that hypoxia induces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical impact of hypoxia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is so far poorly investigated. Aim: We wanted to evaluate if flights and journeys to regions >= 2000 meter above sea level are associated with the occurrence of flares in IBD patients in the following 4 weeks. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by inpatients and outpatients of the IBD clinics of three tertiary referral centers presenting with an IBD flare. Patients were inquired about their habits in the 4 weeks prior to the flare. Patients with flares were matched with an IBD group in remission during the observation period (according to age, gender, smoking habits, and medication). Results: A total of 103 IBD patients were included (43 Crohn's disease (CD), whereof 65% female, 60 ulcerative colitis, whereof 47% female, mean age 39.3 ± 14.6 years for CD and 43.1 ± 14.2 years for UC). Fifty-two patients with flares were matched to 51 patients without flare. Overall, IBD-patients with flares had significantly more frequently a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level in the observation period compared to the patients in remission (21/52 (40.4%) vs. 8/51 (15.7%), p = 0.005). There was a statistically significant correlation between the occurrence of a flare and a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level among CD patients with flares as compared to CD patients in remission (8/21 (38.1%) vs. 2/22 (9.1%), p = 0.024). A trend for more frequent flights and high-altitude journeys was observed in UC patients with flares (13/31 (41.9%) vs. 6/29 (20.7%), p = 0.077). Mean flight duration was 5.8 ± 4.3 hours. The groups were controlled for the following factors (always flare group cited first): age (39.6 ± 13.4 vs. 43.5 ± 14.6, p = 0.102), smoking (16/52 vs. 10/51, p = 0.120), regular sports activities (32/52 vs. 33/51, p = 0.739), treatment with antibiotics in the 4 weeks before flare (8/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.811), NSAID intake (12/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.221), frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (both groups 0) and oxygen therapy (both groups 0). Conclusion: IBD patients with a flare had significantly more frequent flights and/or high-altitude journeys within four weeks prior to the IBD flare compared to the group that was in remission. We conclude that flights and stays in high altitude are a risk factor for IBD flares.
OBJECTIVE: Although the maximal quetiapine doses in the published studies were restricted to 800 mg/day, higher quetiapine doses are not unusual in clinical practice. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness, tolerability and clinical reasons associated to the use of high dosage of quetiapine (>800 mg), when used under routine clinical conditions, in a sample of bipolar disorder and schizoaffective bipolar inpatients. METHODS: Charts of all bipolar and schizoaffective adult inpatients, who had received quetiapine for a mood episode between 1999 and 2005 were retrospectively reviewed. These charts also included the assessment of manic and depressive symptoms on admission and at discharge using the Beck-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) and the Montgomery Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS), respectively. RESULTS: Data of 50 patients were analyzed. The overall F in repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant MAS scores reduction between admission and discharge. MAS scores reduction did not differ between the high and low quetiapine groups. Similarly, a significant MADRS reduction was found. Again, no differences between the high and the low dose group were found. Logistic regression analysis of the 50 patients revealed only mixed episodes predicted high quetiapine dosage. CONCLUSIONS: The present study confirms quetiapine efficiency and tolerability in the treatment of bipolar episodes, even in doses > to 800 mg and found a link between quetiapine doses and mixed episodes
To date, there is no widely accepted clinical scale to monitor the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients. We assessed the sensitivity to treatment of a validated French version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) 65+ compared to five routinely used scales. Thirty elderly inpatients with ICD-10 diagnosis of dementia and depression were evaluated at admission and discharge using paired t-test. Using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) "depressive mood" item as gold standard, a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis assessed the validity of HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item score changes. Unlike Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini Mental State Examination and Activities of Daily Living scores, BPRS scores decreased and Global Assessment Functioning Scale score increased significantly from admission to discharge. Amongst HoNOS65+F items, "behavioural disturbance", "depressive symptoms", "activities of daily life" and "drug management" items showed highly significant changes between the first and last day of hospitalization. The ROC analysis revealed that changes in the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item correctly classified 93% of the cases with good sensitivity (0.95) and specificity (0.88) values. These data suggest that the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item may provide a valid assessment of the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY AND PRINCIPLES: Estimating glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in hospitalised patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is important for drug prescription but it remains a difficult task. