36 resultados para Future care
In many developed countries, including Switzerland, the ongoing increase in life expectancy is driven by the mortality decline among older persons. This has important consequences for both the provision of health care and the management of pension funds. In this context, the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics mandated a small group of experts to provide a critical review on the future evolution of mortality in developed countries. The report starts with an analysis of the past trends in life expectancy. Longevity is defined here as the duration (or the length) of life as observed in population or in individuals. The oldest and still most used indicators of longevity are life expectancy at birth (LE0) at a population level, and maximum life span (MLS) at the individual level (page 9) and in healthy life expectancy (page 19). A discussion on the future evolution of mortality and health is then presented (page 27). A set of recommendations is finally proposed (page 39).
The notion of "First Responder" (FR) refers to the system of first-aid volunteers who act to initiate the first-aid care before the classical emergency help arrives. In 2011, the French-speaking Switzerland counts 19 groups, divided up between four cantons (Fribourg, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Valais). The geographical distribution of those FR shows the stakes of these peripherical areas, with the accessibility difficulties for the emergency services, and a low demography of ambulances and doctors. The number of interventions carried out by the FR has significantly increased during the last years. The association of a quality formation, an excellent knowledge of the ground and a quick intervention has a positive impact on the survival of the patients with vital emergency or traumatic conditions.
Introduction: Delirium is frequent in hospitalized older people, with incidence rate up to 40% in acute care. Delirium is associated with several adverse consequences, including increased mortality and institutionalization. This study aims to investigate the prevalence, incidence, and consequences of delirium in patients hospitalized in an acute care unit for elderly (ACE unit). Methods: Over a 3 months period, every patient (N = 93, mean age 84.1 ± 7.8 years, 66/93(71%) women) admitted to a 28-bed ACE unit were systematically assessed for delirium. Trained nurses used the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) instrument to determine the presence of delirium at admission and on each subsequent day over patients' stay. Delirium prevalence rate was defined as the proportion of patients with a positive CAM within 24 hours of admission to the ACE unit. Delirium incidence rate was defined as the proportion of patients with a negative CAM at admission whose CAM became positive at least once during their stay. This evaluation was part of a functional assessment, including Basic Activities of Daily Life (Katz BADL, from 0 to 6, higher score indicating better function). Delirium prevention interventions and specific treatment was provided if needed. Results: Overall,25/93(27%)patients had delirium during their stay. Prevalence of delirium at admission was 10/93 (11%), with an incidence of 15/83(18%). Compared with non-delirious patients, those with delirium were more frequently men (10/25(40%) vs 17/68(25%), p <.001) and had reduced functional status at admission(BADL 2.0 ± 1.9 vs 3.6 ± 2.1, p = .004). They tended to be older (86.0 ± 6.7 vs 83.3 ± 8.1 years, p = .110). At discharge, delirium was associated with reduced functional status (BADL 2.0 ± 2.1 vs 4.3 ± 1.9, p <.001), lower rate of home discharge (6/20(30%) vs 28/65 (43%), p = .009) and increased mortality (5/25 (20%) vs 3/68 (5%), p <.001). On average, patients with delirium stayed 5.7 days longer (17.0 ± 9.8 vs 11.31 ± 6.3, p = .011). Conclusion: Delirium occurred in almost a third of these older patients, even though its incidence was relatively low in this frail population. Despite specific management, delirium remained associated with higher risk for adverse outcomes at discharge. These results suggest that early preventive interventions, implemented as soon as possible after hospital admission, might be needed in similar population to achieve better outcomes. Effectiveness of such interventions will be evaluated in future studies.
