32 resultados para Hopkins, Pauline E


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BACKGROUND: The psychological transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next remains unclear. The present study aims to identify possible mechanisms explaining this transmission among families of Holocaust Survivors (HS). We hypothesized that the high level of depressive and anxiety disorders (DAD) among HS impairs family systems, which results in damaging coping strategies of their children (CHS) yielding a higher level of DAD. METHODS: 49 CHS completed the Resilience Scale for Adults, the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25, the 13-Item Sense of Coherence (SOC) scale, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale. We test a mediation model with Family types as the predictor; coping strategies (i.e. Resilience or SOC) as the mediator; and DAD as the outcome variable. RESULTS: Results confirm that the CHS׳ family types are more often damaged than in general population. Moreover, growing in a damaged family seems to impede development of coping strategies and, therefore, enhances the occurrence of DAD. LIMITATIONS: The present investigation is correlational and should be confirmed by other prospective investigations. CONCLUSIONS: At a theoretical level we propose a mechanism of transmission of the noxious effects of a major trauma from one generation to the next through family structure and coping strategies. At a clinical level, our results suggest to investigate the occurrence of trauma among parents of patients consulting for DAD and to reinforce their coping strategies.


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Introduction ICM+ software encapsulates our 20 years' experience in brain monitoring. It collects data from a variety of bedside monitors and produces time trends of parameters defi ned using confi gurable mathematical formulae. To date it is being used in nearly 40 clinical research centres worldwide. We present its application for continuous monitoring of cerebral autoregulation using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Methods Data from multiple bedside monitors are processed by ICM+ in real time using a large selection of signal processing methods. These include various time and frequency domain analysis functions as well as fully customisable digital fi lters. The fi nal results are displayed in a variety of ways including simple time trends, as well as time window based histograms, cross histograms, correlations, and so forth. All this allows complex information from bedside monitors to be summarized in a concise fashion and presented to medical and nursing staff in a simple way that alerts them to the development of various pathological processes. Results One hundred and fi fty patients monitored continuously with NIRS, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and intracranial pressure (ICP), where available, were included in this study. There were 40 severely headinjured adult patients, 27 SAH patients (NCCU, Cambridge); 60 patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore) and 23 patients with sepsis (University Hospital, Basel). In addition, MCA fl ow velocity (FV) was monitored intermittently using transcranial Doppler. FV-derived and ICP-derived pressure reactivity indices (PRx, Mx), as well as NIRS-derived reactivity indices (Cox, Tox, Thx) were calculated and showed signifi cant correlation with each other in all cohorts. Errorbar charts showing reactivity index PRx versus CPP (optimal CPP chart) as well as similar curves for NIRS indices versus CPP and ABP were also demonstrated. Conclusions ICM+ software is proving to be a very useful tool for enhancing the battery of available means for monitoring cerebral vasoreactivity and potentially facilitating autoregulation guided therapy. Complexity of data analysis is also hidden inside loadable profi les, thus allowing investigators to take full advantage of validated protocols including advanced processing formulas.


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ABSTRACT: The 26th annual meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer took place in Bethesda on November 4 to 6, 2011 and was organized by Charles G. Drake (Johns Hopkins University) Dolores J. Schendel (Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health Institute of Molecular Immunology), Jeffrey Schlom (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health), and Jedd D. Wolchok (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center). It was an event marked by a number of extraordinary circumstances: it attracted a record attendance of 805 participants from 24 different countries. The gathering came in the wake of great as well as very sad news for the tumor immunology community. Good news included the approval of anti-CTLA-4 as a therapy for metastatic melanoma in April and the announcement in early October of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine awarded to pioneering studies in the field of immunology. Indeed, one part of the prize went to Dr. Bruce Beutler, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA and Dr. Jules Hoffman, Institute for Molecular Cell Biology, Strasbourg, France, for their discoveries in innate immunity and the other part to Dr. Ralph Steinman, The Rockfeller University, New York, for his discovery of dendritic cells. Sad news was the losses of two giants in the field. Jürg Tschopp of the University of Lausanne in March and Ralph Steinman, who passed away just three days before his Nobel Prize announcement. The loss of these two charismatic scientific leaders was particularly sad for the Annual Meeting as both J. Tschopp and R. Steinman were confirmed speakers at this meeting: the former to deliver the keynote lecture and the latter as recipient of the Richard V. Smalley prize.


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Si des enjeux, des configurations d'acteurs, ou la définition de certains problems peuvent être propres au niveau local, ceux-ci sont fréquemment influencés par des paramètres définis à d'autres niveaux de gouvernement. En particulier, il est nécessaire que les dispositifs de recherche centrés sur la comparaison de politiques infranationales abordent directement la question de l'intégration et de l'impact du cadre national. Comment faire la part du national dans les comparaisons de politiques infranationales ? À partir d'un ensemble de travaux de sociologie de l'action publique, cet article montre que dominent deux manières d'articuler national et infranational. Certains travaux privilégient le niveau national, et prennent en compte ce qui se joue à d'autres niveaux pour observer des déclinaisons ou des réappropriations de politiques mises en place au niveau national. D'autres travaux, en particulier la littérature centrée sur la gouvernance territoriale ou urbaine, accordent un primat au local tout en prenant acte de la multiplication des niveaux de gouvernement. Enfin, l'accent est placé sur les tentatives visant à concilier ces perspectives. À l'appui de nos propres travaux, nous montrons comment des approches centrées sur les acteurs permettent d'ouvrir des pistes stimulantes pour articuler plusieurs niveaux d'analyse.


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L'auto-critique représente une évaluation sévère ou punitive du soi. Elle est omniprésente dans la culture, la vie quotidienne ou encore dans le contexte de la psychothérapie. L'auto-critique peut nous permettre une remise en question, nous ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives et nous guider. Cependant, elle peut également devenir excessive, rigide et s'avérer délétère. Cet article a pour objectif d'établir un état des lieux de la littérature existant sur cette notion. Premièrement, sa définition sera clarifiée et des éléments constitutifs de son développement seront présentés. Deuxièmement, cet article visera à dresser un descriptif des liens que l'auto-critique entretient avec la psychopathologie, notamment avec la dépression. Enfin, la troisième section de cet article sera l'occasion de proposer certaines interventions thérapeutiques permettant de réduire l'auto-critique.


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Les voies veineuses centrales (VVC) sont essentielles pour l'administration de la nutrition parentérale. Le risque de complications est dépendant de la qualité des soins apportés à la VVC qui influence de ce fait la qualité de vie des patients et le coût des soins. Beaucoup de complications des VVC, infectieuses ou non, peuvent être prévenues par l'existence de protocoles de soins appropriés et standardisés. L'information sur les soins des VVC et les éventuelles complications est essentielle pour le dépistage et le traitement précoce de ces complications ; elle doit faire l'objet de protocoles partagés entre les patients et les soignants. Cet article décrit une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles sous la forme d'un audit clinique destiné à améliorer la qualité de soins des patients en nutrition parentérale porteurs de VVC. Central venous access devices (CVAD) are essential for the administration of parenteral nutrition. The quality of the care of CVAD influences the risk of complications and so the quality of life of the patients and the costs of care. Numerous infectious or non-infectious complications of CVAD can be prevented by appropriate, standardized protocols of care. Information about the care of CVAD and complications is essential for the early recognition and treatment of complications and should be shared between patients and caregivers. This article describes an audit for CAVD care that can be used to improve quality of care in a professional practice evaluation program.