64 resultados para Flocculated sedimentation


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Isotopic, geochemical and bulk mineralogical analyses in the Trabakua and Ermua sections, Basque Basin, reveal major changes across the Paleocene-Eocene transition. Expanded sedimentary records exhibit a gradual decrease of 1.0 parts per thousand in delta(13)C values in the lower part of Zone P5 followed by a more rapid 3 parts per thousand negative excursion. The 3 parts per thousand delta(13)C excursion is associated with an abrupt decrease in carbonate sedimentation, increased detrital flux and decreased grain size which suggest changes in marine/atmospheric currents and/or size and structure of the ocean carbon reservoir. The clays recognized at Trabakua record a deep burial diagenesis as indicated by two generations of chlorite, the presence of mixed-layers chlorite-smectite and illite-smectite, the absence of smectite and the near absence of kaolinite. The very low delta(18)O values (<-3.5 parts per thousand) throughout the Trabakua and Ermua sections reflect diagenetic alteration rather than paleotemperatures. Because of deep burial diagenesis and very poorly preserved microfossils, the Trabakua Pass and Ermua sections are not optimal potential stratotypes for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary.


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Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Cretaceous to Eocene Tibetan sedimentary succession has allowed us to reinterpret in detail the sequence of events which led to closure of Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya. During the Early Cretaceous, the Indian passive margin recorded basaltic magmatic activity. Albian volcanic arenites, probably related to a major extensional tectonic event, are unconformably overlain by an Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene carbonate sequence, with a major quartzarenite episode triggered by the global eustatic sea-level fall at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. At the same time, Neotethyan oceanic crust was being subducted beneath Asia, as testified by calc-alkalic volcanism and forearc basin sedimentation in the Transhimalayan belt. Onset of collision and obduction of the Asian accretionary wedge onto the Indian continental rise was recorded by shoaling of the outer shelf at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, related to flexural uplift of the passive margin. A few My later, foreland basin volcanic arenites derived from the uplifted Asian subduction complex onlapped onto the Indian continental terrace. All along the Himalaya, marine facies were rapidly replaced by continental redbeds in collisional basins on both sides of the ophiolitic suture. Next, foreland basin sedimentation was interrupted by fold-thrust deformation and final ophiolite emplacement. The observed sequence of events compares favourably with theoretical models of rifted margin to overthrust belt transition and shows that initial phases of continental collision and obduction were completed within 10 to 15 My, with formation of a proto-Himalayan chain by the end of the middle Eocene.


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Herein we report an analysis of an Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) paleoreef located in the Swiss Jura Mountains. The paleoreef is located in a Middle Oxfordian transitional interval in which sedimentation switched from marl-dominated to carbonate-dominated deposits. The paleoecosystem is composed of four successive fossil communities characterized by microsolenid corals and organisms that specialized in suspension feeding. Carbon isotopes measured from echinoid spine carbonates exhibit a positive trend from similar to 1.0 parts per thousand to 2.5 parts per thousand in delta(13)C values from the base to the top of the paleoreef. Comparison of delta(13)C curves with organic matter and belemnites shows different patterns not compatible with a global variation of the carbon cycle. Similar fossil assemblages and stratigraphic sequences identical in age are found along the continental margin of the Tethys-Atlantic Ocean. This biolithostratigraphic succession corresponds to increasing delta(13)C values of marine and biogenic carbonates, to the transition from marl-dominated to carbonate-dominated deposits, and to the development of carbonate platforms, which together suggest a change in the carbon cycling regime within the Tethys-Atlantic Ocean system.


