75 resultados para IN-OFFICE


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Due to population aging, by 2030 Switzerland may face a demand of 24 million family practitioner visits, a growth of 13 percent from the 2005 level. This result is based on the assumption that the per capita demand for doctor visits remains what was observed in 2005 by age groups and sex. During the same period, the total number of practitioners may decrease by 14 percent whereas the female proportion of such practitioners may double. These changes may cause a 33 percent decrease in the supply of physician visits to reach only 14 millions. The comparison of the demand and supply of family doctor visits reveals that by 2030, 10 million visits may be unmet which represents 40 percent of the demand. On the supply side, a full scale implementation of task delegation may partially reduce that gap (minus 2 millions). On the demand side, improved health status may bring in a larger decrease in the needs for visits (minus 4 million).


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Objective: To assess reproducibility and feasibility of amusculoskeletal ultrasound (US) score for rheumatoid arthritis amongrheumatologist with diverse expertise in US, working in private orhospital practice.Methods: The Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism(SONAR) group has developed a semi-quantitative score for RA usingOMERACT criteria for synovitis and erosion. The score was taught torheumatologists trained in US through two workshops. Subsequently,they were encouraged to practice in their office. For the study, we used6 US machines of different quality, each with a different patient.19 readers randomly selected among rheumatologists who haveattended both workshops, were asked to score anonymously at leastone patient. To assess whether some factors influence the score, weasked each reader to answer questionnaire describing his experiencewith US.Results: 19 rheumatologists have performed 29 scans, each patienthaving been evaluated by 4 to 6 readers. Median time for examcompletion was 20 minutes (range 15 to 60 mn). 53% ofrheumatologists work in private practice. Graph 1 show the global greyscale score for each patient. Weighted kappa was calculated for eachpair of reader using stata11. Almost all kappa of poor agreement wereobtained with a low quality device or by an assessor who havepreviously performed less than 5 scores himself.Conclusions: This is the first study to show an US score for RAfeasible by rheumatologists with diverse expertise in US both in privateand hospital practice. Reproducibility seemed to be influenced by thequality of device and previous experience with the score.


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Although the performance of the Swiss health system is high, one out of ten patients in general practitioner's (GP) office declares having foregone care in the previous twelve months for economic reasons. Reasons for foregoing care are several and include a lack of knowledge of existing social aids in getting health insurance, unavailability of GPs and long waiting lists for various types of care. Although long term knowledge of patients or a psychosocial history of deprivation or poverty may help identify individuals at risk of foregoing care, many may remain undetected. We propose then a few instruments to help GPs to identify, in a simple and structured approach, patients at risk of forgoing care for economic reasons; these patients are frequently deprived and sometimes poor.


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Im Februar 1998 schuf der Bundesrat mit der Strategie für eine Informationsgesellschaft in der Schweiz die Grundlage für eine heute noch aktuelle Politik. Diese wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit einer empirischen, quellenbasierten Analyse unterzogen. Hierbei wird gefragt, welches Bild einer realen, möglichen oder künftigen Informationsgesellschaft den untersuchten Texten zugrundeliegt und wie es sich während der Umsetzung der Strategie im Laufe von zehn Jahren verändert hat. Als Vergleichsmassstab dient das entsprechende Programm der UNO, das auf dem World Summit on the Information Society 2003 und 2005 formuliert wurde. In einer Detailanalyse wird darüber hinaus beschrieben, wie sich die Strategie für eine Informationsgesellschaft auf die Arbeit in Schweizer Archiven und Bibliotheken ausgewirkt hat. Insgesamt entsteht das Bild einer in Zielen und Inhalten erstaunlich variablen und wirtschaftsorientierten Politik. En adoptant la Stratégie pour une société de l'information en Suisse, en février 1998, le Conseil fédéral a jeté les bases d'une politique qui a gardé toute son actualité. Dans le présent travail, celle-ci fait l'objet d'une analyse empirique, basée sur les sources. On y cherche à savoir sur quelle vision d'une société d'information réelle, possible ou future reposent les textes étudiés, et de quelle manière cette image s'est modifiée sur une période de dix ans de mise en oeuvre de la stratégie. Le programme de même type de l'ONU, élaboré en 2003 et 2005 lors du World Summit on the Information Society, fait office de base de comparaison. Une analyse détaillée décrit par ailleurs quels effets la Stratégie pour une société de l'information a eus sur le travail des archives et bibliothèques suisses. Il en résulte un tableau d'ensemble d'une politique étonnamment diversifiée et proche de la réalité économique, tant sur le plan des objectifs que du contenu.


