293 resultados para Histone genes
BACKGROUND: Zebrafish is a clinically-relevant model of heart regeneration. Unlike mammals, it has a remarkable heart repair capacity after injury, and promises novel translational applications. Amputation and cryoinjury models are key research tools for understanding injury response and regeneration in vivo. An understanding of the transcriptional responses following injury is needed to identify key players of heart tissue repair, as well as potential targets for boosting this property in humans. RESULTS: We investigated amputation and cryoinjury in vivo models of heart damage in the zebrafish through unbiased, integrative analyses of independent molecular datasets. To detect genes with potential biological roles, we derived computational prediction models with microarray data from heart amputation experiments. We focused on a top-ranked set of genes highly activated in the early post-injury stage, whose activity was further verified in independent microarray datasets. Next, we performed independent validations of expression responses with qPCR in a cryoinjury model. Across in vivo models, the top candidates showed highly concordant responses at 1 and 3 days post-injury, which highlights the predictive power of our analysis strategies and the possible biological relevance of these genes. Top candidates are significantly involved in cell fate specification and differentiation, and include heart failure markers such as periostin, as well as potential new targets for heart regeneration. For example, ptgis and ca2 were overexpressed, while usp2a, a regulator of the p53 pathway, was down-regulated in our in vivo models. Interestingly, a high activity of ptgis and ca2 has been previously observed in failing hearts from rats and humans. CONCLUSIONS: We identified genes with potential critical roles in the response to cardiac damage in the zebrafish. Their transcriptional activities are reproducible in different in vivo models of cardiac injury.
As most metabolic studies are conducted in male animals, understanding the sex specificity of the underlying molecular pathways has been broadly neglected; for example, whether PPARs elicit sex-dependent responses has not been determined. Here we show that in mice, PPARalpha has broad female-dependent repressive actions on hepatic genes involved in steroid metabolism and immunity. In male mice, this effect was reproduced by the administration of a synthetic PPARalpha ligand. Using the steroid oxysterol 7alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P4507b1 (Cyp7b1) gene as a model, we elucidated the molecular mechanism of this sex-specific PPARalpha-dependent repression. Initial sumoylation of the ligand-binding domain of PPARalpha triggered the interaction of PPARalpha with GA-binding protein alpha (GABPalpha) bound to the target Cyp7b1 promoter. Histone deacetylase and DNA and histone methylases were then recruited, and the adjacent Sp1-binding site and histones were methylated. These events resulted in loss of Sp1-stimulated expression and thus downregulation of Cyp7b1. Physiologically, this repression conferred on female mice protection against estrogen-induced intrahepatic cholestasis, the most common hepatic disease during pregnancy, suggesting a therapeutic target for prevention of this disease.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships and possible interactions between polymorphisms related to HDL levels and alcohol consumption. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based study including 2863 women and 2546 men aged 35-75 years (CoLaus study). Alcohol intake was assessed by the reported alcohol consumption of the last 7 days. Nineteen candidate genes known to influence HDL levels were studied. RESULTS: Alcohol consumption increased HDL cholesterol levels in both genders. After multivariate adjustment for gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hypolipidaemic drug treatment, physical activity and alcohol consumption, APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms were significantly (10(-5) threshold) related with HDL cholesterol levels, while no genexalcohol intake interaction was found for all SNPs studied. ABCA1 polymorphisms were related to HDL cholesterol levels on bivariate analysis but the relationship was no longer significant after multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm the association of alcohol consumption and of APOA5, CETP, LIPC and LPL gene polymorphisms with HDL cholesterol levels. Conversely, no genexalcohol consumption interactions were found, suggesting that the effect of alcohol consumption on HDL cholesterol levels is not mediated via a modulation of HDL related genes.
BACKGROUND: Males that are successful in intra-sexual competition are often assumed to be of superior quality. In the mating system of most salmonid species, intensive dominance fights are common and the winners monopolise most mates and sire most offspring. We drew a random sample of mature male brown trout (Salmo trutta) from two wild populations and determined their dominance hierarchy or traits linked to dominance. The fish were then stripped and their sperm was used for in vitro fertilisations in two full-factorial breeding designs. We recorded embryo viability until hatching in both experiments, and juvenile survival during 20 months after release into a natural streamlet in the second experiment. Since offspring of brown trout get only genes from their fathers, we used offspring survival as a quality measure to test (i) whether males differ in their genetic quality, and if so, (ii) whether dominance or traits linked to dominance reveal 'good genes'. RESULTS: We found significant additive genetic variance on embryo survival, i.e. males differed in their genetic quality. Older, heavier and larger males were more successful in intra-sexual selection. However, neither dominance nor dominance indicators like body length, weight or age were significantly linked to genetic quality measured as embryo or juvenile survival. CONCLUSION: We found no evidence that females can improve their offspring's genetic viability by mating with large and dominant males. If there still were advantages of mating with dominant males, they may be linked to non-genetic benefits or to genetic advantages that are context dependent and therefore possibly not revealed under our experimental conditions - even if we found significant additive genetic variation for embryo viability under such conditions.
