247 resultados para HISTORICAL ASPECTS
Quality control in health care should be performed by health professionals. To do so they must define indicators, set up studies aimed at measuring and analyzing quality of care, and implement quality assurance programs in health care systems. The elements of a quality improvement program of this kind are described, with special emphasis on the contribution of epidemiology in this field.
Cardiovascular complications may, to a large extent, be prevented by lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients. International recommendations currently stress the importance of reaching values of below 140/90 mmHg in each patient or even lower in the case of concomitant diabetes or renal impairment. It is currently considered crucial to control the systolic pressure as well as the diastolic pressure, in particular because the relationship between cardiovascular risk and blood pressure is closer for the systolic than the diastolic value. An increase in systolic pressure is in itself a sign of the stiffening of the arterial tree. In most patients, the target pressure may only be reached by combining several different antihypertensive agents. In the STRATHE Study, a greater antihypertensive efficacy, in particular on systolic pressure, was obtained by instituting treatment with a fixed low-dose combination of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (perindopril) and a diuretic (indapamide), in comparison with other therapeutic strategies based on single-agent therapy. Fixed-dose antihypertensive combinations have now become a validated option for initiating antihypertensive treatment.
Quand on parle de l'acide lactique (aussi connu sous le nom de lactate) une des premières choses qui vient à l'esprit, c'est son implication en cas d'intense activité musculaire. Sa production pendant une activité physique prolongée est associée avec la sensation de fatigue. Il n'est donc pas étonnant que cette molécule ait été longtemps considérée comme un résidu du métabolisme, possiblement toxique et donc à éliminer. En fait, il a été découvert que le lactate joue un rôle prépondérant dans le métabolisme grâce à son fort potentiel énergétique. Le cerveau, en particulier les neurones qui le composent, est un organe très gourmand en énergie. Récemment, il a été démontré que les astrocytes, cellules du cerveau faisant partie de la famille des cellules gliales, utilisent le glucose pour produire du lactate comme source d'énergie et le distribue aux neurones de manière adaptée à leur activité. Cette découverte a renouvelé l'intérêt scientifique pour le lactate. Aujourd'hui, plusieurs études ont démontré l'implication du lactate dans d'autres fonctions de la physiologie cérébrale. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous nous sommes intéressés au rapport entre neurones et astrocytes avec une attention particulière pour le rôle du lactate. Nous avons découvert que le lactate possède la capacité de modifier la communication entre les neurones. Nous avons aussi décrypté le mécanisme grâce auquel le lactate agit, qui est basé sur un récepteur présent à la surface des neurones. Cette étude montre une fonction jusque-là insoupçonnée du lactate qui a un fort impact sur la compréhension de la relation entre neurones et astrocytes. - Relatively to its volume, the brain uses a large amount of glucose as energy source. Furthermore, a tight link exists between the level of synaptic activity and the consumption of energy equivalents. Astrocytes have been shown to play a central role in the regulation of this so-called neurometabolic coupling. They are thought to deliver the metabolic substrate lactate to neurons in register to glutamatergic activity. The astrocytic uptake of glutamate, released in the synaptic cleft, is the trigger signal that activates an intracellular cascade of events that leads to the production and release of lactate from astrocytes. The main goal of this thesis work was to obtain detailed information on the metabolic and functional interplay between neurons and astrocytes, in particular on the influence of lactate besides its metabolic effects. To gain access to both spatial and temporal aspects of these dynamic interactions, we used optical microscopy associated with specific fluorescent indicators, as well as electrophysiology. In the first part of this thesis, we show that lactate decreases spontaneous neuronal, activity in a concentration-dependent manner and independently of its metabolism. We further identified a receptor-mediated pathway underlying this modulatory action of lactate. This finding constituted a novel mechanism for the modulation of neuronal transmission by lactate. In the second part, we have undergone a characterization of a new pharmacological tool, a high affinity glutamate transporter inhibitor. The finality of this study was to investigate the detailed pharmacological properties of the compound to optimize its use as a suppressor of glutamate signal from neuron to astrocytes. In conclusion, both studies have implications not only for the understanding of the metabolic cooperation between neurons and astrocytes, but also in the context of the glial modulation of neuronal activity. - Par rapport à son volume, le cerveau utilise une quantité massive de glucose comme source d'énergie. De plus, la consommation d'équivalents énergétiques est étroitement liée au niveau d'activité synaptique. Il a été montré que dans ce couplage neurométabolique, un rôle