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The exposure to dust and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) of 15 truck drivers from Geneva, Switzerland, was measured. The drivers were divided between "long-distance" drivers and "local" drivers and between smokers and nonsmokers and were compared with a control group of 6 office workers who were also divided into smokers and nonsmokers. Dust was measured on 1 workday both by a direct-reading instrument and by sampling. The local drivers showed higher exposure to dust (0.3 mg/m3) and PAH than the long-distance drivers (0.1 mg/m3), who showed no difference with the control group. This observation may be due to the fact that the local drivers spend more time in more polluted areas, such as streets with heavy traffic and construction sites, than do the long-distance drivers. Smoking does not influence exposure to dust and PAH of professional truck drivers, as measured in this study, probably because the ventilation rate of the truck cabins is relatively high even during cold days (11-15 r/h). The distribution of dust concentrations was shown in some cases to be quite different from the expected log-normal distribution. The contribution of diesel exhaust to these exposures could not be estimated since no specific tracer was used. However, the relatively low level of dust exposure dose not support the hypothesis that present day levels of diesel exhaust particulates play a significant role in the excess occurrence of lung cancer observed in professional truck drivers.


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La présente étude propose une méthodologie aboutissant à la conception d'un système de contrôle de gestion pour la division « infrastructure routière » ou « I » de l'Office fédéral des routes (OFROU). La première partie de ce travail situe l'OFROU dans son contexte de réformes et identifie les raisons qui justifient l'implantation d'un système de contrôle de gestion à l'OFROU. La deuxième partie pose les jalons permettant d'établir un contrôle de gestion dans sa division « I ». Elle cherche d'abord à donner une définition du contrôle de gestion dans le secteur public, puis présente un état des lieux du système de gestion existant. Finalement, les systèmes de contrôle de gestion de deux autres offices GMEB, MétéoSuisse et armasuisse immobilier, sont analysés afin d'en tirer des éléments pertinents pouvant servir à la conception du contrôle de gestion à l'OFROU. La troisième propose un contrôle de gestion pour la division « I ». Le travail montre que la réalisation d'un concept de contrôle de gestion pour la division « I » n'est pas évidente. Cette dernière, qui est en train de se mettre en place, manque encore d'expérience pour identifier clairement les éléments clé à insérer dans le système. On observe un grand embarras entre le stade du savoir et celui du savoir faire concret. La méthodologie et l'analyse présentées dans ce travail pourraient contribuer à développer un savoir faire interne aboutissant rapidement à la mise sur pied d'un système de contrôle de gestion pour la division « I ». Die vorliegende Studie schlägt eine Methodik zur Erarbeitung eines Management-Kontrollsystems für die Abteilung « Strasseninfrastruktur » oder « I » des Bundesamts für Strassen (ASTRA) vor. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit stellt das ASTRA im Spannungsfeld dieser Reformen. Ihre Konsequenzen lassen die Einführung eines Management-Kontrollsystems im ASTRA folgerichtig erscheinen. Im zweiten Teil geht es darum, Wegmarken zu setzen, die die Einführung einer Managementkontrolle in der Abteilung « I » in die richtigen Bahnen lenken. Es wird versucht, eine Begriffsbestimmung der Managementkontrolle im öffentlichen Sektor sowie eine Bestandesaufnahme der bestehenden Systeme vorzunehmen. Schliesslich werden die Management-Kontrollsysteme zweier anderer FLAG-Ämter, MeteoSchweiz und armasuisse immobilier, auf mögliche Nutzen für den Aufbau der Managementkontrolle des ASTRA analysiert. Der dritte Teil beinhaltet einen Vorschlag, wie die Management-Kontrolle für die Abteilung « I » aussehen könnte. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die Erarbeitung eines Management-Kontrollkonzepts für die Abteilung « I » keine einfache Aufgabe ist. Es fehlt an Erfahrung, um die Schlüsselbausteine des Systems erkennen zu können. Zwischen dem Stadium des Wissens und dem des konkreten Know-hows klafft ein empfindlicher Graben. Methodik und Analyse, wie sie in der vorliegenden Arbeit beschrieben werden, könnten zum Aufbau eines internen Know-hows beitragen, das die rasche Verwirklichung eines Management-Kontrollsystems für die Abteilung « I » erlauben könnte.