BACKGROUND: Regulation of genes transferred to eukaryotic organisms is often limited by the lack of consistent expression levels in all transduced cells, which may result in part from epigenetic gene silencing effects. This reduces the efficacy of ligand-controlled gene switches designed for somatic gene transfers such as gene therapy. METHODS: A doxycycline-controlled transgene was stably introduced in human cells, and clones were screened for epigenetic silencing of the transgene. Various regulatory proteins were targeted to the silent transgene, to identify those that would mediate regulation by doxycycline. RESULTS: A doxycycline-controlled minimal promoter was found to be prone to gene silencing, which prevents activation by a fusion of the bacterial TetR DNA-binding domain with the VP16 activator. DNA modification studies indicated that the silenced transgene adopts a poorly accessible chromatin structure. Several cellular transcriptional activators were found to restore an accessible DNA structure when targeted to the silent transgene, and they cooperated with Tet-VP16 to mediate regulation by doxycycline. CONCLUSIONS: Reversal of the silencing of a tetracycline-regulated minimal promoter requires a chromatin-remodeling activity for subsequent promoter activation by the Tet-VP16 fusion protein. Thus, distinct regulatory elements may be combined to obtain long-term regulation and persistent expression of exogenous genes in eukaryotic cells.
The Myc proto-oncoproteins are transcription factors that recognize numerous target genes through hexameric DNA sequences called E-boxes. The mechanism by which they then activate the expression of these targets is still under debate. Here, we use an RNAi screen in Drosophila S2 cells to identify Drosophila host cell factor (dHCF) as a novel co-factor for Myc that is functionally required for the activation of a Myc-dependent reporter construct. dHCF is also essential for the full activation of endogenous Myc target genes in S2 cells, and for the ability of Myc to promote growth in vivo. Myc and dHCF physically interact, and they colocalize on common target genes. Furthermore, down-regulation of dHCF-associated histone acetyltransferase and histone methyltransferase complexes in vivo interferes with the Myc biological activities. We therefore propose that dHCF recruits such chromatin-modifying complexes and thereby contributes to the expression of Myc targets and hence to the execution of Myc biological activities.
Innate immune responses play a central role in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity during inflammatory processes that are triggered by pathogen-associated molecular pattern-exhibiting agents such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and that are modulated by inflammatory cytokines such as interferon γ (IFNγ). Recent findings describing the unexpected complexity of mammalian genomes and transcriptomes have stimulated further identification of novel transcripts involved in specific physiological and pathological processes, such as the neural innate immune response that alters the expression of many genes. We developed a system for efficient subtractive cloning that employs both sense and antisense cRNA drivers, and coupled it with in-house cDNA microarray analysis. This system enabled effective direct cloning of differentially expressed transcripts, from a small amount (0.5 µg) of total RNA. We applied this system to isolation of genes activated by LPS and IFNγ in primary-cultured cortical cells that were derived from newborn mice, to investigate the mechanisms involved in neuroprotection and neurotoxicity in maternal/perinatal infections that cause various brain injuries including periventricular leukomalacia. A number of genes involved in the immune and inflammatory response were identified, showing that neonatal neuronal/glial cells are highly responsive to LPS and IFNγ. Subsequent RNA blot analysis revealed that the identified genes were activated by LPS and IFNγ in a cooperative or distinctive manner, thereby supporting the notion that these bacterial and cellular inflammatory mediators can affect the brain through direct but complicated pathways. We also identified several novel clones of apparently non-coding RNAs that potentially harbor various regulatory functions. Characterization of the presently identified genes will give insights into mechanisms and interventions not only for perinatal infection-induced brain damage, but also for many other innate immunity-related brain disorders.
