33 resultados para Environmental Site Design
Summary Landscapes are continuously changing. Natural forces of change such as heavy rainfall and fires can exert lasting influences on their physical form. However, changes related to human activities have often shaped landscapes more distinctly. In Western Europe, especially modern agricultural practices and the expanse of overbuilt land have left their marks in the landscapes since the middle of the 20th century. In the recent years men realised that mare and more changes that were formerly attributed to natural forces might indirectly be the result of their own action. Perhaps the most striking landscape change indirectly driven by human activity we can witness in these days is the large withdrawal of Alpine glaciers. Together with the landscapes also habitats of animal and plant species have undergone vast and sometimes rapid changes that have been hold responsible for the ongoing loss of biodiversity. Thereby, still little knowledge is available about probable effects of the rate of landscape change on species persistence and disappearance. Therefore, the development and speed of land use/land cover in the Swiss communes between the 1950s and 1990s were reconstructed using 10 parameters from agriculture and housing censuses, and were further correlated with changes in butterfly species occurrences. Cluster analyses were used to detect spatial patterns of change on broad spatial scales. Thereby, clusters of communes showing similar changes or transformation rates were identified for single decades and put into a temporally dynamic sequence. The obtained picture on the changes showed a prevalent replacement of non-intensive agriculture by intensive practices, a strong spreading of urban communes around city centres, and transitions towards larger farm sizes in the mountainous areas. Increasing transformation rates toward more intensive agricultural managements were especially found until the 1970s, whereas afterwards the trends were commonly negative. However, transformation rates representing the development of residential buildings showed positive courses at any time. The analyses concerning the butterfly species showed that grassland species reacted sensitively to the density of livestock in the communes. This might indicate the augmented use of dry grasslands as cattle pastures that show altered plant species compositions. Furthermore, these species also decreased in communes where farms with an agricultural area >5ha have disappeared. The species of the wetland habitats were favoured in communes with smaller fractions of agricultural areas and lower densities of large farms (>10ha) but did not show any correlation to transformation rates. It was concluded from these analyses that transformation rates might influence species disappearance to a certain extent but that states of the environmental predictors might generally outweigh the importance of the corresponding rates. Information on the current distribution of species is evident for nature conservation. Planning authorities that define priority areas for species protection or examine and authorise construction projects need to know about the spatial distribution of species. Hence, models that simulate the potential spatial distribution of species have become important decision tools. The underlying statistical analyses such as the widely used generalised linear models (GLM) often rely on binary species presence-absence data. However, often only species presence data have been colleted, especially for vagrant, rare or cryptic species such as butterflies or reptiles. Modellers have thus introduced randomly selected absence data to design distribution models. Yet, selecting false absence data might bias the model results. Therefore, we investigated several strategies to select more reliable absence data to model the distribution of butterfly species based on historical distribution data. The results showed that better models were obtained when historical data from longer time periods were considered. Furthermore, model performance was additionally increased when long-term data of species that show similar habitat requirements as the modelled species were used. This successful methodological approach was further applied to assess consequences of future landscape changes on the occurrence of butterfly species inhabiting dry grasslands or wetlands. These habitat types have been subjected to strong deterioration in the recent decades, what makes their protection a future mission. Four spatially explicit scenarios that described (i) ongoing land use changes as observed between 1985 and 1997, (ii) liberalised agricultural markets, and (iii) slightly and (iv) strongly lowered agricultural production provided probable directions of landscape change. Current species-environment relationships were derived from a statistical model and used to predict future occurrence probabilities in six major biogeographical regions in Switzerland, comprising the Jura Mountains, the Plateau, the Northern and Southern Alps, as well as the Western and Eastern Central Alps. The main results were that dry grasslands species profited from lowered agricultural production, whereas overgrowth of open areas in the liberalisation scenario might impair species occurrence. The wetland species mostly responded with decreases in their occurrence probabilities in the scenarios, due to a loss of their preferred habitat. Further analyses about factors currently influencing species