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BACKGROUND: The exact pathogenesis of the pediatric disorder periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome is unknown. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that PFAPA might be due to dysregulated monocyte IL-1β production linked to genetic variants in proinflammatory genes. METHODS: Fifteen patients with PFAPA syndrome were studied during and outside a febrile episode. Hematologic profile, inflammatory markers, and cytokine levels were measured in the blood. The capacity of LPS-stimulated PBMCs and monocytes to secrete IL-1β was assessed by using ELISA, and active IL-1β secretion was visualized by means of Western blotting. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to assess cytokine gene expression. DNA was screened for variants of the MEFV, TNFRSF1A, MVK, and NLRP3 genes in a total of 57 patients with PFAPA syndrome. RESULTS: During a febrile attack, patients with PFAPA syndrome revealed significantly increased neutrophil counts, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, myeloid-related protein 8/14, and S100A12 levels compared with those seen outside attacks. Stimulated PBMCs secreted significantly more IL-1β during an attack (during a febrile episode, 575 ± 88 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 235 ± 56 pg/mL; P < .001), and this was in the mature active p17 form. IL-1β secretion was inhibited by ZYVAD, a caspase inhibitor. Similar results were found for stimulated monocytes (during a febrile episode, 743 ± 183 pg/mL; outside a febrile episode, 227 ± 92 pg/mL; P < .05). Genotyping identified variants in 15 of 57 patients, with 12 NLRP3 variants, 1 TNFRSF1A variant, 4 MEFV variants, and 1 MVK variant. CONCLUSION: Our data strongly suggest that IL-1β monocyte production is dysregulated in patients with PFAPA syndrome. Approximately 20% of them were found to have NLRP3 variants, suggesting that inflammasome-related genes might be involved in this autoinflammatory syndrome.


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The Urn Sohryngkew section of Meghalaya, NE India, located 800-1000 km from the Deccan volcanic province, is one of the most complete Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) transitions worldwide with all defining and supporting criteria present: mass extinction of planktic foraminifera, first appearance of Danian species, delta(13)C shift, Ir anomaly (12 ppb) and KTB red layer. The geochemical signature of the KTB layer indicates not only an extraterrestrial signal (Ni and all Platinum Group Elements (PGEs)) of a second impact that postdates Chicxulub, but also a significant component resulting from condensed sedimentation (P), redox fluctuations (As, Co, Fe, Pb, Zn, and to a lesser extent Ni and Cu) and volcanism. From the late Maastrichtian C29r into the early Danian, a humid climate prevailed (kaolinite: 40-60%, detrital minerals: 50-80%). During the latest Maastrichtian, periodic acid rains (carbonate dissolution; CIA index: 70-80) associated with pulsed Deccan eruptions and strong continental weathering resulted in mesotrophic waters. The resulting super-stressed environmental conditions led to the demise of nearly all planktic foraminiferal species and blooms (>95%) of the disaster opportunist Guembelitria cretacea. These data reveal that detrimental marine conditions prevailed surrounding the Deccan volcanic province during the main phase of eruptions in C29r below the KTB. Ultimately these environmental conditions led to regionally early extinctions followed by global extinctions at the KTB. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe disease characteristics and treatment modalities in a multidisciplinary cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 255 patients included in the Swiss SLE Cohort and coming from centres specialised in Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Rheumatology. Clinical data were collected with a standardised form. Disease activity was assessed using the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-SLE Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI), an integer physician's global assessment score (PGA) ranging from 0 (inactive) to 3 (very active disease) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The relationship between SLE treatment and activity was assessed by propensity score methods using a mixed-effect logistic regression with a random effect on the contributing centre. RESULTS: Of the 255 patients, 82% were women and 82% were of European ancestry. The mean age at enrolment was 44.8 years and the median SLE duration was 5.2 years. Patients from Rheumatology had a significantly later disease onset. Renal disease was reported in 44% of patients. PGA showed active disease in 49% of patients, median SLEDAI was 4 and median ESR was 14 millimetre/first hour. Prescription rates of anti-malarial drugs ranged from 3% by nephrologists to 76% by rheumatologists. Patients regularly using anti-malarial drugs had significantly lower SELENA-SLEDAI scores and ESR values. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, patients in Rheumatology had a significantly later SLE onset than those in Nephrology. Anti-malarial drugs were mostly prescribed by rheumatologists and internists and less frequently by nephrologists, and appeared to be associated with less active SLE.


