22 resultados para Equation of Heat
The heat shock response (HSR) is a highly conserved molecular response to various types of stresses, including heat shock, during which heat-shock proteins (Hsps) are produced to prevent and repair damages in labile proteins and membranes. In cells, protein unfolding in the cytoplasm is thought to directly enable the activation of the heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1), however, recent work supports the activation of the HSR via an increase in the fluidity of specific membrane domains, leading to activation of heat-shock genes. Our findings support the existence of a plasma membrane-dependent mechanism of HSF-1 activation in animal cells, which is initiated by a membrane-associated transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor (TRPV). We found in various non-cancerous and cancerous mammalian epithelial cells that the TRPV1 agonists, capsaicin and resiniferatoxin (RTX), upregulated the accumulation of Hsp70, Hsp90 and Hsp27 and Hsp70 and Hsp90 respectively, while the TRPV1 antagonists, capsazepine and AMG-9810, attenuated the accumulation of Hsp70, Hsp90 and Hsp27 and Hsp70, Hsp90, respectively. Capsaicin was also shown to activate HSF-1. These findings suggest that heat-sensing and signaling in mammalian cells is dependent on TRPV channels in the plasma membrane. Thus, TRPV channels may be important drug targets to inhibit or restore the cellular stress response in diseases with defective cellular proteins, such as cancer, inflammation and aging.
Résumé La thématique de cette thèse peut être résumée par le célèbre paradoxe de biologie évolutive sur le maintien du polymorphisme face à la sélection et par l'équation du changement de fréquence gamétique au cours du temps dû, à la sélection. La fréquence d'un gamète xi à la génération (t + 1) est: !!!Equation tronquée!!! Cette équation est utilisée pour générer des données utlisée tout au long de ce travail pour 2, 3 et 4 locus dialléliques. Le potentiel de l'avantage de l'hétérozygote pour le maintien du polymorphisme est le sujet de la première partie. La définition commune de l'avantage de l'hétérozygote n'etant applicable qu'a un locus ayant 2 allèles, cet avantage est redéfini pour un système multilocus sur les bases de précédentes études. En utilisant 5 définitions différentes de l'avantage de l'hétérozygote, je montre que cet avantage ne peut être un mécanisme général dans le maintien du polymorphisme sous sélection. L'étude de l'influence de locus non-détectés sur les processus évolutifs, seconde partie de cette thèse, est motivée par les travaux moléculaires ayant pour but de découvrir le nombre de locus codant pour un trait. La plupart de ces études sous-estiment le nombre de locus. Je montre que des locus non-détectés augmentent la probabilité d'observer du polymorphisme sous sélection. De plus, les conclusions sur les facteurs de maintien du polymorphisme peuvent être trompeuses si tous les locus ne sont pas détectés. Dans la troisième partie, je m'intéresse à la valeur attendue de variance additive après un goulot d'étranglement pour des traits sélectionés. Une études précédente montre que le niveau de variance additive après goulot d'étranglement augmente avec le nombre de loci. Je montre que le niveau de variance additive après un goulot d'étranglement augmente (comparé à des traits neutres), mais indépendamment du nombre de loci. Par contre, le taux de recombinaison a une forte influence, entre autre en regénérant les gamètes disparus suite au goulot d'étranglement. La dernière partie de ce travail de thèse décrit un programme pour le logiciel de statistique R. Ce programme permet d'itérer l'équation ci-dessus en variant les paramètres de sélection, recombinaison et de taille de populations pour 2, 3 et 4 locus dialléliques. Cette thèse montre qu'utiliser un système multilocus permet d'obtenir des résultats non-conformes à ceux issus de systèmes rnonolocus (la référence en génétique des populations). Ce programme ouvre donc d'intéressantes perspectives en génétique des populations. Abstract The subject of this PhD thesis can be summarized by one famous paradox of evolu-tionary biology: the maintenance of polymorphism in the face of selection, and one classical equation of theoretical population genetics: the changes in gametic frequencies due to selection and recombination. The frequency of gamete xi at generation (t + 1) is given by: !!! Truncated equation!!! This equation is used to generate data on selection at two, three, and four diallelic loci for the different parts of this work. The first part focuses on the potential of heterozygote advantage to maintain genetic polymorphism. Results of previous studies are used to (re)define