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of selected algorithms based on serum creatinine, cystatin C and beta-trace protein to estimate GFR and the potential added advantage of measuring muscle mass by bioimpedance. In a prospective unselected group of patients hospitalised in a general internal medicine ward with CKD, GFR was evaluated using inulin clearance as the gold standard and the algorithms of Cockcroft, MDRD, Larsson (cystatin C), White (beta-trace) and MacDonald (creatinine and muscle mass by bioimpedance). 69 patients were included in the study. Median age (interquartile range) was 80 years (73-83); weight 74.7 kg (67.0-85.6), appendicular lean mass 19.1 kg (14.9-22.3), serum creatinine 126 μmol/l (100-149), cystatin C 1.45 mg/l (1.19-1.90), beta-trace protein 1.17 mg/l (0.99-1.53) and GFR measured by inulin 30.9 ml/min (22.0-43.3). The errors in the estimation of GFR and the area under the ROC curves (95% confidence interval) relative to inulin were respectively: Cockcroft 14.3 ml/min (5.55-23.2) and 0.68 (0.55-0.81), MDRD 16.3 ml/min (6.4-27.5) and 0.76 (0.64-0.87), Larsson 12.8 ml/min (4.50-25.3) and 0.82 (0.72-0.92), White 17.6 ml/min (11.5-31.5) and 0.75 (0.63-0.87), MacDonald 32.2 ml/min (13.9-45.4) and 0.65 (0.52-0.78). Currently used algorithms overestimate GFR in hospitalised patients with CKD. As a consequence eGFR targeted prescriptions of renal-cleared drugs, might expose patients to overdosing. The best results were obtained with the Larsson algorithm. The determination of muscle mass by bioimpedance did not provide significant contributions.
Résumé En Suisse, les programmes de désaccoutumance au tabac se réfèrent généralement au modèle de préparation au changement de Prochaska et DiClemente (1983), Les patients atteints de maladies somatiques liées au tabagisme comme les pathologies cardiovasculaires ou pulmonaires accèdent facilement à ces programmes, contrairement aux patients présentant une dépendance à des drogues illicites. La prévalence de fumeurs dans cette population est pourtant élevée et les problèmes engendrés par le tabac sont importants, non seulement d'un point de vue individuel mais aussi en terme de santé publique. Il est par conséquent intéressant d'évaluer la motivation concernant la désaccoutumance au tabac de patients toxicomanes entreprenant un sevrage de drogues illicites. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué les stades de préparation au changement concernant la dépendance au tabac chez 100 patients toxicomanes hospitalisés sur un mode volontaire dans le cadre d'un programme de sevrage à des drogues illégales. L'évaluation s'est faite à l'aide d'un auto-questionnaire dont les résultats indiquent qu'une minorité de patients sont décidés à interrompre la consommation de tabac. En effet, seul 15% des patients se trouvaient aux stades de contemplation ou de décision. De plus, 93% des sujets considéraient l'arrêt du tabac comme difficile ou très difficile. Ces données montrent qu'il existe un décalage important entre la motivation relative au sevrage de drogues illégales et la motivation liées à l'arrêt du tabac. En effet, malgré leur motivation élevée pour se sevrer de drogues illicites, la proportion de patients restant au stade de précontemplation concernant la désaccoutumance au tabac reste élevée. Diverses hypothèses permettent d'expliquer ces résultats, notamment la perception que la désaccoutumance au tabac est plus difficile à réaliser que le sevrage de substances illicites. Abstract Nicotine cessation programmes in Switzerland, which are commonly based on the stage of change model of Prochaska and DiClemente (1983), are rarely offered to patients with illicit drug dependence. This stands in contrast to the high smoking rates and the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in these patients. The stage of change was therefore assessed by self-administered questionnaire in 100 inpatients attending an illegal drug withdrawal programme. Only 15% of the patients were in the contemplation or decision stage. 93% considered smoking cessation to be difficult or very difficult. These data show a discrepancy between the motivation to change illegal drug consumption habits and the motivation for smoking cessation. The high pro-portion of patients remaining in the precontemplation stage for smoking cessation, in spite of their motivation for illicit drug detoxification, may be due to the perception that cessation of smoking is more difficult than illicit drug abuse cessation.