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Several Permian-Triassic boundary sections occur in various structural units within Hungary. These sections represent different facies zones of the western Palaeotethys margin. The Gardony core in the NE part of the Transdanubian Range typically represents the inner ramp, while the Balvany section in the Bukk Mountains of northern Hungary represents an outer ramp setting. The two sections have different patterns for their delta(13)C values. The Balvany section shows a continuous change towards more negative delta(13)C values starting at the first biotic decline, followed by a sharp, quasi-symmetric negative peak at the second decline. The appearance of the delta(13)C peak has no relationship to the lithology and occurs within a shale with low overall carbonate content, indicating that the peak is not related to diagenesis or other secondary influences. Instead, the shift and the peak reflect primary processes related to changes in environmental conditions. The continuous shift in delta(13)C values is most probably related to a decrease in bioproductivity, whereas the sharp peak can be attributed to an addition of C strongly depleted in (13)C to the ocean-atmosphere system. The most plausible model is a massive release of methane-hydrate. The quasi-symmetric pattern suggests a rapid warming-cooling cycle or physical unroofing of sediments through slope-failure and releasing methane-hydrate. The Gidony-1 core shows a continuous negative delta(13)C shift starting below the P-T boundary. However, the detailed analyses revealed a sharp delta(13)C peak in the boundary interval, just below the major biotic decline, although its magnitude doesn't reach that observed in the Balvany section. Based on careful textural examination and high-resolution stable isotope microanalyses we suggest that the suppression of the delta(13)C peak that is common in the oolitic boundary sections is due to combined effects of condensed sedimentation, sediment reworking and erosion, as well as perhaps diagenesis. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The diagnosis of multiple myeloma is often suggested by disturbances found in routine laboratory tests such as sedimentation rate, electrophoresis of serum proteins and search for proteinuria. In light chain myeloma these tests are nonspecific and therefore misleading. We present 8 cases of light chain myeloma and discuss the diagnosis of multiple myeloma with its associated pitfalls.


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The lithostratigraphic description of the covers of three Lower Penninic nappes (Monte Leone, Lebendun and Antigorio) allows the comparison of their sedimentary content and their thickness. It has been established that the Lebendun nappe is formed by an ante-Triassic paragneissic core (Valgrande gneiss), and a Mesozoic sedimentary cover in reversed position. The cover series shows a continuous detritic sedimentation, off which the material comes from a continental erosion related to the early Lias rifting phase of the Alpine Tethys. The erosion has reached the basement, resedimented as pebbles and sandstones. This can be observed in both Lebendun and Antigorio covers. The definition of a unit named <<serie intermediaire>> between the Lebendun and the Antigorio covers has important palinspastic implications for both nappes. The unit is composed of a banded marble, a garnet bearing gneiss and a calcschist with great blocks. The comparison between the thickness of Antigorio and Lebendun covers suggests a shoulder position for Antigorio. and a proximal rift basin position tor Lebendun. The general thickness decrease of the series towards the SW points to a NE origin for the Lebendun clastics, taking into account the increase of tectonic deformation in the region trending from east to west. The detritic sedimentation ends with the basin drowning during the Malm, represented by a pure marble sealing the erosive disconformity of the Antigorio cover, and the clastic deposits of Lebendun. Three hypotheses are proposed for the calcschists age and attribution of the <<serie intermediaire>>: A: they belong entirely or partially to the Lebendun cover and correspond to a conglomeratic deposit of Cretaceous-Tertiary Niesen flysch type, of proximal facies. The tectonic limit could be situated in the middle of the calcschists at the level of the huge blocks encountered. B: they belong to Antigorio and correspond to an upper Lias-Dogger synrift deposit, then the marble is liassic. C: they belong to Antigorio and have been deposited following the Lebendun basin inversion (Cretaceous-Tertiary). that generates Tertiary wildflysch deposits, coming from the South for the ultrahelvetic and from the North for the Niesen.