occurrences confirmed anthropogenic causes such as urbanisation, abandonment of open land, and agricultural intensification. Hence, landscape planning should pay more attention to these forces in areas currently inhabited by these butterfly species to enable sustainable species persistence. In this thesis historical data were intensively used to reconstruct past developments and to make them useful for current investigations. Yet, the availability of historical data and the analyses on broader spatial scales has often limited the explanatory power of the conducted analyses. Meaningful descriptors of former habitat characteristics and abundant species distribution data are generally sparse, especially for fine scale analyses. However, this situation can be ameliorated by broadening the extent of the study site and the used grain size, as was done in this thesis by considering the whole of Switzerland with its communes. Nevertheless, current monitoring projects and data recording techniques are promising data sources that might allow more detailed analyses about effects of long-term species reactions on landscape changes in the near future. This work, however, also showed the value of historical species distribution data as for example their potential to locate still unknown species occurrences. The results might therefore contribute to further research activities that investigate current and future species distributions considering the immense richness of historical distribution data. Résumé Les paysages changent continuellement. Des farces naturelles comme des pluies violentes ou des feux peuvent avoir une influence durable sur la forme du paysage. Cependant, les changements attribués aux activités humaines ont souvent modelé les paysages plus profondément. Depuis les années 1950 surtout, les pratiques agricoles modernes ou l'expansion des surfaces d'habitat et d'infrastructure ont caractérisé le développement du paysage en Europe de l'Ouest. Ces dernières années, l'homme a commencé à réaliser que beaucoup de changements «naturels » pourraient indirectement résulter de ses propres activités. Le changement de paysage le plus apparent dont nous sommes témoins de nos jours est probablement l'immense retraite des glaciers alpins. Avec les paysages, les habitats des animaux et des plantes ont aussi été exposés à des changements vastes et quelquefois rapides, tenus pour coresponsable de la continuelle diminution de la biodiversité. Cependant, nous savons peu des effets probables de la rapidité des changements du paysage sur la persistance et la disparition des espèces. Le développement et la rapidité du changement de l'utilisation et de la couverture du sol dans les communes suisses entre les années 50 et 90 ont donc été reconstruits au moyen de 10 variables issues des recensements agricoles et résidentiels et ont été corrélés avec des changements de présence des papillons diurnes. Des analyses de groupes (Cluster analyses) ont été utilisées pour détecter des arrangements spatiaux de changements à l'échelle de la Suisse. Des communes avec des changements ou rapidités comparables ont été délimitées pour des décennies séparées et ont été placées en séquence temporelle, en rendrent une certaine dynamique du changement. Les résultats ont montré un remplacement répandu d'une agriculture extensive des pratiques intensives, une forte expansion des faubourgs urbains autour des grandes cités et des transitions vers de plus grandes surfaces d'exploitation dans les Alpes. Dans le cas des exploitations agricoles, des taux de changement croissants ont été observés jusqu'aux années 70, alors que la tendance a généralement été inversée dans les années suivantes. Par contre, la vitesse de construction des nouvelles maisons a montré des courbes positives pendant les 50 années. Les analyses sur la réaction des papillons diurnes ont montré que les espèces des prairies sèches supportaient une grande densité de bétail. Il est possible que dans ces communes beaucoup des prairies sèches aient été fertilisées et utilisées comme pâturages, qui ont une autre composition floristique. De plus, les espèces ont diminué dans les communes caractérisées par une rapide perte des fermes avec une surface cultivable supérieure à 5 ha. Les espèces des marais ont été favorisées dans des communes avec peu de surface cultivable et peu de grandes fermes, mais n'ont pas réagi aux taux de changement. Il en a donc été conclu que la rapidité des changements pourrait expliquer les disparitions d'espèces dans certains cas, mais que les variables prédictives qui expriment des états pourraient être des descripteurs plus importants. Des informations sur la distribution récente des espèces sont importantes par rapport aux mesures pour la conservation de la nature. Pour des autorités occupées à définir des zones de protection prioritaires ou à autoriser des projets de construction, ces informations sont indispensables. Les modèles de distribution spatiale d'espèces sont donc devenus des moyens de décision importants. Les méthodes statistiques courantes comme les modèles linéaires généralisés (GLM) demandent des données de présence et d'absence des espèces. Cependant, souvent seules les données de présence sont disponibles, surtout pour les animaux migrants, rares ou cryptiques comme des papillons ou des reptiles. C'est pourquoi certains modélisateurs ont choisi des absences au hasard, avec le risque d'influencer le résultat en choisissant des fausses absences. Nous avons établi plusieurs stratégies, basées