RATIONALE: Many sources of conflict exist in intensive care units (ICUs). Few studies recorded the prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors for conflicts in ICUs. OBJECTIVES: To record the prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors for conflicts in ICUs. METHODS: One-day cross-sectional survey of ICU clinicians. Data on perceived conflicts in the week before the survey day were obtained from 7,498 ICU staff members (323 ICUs in 24 countries). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Conflicts were perceived by 5,268 (71.6%) respondents. Nurse-physician conflicts were the most common (32.6%), followed by conflicts among nurses (27.3%) and staff-relative conflicts (26.6%). The most common conflict-causing behaviors were personal animosity, mistrust, and communication gaps. During end-of-life care, the main sources of perceived conflict were lack of psychological support, absence of staff meetings, and problems with the decision-making process. Conflicts perceived as severe were reported by 3,974 (53%) respondents. Job strain was significantly associated with perceiving conflicts and with greater severity of perceived conflicts. Multivariate analysis identified 15 factors associated with perceived conflicts, of which 6 were potential targets for future intervention: staff working more than 40 h/wk, more than 15 ICU beds, caring for dying patients or providing pre- and postmortem care within the last week, symptom control not ensured jointly by physicians and nurses, and no routine unit-level meetings. CONCLUSIONS: Over 70% of ICU workers reported perceived conflicts, which were often considered severe and were significantly associated with job strain. Workload, inadequate communication, and end-of-life care emerged as important potential targets for improvement.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The starting point of the interdisciplinary project "Assessing the impact of diagnosis related groups (DRGs) on patient care and professional practice" (IDoC) was the lack of a systematic ethical assessment for the introduction of cost containment measures in healthcare. Our aim was to contribute to the methodological and empirical basis of such an assessment. METHODS: Five sub-groups conducted separate but related research within the fields of biomedical ethics, law, nursing sciences and health services, applying a number of complementary methodological approaches. The individual research projects were framed within an overall ethical matrix. Workshops and bilateral meetings were held to identify and elaborate joint research themes. RESULTS: Four common, ethically relevant themes emerged in the results of the studies across sub-groups: (1.) the quality and safety of patient care, (2.) the state of professional practice of physicians and nurses, (3.) changes in incentives structure, (4.) vulnerable groups and access to healthcare services. Furthermore, much-needed data for future comparative research has been collected and some early insights into the potential impact of DRGs are outlined. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the joint results we developed preliminary recommendations related to conceptual analysis, methodological refinement, monitoring and implementation.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a governmentally-led center based child care physical activity program (Youp'la Bouge) on child motor skills.Patients and methods: We conducted a single blinded cluster randomized controlled trial in 58 Swiss child care centers. Centers were randomly selected and 1:1 assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention lasted from September 2009 to June 2010 and included training of the educators, adaptation of the child care built environment, parental involvement and daily physical activity. Motor skill was the primary outcome and body mass index (BMI), physical activity and quality of life secondary outcomes. The intervention implementation was also assessed. RESULTS: At baseline, 648 children present on the motor test day were included (age 3.3 +/- 0.6, BMI 16.3 +/- 1.3 kg/m2, 13.2% overweight, 49% girls) and 313 received the intervention. Relative to children in the control group (n = 201), children in the intervention group (n = 187) showed no significant increase in motor skills (delta of mean change (95% confidence interval: -0.2 (-0.8 to 0.3), p = 0.43) or in any of the secondary outcomes. Not all child care centers implemented all the intervention components. Within the intervention group, several predictors were positively associated with trial outcomes: 1) free-access to a movement space and parental information session for motor skills 2) highly motivated and trained educators for BMI 3) free-access to a movement space and purchase of mobile equipment for physical activity (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This "real-life" physical activity program in child care centers confirms the complexity of implementing an intervention outside a study setting and identified potentially relevant predictors that could improve future programs.Trial registration: Trial registration number: clinical trials.gov NCT00967460 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00967460.
Following the decision of the Swiss Association for Home Care Services to adopt the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), the RAI-Home Care is gradually implemented in all home care services in Switzerland. Based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment, the RAI not only allows to establish an individualized plan of care, but also generates quality indicators and a case-mix classification system that helps financing and planning resources. This article describes the five steps of the RAI-Home Care process and discusses the strengths, future and limitations of the RAI.
BACKGROUND: In the past, implementation of effective palliative care curricula has emerged as a priority in medical education. In order to gain insight into medical students' needs and expectations, we conducted a survey before mandatory palliative care education was introduced in our faculty. METHODS: Seven hundred nine students answered a questionnaire mainly consisting of numeric rating scales (0-10). RESULTS: Participants attributed a high importance to palliative care for their future professional life (mean, 7.51 ± 2.2). For most students, symptom control was crucial (7.72 ± 2.2). However, even higher importance was assigned to ethical and legal issues (8.16 ± 1.9). "Self-reflection regarding their own role as a physician caring for the terminally ill along with psychological support" was also regarded as highly important (7.25 ± 2.4). Most students were moderately concerned at the prospect of being confronted with suffering and death (5.13 ± 2.4). This emotional distress was rated significantly higher by female students (5.4 ± 2.4 versus 4.6 ± 2.4; p < 0.001). Seventeen percent of all students rated their distress as being 7 of 10 or higher, which indicates a considerable psychological strain in terms of dealing with end-of-life issues in the future. Professional or personal experience with terminally ill persons lowered these anxieties significantly (4.99 ± 2.34 versus 5.47 ± 2.5, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Medical students stated a remarkably high interest in learning palliative care competencies. Responding to their specific concerns and needs-especially with regard to the acquisition of emotional coping skills-may be key for the development of successful palliative care curricula.
