39 resultados para Gadd, Pehr Adrian


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Research on Public Service Motivation (PSM) has increased enormously in the last 20 years. Besides the analysis of the antecedents of PSM and its impact on organizations and individuals, many open questions about the nature of PSM itself still remain. This article argues that the theoretical construct of PSM should be contextualized by integrating the political and administrative contexts of public servants when investigating their specific attitudes towards working in a public environment. It also challenges the efficacy of the classic four-dimensional structure of PSM when it is applied to a specific context. The findings of a confirmatory factor analysis from a dataset of 3754 employees of 279 Swiss municipalities support the appropriateness of contextualizing parts of the PSM construct. They also support the addition of an extra dimension called, according to previous research, Swiss democratic governance. With regard to our results, there is a need for further PSM research to set a definite measure of PSM, particularly in regard to the international diffusion of empirical research on PSM.Points for practitionersThis study shows that public service motivation is a relevant construct for practitioners and may be used to better assess whether public agents are motivated by values or not. Nevertheless, it stresses also that the measurement of PSM must be adapted to the institutional context as well. Public managers interested in understanding better the degree to which their employees are motivated by public values must be aware that the measurement of this PSM construct has to be contextualized. In other words, PSM is also a function of the institutional environment in which organizations operate.


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L'organisation du premier livre de motets de Tomás Luis de Victoria, publié à Venise en 1572 chez les Fils d'Antonio Gardano (RISM V 1421), repose sur une stratification d'éléments divers mais complémentaires. Les pièces sont organisées en quatre groupes : quatorze à 4 voix, neuf à 5 voix, neuf à 6 voix et une à 8 voix. Elles forment des paires modales. Les derniers motets des groupes reposent sur des écritures individualisées (ad aequales, canon à l'unisson, Tenormotette, motet à double choeur). De plus, un jeu avec le nombre de parties, une et deux essentiellement, intervient entre les groupes et à l'intérieur. Les textes émanent de plusieurs rites (avilais, prétridentin et tridentin) et sources. Lorsque c'est nécessaire, le compositeur les remanie pour qu'ils s'adaptent à l'organisation du recueil. Au bout du compte, le livre veut être un objet ayant un certain poids et qui dit quelque chose de plus qu'une simple addition de pièces. C'est précisément ce dont a besoin le jeune compositeur pour prendre une place sur le marché du motet avec ce qui constitue son premier « opus ». Dans la dédicace qu'il signe lui-même, Victoria inscrit son édition dans la mouvance de la musica reservata puisqu'il la destine d'abord aux connaisseurs. Or, c'est précisément cette organisation complexe qui permet au musicien d'inscrire son recueil dans une lignée de publications savantes, initiées semble-t-il par le livre de motets à 5 voix d'Adrian Willaert, qui date de 1539.


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Suite à une question initiale du théologien catholique Adrian Holderegger, l'auteur s'interroge sur la question du rôle de la raison en théologie et en éthique théologique. Il présente et discute la critique de la raison sourde proposée par Maurice Bellet. Les relations entre la rationalité athétique, athématique et amodale conduisent à se demander si une conception négative et critique de la rationalité ne serait pas la condition d'un redéploiement positif de la raison de l'être humain singulier comme capacité d'écoute attentive de l'autre, du monde et de Dieu.


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Background: Cardio-vascular diseases (CVD), their well established risk factors (CVRF) and mental disorders are common and co-occur more frequently than would be expected by chance. However, the pathogenic mechanisms and course determinants of both CVD and mental disorders have only been partially identified.Methods/Design: Comprehensive follow-up of CVRF and CVD with a psychiatric exam in all subjects who participated in the baseline cross-sectional CoLaus study (2003-2006) (n=6'738) which also included a comprehensive genetic assessment. The somatic investigation will include a shortened questionnaire on CVRF, CV events and new CVD since baseline and measurements of the same clinical and biological variables as at baseline. In addition, pro-inflammatory markers, persistent pain and sleep patterns and disorders will be assessed. In the case of a new CV event, detailed information will be abstracted from medical records. Similarly, data on the cause of death will be collected from the Swiss National Death Registry. The comprehensive psychiatric investigation of the CoLaus/PsyCoLaus study will use contemporary epidemiological methods including semi-structured diagnostic interviews, experienced clinical interviewers, standardized diagnostic criteria including threshold according to DSM-IV and sub-threshold syndromes and supplementary information on risk and protective factors for disorders. In addition, screening for objective cognitive impairment will be performed in participants older than 65 years.Discussion: The combined CoLaus/PsyCoLaus sample provides a unique opportunity to obtain prospective data on the interplay between CVRF/CVD and mental disorders, overcoming limitations of previous research by bringing together a comprehensive investigation of both CVRF and mental disorders as well as a large number of biological variables and a genome-wide genetic assessment in participants recruited from the general population.