heterozygote advantage for multilocus systems, since the classical definition is for one diallelic locus. I use 5 different definitions of heterozygote advantage. And for these five definitions, I show that heterozygote advantage is not a general mechanism for the maintenance of polymorphism. The study of the influence of undetected loci on evolutionary processes (second part of this work) is motivated by molecular works which aim at discovering the loci coding for a trait. For most of these works, some coding loci remains undetected. I show that undetected loci increases the probability of maintaining polymorphism under selection. In addition, conclusions about the factor that maintain polymorphism can be misleading if not all loci are considered. This is, therefore, only when all loci are detected that exact conclusions on the level of maintained polymorphism or on the factor(s) that maintain(s) polymorphism could be drawn. In the third part, the focus is on the expected release of additive genetic variance after bottleneck for selected traits. A previous study shows that the expected release of additive variance increases with an increase in the number of loci. I show that the expected release of additive variance after bottleneck increases for selected traits (compared with neutral), but this increase is not a function of the number of loci, but function of the recombination rate. Finally, the last part of this PhD thesis is a description of a package for the statistical software R that implements the Equation given above. It allows to generate data for different scenario regarding selection, recombination, and population size. This package opens perspectives for the theoretical population genetics that mainly focuses on one locus, while this work shows that increasing the number of loci leads not necessarily to straightforward results.
We tested the performance of transcutaneous oxygen monitoring (TcPO2) and pulse oximetry (tcSaO2) in detecting hypoxia in critically ill neonatal and pediatric patients. In 54 patients (178 data sets) with a mean age of 2.4 years (range 1 to 19 years), arterial saturation (SaO2) ranged from 9.5 to 100%, and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) from 16.4 to 128 mmHg. Linear correlation analysis of pulse oximetry vs measured SaO2 revealed an r value of 0.95 (p less than 0.001) with an equation of y = 21.1 + 0.749x, while PaO2 vs tcPO2 showed a correlation coefficient of r = 0.95 (p less than 0.001) with an equation of y = -1.04 + 0.876x. The mean difference between measured SaO2 and tcSaO2 was -2.74 +/- 7.69% (range +14 to - 29%) and the mean difference between PaO2 and tcPO2 was +7.43 +/- 8.57 mmHg (range -14 to +49 mmHg). Pulse oximetry was reliable at values above 65%, but was inaccurate and overestimated the arterial SaO2 at lower values. TcPO2 tended to underestimate the arterial value with increasing PaO2. Pulse oximetry had the best sensitivity to specificity ratio for hypoxia between 65 and 90% SaO2; for tcPO2 the best results were obtained between 35 and 55 mmHg PaO2.
Therapeutic engineered nanoparticles (NPs), including ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, may accumulate in the lower digestive tract following ingestion or injection. In order to evaluate the reaction of human colon cells to USPIO NPs, the effects of non-stabilized USPIO NPs (NS-USPIO NPs), oleic-acid-stabilized USPIO NPs (OA-USPIO NPs), and free oleic acid (OA) were compared in human HT29 and CaCo2 colon epithelial cancer cells. First the biophysical characteristics of NS-USPIO NPs and OA-USPIO NPs in water, in cell culture medium supplemented with fetal calf serum, and in cell culture medium preconditioned by HT29 and CaCo₂ cells were determined. Then, stress responses of the cells were evaluated following exposure to NS-USPIO NPs, OA-USPIO NPs, and free OA. No modification of the cytoskeletal actin network was observed. Cell response to stress, including markers of apoptosis and DNA repair, oxidative stress and degradative/autophagic stress, induction of heat shock protein, or lipid metabolism was determined in cells exposed to the two NPs. Induction of an autophagic response was observed in the two cell lines for both NPs but not free OA, while the other stress responses were cell- and NP-specific. The formation of lipid vacuoles/droplets was demonstrated in HT29 and CaCo₂ cells exposed to OA-USPIO NPs but not to NS-USPIO NPs, and to a much lower level in cells exposed to equimolar concentrations of free OA. Therefore, the induction of lipid vacuoles in colon cells exposed to OA utilized as a stabilizer for USPIO NPs is higly amplified compared to free OA, and is not observed in the absence of this lipid in NS-USPIO NPs.
