116 resultados para Focal ischemia


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Pontine ischemia usually results in focal deficits such as hemiparesis, facial palsy, dysarthria, disorders of eye movements or vertigo. Although rarely described, involuntary abnormal movements and "convulsions" due to pontine lesions can also occur. Here we describe a 67-year-old woman with hypertension who presented with a tonic movement mimicking a versive seizure in the acute phase of bilateral pontine ischemia. Post-stroke movement disorders are well known. They are usually associated with supratentorial lesions and rarely occur in the acute phase, but "seizure-like" episodes can be seen in pontine ischemia. Awareness of this rare phenomenon is useful for the management of acute stroke patients.


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Critical limb ischemia is a major public health problem in our western countries due to the epidemia of (diabesity). The outcome of patients suffering from critical limb ischemia reains poor with an amputation free survival rate at one year of about 50%. The treatment should be multidiciplinary and done in emergency in specialized centers to ensure the limb salvage: this management should be centered aroud 3 axis: the screening of the cardiovascular risk factors, the best medical treatment and the invasive approaches. Due to multiple endovascular technical innovations, more frail patients with com plex diseases can be treated with good results. Therefore, the endovascular treatment is essential in the management of such patients by vascular surgeons.


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RESUMESuite à un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique, les cellules gliales ducerveau deviennent activées, de nombreuses cellules inflammatoires pénètrent dans letissu lésé et sécrètent une grande variété de cytokines et chémokines. Aujourd'hui, ilexiste des interrogations sur les effets bénéfiques ou délétères de cette inflammation surla taille de la lésion et le pronostic neurologique.Ce projet vise à évaluer l'effet d'un peptide neuroprotecteur, D-JNKI1, inhibiteur de lavoie pro-apoptotique de signalisation intracellulaire c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), surl'inflammation post-ischémique.Nous montrons d'abord que la microglie est largement activée dans toute la région lésée48 h après l'induction d'une ischémie chez la souris. Cependant, malgré l'inhibition dela mort neuronale par D-JNKI1 évaluée à 48 h, nous n'observons de modification ni del'activation de la microglie, ni de son nombre. Ensuite, nous montrons que le cerveaupeut être protégé même s'il y a une augmentation massive de la sécrétion de médiateursinflammatoires dans la circulation systémique très tôt après induction d'un AVCischémique. De plus, nous notons que la sécrétion de molécules inflammatoires dans lecerveau n'est pas différente entre les animaux traités par D-JNKI1 ou une solutionsaline, bien que nous ayons obtenu une neuroprotection significative chez les animauxtraités.En conclusion, nous montrons que l'inhibition de la voie de JNK par D-JNKI1n'influence pas directement l'inflammation post-ischémique. Ceci suggère quel'inhibition de l'inflammation n'est pas forcément nécessaire pour obtenir en hautdegré de neuroprotection du parenchyme lésé après ischémie cérébrale, et que lesmécanismes inflammatoires déclenchés lors d'une ischémie cérébrale ne sont pasforcément délétères pour la récupération du tissu endommagé.SUMMARYAfter cerebral ischemia, glial cells become activated and numerous inflammatory cellsinfiltrate the site of the lesion, secreting a large variety of cytokines and chemokines. Itis controversial whether this brain inflammation is detrimental or beneficial and how itinfluences lesion size and neurological outcome.This project was aimed at critically evaluating whether the neuroprotective peptide DJNKI,an inhibitor of the pro-apopotic c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway,modulates post-ischemic inflammation in animal models of stroke. Specifically, it wasasked whether JNK inhibition prevents microglial activation and the release ofinflammatory mediators.In the first part of this study, we showed that microglia was activated throughout thelesion 48 h after experimental stroke. However, the activation and accumulation ofmicroglia was not reduced by D-JNKI1, despite a significant reduction of the lesionsize. In the second part of this project, we demonstrated that neuroprotection measuredat 48 h occurs even though inflammatory mediators are released in the plasma veryearly after the onset of cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, we found that secretion ofinflammatory mediators in the brain was not different in groups treated with D-JNKI1or not, despite a significant reduction of the lesion size in the treated group.Altogether, we show that inhibition of the JNK pathway using D-JNKI1 does notinfluence directly post-stroke inflammation. Inhibition of inflammation is therefore notnecessarily required for neuroprotection after cerebral ischemia. Thus, post-strokeinflammation might not be detrimental for the tissue recovery.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: Hemispheric stroke in humans is associated with sleep-wake disturbances and sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) changes. The correlation between these changes and stroke extent remains unclear. In the absence of experimental data, we assessed sleep EEG changes after focal cerebral ischemia of different extensions in mice. DESIGN: Following electrode implantation and baseline sleep-wake EEG recordings, mice were submitted to sham surgery (control group), 30 minutes of intraluminal middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (striatal stroke), or distal MCA electrocoagulation (cortical stroke). One and 12 days after stroke, sleep-wake EEG recordings were repeated. The EEG recorded from the healthy hemisphere was analyzed visually and automatically (fast Fourier analysis) according to established criteria. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Striatal stroke induced an increase in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and a reduction of rapid eye movement sleep. These changes were detectable both during the light and the dark phase at day 1 and persisted until day 12 after stroke. Cortical stroke induced a less-marked increase in NREM sleep, which was present only at day 1 and during the dark phase. In cortical stroke, the increase in NREM sleep was associated in the wake EEG power spectra, with an increase in the theta and a reduction in the beta activity. CONCLUSION: Cortical and striatal stroke lead to different sleep-wake EEG changes in mice, which probably reflect variable effects on sleep-promoting and wakefulness-maintaining neuronal networks.