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Voting is fundamental for democracy, however, this decisive democratic act requires quite an effort. Decision making at elections depends largely on the interest to gather information about candidates and parties, the effort to process the information at hand and the motivation to reach a vote choice. Especially in electoral systems with highly fragmented party systems and hundreds of candidates running for office, the process of decision making in the pre‐election sphere is highly demanding. In the age of information and communication technologies, new possibilities for gathering and processing such information are available. Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) provide guidance to voters prior to the act of voting and assist voters in choosing between different candidates and parties on the basis of issue congruence. Meanwhile widely used all over the world, scientific inquiry into the effect of such tools on electoral behavior is ongoing. This paper adds to the current debate by focusing on whether the popularity of candidates on the Swiss VAA smartvote eventually paid off at the 2007 Swiss federal elections and whether there is a direct link between the performance of a candidate on the tool and his or her electoral performance.


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PURPOSE: To assess violent death rates and trends between 1969 and 1997 among young people aged 10-24 years old in Switzerland. METHODS: Total causes of death, all external causes of injuries, traffic injuries, suicides and overdoses were retrieved from the databank of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO), using the eighth and tenth revisions of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Mortality rates per 100,000 individuals were computed by gender and by age (10-14, 15-19, 20-24) using census records as denominators. RESULTS: In 1995-1997, violent deaths represented the primary cause of fatalities among young people. Rates of violent death were much higher among males than among females, with a ratio of 3.5:1 in 1995-1997 and also became increasingly elevated from the age range of 10-14 to 20-24 years (1.9:1-4.4:1). In 1995-1997, violent deaths accounted for 66% (n = 1221) of all fatalities among young people. Among violent deaths, 36% were due to traffic injuries, 13% to other types of injuries, 32% to suicide, 15% to overdoses, 3% to homicides and 1% to undetermined intent. Between 1969 and 1997, rates of traffic injuries decreased in both genders and in the three age groups considered, while rates of suicide remained stable and rates of overdoses stabilised during the nineties after a sharp increase during the eighties. CONCLUSION: Although violent deaths in Switzerland have become significantly less frequent over the last 30 years, they still represent the single greatest cause of fatalities among young people and, as such, constitute a major public health challenge.


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BACKGROUND: Self-administered, general health risk screening questionnaires that are administered while patients wait in the doctor's office may be a reasonable and timesaving approach to address the requirements of preventive medicine in a typical 10-min medical visit. The psychometric characteristics of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) incorporated within a health questionnaire (H-AUDIT) have not been examined. METHODS: The reliability and validity of the self-administered AUDIT were compared between the H-AUDIT and the AUDIT used as a single scale (S-AUDIT) in 332 primary care patients. RESULTS: No major demographic or alcohol use characteristics were found between the 166 subjects who completed the H-AUDIT and the 166 individuals who completed the S-AUDIT. The test-retest reliability of the 166 subjects who completed the H-AUDIT [estimated by Spearman correlation coefficient at a 6-week interval (0.88), internal consistency (total correlation coefficients for all items ranged from 0.38 to 0.69; Cronbach alpha index 0.85), and the sensitivity and specificity of the H-AUDIT were used to identify at-risk drinkers' areas under receiver operating characteristic (0.77) and alcohol-dependent subjects' areas under receiver operating characteristic (0.89)] was similar to the same measurements obtained with the 166 individuals who completed the S-AUDIT. CONCLUSIONS: The AUDIT incorporated in a health risk screening questionnaire is a reliable and valid self-administered instrument to identify at-risk drinkers and alcohol-dependent individuals in primary care settings.