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SUMMARY Drinking water is currently a scarce world resource, the preparation of which requires complex treatments that include clarification of suspended particles and disinfection. Seed extracts of Moringa oleifera Lam., a tropical tree, have been proposed as an environment- friendly alternative, due to their traditional use for the clarification of drinking water. However, the precise nature of the active components was unknown. Here, we show that recombinant or synthetic forms of a cationic seed polypeptide mediate efficient sedimentation of suspended mineral particles and bacteria. Unexpectedly, the polypeptide was also found to possesses a bactericidal activity capable of disinfecting heavily contaminated water. Furthermore, the polypeptide has been shown to efficiently kill several pathogenic bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant isolates of Pseudomona, Streptococcus and Legionella species. Structural modeling of the peptide coupled to the functional analysis of synthetic peptide derivatives delineated distinct structural determinants for the flocculation and antibacterial activities. Our results suggest that a glutamine-rich portion of the polypeptide is involved in the sedimentation process; alternatively, the antibacterial activity depends on a amphiphilic loop. Assembly of multiple copies of this loop into a branched peptide derivative strongly enhances antibacterial activity without displaying hemolytic effect. In conclusion, this polypeptide displays the unprecedented feature of combining efficient water purification and disinfectant properties indicating different molecular mechanisms involved in each case. This work not only identified the features responsible for these activities but also provides useful information that has implications for the further development of this cationic polypeptide as a potent antibacterial agent. RESUME L'eau potable est actuellement une ressource limitée dans le monde. La production d'eau propre à la consommation exige des traitements complexes, incluant la clarification des particules en suspension ainsi que sa désinfection par des additifs chimiques. Les extraits de la graine d'un arbre tropical, Moringa oleifera, sont utilisés traditionnellement en Afrique afin de clarifier l'eau. Quoique la nature exacte des composants actifs était inconnue, on a pu mettre en évidence un polypeptide cationique contenu dans ces graines, capable de sédimenter de manière efficace des particules minérales en suspension ainsi que des bactéries. Ce travail a aussi mis en évidence que ce polypeptide a une activité bactéricide, permettant une désinfection d'eau fortement contaminée. De plus, nous avons démontré que ce polypeptide est efficace contre de nombreuses souches bactériennes pathogènes, également celles résistantes aux antibiotiques comme Pseudomonas, Streptococcus et Legionella. L'analyse de la structure moléculaire de ce polypeptide, couplée à son analyse fonctionnelle a mis en évidence deux domaines structuraux distinct, un pour l'activité de floculation et l'autre pour l'activité antibactérienne. Nos résultats suggèrent que le domaine riche en glutamine est impliqué dans le processus de sédimentation et que l'activité antimicrobienne dépend d'un domaine formant une boucle amphiphilique. En ramifiant plusieurs copies de cette boucle on a pu augmenter de manière significative l'activité antibactérienne. En conclusion, nous avons pu démontrer que ce polypeptide à la capacité unique de combiner des propriétés de purification et de désinfection de l'eau, ce qui implique des mécanismes moléculaires distincts pour ces deux activités. Ce travail a permis d'identifier les domaines du polypeptide qui sont responsables de ses activités et offre une perspective pour le développement d'un nouvel agent antimicrobien.


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Background and Aims: Discriminating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) from inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) can be a clinical challenge as symptoms can overlap. We and othershave recently shown that fecal calprotectin (FC) is more accurate for discriminating IBSfrom IBD compared to C-reactive protein (CRP) and blood leukocytes. Data on the biomarkersused in daily gastroenterological practice are lacking. We therefore aimed to assess whichbiomarkers are used by gastroenterologists in their daily practice for discriminating IBSfrom IBD.Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all board certified gastroenterologists inSwitzerland focusing on demographic informations, number of IBS patients treated in thetime period from May 2009 to April 2010, and the specific biomarkers evaluated fordiscriminating IBS from IBD.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration of gastroenterologic practice 14±8years, 52% of themwere working in private practice and 48% in hospitals. Thirty-nine percent had taken careof more than 100 IBS patients in the last 12 months, 37% had seen 41-100 and 24% hadseen 1-40 IBS patients. Gastroenterologists in private practice more frequently took care ofat least 40 IBS patients in a year compared to hospital-based gastroenterologists (P<0.001).The following biomarkers were determined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%,FC 79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, iron status (ferritin, transferrinsaturation) 59%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for using FC more often in privatepractice than in hospital (P = 0.08). Twenty-four percent of gastroenterologists had usedFC in the workup of more than 70% of patients classified as IBS, 22% had used FC in 30-70% of IBS patients, 39% in less than 30%, and 15% had never used FC for the work-upof suspected IBS. Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to be superiorto CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 87% thought that patient's compliance for fecalsampling is high, and 51% judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions:FC is widely used in clinical practice to discriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with thescientific evidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to be more accurate thanCRP for discriminating IBS from IBD. Gastroenterologists in private practice take care ofsignificantly more IBS patients than colleagues in hospital.


