188 resultados para Gérard-Desrivières
Introduction: Recommendations for statin use for primary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) are based on estimation of the 10-year CHD risk. We compared the 10-year CHD risk assessments and eligibility percentages for statin therapy using three scoring algorithms currently used in Switzerland. Methods: We studied 5683 women and men, aged 35-75, without overt cardiovascular disease (CVD), in a population-based study in Lausanne, Switzerland. We compared the 10-year CHD risk using three scoring schemes, i.e., the Framingham risk score (FRS) from the U.S. National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III), the PROCAM scoring scheme from the International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS), and the European risk SCORE for low-risk countries, without and with extrapolation to 60 years as recommended by the European Society of Cardiology guidelines (ESC). With FRS and PROCAM, high-risk was defined as a 10-year risk of fatal or non-fatal CHD >20% and a 10-year risk of fatal CVD >= 5% with SCORE. We compared the proportions of high-risk participants and eligibility for statin use according to these three schemes. For each guideline, we estimated the impact of increased statin use from current partial compliance to full compliance on potential CHD deaths averted over 10 years, using a success proportion of 27% for statins. Results: Participants classified at high-risk (both genders) were 5.8% according to FRS and 3.0% to the PROCAM, whereas the European risk SCORE classified 12.5% at high-risk (15.4% with extrapolation to 60 years). For the primary prevention of CHD, 18.5% of participants were eligible for statin therapy using ATP III, 16.6% using IAS, and 10.3% using ESC (13.0% with extrapolation) because ESC guidelines recommend statin therapy only in high-risk subjects. In comparison with IAS, agreement to identify eligible adults for statins was good with ATP III, but moderate with ESC (Figure). Using a population perspective, a full compliance with ATP III guidelines would reduce up to 17.9% of the 24'310 CHD deaths expected over 10 years in Switzerland, 17.3% with IAS and 10.8% with ESC (11.5% with extrapolation). Conclusion: Full compliance with guidelines for statin therapy would result in substantial health benefits, but proportions of high-risk adults and eligible adults for statin use varied substantially depending on the scoring systems and corresponding guidelines used for estimating CHD risk in Switzerland.
Alcohol consumption is a moderately heritable trait, but the genetic basis in humans is largely unknown, despite its clinical and societal importance. We report a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of ∼2.5 million directly genotyped or imputed SNPs with alcohol consumption (gram per day per kilogram body weight) among 12 population-based samples of European ancestry, comprising 26,316 individuals, with replication genotyping in an additional 21,185 individuals. SNP rs6943555 in autism susceptibility candidate 2 gene (AUTS2) was associated with alcohol consumption at genome-wide significance (P = 4 × 10(-8) to P = 4 × 10(-9)). We found a genotype-specific expression of AUTS2 in 96 human prefrontal cortex samples (P = 0.026) and significant (P < 0.017) differences in expression of AUTS2 in whole-brain extracts of mice selected for differences in voluntary alcohol consumption. Down-regulation of an AUTS2 homolog caused reduced alcohol sensitivity in Drosophila (P < 0.001). Our finding of a regulator of alcohol consumption adds knowledge to our understanding of genetic mechanisms influencing alcohol drinking behavior.
Résumé : Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la première cause de mortalité dans notre pays. Elles sont associées à des facteurs de risque (FRCV) bien connus comme le diabète ou la dyslipidémie. Nous résumons ici les principaux résultats de l'étude CoLaus concernant d'une part la prévalence du diabète et de la dyslipidémie et certaines caractéristiques de leur prise en charge.Les découvertes récentes concernant de nouveaux déterminants génétiques impliqués dans ces FRCV sont présentées de manière succincte. La contribution de ces données génétiques est également discutée dans une perspective de prise en charge clinique.[Abstract] Cardiovascular diseases remain the first cause of mortality in our country. They are associated with well known risk factors such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Herein we summarize main results of the CoLaus study regarding, first the prevalence and characteristics of the treatment of these risk factors.Then we present recent discoveries of new genetic determinants associated with these risk factors. Finally, we discuss whether this knowledge changes our current clinical management of our patients.