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Many biotic and abiotic factors affect the persistence and activity of beneficial pseudomonads introduced into soil to suppress plant diseases. One such factor may be the presence of virulent bacteriophages that decimate the population of the introduced bacteria, thereby reducing their beneficial effect. We have isolated a lytic bacteriophage (phi)GP100) that specifically infects the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and some closely related Pseudomonas strains. phiGP100 was found to be a double-stranded-DNA phage with an icosahedral head, a stubby tail, and a genome size of approximately 50 kb. Replication of phiGP100 was negatively affected at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. phiGP100 had a negative impact on the population size and the biocontrol activity of P. fluorescens strain CHA0-Rif (a rifampicin-resistant variant of CHA0) in natural soil microcosms. In the presence of phiGP100, the population size of strain CHA0-Rif in soil and on cucumber roots was reduced more than 100-fold. As a consequence, the bacterium's capacity to protect cucumber against a root disease caused by the pathogenic oomycete Pythium ultimum was entirely abolished. In contrast, the phage affected neither root colonization and nor the disease suppressive effect of a phiDGP100-resistant variant of strain CHA0-Rif. To our knowledge, this study is the first to illustrate the potential of phages to impair biocontrol performance of beneficial bacteria released into the natural soil environment.


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OBJECTIVE: to assess the levels and determinants of interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a and C-reactive protein (CRP) in a healthy Caucasian population.METHODS: population sample of 2884 men and 3201 women aged 35 to 75. IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-a were assessed by a multiplexed particle-based flow cytometric assay and CRP by an immunometric assay.RESULTS: Spearman rank correlations between duplicate cytokine measurements (N?=?80) ranged between 0.89 and 0.96; intra-class correlation coefficients ranged between 0.94 and 0.97, indicating good reproducibility. Among the 6085 participants, 2289 (37.6%), 451 (7.4%) and 43 (0.7%) had IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-a levels below detection limits, respectively. Median (interquartile range) for participants with detectable values were 1.17 (0.48-3.90) pg/ml for IL-1ß; 1.47 (0.71-3.53) pg/ml for IL-6; 2.89 (1.82-4.53) pg/ml for TNF-a and 1.3 (0.6-2.7) ng/ml for CRP. On multivariate analysis, greater age was the only factor inversely associated with IL-1ß levels. Male sex, increased BMI and smoking were associated with greater IL-6 levels, while no relationship was found for age and leisure-time PA. Male sex, greater age, increased BMI and current smoking were associated with greater TNF-a levels, while no relationship was found with leisure-time PA. CRP levels were positively related to age, BMI and smoking, and inversely to male sex and physical activity.CONCLUSION: Population-based levels of several cytokines were established. Increased age and BMI, and to a lesser degree sex and smoking, significantly and differentially impact cytokine levels, while leisure-time physical activity has little effect.


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Intracellular mature vaccinia virus, also called intracellular naked virus, and its core envelope have been observed in their native, unfixed, unstained, hydrated states by cryoelectron microscopy of vitrified samples. The virion appears as a smooth rounded rectangle of ca. 350 by 270 nm. The core seems homogeneous and is surrounded by a 30-nm-thick surface domain delimited by membranes. We show that surface tubules and most likely also the characteristic dumbbell-shaped core with the lateral bodies which are generally observed in negatively stained or conventionally embedded samples are preparation artifacts.


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The overall aim of the project has been to assess the extent to which data on the frequency of occurence of STDs [Sexually transmitted diseases] might be useful in the monitoring and evaluation of AIDS prevention programmes. The objectives have been to answer the following questions: (a) Can measures of STD occurence be used as an outcome measure of AIDS/HIV preventive efforts ? In particular: -> which diseases might be useful ? -> in what ways could they be used ? (b) If measures of STD occurence can be used in this way, is existing surveillance data in Western Europe adequate for the purpose ? If not why not ? (c) What do data from existing STD surveillance systems tell us about the success or failure of AIDS prevention to date ? (d) What needs to be done in order taht STD surveillance data in the countries of Western Europe could be used for this purpose ? [Authors, p. 4]