sur des données de distribution historique des papillons diurnes, pour sélectionner des absences plus fiables. Les résultats ont démontré que de meilleurs modèles pouvaient être obtenus lorsque les données proviennent des périodes de temps plus longues. En plus, la performance des modèles a pu être augmentée en considérant des données de distribution à long terme d'espèces qui occupent des habitats similaires à ceux de l'espèce cible. Vu le succès de cette stratégie, elle a été utilisée pour évaluer les effets potentiels des changements de paysage futurs sur la distribution des papillons des prairies sèches et marais, deux habitats qui ont souffert de graves détériorations. Quatre scénarios spatialement explicites, décrivant (i) l'extrapolation des changements de l'utilisation de sol tels qu'observés entre 1985 et 1997, (ii) la libéralisation des marchés agricoles, et une production agricole (iii) légèrement amoindrie et (iv) fortement diminuée, ont été utilisés pour générer des directions de changement probables. Les relations actuelles entre la distribution des espèces et l'environnement ont été déterminées par le biais des modèles statistiques et ont été utilisées pour calculer des probabilités de présence selon les scénarios dans six régions biogéographiques majeures de la Suisse, comportant le Jura, le Plateau, les Alpes du Nord, du Sud, centrales orientales et centrales occidentales. Les résultats principaux ont montré que les espèces des prairies sèches pourraient profiter d'une diminution de la production agricole, mais qu'elles pourraient aussi disparaître à cause de l'embroussaillement des terres ouvertes dû à la libéralisation des marchés agricoles. La probabilité de présence des espèces de marais a décrû à cause d'une perte générale des habitats favorables. De plus, les analyses ont confirmé que des causes humaines comme l'urbanisation, l'abandon des terres ouvertes et l'intensification de l'agriculture affectent actuellement ces espèces. Ainsi ces forces devraient être mieux prises en compte lors de planifications paysagères, pour que ces papillons diurnes puissent survivre dans leurs habitats actuels. Dans ce travail de thèse, des données historiques ont été intensivement utilisées pour reconstruire des développements anciens et pour les rendre utiles à des recherches contemporaines. Cependant, la disponibilité des données historiques et les analyses à grande échelle ont souvent limité le pouvoir explicatif des analyses. Des descripteurs pertinents pour caractériser les habitats anciens et des données suffisantes sur la distribution des espèces sont généralement rares, spécialement pour des analyses à des échelles fores. Cette situation peut être améliorée en augmentant l'étendue du site d'étude et la résolution, comme il a été fait dans cette thèse en considérant toute la Suisse avec ses communes. Cependant, les récents projets de surveillance et les techniques de collecte de données sont des sources prometteuses, qui pourraient permettre des analyses plus détaillés sur les réactions à long terme des espèces aux changements de paysage dans le futur. Ce travail a aussi montré la valeur des anciennes données de distribution, par exemple leur potentiel pour aider à localiser des' présences d'espèces encore inconnues. Les résultats peuvent contribuer à des activités de recherche à venir, qui étudieraient les distributions récentes ou futures d'espèces en considérant l'immense richesse des données de distribution historiques.
Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane channels belonging to the major intrinsic proteins family and are known for their ability to facilitate water movement. While in Populus trichocarpa, AQP proteins form a large family encompassing fifty-five genes, most of the experimental work focused on a few genes or subfamilies. The current work was undertaken to develop a comprehensive picture of the whole AQP gene family in Populus species by delineating gene expression domain and distinguishing responsiveness to developmental and environmental cues. Since duplication events amplified the poplar AQP family, we addressed the question of expression redundancy between gene duplicates. On these purposes, we carried a meta-analysis of all publicly available Affymetrix experiments. Our in-silico strategy controlled for previously identified biases in cross-species transcriptomics, a necessary step for any comparative transcriptomics based on multispecies design chips. Three poplar AQPs were not supported by any expression data, even in a large collection of situations (abiotic and biotic constraints, temporal oscillations and mutants). The expression of 11 AQPs was never or poorly regulated whatever the wideness of their expression domain and their expression level. Our work highlighted that PtTIP1;4 was the most responsive gene of the AQP family. A high functional divergence between gene duplicates was detected across species and in response to tested cues, except for the root-expressed PtTIP2;3/PtTIP2;4 pair exhibiting 80% convergent responses. Our meta-analysis assessed key features of aquaporin expression which had remained hidden in single experiments, such as expression wideness, response specificity and genotype and environment interactions. By consolidating expression profiles using independent experimental series, we showed that the large expansion of AQP family in poplar was accompanied with a strong divergence of gene expression, even if some cases of functional redundancy could be suspected.