Objective: Limited information is available on the quantitative relationship between family history and the corresponding underlying traits. We analyzed these associations for blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. Methods: Data were obtained from 6,102 Caucasian participants (2,903 men and 3,199 women) aged 35-75 years using a population-based cross-sectional survey in Switzerland. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were measured, and the corresponding family history was self-reported using a structured questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of a positive family history (in first-degree relatives) was 39.6% for hypertension, 22.3% for diabetes, and 29.0% for hypercholesterolemia. Family history was not known for at least one family member in 41.8% of participants for hypertension, 14.4% for diabetes, and 50.2% for hypercholesterolemia. A positive family history was strongly associated with higher levels of the corresponding trait, but not with the other traits. Participants who reported not to know their family history of hypertension had a higher systolic blood pressure than participants with a negative history. Sibling histories had higher positive predictive values than parental histories. The ability to discriminate, calibrate, and reclassify was best for the family history of hypertension. Conclusions: Family history of hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia was strongly associated with the corresponding dichotomized and continuous phenotypes.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Cet ouvrage présente les résultats du premier Colloque international consacré à l'analyse narrative de la Bible (Lausanne, mars 2002). De la Genèse à l'Apocalypse, la Bible est un immense trésor d'histoires. Une nouvelle lecture explore depuis peu cet art du raconter. Ses outils sont empruntés à Paul Ricoeur, Gérard Genette, Meir Sternberg ou Jan Fokkelman. Les biblistes sont ainsi à même d'exhumer la stratégie narrative des auteurs bibliques: temporalité du récit, gestion de l'espace, construction des personnages, point de vue du narrateur. Certains des plus grands spécialistes de l'Ancien comme du Nouveau Testament explicitent ici ces texte fondateurs à la lumière de la narratologie.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Cet ouvrage présente les résultats du premier Colloque international consacré à l'analyse narrative de la Bible (Lausanne, mars 2002). De la Genèse à l'Apocalypse, la Bible est un immense trésor d'histoires. Une nouvelle lecture explore depuis peu cet art du raconter. Ses outils sont empruntés à Paul Ricoeur, Gérard Genette, Meir Sternberg ou Jan Fokkelman. Les biblistes sont ainsi à même d'exhumer la stratégie narrative des auteurs bibliques: temporalité du récit, gestion de l'espace, construction des personnages, point de vue du narrateur. Certains des plus grands spécialistes de l'Ancien comme du Nouveau Testament explicitent ici ces texte fondateurs à la lumière de la narratologie
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Cet ouvrage présente les résultats du premier Colloque international consacré à l'analyse narrative de la Bible (Lausanne, mars 2002). De la Genèse à l'Apocalypse, la Bible est un immense trésor d'histoires. Une nouvelle lecture explore depuis peu cet art du raconter. Ses outils sont empruntés à Paul Ricoeur, Gérard Genette, Meir Sternberg ou Jan Fokkelman. Les biblistes sont ainsi à même d'exhumer la stratégie narrative des auteurs bibliques: temporalité du récit, gestion de l'espace, construction des personnages, point de vue du narrateur. Certains des plus grands spécialistes de l'Ancien comme du Nouveau Testament explicitent ici ces texte fondateurs à la lumière de la narratologie.
Cet ouvrage présente les résultats du premier Colloque international consacré à l'analyse narrative de la Bible (Lausanne, mars 2002). De la Genèse à l'Apocalypse, la Bible est un immense trésor d'histoires. Une nouvelle lecture explore depuis peu cet art du raconter. Ses outils sont empruntés à Paul Ricoeur, Gérard Genette, Meir Sternberg ou Jan Fokkelman. Les biblistes sont ainsi à même d'exhumer la stratégie narrative des auteurs bibliques: temporalité du récit, gestion de l'espace, construction des personnages, point de vue du narrateur. Certains des plus grands spécialistes de l'Ancien comme du Nouveau Testament explicitent ici ces texte fondateurs à la lumière de la narratologie.