36 resultados para Finite Chian Rings
In this paper, an extension of the multi-scale finite-volume (MSFV) method is devised, which allows to Simulate flow and transport in reservoirs with complex well configurations. The new framework fits nicely into the data Structure of the original MSFV method,and has the important property that large patches covering the whole well are not required. For each well. an additional degree of freedom is introduced. While the treatment of pressure-constraint wells is trivial (the well-bore reference pressure is explicitly specified), additional equations have to be solved to obtain the unknown well-bore pressure of rate-constraint wells. Numerical Simulations of test cases with multiple complex wells demonstrate the ability of the new algorithm to capture the interference between the various wells and the reservoir accurately. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Impact of partial-thickness tears on supraspinatus tendon strain based on a finite element analysis.
The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method is designed to reduce the computational cost of elliptic and parabolic problems with highly heterogeneous anisotropic coefficients. The reduction is achieved by splitting the original global problem into a set of local problems (with approximate local boundary conditions) coupled by a coarse global problem. It has been shown recently that the numerical errors in MSFV results can be reduced systematically with an iterative procedure that provides a conservative velocity field after any iteration step. The iterative MSFV (i-MSFV) method can be obtained with an improved (smoothed) multiscale solution to enhance the localization conditions, with a Krylov subspace method [e.g., the generalized-minimal-residual (GMRES) algorithm] preconditioned by the MSFV system, or with a combination of both. In a multiphase-flow system, a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency should be achieved by finding a minimum number of i-MSFV iterations (on pressure), which is necessary to achieve the desired accuracy in the saturation solution. In this work, we extend the i-MSFV method to sequential implicit simulation of time-dependent problems. To control the error of the coupled saturation/pressure system, we analyze the transport error caused by an approximate velocity field. We then propose an error-control strategy on the basis of the residual of the pressure equation. At the beginning of simulation, the pressure solution is iterated until a specified accuracy is achieved. To minimize the number of iterations in a multiphase-flow problem, the solution at the previous timestep is used to improve the localization assumption at the current timestep. Additional iterations are used only when the residual becomes larger than a specified threshold value. Numerical results show that only a few iterations on average are necessary to improve the MSFV results significantly, even for very challenging problems. Therefore, the proposed adaptive strategy yields efficient and accurate simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media.
The Multiscale Finite Volume (MsFV) method has been developed to efficiently solve reservoir-scale problems while conserving fine-scale details. The method employs two grid levels: a fine grid and a coarse grid. The latter is used to calculate a coarse solution to the original problem, which is interpolated to the fine mesh. The coarse system is constructed from the fine-scale problem using restriction and prolongation operators that are obtained by introducing appropriate localization assumptions. Through a successive reconstruction step, the MsFV method is able to provide an approximate, but fully conservative fine-scale velocity field. For very large problems (e.g. one billion cell model), a two-level algorithm can remain computational expensive. Depending on the upscaling factor, the computational expense comes either from the costs associated with the solution of the coarse problem or from the construction of the local interpolators (basis functions). To ensure numerical efficiency in the former case, the MsFV concept can be reapplied to the coarse problem, leading to a new, coarser level of discretization. One challenge in the use of a multilevel MsFV technique is to find an efficient reconstruction step to obtain a conservative fine-scale velocity field. In this work, we introduce a three-level Multiscale Finite Volume method (MlMsFV) and give a detailed description of the reconstruction step. Complexity analyses of the original MsFV method and the new MlMsFV method are discussed, and their performances in terms of accuracy and efficiency are compared.
The RuvB protein is induced in Escherichia coli as part of the SOS response to DNA damage. It is required for genetic recombination and the postreplication repair of DNA. In vitro, the RuvB protein promotes the branch migration of Holliday junctions and has a DNA helicase activity in reactions that require ATP hydrolysis. We have used electron microscopy, image analysis, and three-dimensional reconstruction to show that the RuvB protein, in the presence of ATP, forms a dodecamer on double-stranded DNA in which two stacked hexameric rings encircle the DNA and are oriented in opposite directions with D6 symmetry. Although helicases are ubiquitous and essential for many aspects of DNA repair, replication, and transcription, three-dimensional reconstruction of a helicase has not yet been reported, to our knowledge. The structural arrangement that is seen may be common to other helicases, such as the simian virus 40 large tumor antigen.
BACKGROUND: Articular surfaces reconstruction is essential in total shoulder arthroplasty. Because of the limited glenoid bone support, thin glenoid component could improve anatomical reconstruction, but adverse mechanical effects might appear. METHODS: With a numerical musculoskeletal shoulder model, we analysed and compared three values of thickness of a typical all-polyethylene glenoid component: 2, 4 (reference) and 6mm. A loaded movement of abduction in the scapular plane was simulated. We evaluated the humeral head translation, the muscle moment arms, the joint force, the articular contact pattern, and the polyethylene and cement stress. Findings Decreasing polyethylene thickness from 6 to 2mm slightly increased humeral head translation and muscle moment arms. This induced a small decreased of the joint reaction force, but important increase of stress within the polyethylene and the cement mantel. Interpretation The reference thickness of 4mm seems a good compromise to avoid stress concentration and joint stuffing.