Background and objective: Optimal care of diabetic patients (DPs) decreases the risk of complications. Close blood glucose monitoring can improve patient outcomes and shorten hospital stay. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the treatment of hospitalized DPs according to the current standards, including their diabetic treatment and drugs to prevent diabetes related complications [=guardian drugs: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB), antiplatelet drugs, statins]. Guidelines of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) [1] were used as reference as they were the most recent and exhaustive for hospital care. Design: Observational pilot study: analysis of the medical records of all DPs seen by the clinical pharmacists during medical rounds in different hospital units. An assessment was made by assigning points for fulfilling the different criteria according to ADA and then by dividing the total by the maximum achievable points (scale 0-1; 1 = all criteria fulfilled). Setting: Different Internal Medicine and Geriatric Units of the (multi-site) Ho^pital du Valais. Main outcome measures: - Completeness of diabetes-related information: type of diabetes, medical history, weight, albuminuria status, renal function, blood pressure, (recent) lipid profile. - Management of blood glucose: Hb1Ac, glycemic control, plan for treating hyper-/hypoglycaemia. - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated. Results: Medical records of 42 patients in 10 different units were analysed (18 women, 24 men, mean age 75.4 ± 11 years). 41 had type 2 diabetes. - Completeness of diabetes-related information: 0.8 ± 0.1. Information often missing: insulin-dependence (43%) and lipid profile (86%). - Management of blood glucose: 0.5 ± 0.2. 15 patients had suboptimal glycemic balance (target glycaemia 7.2-11.2 mmol/ l, with values[11.2 or\3.8 mmol/l, or Hb1Ac[7%), 10 patients had a deregulated balance (more than 10 values[11.2 mmol/l or \3.8 mmol/l and even values[15 mmol/l). - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated: ACEI/ARB: 19 of 23 patients (82.6%), statin: 16 of 40 patients (40%), antiplatelet drug: 16 of 39 patients (41%). Conclusions: Blood glucose control was insufficient in many DPs and prescription of statins and antiplatelet drugs was often missing. If confirmed by a larger study, these two points need to be optimised. As it is not always possible and appropriate to make those changes during hospital stay, a further project should assess and optimise diabetes care across both inpatient and outpatient settings.
The free extended lateral arm flap (ELAF) has gained increasing popularity thank to its slimness and versatility, longer neurovascular pedicle, and greater flap size when compared with the original flap design. The aim of this study was to assess the donor-site morbidity associated with this extended procedure. A retrospective study of 25 consecutive patients analyzing postoperative complications using a visual analogue scale questionnaire revealed high patients satisfaction and negligible donor-site morbidity of the ELAF. Scar visibility was the commonest negative outcome. Impaired mobility of the elbow had the highest correlation with patient dissatisfaction. Sensory deficits or paresthetic disorders did not affect patient satisfaction. The extension of the lateral arm flap and positioning over the lateral humeral epicondyle is a safe and well-accepted procedure with minimal donor-site morbidity. To optimize outcomes, a maximal flap width of 6 or 7 cm and intensive postoperative mobilization therapy is advisable.
OBJECTIVE: The measurement of cardiac output is a key element in the assessment of cardiac function. Recently, a pulse contour analysis-based device without need for calibration became available (FloTrac/Vigileo, Edwards Lifescience, Irvine, CA). This study was conducted to determine if there is an impact of the arterial catheter site and to investigate the accuracy of this system when compared with the pulmonary artery catheter using the bolus thermodilution technique (PAC). DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: The operating room of 1 university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty patients undergoing cardiac surgery. INTERVENTIONS: CO was determined in parallel by the use of the Flotrac/Vigileo systems in the radial and femoral position (CO_rad and CO_fem) and by PAC as the reference method. Data triplets were recorded at defined time points. The primary endpoint was the comparison of CO_rad and CO_fem, and the secondary endpoint was the comparison with the PAC. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Seventy-eight simultaneous data recordings were obtained. The Bland-Altman analysis for CO_fem and CO_rad showed a bias of 0.46 L/min, precision was 0.85 L/min, and the percentage error was 34%. The Bland-Altman analysis for CO_rad and PAC showed a bias of -0.35 L/min, the precision was 1.88 L/min, and the percentage error was 76%. The Bland-Altman analysis for CO_fem and PAC showed a bias of 0.11 L/min, the precision was 1.8 L/min, and the percentage error was 69%. CONCLUSION: The FloTrac/Vigileo system was shown to not produce exactly the same CO data when used in radial and femoral arteries, even though the percentage error was close to the clinically acceptable range. Thus, the impact of the introduction site of the arterial catheter is not negligible. The agreement with thermodilution was low.
