20 resultados para Holmila, Antero


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The aim of this study was to provide an insight into normative values of the ascending aorta in regards to novel endovascular procedures using ECG-gated multi-detector CT angiography. Seventy-seven adult patients without ascending aortic abnormalities were evaluated. Measurements at relevant levels of the aortic root and ascending aorta were obtained. Diameter variations of the ascending aorta during cardiac cycle were also considered. Mean diameters (mm) were as follows: LV outflow tract 20.3 +/- 3.4, coronary sinus 34.2 +/- 4.1, sino-tubular junction 29.7 +/- 3.4 and mid ascending aorta 32.7 +/- 3.8 with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 12 to 17%. Mean distances (mm) were: from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the right brachio-cephalic artery (BCA) 92.6 +/- 11.8, from the plane passing through the proximal insertions of the aortic valve cusps to the proximal coronary ostium 12.1 +/- 3.7, and between both coronary ostia 7.2 +/- 3.1, minimal arc of the ascending aorta from left coronary ostium to right BCA 52.9 +/- 9.5, and the fibrous continuity between the aortic valve and the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve 14.6 +/- 3.3, CV 13-43%. Mean aortic valve area was 582.0 +/- 131.9 mm(2). The variation of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the ascending aorta during the cardiac cycle were 8.4% and 7.3%, respectively. Results showed large inter-individual variations in diameters and distances but with limited intra-individual variations during the cardiac cycle. A personalized approach for planning endovascular devices must be considered.


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Summary Between gastrulation and gut tube formation, the endoderm becomes regionally specified along the anterior-posterior axis. An early sign of patterning is the expression of organ-specific genes in restricted endoderm domains. We studied the role of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Wnt pathways in the establishment of the antero-posterior (A-P) axis domains. Here we report the first evidence that graded FGF4-mediated signaling establishes gut tube domains along the A-P axis in vivo from gastrulation to somitogenesis. At gastrulation, FGF4 may act cooperatively with Wnts, since both of them affect the gut tube patterning by promoting posterior and inhibiting anterior endoderm cell fate. The activity of the Wnt pathway is however time restricted, since. it does not affect patterning at somitogenesis. Our experiments point to a global mechanism that coordinates the A-P patterning of all three primary germ layers. Soon after regionalization of the gut tube, morphogenetic evidences of organogenesis appear. We focused our attention on one of these organs, the pancreas. We report a comprehensive investigation of the activity and the role of the Wnt pathway in pancreas organogenesis. We have used two mouse reporter lines to monitor canonical Wnt-pathway activity during development and after birth and demonstrate activity in early pancreatic bud, endocrine cells and in the mesenchyme. We have specifically deleted the ß-catenin .gene, a key component of the Wnt pathway, in the epithelium of the pancreas and duodenum using Pdxl -Cre mice. In agreement with Wnt pathway activity in pancreatic endocrine cells, we find a reduction in endocrine islet numbers. Our study reveals that ß-catenin deletion also affects cells in which Wnt pathway activity is not detected. Indeed, ß-catenin mutant cells have a competitive disadvantage during development that also' affects the exocrine compartment. Moreover, the conditional KO mice develop acute edematous pancreatitis perinatally due to the disruption of the epithelial structure of acini. These effects are likely to be due to the function of ß-catenin at the membrane. Résumé Entre la gastrulation et la formation du tube digestif, l'endoderme est progressivement régionalisé le long de l'axe antéropostérieur (A-P). Un des premiers signes de cette régionalisation est l'expression de gènes spécifiques à certains organes dans une région restreinte. Nous avons étudié l'implication des voies de signalisation FGF et Wnt dans l'établissement de la régionalisation A-P. Nous rapportons les premières preuves que FGF4 établit la ségrégation des domaines de l'endoderme le long de l'axe A-P in vivo de la gastrulation à la somitogenèse. Cette activité peut être menée en collaboration avec les Wnts, puisque ceux-ci influencent aussi l'endoderme en inhibant le destin antérieur et en induisant le destin postérieur des cellules. Cette activité des Wnts est perdue à la somitogenèse. Nos expériences démontrent une régionalisation coordonnée des trois feuillets germinaux le long de l'axe A-P. Peu après la régionalisation, les premiers signes morphologiques de l'organogenèse apparaissent. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des Wnts dans un des dérivés de l'endoderme : le pancréas. Nous avons utilisés deux lignés de souris rapportrices de l'activité de la voie canonique des Wnts, qui montrent une activité dans le bourgeon précoce du pancréas avant la différentiation, puis plus tard dans les cellules endocrines et le mésenchyme. Nous avons utilisé la souris transgénique Pdxl -Cre pour inactiver spécifiquement le gène de la ß-caténine, un intermédiaire de la voie des Wnts, dans la région pancréatique. En accord avec l'activité de la voie de signalisation Wnt, la perte de la ßcaténine conduit à une réduction du nombre de cellules endocrines. De plus certaines cellules qui ne montrent aucune activité de la voie Wnt sont aussi affectées. En effet, les cellules ayant perdu la ß-caténine ont un désavantage compétitif face aux cellules sauvages dans un environnement mosaïque. Cette compétition résulte en l'absence de cellules déplétées en ßcaténine chez l'adulte. De plus, vers la naissance, les animaux déficients pour la ß-caténine développent une pancréatite aiguë due à la destruction de l'architecture des acini. Ceci est probablement aux fonctions d'adhésion de la ß-caténine à la membrane.