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The multiplicity of cell death mechanisms induced by neonatal hypoxia-ischemia makes neuroprotective treatment against neonatal asphyxia more difficult to achieve. Whereas the roles of apoptosis and necrosis in such conditions have been studied intensively, the implication of autophagic cell death has only recently been considered. Here, we used the most clinically relevant rodent model of perinatal asphyxia to investigate the involvement of autophagy in hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Seven-day-old rats underwent permanent ligation of the right common carotid artery, followed by 2 hours of hypoxia. This condition not only increased autophagosomal abundance (increase in microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3-11 level and punctuate labeling) but also lysosomal activities (cathepsin D, acid phosphatase, and beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase) in cortical and hippocampal CA3-damaged neurons at 6 and 24 hours, demonstrating an increase in the autophagic flux. In the cortex, this enhanced autophagy may be related to apoptosis since some neurons presenting a high level of autophagy also expressed apoptotic features, including cleaved caspase-3. On the other hand, enhanced autophagy in CA3 was associated with a more purely autophagic cell death phenotype. In striking contrast to CA3 neurons, those in CA1 presented only a minimal increase in autophagy but strong apoptotic characteristics. These results suggest a role of enhanced autophagy in delayed neuronal death after severe hypoxia-ischemia that is differentially linked to apoptosis according to the cerebral region.


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BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety and clinical feasibility of focal irreversible electroporation (IRE) of the prostate. METHODS: We assessed the toxicity profile and functional outcomes of consecutive patients undergoing focal IRE for localised prostate cancer in two centres. Eligibility was assessed by multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and targeted and/or template biopsy. IRE was delivered under transrectal ultrasound guidance with two to six electrodes positioned transperineally within the cancer lesion. Complications were recorded and scored accordingly to the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; the functional outcome was physician reported in all patients with at least 6 months follow-up. A contrast-enhanced MRI 1 week after the procedure was carried out to assess treatment effect with a further mpMRI at 6 months to rule out evidence of residual visible cancer. RESULTS: Overall, 34 patients with a mean age of 65 years (s.d.=±6) and a median PSA of 6.1 ng ml(-1) (interquartile range (IQR)= 4.3-7.7) were included. Nine (26%), 24 (71%) and 1 (3%) men had low, intermediate and high risk disease, respectively (D'Amico criteria). After a median follow-up of 6 months (range 1-24), 12 grade 1 and 10 grade 2 complications occurred. No patient had grade >/= 3 complication. From a functional point of view, 100% (24/24) patients were continent and potency was preserved in 95% (19/20) men potent before treatment. The volume of ablation was a median 12 ml (IQR=5.6-14.5 ml) with the median PSA after 6 months of 3.4 ng ml(-1) (IQR=1.9-4.8 ng ml(-1)). MpMRI showed suspicious residual disease in six patients, of whom four (17%) underwent another form of local treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Focal IRE has a low toxicity profile with encouraging genito-urinary functional outcomes. Further prospective development studies are needed to confirm the functional outcomes and to explore the oncological potential.