The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method has been derived to efficiently solve large problems with spatially varying coefficients. The fine-scale problem is subdivided into local problems that can be solved separately and are coupled by a global problem. This algorithm, in consequence, shares some characteristics with two-level domain decomposition (DD) methods. However, the MSFV algorithm is different in that it incorporates a flux reconstruction step, which delivers a fine-scale mass conservative flux field without the need for iterating. This is achieved by the use of two overlapping coarse grids. The recently introduced correction function allows for a consistent handling of source terms, which makes the MSFV method a flexible algorithm that is applicable to a wide spectrum of problems. It is demonstrated that the MSFV operator, used to compute an approximate pressure solution, can be equivalently constructed by writing the Schur complement with a tangential approximation of a single-cell overlapping grid and incorporation of appropriate coarse-scale mass-balance equations.
Microsatellite loci mutate at an extremely high rate and are generally thought to evolve through a stepwise mutation model. Several differentiation statistics taking into account the particular mutation scheme of the microsatellite have been proposed. The most commonly used is R(ST) which is independent of the mutation rate under a generalized stepwise mutation model. F(ST) and R(ST) are commonly reported in the literature, but often differ widely. Here we compare their statistical performances using individual-based simulations of a finite island model. The simulations were run under different levels of gene flow, mutation rates, population number and sizes. In addition to the per locus statistical properties, we compare two ways of combining R(ST) over loci. Our simulations show that even under a strict stepwise mutation model, no statistic is best overall. All estimators suffer to different extents from large bias and variance. While R(ST) better reflects population differentiation in populations characterized by very low gene-exchange, F(ST) gives better estimates in cases of high levels of gene flow. The number of loci sampled (12, 24, or 96) has only a minor effect on the relative performance of the estimators under study. For all estimators there is a striking effect of the number of samples, with the differentiation estimates showing very odd distributions for two samples.
On the evolution of harming and recognition in finite panmictic and infinite structured populations.
Natural selection may favor two very different types of social behaviors that have costs in vital rates (fecundity and/or survival) to the actor: helping behaviors, which increase the vital rates of recipients, and harming behaviors, which reduce the vital rates of recipients. Although social evolutionary theory has mainly dealt with helping behaviors, competition for limited resources creates ecological conditions in which an actor may benefit from expressing behaviors that reduce the vital rates of neighbors. This may occur if the reduction in vital rates decreases the intensity of competition experienced by the actor or that experienced by its offspring. Here, we explore the joint evolution of neutral recognition markers and marker-based costly conditional harming whereby actors express harming, conditional on actor and recipient bearing different conspicuous markers. We do so for two complementary demographic scenarios: finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. We find that marker-based conditional harming can evolve under a large range of recombination rates and group sizes under both finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. A direct comparison with results for the evolution of marker-based conditional helping reveals that, if everything else is equal, marker-based conditional harming is often more likely to evolve than marker-based conditional helping.
Electrical deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an efficient method to treat movement disorders. Many models of DBS, based mostly on finite elements, have recently been proposed to better understand the interaction between the electrical stimulation and the brain tissues. In monopolar DBS, clinically widely used, the implanted pulse generator (IPG) is used as reference electrode (RE). In this paper, the influence of the RE model of monopolar DBS is investigated. For that purpose, a finite element model of the full electric loop including the head, the neck and the superior chest is used. Head, neck and superior chest are made of simple structures such as parallelepipeds and cylinders. The tissues surrounding the electrode are accurately modelled from data provided by the diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI). Three different configurations of RE are compared with a commonly used model of reduced size. The electrical impedance seen by the DBS system and the potential distribution are computed for each model. Moreover, axons are modelled to compute the area of tissue activated by stimulation. Results show that these indicators are influenced by the surface and position of the RE. The use of a RE model corresponding to the implanted device rather than the usually simplified model leads to an increase of the system impedance (+48%) and a reduction of the area of activated tissue (-15%).
The main goal of this paper is to propose a convergent finite volume method for a reactionâeuro"diffusion system with cross-diffusion. First, we sketch an existence proof for a class of cross-diffusion systems. Then the standard two-point finite volume fluxes are used in combination with a nonlinear positivity-preserving approximation of the cross-diffusion coefficients. Existence and uniqueness of the approximate solution are addressed, and it is also shown that the scheme converges to the corresponding weak solution for the studied model. Furthermore, we provide a stability analysis to study pattern-formation phenomena, and we perform two-dimensional numerical examples which exhibit formation of nonuniform spatial patterns. From the simulations it is also found that experimental rates of convergence are slightly below second order. The convergence proof uses two ingredients of interest for various applications, namely the discrete Sobolev embedding inequalities with general boundary conditions and a space-time $L^1$ compactness argument that mimics the compactness lemma due to Kruzhkov. The proofs of these results are given in the Appendix.