Trust is essential to foster and preserve a long-term relationship between primary care physicians and their patients suffering from chronic diseases. However, this relation remains insufficient to successfully manage more complex situations, such as those of older patients with multiple diseases and disability. For the primary care physician, a significant limitation is the time required to plan and coordinate interventions supplied by different health and social care providers. This article describes a structured approach to support primary care physicians in this difficult task and help them to identify vulnerable older patients requiring to mobilize and coordinate health and social care resources. Current and future resources available to family physicians to complete this challenging task are further described.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Advance care planning (ACP) is increasingly regarded as the gold standard in the care of patients with life-limiting illnesses. Research has focused on adults, but ACP is also being practiced in pediatrics. We conducted a systematic review on empirical literature on pediatric ACP (pACP) to assess current practices, effects, and perspectives of pACP. METHODS: We searched PubMed, BELIT, and PSYCinfo for empirical literature on pACP, published January 1991 through January 2012. Titles, abstracts, and full texts were screened by 3 independent reviewers for studies that met the predefined criteria. The evidence level of the studies was assessed. Relevant study outcomes were retrieved according to predefined questions. RESULTS: We included 5 qualitative and 8 quantitative studies. Only 3 pACP programs were identified, all from the United States. Two of them were informed by adult programs. Major pACP features are discussions between families and care providers, as well as advance directives. A chaplain and other providers may be involved if required. Programs vary in how well they are evaluated; only 1 was studied by using a randomized controlled trial. Preliminary data suggest that pACP can successfully be implemented and is perceived as helpful. It may be emotionally relieving and facilitate communication and decision-making. Major challenges are negative reactions from emergency services, schools, and the community. CONCLUSIONS: There are few systematic pACP programs worldwide and none in Europe. Future research should investigate the needs of all stakeholders. In particular, the perspective of professionals has so far been neglected.
Background: Primary care physicians are often requested to assess their patients' fitness to drive. Little is however known on their needs to help them in this task. Aims: The aim of this study is to develop theories on needs, expectations, and barriers for clinical instruments helping physicians assess fitness to drive in primary care. Methods: This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to investigate needs and expectations for instruments used to assess fitness to drive. From August 2011 to April 2013, we recorded opinions from five experts in traffic medicine, five primary care physicians, and five senior drivers. All interviews were integrally transcribed. Two independent researchers extracted, coded, and stratified categories relying on multi-grounded theory. All participants validated the final scheme. Results: Our theory suggests that for an instruments assessing fitness to drive to be implemented in primary care, it need to contribute to the decisional process. This requires at least five conditions: 1) it needs to reduce the range of uncertainty, 2) it needs to be adapted to local resources and possibilities, 3) it needs to be accepted by patients, 4) choices of tasks need to adaptable to clinical conditions, 5) and interpretation of results need to remain dependant of each patient's context. Discussion and conclusions: Most existing instruments assessing fitness to drive are not designed for primary care settings. Future instruments should also aim to support patient-centred dialogue, help anticipate driving cessation, and offer patients the opportunity to freely take their own decision on driving cessation as often as possible.
Everything must be done to prevent and take care of lymphoedema as soon as possible to avoid its progression and its negative impact on patient's psychology and quality of life. The physical limitations and the socio-occupational incidence of lymphoedema must not be neglected. For theses reasons, it is important to promote the education of lymphology and its therapy. Since April 2008, the service of angiology of our university hospital (CHUV) has developed a multidisciplinary consultation for diagnosing and managing oedemas particularly primary and secondary lymphoedemas.
The primary care center at Lausanne University Hospital trains residents to new models of integrated care. The future GPs discover new forms of collaboration with nurses, pharmacists or social workers. The collaboration model includes seeing patients together or delegating care to other providers, with the aim of improving the efficiency of a patient-centered care approach. The article includes examples of integrated care in consultation for travelers, victims of violence, pharmacist medication adherence counseling, medicosocial team work for alcohol use disorders and nurse practitioners' primary care for asylum seekers.
Present standards and future perspectives in the treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.
The development of novel effective immunotherapeutic agents and early clinical data hinting at significant activity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has introduced yet another player in the field of management of advanced disease. At present, first-line cytotoxic chemotherapy is generally withheld pending results of molecular testing for any actionable genetic alteration that could lead to targeted treatment, and in their absence chemotherapy is prescribed as a default therapy. Phase III trials comparing head-to-head immune checkpoint inhibitors with standard platinum-based doublet chemotherapy are underway. Second-line chemotherapy is likewise being challenged in phase III trials, one of which having recently reported positive results in advanced squamous cell carcinoma. In tumors harboring actionable transforming genetic alterations such as EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangements, second- and third-generation inhibitors allow for multiple lines of targeted treatment beyond initial resistance, postponing the use of cytotoxic chemotherapy to very late lines of therapy. Chemotherapy as a longstanding but still present standard of care capable of prolonging survival, improving quality of life, and relieving symptoms sees its role increasingly restricted to clinical, immunological, and molecular subsets of patients where its activity and efficacy have never been tested prospectively.