Modeling concentration-response function became extremely popular in ecotoxicology during the last decade. Indeed, modeling allows determining the total response pattern of a given substance. However, reliable modeling is consuming in term of data, which is in contradiction with the current trend in ecotoxicology, which aims to reduce, for cost and ethical reasons, the number of data produced during an experiment. It is therefore crucial to determine experimental design in a cost-effective manner. In this paper, we propose to use the theory of locally D-optimal designs to determine the set of concentrations to be tested so that the parameters of the concentration-response function can be estimated with high precision. We illustrated this approach by determining the locally D-optimal designs to estimate the toxicity of the herbicide dinoseb on daphnids and algae. The results show that the number of concentrations to be tested is often equal to the number of parameters and often related to the their meaning, i.e. they are located close to the parameters. Furthermore, the results show that the locally D-optimal design often has the minimal number of support points and is not much sensitive to small changes in nominal values of the parameters. In order to reduce the experimental cost and the use of test organisms, especially in case of long-term studies, reliable nominal values may therefore be fixed based on prior knowledge and literature research instead of on preliminary experiments
The distribution of plants along environmental gradients is constrained by abiotic and biotic factors. Cumulative evidence attests of the impact of biotic factors on plant distributions, but only few studies discuss the role of belowground communities. Soil fungi, in particular, are thought to play an important role in how plant species assemble locally into communities. We first review existing evidence, and then test the effect of the number of soil fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) on plant species distributions using a recently collected dataset of plant and metagenomic information on soil fungi in the Western Swiss Alps. Using species distribution models (SDMs), we investigated whether the distribution of individual plant species is correlated to the number of OTUs of two important soil fungal classes known to interact with plants: the Glomeromycetes, that are obligatory symbionts of plants, and the Agaricomycetes, that may be facultative plant symbionts, pathogens, or wood decayers. We show that including the fungal richness information in the models of plant species distributions improves predictive accuracy. Number of fungal OTUs is especially correlated to the distribution of high elevation plant species. We suggest that high elevation soil show greater variation in fungal assemblages that may in turn impact plant turnover among communities. We finally discuss how to move beyond correlative analyses, through the design of field experiments manipulating plant and fungal communities along environmental gradients.
This factsheet gives a short presentation of a case study conducted in Lombok Island (Indonesia). In 6 pages, it focuses on the complexity of PES scheme embedment in public policies. This factsheet describes and explicitly distinguishes three PES initiatives, and explain the reasons for such an evolution in the design of policy instruments aimed at protecting groundwater resources. The results presented have previously been published in an Working Paper: de Buren G., 2013. La régulation des interdépendances entre la forêt et l'eau potable en Indonésie; études de cas sur le site de Lombok. (1/2013) 369 p., idheap.
The renal site of the natriuretic effect of human, atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) was studied using clearance techniques in eight salt-loaded normal volunteers undergoing maximal water diuresis. Lithium was used as a marker of proximal sodium reabsorption. According to a two-way, single blind, crossover design, hANP (Met12-(3-28)-eicosahexapeptide, (2 micrograms/min) or its vehicle (Ve) were infused for two hours, followed by a two-hour recovery period. Blood pressure, heart rate and insulin clearance remained unchanged. During hANP infusion, the filtration fraction increased slightly from 19.6 to 24.3% (P less than 0.001), fractional water excretion rose transiently at the beginning of the infusion. Fractional excretion of sodium increased markedly from 2.2% to 7.4% (P less than 0.001) but remained unchanged with Ve. ANP increased fractional excretion of lithium slightly from 46 to 58% (P less than 0.01), while it remained stable at 47% during Ve. The distal tubular rejection fraction of sodium calculated from sodium and lithium clearances rose markedly from 4.7 to 13% (P less than 0.001) and returned to 6.2% at the end of the recovery period. Thus, under salt loading and water diuresis conditions, hANP infusion did not alter GFR, but reduced proximal reabsorption of sodium, and markedly enhanced the fraction of sodium escaping distal tubular reabsorption, suggesting that hANP-induced natriuresis is due, for an important part, to inhibition of sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron.