The timing and quality of both sleep and wakefulness are thought to be regulated by the interaction of two processes. One of these two processes keeps track of the prior sleep-wake history and controls the homeostatic need for sleep while the other sets the time-of-day that sleep preferably occurs. The molecular pathways underlying the latter, circadian process have been studied in detail and their key role in physiological time-keeping has been well established. Analyses of sleep in mice and flies lacking core circadian clock gene proteins have demonstrated, however, that besides disrupting circadian rhythms, also sleep homeostatic processes were affected. Subsequent studies revealed that sleep loss alters both the mRNA levels and the specific DNA-binding of the key circadian transcriptional regulators to their target sequences in the mouse brain. The fact that sleep loss impinges on the very core of the molecular circadian circuitry might explain why both inadequate sleep and disrupted circadian rhythms can similarly lead to metabolic pathology. The evidence for a role for clock genes in sleep homeostasis will be reviewed here.
BACKGROUND: The Nuclear Factor I (NFI) family of DNA binding proteins (also called CCAAT box transcription factors or CTF) is involved in both DNA replication and gene expression regulation. Using chromatin immuno-precipitation and high throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq), we performed a genome-wide mapping of NFI DNA binding sites in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. RESULTS: We found that in vivo and in vitro NFI DNA binding specificities are indistinguishable, as in vivo ChIP-Seq NFI binding sites matched predictions based on previously established position weight matrix models of its in vitro binding specificity. Combining ChIP-Seq with mRNA profiling data, we found that NFI preferentially associates with highly expressed genes that it up-regulates, while binding sites were under-represented at expressed but unregulated genes. Genomic binding also correlated with markers of transcribed genes such as histone modifications H3K4me3 and H3K36me3, even outside of annotated transcribed loci, implying NFI in the control of the deposition of these modifications. Positional correlation between + and - strand ChIP-Seq tags revealed that, in contrast to other transcription factors, NFI associates with a nucleosomal length of cleavage-resistant DNA, suggesting an interaction with positioned nucleosomes. In addition, NFI binding prominently occurred at boundaries displaying discontinuities in histone modifications specific of expressed and silent chromatin, such as loci submitted to parental allele-specific imprinted expression. CONCLUSIONS: Our data thus suggest that NFI nucleosomal interaction may contribute to the partitioning of distinct chromatin domains and to epigenetic gene expression regulation.NFI ChIP-Seq and input control DNA data were deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository under accession number GSE15844. Gene expression microarray data for mouse embryonic fibroblasts are on GEO accession number GSE15871.
Soil bacteria are heavily consumed by protozoan predators, and many bacteria have evolved defense strategies such as the production of toxic exometabolites. However, the production of toxins is energetically costly and therefore is likely to be adjusted according to the predation risk to balance the costs and benefits of predator defense. We investigated the response of the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 to a common predator, the free-living amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii. We monitored the effect of the exposure to predator cues or direct contact with the predators on the expression of the phlA, prnA, hcnA, and pltA genes, which are involved in the synthesis of the toxins, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), pyrrolnitrin, hydrogen cyanide, and pyoluteorin, respectively. Predator chemical cues led to 2.2-, 2.0-, and 1.2-fold increases in prnA, phlA, and hcnA expression, respectively, and to a 25% increase in bacterial toxicity. The upregulation of the tested genes was related to the antiprotozoan toxicity of the corresponding toxins. Pyrrolnitrin and DAPG had the highest toxicity, suggesting that bacteria secrete a predator-specific toxin cocktail. The response of the bacteria was elicited by supernatants of amoeba cultures, indicating that water-soluble chemical compounds were responsible for induction of the bacterial defense response. In contrast, direct contact of bacteria with living amoebae reduced the expression of the four bacterial toxin genes by up to 50%, suggesting that protozoa can repress bacterial toxicity. The results indicate that predator-prey interactions are a determinant of toxin production by rhizosphere P. fluorescens and may have an impact on its biocontrol potential.
The crocidurine shrews include the most speciose genus of mammals, Crocidura. The origin and evolution of their radiation is, however, poorly understood because of very scant fossil records and a rather conservative external morphology between species. Here, we use an alignment of 3560 base pairs of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to generate a phylogenetic hypothesis for the evolution of Old World shrews of the subfamily Crocidurinae. These molecular data confirm the monophyly of the speciose African and Eurasian Crocidura, which also includes the fossorial, monotypic genus Diplomesodon. The phylogenetic reconstructions give further credit to a paraphyletic position of Suncus shrews, which are placed into at least two independent clades (one in Africa and sister to Sylvisorex and one in Eurasia), at the base of the Crocidura radiation. Therefore, we recommend restricting the genus Suncus to the Palaearctic and Oriental taxa, and to consider all the African Suncus as Sylvisorex. Using molecular dating and biogeographic reconstruction analyses, we suggest a Palaearctic-Oriental origin for Crocidura dating back to the Upper Miocene (6.8 million years ago) and several subsequent colonisations of the Afrotropical region by independent lineages of Crocidura.