central est joué par les astrocytes. Ces cellules fournissent le lactate, un substrat métabolique, aux neurones de manière adaptée à leur activité glutamatergique. Plus précisément, le glutamate libéré dans la fente synaptique par les neurones, est récupéré par les astrocytes et déclenche ainsi une cascade d'événements intracellulaires qui conduit à la production et libération de lactate. Les travaux de cette thèse ont visé à étudier la relation métabolique et fonctionnelle entre neurones et astrocytes, avec une attention particulière pour des rôles que pourrait avoir le lactate au-delà de sa fonction métabolique. Pour étudier les aspects spatio-temporels de ces interactions dynamiques, nous avons utilisé à la fois la microscopie optique associée à des indicateurs fluorescents spécifiques, ainsi que l'électrophysiologie. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous montrons que le lactate diminue l'activité neuronale spontanée de façon concentration-dépendante et indépendamment de son métabolisme. Nous avons identifié l'implication d'un récepteur neuronal au lactate qui sous-tend ce mécanisme de régulation. La découverte de cette signalisation via le lactate constitue un mode d'interaction supplémentaire et nouveau entre neurones et astrocytes. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons caractérisé un outil pharmacologique, un inhibiteur des transporteurs du glutamate à haute affinité. Le but de cette étude était d'obtenir un agent pharmacologique capable d'interrompre spécifiquement le signal médié par le glutamate entre neurones et astrocytes pouvant permettre de mieux comprendre leur relation. En conclusion, ces études ont une implication non seulement pour la compréhension de la coopération entre neurones et astrocytes mais aussi dans le contexte de la modulation de l'activité neuronale par les cellules gliales.
OBJECTIVE: To study emotional behaviors in an acute stroke population. BACKGROUND: Alterations in emotional behavior after stroke have been recently recognized, but little attention has been paid to these changes in the very acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Adult patients presenting with acute stroke were prospectively recruited and studied. We validated the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI), a 38-item scale designed to evaluate behavioral aspects of sadness, aggressiveness, disinhibition, adaptation, passivity, indifference, and denial. Clinical, historical, and imaging (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging) data were obtained on each subject through our Stroke Registry. Statistical analysis was performed with both univariate and multivariate tests. RESULTS: Of the 254 patients, 40% showed sadness, 49% passivity, 17% aggressiveness, 53% indifference, 76% disinhibition, 18% lack of adaptation, and 44% denial reactions. Several significant correlations were identified. Sadness was correlated with a personal history of alcohol abuse (r = P < 0.037), female gender (r = P < 0.028), and hemorrhagic nature of the stroke (r = P < 0.063). Aggressiveness was correlated with a personal history of depression (r = P < 0.046) and hemorrhage (r = P < 0.06). Denial was correlated with male gender (r = P < 0.035) and hemorrhagic lesions (r = P < 0.05). Emotional behavior did not correlate with either neurologic impairment or lesion localization, but there was an association between hemorrhage and aggressive behavior (P < 0.001), lack of adaptation (r = P < 0.015), indifference (r = P < 0.018), and denial (r = P < 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Systematic observations of acute emotional behaviors after stroke suggest that emotional alterations are independent of mood and physical status and should be considered as a separate consequence of stroke.
BACKGROUND: Both non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries have in common that a relatively minor structural lesion can cause profound sensorimotor and autonomous dysfunction. Besides treating the cause of the spinal cord injury the main goal is to restore lost function as far as possible. AIM: This article provides an overview of current innovative diagnostic (imaging) and therapeutic approaches (neurorehabilitation and neuroregeneration) aiming for recovery of function after non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analysis of the current scientific literature regarding imaging, rehabilitation and rehabilitation strategies in spinal cord disease was carried out. RESULTS: Novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based techniques (e.g. diffusion-weighted MRI and functional MRI) allow visualization of structural reorganization and specific neural activity in the spinal cord. Robotics-driven rehabilitative measures provide training of sensorimotor function in a targeted fashion, which can even be continued in the homecare setting. From a preclinical point of view, defined stem cell transplantation approaches allow for the first time robust structural repair of the injured spinal cord. CONCLUSION: Besides well-established neurological and functional scores, MRI techniques offer the unique opportunity to provide robust and reliable "biomarkers" for restorative therapeutic interventions. Function-oriented robotics-based rehabilitative interventions alone or in combination with stem cell based therapies represent promising approaches to achieve substantial functional recovery, which go beyond current rehabilitative treatment efforts.