Intrathecal injections of 50 to 100 micro g of (N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine) muramyl dipeptide (MDP)/rabbit dose-dependently triggered tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) secretion (12 to 40,000 pg/ml) preceding the influx of leukocytes in the subarachnoid space of rabbits. Intrathecal instillation of heat-killed unencapsulated R6 pneumococci produced a comparable leukocyte influx but only a minimal level of preceding TNF-alpha secretion. The stereochemistry of the first amino acid (L-alanine) of the MDP played a crucial role with regard to its inflammatory potential. Isomers harboring D-alanine in first position did not induce TNF-alpha secretion and influx of leukocytes. This stereospecificity of MDPs was also confirmed by measuring TNF-alpha release from human peripheral mononuclear blood cells stimulated in vitro. These data show that the inflammatory potential of MDPs depends on the stereochemistry of the first amino acid of the peptide side chain and suggest that intact pneumococci and MDPs induce inflammation by different pathways.
Purpose: To evaluate the reproducibility of Cirrus-SD OCT measurements and to compare central macular thickness (CMT) measurements between TD-Stratus and SD-Cirrus OCT in patients with active exudative AMD. Methods: Consecutive case series of patients with active exudative AMD seen in the Medical Retina Department. Patients underwent 1 scan with Stratus (macular thickness map protocol) and 5 scans with Cirrus (Macular Cube protocol) at the same visit by the same experienced examiner. To be included, patients best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had to be >20/200 while all scans had to be of sufficient quality, well-centered and at least one Cirrus scan with CMT >300 microns. The repeatability of the SD Cirrus was estimated by using all 5 CMT measurements and the mean of the Cirrus measurements was compared with the CMT obtained by TD Stratus. Results: Cirrus OCT demonstrated high intraobserver repeatability at the central foveal region (ICC 96%). The mean of the CMT measurements was 321microns for Stratus and 387 microns for Cirrus. The average difference was 65m (SD=30). The coefficient of concordance between Stratus and Cirrus CMT measurements was rho=0,749 with a high precision and a moderate accuracy. The equation of the line of regression between Stratus and meanCirrus is given by the following: M_stratus = 0,848 x m_cirrus - 4,496 (1).Conclusions: The Cirrus macular cube protocol allows reproducible CMT measurements in patients with active exudative AMD. In cases of upgrading from TD to SD use and vice versa, there is the possibility to predict the measurements by using the equation (1). These real life data and conclusions can help in improving our clinical management of patients with neovascular AMD.
Salt and heat stresses, which are often combined in nature, induce complementing defense mechanisms. Organisms adapt to high external salinity by accumulating small organic compounds known as osmolytes, which equilibrate cellular osmotic pressure. Osmolytes can also act as "chemical chaperones" by increasing the stability of native proteins and assisting refolding of unfolded polypeptides. Adaptation to heat stress depends on the expression of heat-shock proteins, many of which are molecular chaperones, that prevent protein aggregation, disassemble protein aggregates, and assist protein refolding. We show here that Escherichia coli cells preadapted to high salinity contain increased levels of glycine betaine that prevent protein aggregation under thermal stress. After heat shock, the aggregated proteins, which escaped protection, were disaggregated in salt-adapted cells as efficiently as in low salt. Here we address the effects of four common osmolytes on chaperone activity in vitro. Systematic dose responses of glycine betaine, glycerol, proline, and trehalose revealed a regulatory effect on the folding activities of individual and combinations of chaperones GroEL, DnaK, and ClpB. With the exception of trehalose, low physiological concentrations of proline, glycerol, and especially glycine betaine activated the molecular chaperones, likely by assisting local folding in chaperone-bound polypeptides and stabilizing the native end product of the reaction. High osmolyte concentrations, especially trehalose, strongly inhibited DnaK-dependent chaperone networks, such as DnaK+GroEL and DnaK+ClpB, likely because high viscosity affects dynamic interactions between chaperones and folding substrates and stabilizes protein aggregates. Thus, during combined salt and heat stresses, cells can specifically control protein stability and chaperone-mediated disaggregation and refolding by modulating the intracellular levels of different osmolytes.