SUMMARY Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism of transcriptional regulation that ensures restriction of expression of a subset of mammalian genes to a single parental allele. The best studied example of imprinted gene regulation is the Igf2/H19 locus, which is also the most commonly altered by loss of imprinting (LOT) in cancer. LOT is associated with numerous hereditary diseases and several childhood, and adult cancers. Differential expression of reciprocal H19 and 1gf2 alleles in somatic cells depends on the methylation status of the imprinting control region (ICR) which regulates binding of CTCF, an ubiquitously expressed 11-zinc finger protein that binds specifically to non-methylated maternal ICR and thereby attenuates expression of Igf2, while it does not bind to methylated paternal ICR, which enables Igf2 expression. Initial ICR methylation occurs during gametogenesis by an as yet unknown mechanism. The accepted hypothesis is that the event of differential maternal and paternal DNA methylation depends on germ-line specific proteins. Our Laboratory identified a novel 11-zinc-finger protein CTCF-T (also known as CTCFL and BORIS) that is uniquely expressed in the male germ-line and is highly homologous within its zinc-finger region with CTCF. The amino-acid sequences flanking the zinc-finger regions of CTCF and CTCF-T have widely diverged, suggesting that though they could bind to the same DNA targets (ICRs) they are likely to have different functions. Interestingly, expression of CTCF-T and CTCF is mutually exclusive; CTCF-T-positive (CTCF-negative) cells occur in the stage of spermatogenesis that coincides with epigenetic reprogramming, including de novo DNA methylation. In our study we demonstrate the role that CTCF-T plays in genomic imprinting. Here we show that CTCF-T binds in vivo to the ICRs of Igf2/H19 and Dlk/Gt12 imprinted genes. In addition, we identified two novel proteins interacting with CTCF-T: a protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 and an arginine-rich histone H2A variant that we named trH2A. These interactions were confirmed and show that the two proteins interact with the amino-teiminal region of CTCF-T. Additionally, we show interaction of the amino- terminal region of CTCF-T with histones H1, H2A and H3. These results suggest that CTCF-T is a sequence-specific DNA (ICR) binding protein that associates with histones and recruits PRMT7. Interestingly, PRMT7 has a histone-methyltransferase activity. It has been shown that histone methylation can mark chromatin regions thereby directing DNA-methylation; thus, our hypothesis is that the CTCF-T protein-scaffold directs PRMT7 to methylate histone(s) assembled on ICRs, which marks chromatin for the recruitment of the de novo DNA methyltransferases to methylate DNA. To test this hypothesis, we developed an in vivo DNA-methylation assay using Xenopus laevis' oocytes, where H19 ICR and different expression cDNAs, including CTCF-T, PRMT7 and the de novo DNA methyltransferases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b and Dnmt3L) are microinjected into the nucleus. The methylation status of CpGs within the H19 ICR was analysed 48 or 72 hours after injection. Here we demonstrate that CpGs in the ICR are methylated in the presence of both CTCF-T and PRMT7, while control oocytes injected only with ICR did not show any methylation. Additionally, we showed for the first time that Dnmt3L is crucial for the establishment of the imprinting marks on H19 ICR. Moreover, we confirmed that Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b activities are complementary. Our data indicate that all three Dnmt3s are important for efficient de novo DNA methylation. In conclusion, we propose a mechanism for the establishment of de novo imprinting marks during spermatogenesis: the CTCF-T/PRMT7 protein complex directs histone methylation leading to sequence-specific de novo DNA methylation of H19 ICR. RESUME L'empreinte génomique parentale est un mécanisme épigénétique de régulation transcriptionelle qui se traduit par une expression différentielle des deux allèles de certains gènes, en fonction de leur origine parentale. L'exemple le mieux caractérisé de gènes soumis à l'empreinte génomique parentale est le locus Igf2/H19, qui est aussi le plus fréquemment altéré par