Background: The posterior circulation Acute Stroke Prognosis Early CT Score (pc-ASPECTS) and the combined Pons-midbrain score quantify the extent of early ischemic changes in the posterior circulation. We compared the prognostic accuracy of both scores if applied to CT angiography (CTA) source images (CTA-SI) of patients in the Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS).Methods: BASICS was a prospective, observational, multi-centre, registry of consecutive patients who presented with acute symptomatic basilar artery occlusion (BAO). Functional outcome was assessed at 1 month. We applied pc-ASPECTS and the combined Pons-midbrain score to CTA-SI by 3-reader-consensus. Readers were blinded to clinical data. We performed multivariable logistic regression analysis, adjusting for thrombolysis, baseline NIHSS score and age, and used the output to derive ROC curves to compare the ability of both scores to discriminate patients with favourable (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] scores 0-3) from patients with unfavourable (mRS scores 4-6) functional outcome.Results: We reviewed CTAs of 158 patients (64% men, mean age 65 _ 15 years, median NIHSS score 25 [0-38], median GCS score 7 [3-15], median onset-to-CTA time 234 minutes [11-7380]). At 1 month, 40 (25%) patients had a favourable outcome, 49 (31%) had an unfavourable outcome (mRS score 4-5) and 69 (44%) were deceased. Both techniques of assessing CTA-SI hypoattenuation in the posterior circulation showed equally good discriminative value in predicting final outcome (C-statistics; area under ROC curve 0.74 versus 0.75, respectively; p_0.37). Pc-ASPECTS dichotomized at _6 versus _6 was an independent predictor of favourable functional outcome (RR _ 2.2; CI95 1.1-4.7; p _ 0.034).Conclusion: Compared to the combined Pons-midbrain score, the pc-ASPECTS score has similar prognostic accuracy to identify patients with a favourable functional outcome in BASICS. Dichotomized pc-ASPECTS (_6 versus _6) is an independent predictor of favourable functional outcome in this population. Author Disclosures: V. Puetz: None. A. Khomenko: None. M.D. Hill: None. I. Dzialowski: None. P. Michel: None. C. Weimar: None. C.A.C. Wijman: None. H. Mattle: None. K. Muir: None. T. Pfefferkorn: None. D. Tanne: None. S. Engelter: None. K. Szabo: None. A. Algra: None. A.M. Demchuk: None. W.J. Schonewille: None.
Analyse comparée de la formation et des effets des régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles en Suisse. Partant du constat de l'accroissement significatif et généralisé de la consommation des ressources naturelles, le projet a pour ambition d'examiner, dans le cas de la Suisse, quels sont les types de régimes institutionnels -régimes composés de l'ensemble des droits de propriété de disposition et d'usages s'appliquant aux différentes ressources naturelles, de même que des politiques publiques d'exploitation et de protection les régulant- susceptibles de prévenir des processus de surexploitation et de dégradation de ces ressources. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche financé par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNRS), il s'agit, dans un premier temps, d'analyser les trajectoires historiques d'adaptation et de changements des régimes institutionnels des différentes ressources sur une durée d'environ un siècle (1900-2000). C'est l'objet des différents screenings. Dans un second temps et à l'aide d'études de cas, ces transformations de (ou au sein des) régimes institutionnels sont analysées sous l'angle de leurs effets sur l'état de la ressource. L'ambition finale de cette recherche est de comprendre les conditions l'émergence de "régimes intégrés" capables de prendre en compte un nombre croissant de groupes d'usagers agissant à différents niveaux (géographiques et institutionnels) et ayant des usages de plus en plus hétérogènes et concurrents de ces différentes ressources. Le champ empirique de la recherche porte plus particulièrement sur cinq ressources que sont: l'eau,l'air, le sol, le paysage et la forêt.
Surgery has historically been the standard of care for operable stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, nearly one-quarter of patients with stage I NSCLC will not undergo surgery because of medical comorbidity or other factors. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) is the new standard of care for these patients. SABR offers high local tumour control rates rivalling the historical results of surgery and is generally well tolerated by patients with both peripheral and centrally located tumours. This article reviews the history of SABR for stage I NSCLC, summarises the currently available data on efficacy and toxicity, and describes some of the currently controversial aspects of this treatment.