To assess the impact of admission to different hospital types on early and 1-year outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Between 1997 and 2009, 31 010 ACS patients from 76 Swiss hospitals were enrolled in the AMIS Plus registry. Large tertiary institutions with continuous (24 hour/7 day) cardiac catheterisation facilities were classified as type A hospitals, and all others as type B. For 1-year outcomes, a subgroup of patients admitted after 2005 were studied. Eleven type A hospitals admitted 15987 (52%) patients and 65 type B hospitals 15023 (48%) patients. Patients admitted into B hospitals were older, more frequently female, diabetic, hypertensive, had more severe comorbidities and more frequent non-ST segment elevation (NSTE)-ACS/unstable angina (UA). STE-ACS patients admitted into B hospitals received more thrombolysis, but less percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Crude in-hospital mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were higher in patients from B hospitals. Crude 1-year mortality of 3747 ACS patients followed up was higher in patients admitted into B hospitals, but no differences were found for MACE. After adjustment for age, risk factors, type of ACS and comorbidities, hospital type was not an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality, in-hospital MACE, 1-year MACE or mortality. Admission indicated a crude outcome in favour of hospitalisation during duty-hours while 1-year outcome could not document a significant effect. ACS patients admitted to smaller regional Swiss hospitals were older, had more severe comorbidities, more NSTE-ACS and received less intensive treatment compared with the patients initially admitted to large tertiary institutions. However, hospital type was not an independent predictor of early and mid-term outcomes in these patients. Furthermore, our data suggest that Swiss hospitals have been functioning as an efficient network for the past 12 years.
The question of the place of psychotherapy in psychiatric public care is posed in this article. We will address this question first by presenting two clinical and research programmes which were implemented in a clinical psychiatric unit, section Karl Jaspers (Service of General Psychiatry) of the Department of Psychiatry CHUV, in Lausanne with the collaboration of the University Institute of Psychotherapy. The first one puts forward psychodynamic psychotherapy of depressed inpatients; the clinical programme and the research questions on efficacy of this treatment are discussed. The second focuses on the early treatment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder, in particular in its research question on the effect of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship in this process. We conclude by underlining the convergences of the two programmes.
INTRODUCTION: Social phobia is among the most frequent psychiatric disorders and can be classified into two subtypes, nongeneralized and generalized. Whereas it significantly worsens the morbidity of comorbid substance abuse disorders, and it often is associated with reduced treatment responses, there is still lacking data on its prevalence in clinical populations of drug abusing patients. METHODS: The study sample consisted of 75 inpatients and 75 outpatients meeting DSM-IV criteria for drug dependence. Symptoms of social phobia were assessed with the French-language version of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). RESULTS: Prevalence rate were 20% for the generalized subtype and 42.6% for the nongeneralized subtype. Gender difference emerged in the severity of fear, women reporting significantly greater fear relating to performance situations than men. CONCLUSIONS: An important proportion of patients with substance dependence present a comorbid generalized or nongeneralized social phobia. Early recognition of social phobia and adequate interventions is warranted for these patients in order to improve their treatment response with regard to quality of life and relapse prevention.