relaxation d'empreinte (en anglais: loss of imprinting, LOI) dans les cancers. Cette relaxation d'empreinte est aussi associée à de nombreuses maladies héréditaires, ainsi qu'à de nombreux cancers chez l'enfant et l'adulte. Dans les cellules somatiques, les différences d'expression des allèles réciproques H19 et Ig12 est sous le contrôle d'une région ICR (Imprinting Control Region). La méthylation de cette région ICR régule l'ancrage de la protéine à douze doigts de zinc CTCF, qui se lie spécifiquement à l'ICR maternel non-méthylé, atténuant ainsi l'expression de Igf2, alors qu'elle ne s'ancre pas à l'ICR paternel méthyle. Le mécanisme qui accompagne la méthylation initiale de la région ICR durant la gamétogenèse n'a toujours pas été élucidé. L'hypothèse actuelle propose que la différence de méthylation entre l'ADN maternel et paternel résulte de l'expression de protéines propres aux zones germinales. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié une nouvelle protéine à douze doigts de zinc, CTCF-T (aussi dénommée CTCFL et BORRIS), qui est exprimée uniquement dans les cellules germinales mâles, dont la partie à douze doigts de zinc est fortement homologue à la protéine CTCF. La séquence d'acides aminés de part et d'autre de cette région est quant à elle très divergente, ce qui implique que CTCF-T se lie sans doute au même ADN cible que CTCF, mais possède des fonctions différentes. De plus, l'expression de CTCF-T et de CTCF s'oppose mutuellement; l'expression de la protéine CTCF-T (cellules CTCF-T positives, CTCF negatives) qui a lieu pendant la spermatogenèse coïncide avec la reprogrammation épigénétique, notamment la méthylation de novo de l'ADN. La présente étude démontre le rôle essentiel joué par la protéine CTCF-T dans l'acquisition de l'empreinte génomique parentale. Nous montrons ici que CTCF-T s'associe in vivo avec les régions ICR des loci Igf2/H19 et Dlk/Gt12. Nous avons également identifié deux nouvelles protéines qui interagissent avec CTCF-T : une protéine arginine méthyl transférase PRMT7, et un variant de l'histone H2A, riche en arginine, que nous avons dénommé trH2A. Ces interactions ont été analysées plus en détail, et confinnent que ces deux protéines s'associent avec la région N-terminale de CTCF-T. Aussi, nous présentons une interaction de la région N-terminale de CTCF-T avec les histones H1, H2, et H3. Ces résultats suggèrent que CTCF-T est une protéine qui se lie spécifiquement aux régions ICR, qui s'associe avec différents histones et qui recrute PRMT7. PRMT7 possède une activité méthyl-tansférase envers les histones. Il a été montré que la méthylation des histones marque certains endroits de la chromatine, dirigeant ainsi la méthylation de l'ADN. Notre hypothèse est donc la suivante : la protéine CTCF-T sert de base qui dirige la méthylation des histones par PRMT7 dans les régions ICR, ce qui contribue à marquer la chromatine pour le recrutement de nouvelles méthyl transférases pour méthyler l'ADN. Afin de valider cette hypothèse, nous avons développé un système de méthylation de l'ADN in vivo, dans des oeufs de Xenopus laevis, dans le noyau desquels nous avons mico-injecté la région ICR du locus H19, ainsi que différents vecteurs d'expression pour CTCF-T, PRMT7, et les de novo méthyl transférases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b et Dnmt3L). Les CpGs méthyles de la région ICR du locus H19 ont été analysé 48 et 72 heures après l'injection. Cette technique nous a permis de démontrer que les CpGs de la région ICR sont méthyles en présence de CTCF-T et de PRMT7, tandis que les contrôles injectés seulement avec la région ICR ne présentent aucun signe de méthylation. De plus, nous démontrons pour la première fois que la protéine méthyl transférase Dnmt3L est déterminant pour l'établissement de l'empreinte génomique parentale au niveau de la région ICR du locus H19. Aussi, nous confirmons que les activités méthyl transférases de Dnmt3a et Dnmt3b sont complémentaires. Nos données indiquent que les trois protéines Dnmt3 sont impliquées dans la méthylation de l'ADN. En conclusion, nous proposons un mécanisme responsable de la mise en place de nouvelles empreintes génomiques pendant la spermatogenèse : le complexe protéique CTCF-T/PRMT7 dirige la méthylation des histones aboutissant à la méthylation de novo de l'ADN au locus H19.