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To evaluate the sensitivity of postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) in rib fracture detection validated against autopsy. Fifty-one forensic cases underwent a postmortem CT prior to forensic autopsy. Two image readers (radiologist and forensic pathologist) assessed high resolution CT data sets for rib fractures. Correct recognition rates (CRR), sensitivity and specificity values were calculated over all observations as well as individually for every rib and region. Additionally, for partial rib fractures the sensitivity of autopsy was calculated vice versa. 3876 entries in each study protocol (autopsy, PMCT radiologist and PMCT forensic pathologist) were investigated. A total of 690 fractures (autopsy), 491 (PMCT and radiologist) and 559 (PMCT and forensic pathologist) were detected. The CRR was 0.85. Sensitivity and specificity of PMCT for rib fracture detection were 0.63 (0.58 radiologist, 0.68 forensic pathologist) and 0.97 (both readers 0.97), respectively. Low CRR and sensitivity values were obtained for antero-lateral fractures. Partial rib fractures were better detected by PMCT. PMCT has a rather low sensitivity for rib fracture detection when validated against autopsy and indicates that clinical CT may also demonstrate a reasonable number of false negatives. Partial rib fractures often remain undetected at autopsy.


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PURPOSE: To describe the anatomical characteristics and patterns of neurovascular compression in patients suffering classic trigeminal neuralgia (CTN), using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The analysis of the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, brain stem and the vascular structures related to this nerve was made in 100 consecutive patients treated with a Gamma Knife radiosurgery for CTN between December 1999 and September 2004. MRI studies (T1, T1 enhanced and T2-SPIR) with axial, coronal and sagital simultaneous visualization were dynamically assessed using the software GammaPlan?. Three-dimensional reconstructions were also developed in some representative cases. RESULTS: In 93 patients (93%), there were one or several vascular structures in contact, either, with the trigeminal nerve, or close to its origin in the pons. The superior cerebellar artery was involved in 71 cases (76%). Other vessels identified were the antero-inferior cerebellar artery, the basilar artery, the vertebral artery, and some venous structures. Vascular compression was found anywhere along the trigeminal nerve. The mean distance between the nerve compression and the origin of the nerve in the brainstem was 3.76±2.9mm (range 0-9.8mm). In 39 patients (42%), the vascular compression was located proximally and in 42 (45%) the compression was located distally. Nerve dislocation or distortion by the vessel was observed in 30 cases (32%). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study are similar to those reported in surgical and autopsy series. This non-invasive MRI-based approach could be useful for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in CTN, and it could help to understand its pathogenesis.


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Environmental sounds are highly complex stimuli whose recognition depends on the interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in the brain. Their semantic representations were shown to yield repetition suppression effects, i. e. a decrease in activity during exposure to a sound that is perceived as belonging to the same source as a preceding sound. Making use of the high spatial resolution of 7T fMRI we have investigated the representations of sound objects within early-stage auditory areas on the supratemporal plane. The primary auditory cortex was identified by means of tonotopic mapping and the non-primary areas by comparison with previous histological studies. Repeated presentations of different exemplars of the same sound source, as compared to the presentation of different sound sources, yielded significant repetition suppression effects within a subset of early-stage areas. This effect was found within the right hemisphere in primary areas A1 and R as well as two non-primary areas on the antero-medial part of the planum temporale, and within the left hemisphere in A1 and a non-primary area on the medial part of Heschl's gyrus. Thus, several, but not all early-stage auditory areas encode the meaning of environmental sounds.