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A new subdivision of the pre-Jurassic Pelagonian Units in central Evia island is proposed these units are represented by syn- and post rift sequences, separated by a volcano-sedimentary episode. The syn-rift sequences comprise Permian siliciclastic sediments in Verrucano tectofacies, (Ano Mavropoulon Formation) and a small carbonate platform (Zigos Limestones) developed from the Permian to the Middle Anisian. The Ano Mavropoulon Fro, is subdivided into three members: the lower member (Permian s.l.) lying on the basement and characterised by medium-coarse elastic terrigenous sedimentation the middle member (Late Permian) Koprises limestones, made up of shallow-water limestones; the upper member (Latest Permian-Early Triassic) comprising elastic terrigenous and minor reworked carbonate sediments. A regional unconformity (earliest Triassic) separates the Zigos Lm. from the top of the Ano Mavropoulon Fm. The peritidal carbonates belonging to the Zigos Lm, have been subdivided into three lithofacies ranging in age from Spathian to Pelsonian (late Early Triassic to Middle Anisian). The volcanic episode is well constrained in all the Pelagonian domain. In central Evia, it has been dated from Middle Anisian to Early Carnian. The sub-alkaline to alkaline basalts comprised in the volcano-sedimentary sequence (Volcano-sedimentary Complex) have a within-plate affinity. The volcanism occurs between the syn-rift and post-rift stages, and it is probably not linked to the passive margin evolution proper. The post-rift sequences are represented by the onset of the Pelagonian platform aggradation (''Pantokrator'' Carnian to Middle-Late? Jurassic) The northern passive margin sequence of Pelagonia (palaeogeographic sense) is interpreted as related to the Maliak ocean opening during the Early Mesozoic.


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The growth-associated and presynaptic protein GAP-43 is important for axonal growth during brain development, for synaptic plasticity and in axonal regeneration [Benowitz, Routtenberg, TINS 12 (1987) 527]. It has been speculated that such growth may be mediated by cytoskeletal proteins. However, the interaction of GAP-43 with proteins of the presynaptic terminals is poorly characterized. Here, we analyze GAP-43 binding to cytoskeletal proteins by two different biochemical assays, by blot overlay and sedimentation. We find that immobilized brain spectrin (BS) is able to bind GAP-43. In contrast, little binding was observed to microtubule proteins and other elements of the cytoskeleton. Since GAP-43 is located presynaptically, it may bind to the presynaptic form of BS (SpIISigma1). It is attractive to think that such an interaction would participate in the structural plasticity observed in growth cones and adult synapses.


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The Dogger (Bajocian-Lower Bathonian) has been dated for the first time in the internal Limestone Dorsale of the Rif by means of ammonites and radiolarians. It shows radiolarian and nodular limestone facies. It is concluded, then, that radiolarian sedimentation began during the Dogger in this realm, and that a drowning of the `'Ghomaride margin'' occurred at that time.


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External stresses or mutations may cause labile proteins to lose their distinct native conformations and seek alternatively stable aggregated forms. Molecular chaperones that specifically act on protein aggregates were used here as a tool to address the biochemical nature of stable homo- and hetero-aggregates from non-pathogenic proteins formed by heat-stress. Confirmed by sedimentation and activity measurements, chaperones demonstrated that a single polypeptide chain can form different species of aggregates, depending on the denaturing conditions. Indicative of a cascade reaction, sub-stoichiometric amounts of one fast-aggregating protein strongly accelerated the conversion of another soluble, slow-aggregating protein into insoluble, chaperone-resistant aggregates. Chaperones strongly inhibited seed-induced protein aggregation, suggesting that they can prevent and cure proteinaceous infectious behavior in homo- and hetero-aggregates from common and disease-associated proteins in the cell.