Background: Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) due to hereditaryhemorrhagic telangiectases (HHT) is associated with paradoxical strokes, brainabcesses, and increased prevalence of migraines. We report a patient in whom wefound a relationship between PAMVs and a reduction in frequency of migrainewith aura after the treatment of the first pulmonary malformation.Patient and methods: A 67-year-old woman developed migraine with visual auraand major epistaxis during childhood. A PAVM is discovered and surgically removedin 1969. Migraines nearly disappeared during several years, after which theystarted to reappear progressively. A HHT syndrome is diagnosed based on recurrentepistaxis, the development of cutaneous telangiectases and a positive family history.She suffered a left subcortical stroke in 2008. Perfusion CT, chest radiography,thoracic CT-angiography, contrast echocardiography, contrast transcranial Dopplerand cerebral MRI were performed.Results: Perfusion CT showed previous asymptomatic strokes in cerebellum andbasal ganglia. 4 PAMVs were confirmed on the chest x-ray whose structural conformationis identified on thoracic CT. Contrast echocardiography and transcranialDoppler showed a massive right to left shunt. It is planned to embolize the 4PAVMs, and migraine frequency will now be prospectively assessed.Conclusion: This patient with a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation showeda reduced migraine frequency after resection of her lung lesion. This suggests acausal relationship between a right to left shunt and migraine, as discussed inpatients with patent foramen ovale.
BACKGROUND: Questions remain about how brief motivational interventions (BMIs) for unhealthy alcohol use work, and addressing these questions may be important for improving their efficacy. Therefore, we assessed the effects of various characteristics of BMIs on drinking outcomes across 3 randomized controlled trials (RCTs). METHODS: Audio recordings of 314 BMIs were coded. We used the global rating scales of the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code (MISC) 2.1: counselor's acceptance, empathy, and motivational interviewing (MI) spirit, and patient's self-exploration were rated. MI proficiency was defined as counselor's rating scale scores ≥5. We also used the structure, confrontation, and advice subscale scores of the Therapy Process Rating Scale and the Working Alliance Inventory. We examined these process characteristics in interventions across 1 U.S. RCT of middle-aged medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use (n = 124) and 2 Swiss RCTs of young men with binge drinking in a nonclinical setting: Swiss-one (n = 62) and Swiss-two (n = 128). We assessed the associations between these characteristics and drinks/d reported by participants 3 to 6 months after study entry. RESULTS: In all 3 RCTs, mean MISC counselor's rating scales scores were consistent with MI proficiency. In overdispersed Poisson regression models, most BMI characteristics were not significantly associated with drinks/d in follow-up. In the U.S. RCT, confrontation and self-exploration were associated with more drinking. Giving advice was significantly associated with less drinking in the Swiss-one RCT. Contrary to expectations, MI spirit was not consistently associated with drinking across studies. CONCLUSIONS: Across different populations and settings, intervention characteristics viewed as central to efficacious BMIs were neither robust nor consistent predictors of drinking outcome. Although there may be alternative reasons why the level of MI processes was not predictive of outcomes in these studies (limited variability in scores), efforts to understand what makes BMIs efficacious may require attention to factors beyond intervention process characteristics typically examined.
The treatment of delusional depression is a major challenge in psychopharmacology. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) overdrive may contribute, via increased dopaminergic activity, to the pathophysiology of the disorder. Trimipramine appears to be an interesting potential candidate, since it is an atypical antidepressant that is known to inhibit HPA activity. In a four-week open trial we investigated its effects in 15 inpatients with delusional depression. The dosage was increased within 7 days up to 300 - 400 mg/d and was then maintained for three weeks. Psychometric assessments and safety monitoring were conducted weekly. Assessment of the HPA activity was achieved by a combined dexamethasone suppression/corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation (Dex/CRH) test before and after four weeks of treatment. Therapeutic response was defined as a decrease in the HAMD-score of at least 50 %. Eight out of 13 completers were rated as responders. Therapeutic response was associated with L, D-trimipramine concentrations higher than 160 ng/ml. Intent-to-treat analysis showed significant improvement in psychometric variables. Despite the high dosage, the substance was generally well tolerated, with the exception of one patient who suffered from a hypotensive reaction. Mean +/- SD concentration of L-trimipramine and D-trimipramine were 138 +/- 61 ng/ml and 119 +/- 50 ng/ml at a final dose of 346 +/- 50 mg/d. The ACTH and cortisol area under the curve in the Dex/CRH tests decreased significantly, reflecting a decrease of activity in the HPA system. We suggest that the clinical use of high-dose trimipramine in delusional depression seems to be a promising treatment strategy.