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The c-Jun-N-terminal kinase signaling pathway (JNK) is highly activated during ischemia and plays an important role in apoptosis and inflammation. We have previously demonstrated that D-JNKI1, a specific JNK inhibitor, is strongly neuroprotective in animal models of stroke. We presently evaluated if D-JNKI1 modulates post-ischemic inflammation such as the activation and accumulation of microglial cells. Outbred CD1 mice were subjected to 45 min middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo). D-JNKI1 (0.1 mg/kg) or vehicle (saline) was administered intravenously 3 h after MCAo onset. Lesion size at 48 h was significantly reduced, from 28.2+/-8.5 mm(3) (n=7) to 13.9+/-6.2 mm(3) in the treated group (n=6). Activation of the JNK pathway (phosphorylation of c-Jun) was observed in neurons as well as in Isolectin B4 positive microglia. We quantified activated microglia (CD11b) by measuring the average intensity of CD11b labelling (infra-red emission) within the ischemic tissue. No significant difference was found between groups. Cerebral ischemia was modelled in vitro by subjecting rat organotypic hippocampal slice cultures to oxygen (5%) and glucose deprivation for 30 min. In vitro, D-JNKI1 was found predominantly in NeuN positive neurons of the CA1 region and in few Isolectin B4 positive microglia. Furthermore, 48 h after OGD, microglia were activated whereas resting microglia were found in controls and in D-JNKI1-treated slices. Our study shows that D-JNKI1 reduces the infarct volume 48 h after transient MCAo and does not act on the activation and accumulation of microglia at this time point. In contrast, in vitro data show an indirect effect of D-JNKI1 on the modulation of microglial activation.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine whether the initial benefits of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) treatment for critical limb ischemia (CLI) persist over years. DESIGN: Analysis of data prospectively collected for every CLI patient receiving permanent SCS. Follow-up range 12 to 98 months (mean 46+/-23, median 50 months). POPULATION: 87 patients (28% stage III, 72%stage IV) with unreconstructable CLI due (83%) or not (17%) to atherosclerosis and with an initial sitting/supine transcutaneous pO2 gradient >15 mmHg. METHODS: Assessment of actuarial patient survival (PS), limb salvage (LS) and amputation-free patient survival (AFPS). Analysis of the impact of 15 risk factors on long-term outcomes using the Fischer's exact test for categorical variables and the t test for continuous variables. RESULTS: Follow-up was complete for patient and limb survival. A single non-atherosclerotic patient died during follow-up. Among atherosclerotic patients PS decreased from 88% at 1y, to 76% at 3y, 64% at 5y and 57% at 7y. LS reached 84% at 1y, 78% at 2y, 75% at 3y and remained stable thereafter. Diabetes was found to affect LS (p<0.05) and heart disease to reduce PS (p<0.01). AFPS was reduced in heart patients (p<0.01), diabetics (p<0.05) and in patients with previous stroke (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In CLI patients the beneficial effects of SCS persist far beyond the first year of treatment and major amputation becomes infrequent after the second year.


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BACKGROUND: Thy-1 is an abundant neuronal glycoprotein in mammals. Despite such prevalence, Thy-1 function remains largely obscure in the absence of a defined ligand. Astrocytes, ubiquitous cells of the brain, express a putative Thy-1 ligand that prevents neurite outgrowth. In this paper, a ligand molecule for Thy-1 was identified, and the consequences of Thy-1 binding for astrocyte function were investigated. RESULTS: Thy-1 has been implicated in cell adhesion and, indeed, all known Thy-1 sequences were found to contain an integrin binding, RGD-like sequence. Thy-1 interaction with beta3 integrin on astrocytes was demonstrated in an adhesion assay using a thymoma line (EL-4) expressing high levels of Thy-1. EL-4 cells bound to astrocytes five times more readily than EL-4(-f), control cells lacking Thy-1. Binding was blocked by either anti-Thy-1 or anti-beta3 antibodies, by RGD-related peptides, or by soluble Thy-1-Fc chimeras. However, neither RGE/RLE peptides nor Thy-1(RLE)-Fc fusion protein inhibited the interaction. Immobilized Thy-1-Fc, but not Thy-1(RLE)-Fc fusion protein supported the attachment and spreading of astrocytes in a Mn(2+)-dependent manner. Binding to Thy-1-Fc was inhibited by RGD peptides. Moreover, vitronectin, fibrinogen, denatured collagen (dcollagen), and a kistrin-derived peptide, but not fibronectin, also mediated Mn(2+)-dependent adhesion, suggesting the involvement of beta3 integrin. The addition of Thy-1 to matrix-bound astrocytes induced recruitment of paxillin, vinculin, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) to focal contacts and increased tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins such as p130(Cas) and FAK. Furthermore, astrocyte binding to immobilized Thy-1-Fc alone was sufficient to promote focal adhesion formation and phosphorylation on tyrosine. CONCLUSIONS: Thy-1 binds to beta3 integrin and triggers tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion proteins in astrocytes, thereby promoting focal adhesion formation, cell attachment, and spreading.