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En Suisse, comme dans la plupart des pays industrialisés, le stress au travail et l'épuisement qui en découle sont devenus, au cours des dernières décennies, une réalité qui ne cesse de s'accentuer. Différentes disciplines scientifiques ont tenté de rendre compte, depuis le milieu du siècle dernier, des difficultés rencontrées par les individus dans le cadre de leur travail, avec une prédominance marquée pour des analyses de type causaliste. Dans le cadre de cette étude doctorale, nous nous sommes penché sur le cas d'un office régional de placement, mais avec une perspective sensiblement différente. La grille de lecture psychodynamique utilisée permet en effet de donner accès au sens des situations de travail et d'ouvrir sur une compréhension originale des mécanismes à l'origine des problèmes de santé mentale au travail. Cette approche permet ainsi de comprendre les rapports complexes que les individus entretiennent avec leur travail tel que structuré et organisé, et d'analyser leur expérience en termes de plaisir, de souffrance, de défenses face à la souffrance et de répercussions sur la santé. Dans ce but, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie basée sur des entrevues collectives, afin de stimuler l'expression libre des travailleurs. L'enquête s'est déroulée en deux temps : une première série d'entretiens de groupe a permis la récolte des données empiriques, puis une seconde série, appelée entretiens de restitution, a donné la possibilité aux participants de réagir sur l'interprétation de leur parole faite par le chercheur, et de valider l'analyse. Nos résultats mettent alors en évidence que le travail, tel qu'organisé au sein de cette institution de service public, apparaît considérablement pathogène, mais heureusement compensé par le pouvoir structurant de la relation d'aide aux assurés. Ils montrent également que l'expérience subjective de travail des participants a pour principales sources de souffrance la perception désagréable d'un manque de reconnaissance, d'autonomie et de pouvoir sur leurs actes. - In Switzerland and in other industrialized countries, work-related stress and resulting burn-out has become an ever increasing problem in recent decades. Many researchers Jrom many different fields have made efforts to understand the difficulties employees encounter at work since the middle of the last century. Most of this research is based on a cause and effect analysis approach. For this doctoral research project, we have analyzed cases handled by an unemployment office in Switzerland. We have taken a novel approach by using a number of psychodynamic criteria which permitted us to interpret situations at work and to open up a new way of understanding the mechanisms at work which lead to mental health problems. This approach allows us to understand account the complex relationship people have towards structured and organized work as well as to take into account and to analyze their experience in terms of pleasure, suffering, defense mechanisms against suffering and the consequences on their mental health. In order to achieve this goal we performed collective interviews in order to encourage workers to express themselves freely. The interviews were divided into two series. The first series of group interviews allowed us to collect empirical statistics and the second series gave the workers an opportunity to react to the researchers ' analysis of their answers and to validate the researchers ' interpretation of their answers. Our results show that work has considerable negative effects on mental health. Fortunately, these negative effects are counterbalanced by the psychological support system offered by the unemployment office. Our project also shows that the subjective negative experiences of workers are caused by their perceptions of being under-appreciated, lack of autonomy and having no power over their acts.


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Swiss laboratories performing toxicological road traffic analyses have been authorized for many years by the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). In 2003 FEDRO signed a contract with the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine (SSLM) to organize the complete quality management concerning road traffic analyses. For this purpose a multidisciplinary working group was established under the name of "road traffic commission (RTC)". RTC has to organize external quality control, to interpret the results of these controls, to perform audits in the laboratories and to report all results to FEDRO. Furthermore the working group can be mandated for special tasks by FEDRO. As an independent organization the Swiss Center for Quality Control (CSCQ) in Geneva manages the external quality controls in the laboratory over the past years. All tested drugs and psychoactive substances are listed in a federal instruction. The so-called 'zero tolerance substances' (THC, morphine, cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA and MDEA) and their metabolites have to be tested once a year, all other substances (benzodiazepines, zolpidem, phenobarbital, etc.) periodically. Results over the last years show that all laboratories are generally within the confidence interval of +/-30% of the mean value. In cases of non-conformities measures have to be taken immediately and reported to the working group. External audits are performed triennially but accredited laboratories can combine this audit with the approval of the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS). During the audits a special checklist filled in by the laboratory director is assessed. Non-conformities have to be corrected. During the process of establishing a new legislation, RTC had an opportunity of advising FEDRO. In collaboration with FEDRO, RTC and hence SSLM can work actively on improving of quality assurance in road traffic toxicological analyses, and has an opportunity to bring its professional requests to the federal authorities.