BACKGROUND: A simple prognostic model could help identify patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of death and are candidates for outpatient treatment. METHODS: We randomly allocated 15,531 retrospectively identified inpatients who had a discharge diagnosis of pulmonary embolism from 186 Pennsylvania hospitals to derivation (67%) and internal validation (33%) samples. We derived our rule to predict 30-day mortality using classification tree analysis and patient data routinely available at initial examination as potential predictor variables. We used data from a European prospective study to externally validate the rule among 221 inpatients with pulmonary embolism. We determined mortality and nonfatal adverse medical outcomes across derivation and validation samples. RESULTS: Our final model consisted of 10 patient factors (age > or = 70 years; history of cancer, heart failure, chronic lung disease, chronic renal disease, and cerebrovascular disease; and clinical variables of pulse rate > or = 110 beats/min, systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg, altered mental status, and arterial oxygen saturation < 90%). Patients with none of these factors were defined as low risk. The 30-day mortality rates for low-risk patients were 0.6%, 1.5%, and 0% in the derivation, internal validation, and external validation samples, respectively. The rates of nonfatal adverse medical outcomes were less than 1% among low-risk patients across all study samples. CONCLUSIONS: This simple prediction rule accurately identifies patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of short-term mortality and other adverse medical outcomes. Prospective validation of this rule is important before its implementation as a decision aid for outpatient treatment.
Background: There is increasing experimental evidence that hypoxia induces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-1α influences adaptive immunity and has been shown to induce barrier-protective genes in the case of experimentally-induced colitis. The clinical impact of hypoxia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is so far poorly investigated. Aim: We wanted to evaluate if flights and journeys to regions ≥2000 meter above sea level are associated with the occurrence of flares in IBD patients in the following 4 weeks. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by inpatients and outpatients of the IBD clinics of three tertiary referral centers presenting with an IBD flare in the period from Sept 1st 2009 to August 31st 2010. Patients were inquired about their habits in the 4 weeks prior to the flare. Patients with flares were matched with an IBD group in remission during the observation period (according to age, gender, smoking habits, and medication). Results: A total of 103 IBD patients were included (43 Crohn's disease (CD), whereof 65% female, 60 ulcerative colitis, whereof 47% female, mean age 39.3±14.6 years for CD and 43.1±14.2 years for UC). Fifty-two patients with flares were matched to 51 patients without flare. Overall, IBD-patients with flares had significantly more frequently a flight and/or journey to regions ≥ 2000 meters above sea level in the observation period compared to the patients in remission (21/52 (40.4%) vs. 8/51 (15.7%), p=0.005). There was a statistically significant correlation between the occurrence of a flare and a flight and/or journey to regions ≥ 2000 meters above sea level among CD patients with flares as compared to CD patients in remission (8/21 (38.1%) vs. 2/22 (9.1%), p=0.024). A trend for more frequent flights and high-altitude journeys was observed in UC patients with flares (13/31 (41.9%) vs. 6/29 (20.7%), p=0.077). Mean flight duration was 5.8±4.3 hours. The groups were controlled for the following factors (always flare group cited first): age (39.6±13.4 vs. 43.5±14.6, p=0.102), smoking (16/52 vs. 10/51, p=0.120), regular sports activities (32/ 52 vs. 33/51, p=0.739), treatment with antibiotics in the 4 weeks before flare (8/52 vs. 7/ 51, p=0.811), NSAID intake (12/52 vs. 7/51, p=0.221), frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (both groups 0) and oxygen therapy (both groups 0). Conclusion: IBD patients with a flare had significantly more frequent flights and/or high-altitude journeys within four weeks prior to the IBD flare compared to the group that was in remission. We conclude that flights and stays in high altitude are a risk factor for IBD flares.