BACKGROUND: Retinitis pigmentosa and other hereditary retinal degenerations (HRD) are rare genetic diseases leading to progressive blindness. Recessive HRD are caused by mutations in more than 100 different genes. Laws of population genetics predict that, on a purely theoretical ground, such a high number of genes should translate into an extremely elevated frequency of unaffected carriers of mutations. In this study we estimate the proportion of these individuals within the general population, via the analyses of data from whole-genome sequencing. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We screened complete and high-quality genome sequences from 46 control individuals from various world populations for HRD mutations, using bioinformatic tools developed in-house. All mutations detected in silico were validated by Sanger sequencing. We identified clear-cut, null recessive HRD mutations in 10 out of the 46 unaffected individuals analyzed (∼22%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Based on our data, approximately one in 4-5 individuals from the general population may be a carrier of null mutations that are responsible for HRD. This would be the highest mutation carrier frequency so far measured for a class of Mendelian disorders, especially considering that missenses and other forms of pathogenic changes were not included in our assessment. Among other things, our results indicate that the risk for a consanguineous couple of generating a child with a blinding disease is particularly high, compared to other genetic conditions.
The class II transactivator (CIITA) has been referred to as the "master control factor" for the expression of MHC class II (MHCII) genes. As our knowledge on the specificity and function of CIITA grows, it is becoming increasingly evident that this sobriquet is entirely justified. First, despite extensive investigations, the major target genes of CIITA remain those implicated in the presentation of antigenic peptides by MHCII molecules. Although other putative target genes have been reported, the contribution of CIITA to their expression remains indirect, controversial or comparatively minor relative to its decisive role as a regulator of MHCII and related genes. Second, the most important parameter dictating MHCII expression is by far the expression pattern of the gene encoding CIITA (MHC2TA). The vast majority of signals that activate or repress MHCII expression under physiological and pathological situations converge on one or more of the three alternative promoters that drive transcription of the MHC2TA gene. In short, with respect to its specificity and its exquisitely controlled pattern of expression, CIITA is by a long stretch the single most important transcription factor for the regulation of genes required for MHCII-restricted antigen-presentation.
2 Abstract2.1 En françaisLe séquençage du génome humain est un pré-requis fondamental à la compréhension de la biologie de l'être humain. Ce projet achevé, les scientifiques ont dû faire face à une tâche aussi importante, comprendre cette suite de 3 milliards de lettres qui compose notre génome. Le consortium ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of Dna Elements) fût formé comme une suite logique au projet du génome humain. Son rôle est d'identifier tous les éléments fonctionnels de notre génome incluant les régions transcrites, les sites d'attachement des facteurs de transcription, les sites hypersensibles à la DNAse I ainsi que les marqueurs de modification des histones. Dans le cadre de ma thèse doctorale, j'ai participé à 2 sous-projets d'ENCODE. En premier lieu, j'ai eu la tâche de développer et d'optimiser une technique de validation expérimentale à haut rendement de modèles de gènes qui m'a permis d'estimer la qualité de la plus récente annotation manuelle. Ce nouveau processus de validation est bien plus efficace que la technique RNAseq qui est actuellement en train de devenir la norme. Cette technique basée sur la RT-PCR, m'a notamment permis de découvrir de nouveaux exons dans 10% des régions interrogées. En second lieu j'ai participé à une étude ayant pour but d'identifier les extrémités de tous les gènes des chromosomes humains 21 et 22. Cette étude à permis l'identification à large échelle de transcrits chimères comportant des séquences provenant de deux gènes distincts pouvant être à une grande distance l'un de autre.2.2 In EnglishThe completion of the human genome sequence js the prerequisite to fully understand the biology of human beings. This project achieved, scientists had to face another challenging task, understanding the meaning of the 3 billion letters composing this genome. As a logical continuation of the human genome project, the ENCODE (ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements) consortium was formed with the aim of annotating all its functional elements. These elements include transcribed regions, transcription binding sites, DNAse I hypersensitive sites and histone modification marks. In the frame of my PhD thesis, I was involved in two sub-projects of ENCODE. Firstly I developed and optimized an high throughput method to validate gene models, which allowed me to assess the quality of the most recent manually-curated annotation. This novel experimental validation pipeline is extremely effective, far more so than transcriptome profiling through RNA sequencing, which is becoming the norm. This RT-PCR-seq targeted-approach is likewise particularly efficient in identifying novel exons, as we discovered about 10% of loci with unannotated exons. Secondly, I participated to a study aiming to identify the gene boundaries of all genes in the human chromosome 21 and 22. This study led to the identification of chimeric transcripts that are composed of sequences coming form two distinct genes that can be map far away from each other.