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Objectives: Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy (MRS) allow the establishment of the anatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. The aim of the present study was to identify markers of reversible and irreversible damage by comparing the effects of 10-mins middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), mimicking a transient ischemic attack, with the effects of 30-mins MCAO, inducing a striatal lesion. Methods: ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 10-mins (n = 11) or 30-mins (n = 9) endoluminal MCAO by filament technique at 0 h. The regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was monitored in all animals by laser- Doppler flowmetry with a flexible probe fixed on the skull with < 20% of baseline CBF during ischemia and > 70% during reperfusion. All MR studies were carried out in a horizontal 14.1T magnet. Fast spin echo images with T2-weighted parameters were acquired to localize the volume of interest and evaluate the lesion size. Immediately after adjustment of field inhomogeneities, localized 1H MRS was applied to obtain the neurochemical profile from the striatum (6 to 8 microliters). Six animals (sham group) underwent nearly identical procedures without MCAO. Results: The 10-mins MCAO induced no MR- or histologically detectable lesion in most of the mice and a small lesion in some of them. We thus had two groups with the same duration of ischemia but a different outcome, which could be compared to sham-operated mice and more severe ischemic mice (30-mins MCAO). Lactate increase, a hallmark of ischemic insult, was only detected significantly after 30-mins MCAO, whereas at 3 h post ischemia, glutamine was increased in all ischemic mice independently of duration and outcome. In contrast, glutamate, and even more so, N-acetyl-aspartate, decreased only in those mice exhibiting visible lesions on T2-weighted images at 24 h. Conclusions: These results suggest that an increased glutamine/glutamate ratio is a sensitive marker indicating the presence of an excitotoxic insult. Glutamate and NAA, on the other hand, appear to predict permanent neuronal damage. In conclusion, as early as 3 h post ischemia, it is possible to identify early metabolic markers manifesting the presence of a mild ischemic insult as well as the lesion outcome at 24 h.


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Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation has been implicated in the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury; however, its exact role and its spatial-temporal relationship with inflammation are elusive. Herein we explore the spatial-temporal relationship of oxidative/nitrative stress and inflammatory response during the course of hepatic I/R and the possible therapeutic potential of mitochondrial-targeted antioxidants, using a mouse model of segmental hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury. Hepatic I/R was characterized by early (at 2h of reperfusion) mitochondrial injury, decreased complex I activity, increased oxidant generation in the liver or liver mitochondria, and profound hepatocellular injury/dysfunction with acute proinflammatory response (TNF-α, MIP-1α/CCL3, MIP-2/CXCL2) without inflammatory cell infiltration, followed by marked neutrophil infiltration and a more pronounced secondary wave of oxidative/nitrative stress in the liver (starting from 6h of reperfusion and peaking at 24h). Mitochondrially targeted antioxidants, MitoQ or Mito-CP, dose-dependently attenuated I/R-induced liver dysfunction, the early and delayed oxidative and nitrative stress response (HNE/carbonyl adducts, malondialdehyde, 8-OHdG, and 3-nitrotyrosine formation), and mitochondrial and histopathological injury/dysfunction, as well as delayed inflammatory cell infiltration and cell death. Mitochondrially generated oxidants play a central role in triggering the deleterious cascade of events associated with hepatic I/R, which may be targeted by novel antioxidants for therapeutic advantage.