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Validated in vitro methods for skin corrosion and irritation were adopted by the OECD and by the European Union during the last decade. In the EU, Switzerland and countries adopting the EU legislation, these assays may allow the full replacement of animal testing for identifying and classifying compounds as skin corrosives, skin irritants, and non irritants. In order to develop harmonised recommendations on the use of in vitro data for regulatory assessment purposes within the European framework, a workshop was organized by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health together with ECVAM and the BfR. It comprised stakeholders from various European countries involved in the process from in vitro testing to the regulatory assessment of in vitro data. Discussions addressed the following questions: (1) the information requirements considered useful for regulatory assessment; (2) the applicability of in vitro skin corrosion data to assign the corrosive subcategories as implemented by the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation; (3) the applicability of testing strategies for determining skin corrosion and irritation hazards; and (4) the applicability of the adopted in vitro assays to test mixtures, preparations and dilutions. Overall, a number of agreements and recommendations were achieved in order to clarify and facilitate the assessment and use of in vitro data from regulatory accepted methods, and ultimately help regulators and scientists facing with the new in vitro approaches to evaluate skin irritation and corrosion hazards and risks without animal data.


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Par Compliance, on entend l'ensemble des mesures organisationnelles d'une entreprise qui visent à assurer le respect des règles par l'entreprise et ses collaborateurs. Dans le secteur privé - surtout dans les banques et les assurances - la Compliance est un concept bien établi et le poste du Compliance Officer apparaît clairement dans l'organigramme des entreprises. Ce terme apparaît aussi de temps à autre au sein de l'administration fédérale, en relation avec la politique de gestion des risques et le système de contrôle interne (SCI) ; mais une introduction effective de la Compliance n'y a pas encore eu lieu (jusqu'ici). Les Américains ont l'habitude de dire « if you think compliance is expensive, try non compliance ». Cette déclaration, apparemment valable pour le secteur privé, peut-elle cependant être transposée telle quelle au secteur public ? L'introduction d'un système de management tel que la Compliance apporterait-elle effectivement une plus-value par rapport aux systèmes existants afin d'éviter les risques engendrant des conséquences juridiques ou causant une mauvaise réputation suite au non-respect de règles par des collaborateurs ? La présente étude se penche sur ces questions et analyse, sur la base de documents et d'interviews, quels éléments de la Compliance existent au niveau de la Confédération et au sein de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) et s'ils sont propres à atteindre les objectifs visés par la Compliance. Dans plusieurs domaines, on a pu constater des défauts et, par conséquent, un gros potentiel d'amélioration. Le problème principal est l'absence d'organisation au niveau de la Compliance. Cela complique la vue d'ensemble des risques juridiques et de ceux pouvant causer une mauvaise réputation qui existent au niveau de la Confédération et à l'OFSP et rend impossible un management homogène de ces risques. En conséquence et dans l'état actuel des choses, il pourrait s'avérer difficile d'éviter de manière durable la réalisation des risques susmentionnés au moyen des systèmes existants. D'un autre côté, la politique de gestion des risques au sein de la Confédération et l'introduction d'un système de contrôle interne (SCI) ont représenté les premiers pas en direction d'un système de gestion des risques intégré. La Compliance serait un complément idéal et pourrait - dans la mesure où la direction de l'Office la soutient et donne le bon exemple - contribuer à la réduction des risques décrits ci-dessus non seulement au niveau de la Confédération mais encore au sein de l'OFSP. La présente étude ne vise pas pour autant à critiquer les systèmes établis, mais bien plus à montrer le potentiel d'amélioration dont on pourrait tirer profit.