94 resultados para Gir PO
Ce livre montre qu'il n'existe pas de différence fondamentale entre les mouvements protestataires dans les sociétés musulmanes et ceux qui surviennent ailleurs. Par sa réflexion sur le partage entre "conduites infrapolitiques" et action organisée, mouvements religieux et mouvements politiques, réseaux informels et processus de mobilisation, au Maroc, en Égypte, en Iran, en Irak ou en Palestine, ce livre renouvelle, à un moment clé, la compréhension des mouvements sociaux dans les pays musulmans.
This book examines the role of technical standards in the regulation of services at the international level. It brings together scholarship in international political economy, French regulation theory, and economic sociology in order to discuss the following questions: Which services are most likely to be internationalised and what actors are the most concerned by the phenomenon? What is the relationship between the internationalisation of services and their institutional environment? What is more particularly the role of technical standards in delivering and using services? The introductory chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of cutting edge research on these questions. It argues that technical standards shape new forms of collective action and transnational authority. The chapter suggests some hypotheses for a new research agenda.