Gastric cancer affects about one million people per year worldwide, being the second leading cause of cancer mortality. The study of its etiology remains therefore a global issue as it may allow the identification of major targets, besides eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection, for primary prevention. It has however received little attention, given its comparatively low incidence in most high-income countries. We introduce a consortium of epidemiological investigations named the 'Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project'. Twenty-two studies agreed to participate, for a total of over 9000 cases and 23 000 controls. Twenty studies have already shared the original data set. Of the patients, 40% are from Asia, 43% from Europe, and 17% from North America; 34% are women and 66% men; the median age is 61 years; 56% are from population-based case-control studies, 41% from hospital-based ones, and 3% from nested case-control studies derived from cohort investigations. Biological samples are available from 12 studies. The aim of the StoP Project is to analyze the role of lifestyle and genetic determinants in the etiology of gastric cancer through pooled analyses of individual-level data. The uniquely large data set will allow us to define and quantify the main effects of each risk factor of interest, including a number of infrequent habits, and to adequately address associations in subgroups of the population, as well as interaction within and between environmental and genetic factors. Further, we will carry out separate analyses according to different histotypes and subsites of gastric cancer, to identify potential different risk patterns and etiological characteristics.
A comparison of the site distribution of cutaneous malignant melanoma in New Zealand and Canada was performed. This series deals with 41,331 incident cases registered between 1968 and 1990 and is the largest to date to evaluate the influence of age and gender on the site distribution of melanoma. Site-specific, age-standardized rates per unit surface area and relative tumour density were assessed by gender and country and differences compared with statistical techniques adapted to this context. The age-standardized rates for all sites were higher in New Zealand than in Canada, the ratio being 3.2 for men and 3.8 for women. Occurrence of melanoma was denser for chronically than intermittently exposed sites in both New Zealand and Canada. The highest incidence rate per unit area was for the ears in men which was more than 5 times the rate for the entire body in each country. For each gender, melanomas were relatively commoner on the trunk and the face in Canada, and on the lower limbs in New Zealand. The variations in the site distribution were similar in each country and consistent with the effect of differential patterns of sun exposure between genders. Our results show that the levels of risk of melanoma between phenotypically comparable populations exposed to different amount of UV radiation vary in a site-specific manner, especially for intermittently exposed sites. This suggests that both environmental conditions and lifestyle factors influence the site distribution of melanoma in these two populations.
Introduction: L'unité d'Assistance Pharmaceutique de la Pharmacie des HUG fonctionne comme centre d'information sur les médicaments et gère des informations mises à disposition sur le web. Celles-ci sont destinées prioritairement au personnel soignant des HUG et accessibles sur le site intranet/Internet (http://www.hcuge.ch/Pharmacie), mis en service en 1998. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité de l'information du site intranet/Internet et d'y apporter les améliorations nécessaires. Méthode: Le site intranet/Internet de la pharmacie des HUG a été évalué en automne 2004 à l'aide de 2 outils : NetScoring : grille d'évaluation de la qualité de l'information de santé sur Internet (http://www.chu-rouen.fr/netscoring/). Elle comporte 49 critères répartis en 8 catégories. Chaque critère est noté sur une échelle de 5 occurrences puis pondéré selon son importance (multiplication par 3 si le critère est essentiel, par 2 s'il est important ou par 1 s'il est mineur). Analyse AMDEC : méthode permettant de séquencer un processus et d'en Analyser les Modes de Défaillance, leur Effet et leur Criticité (Qual Saf Health Care 2005 :14(2);93-98). Un score est attribué à chaque mode de défaillance identifié en terme de fréquence, de sévérité et de détectabilité. La multiplication des 3 scores fournit un résultat global de criticité (indice de criticité IC, max. 810), permettant de hiérarchiser les risques. Résultats: Etat des lieux NetScoring : La qualité globale du site intranet/Internet était bonne (202 pts/312). Les points forts concernaient la pertinence et l'utilité du site, la qualité du contenu, du moteur de recherche et du design, la rapidité de chargement du site, la sélection des liens externes proposés et le respect du secret médical. Les faiblesses résidaient dans l'absence de politique de mise à jour régulière, d'annotation systématique de l'état d'actualisation des documents, d'un comité éditorial et scientifique, de mots-clés en anglais et d'une liste permettant l'identification des auteurs. Analyse AMDEC : Quatre catégories (création du document, conversion, structure du site et publication du document) et 19 modes de défaillances ont été caractérisés. Trois modes de défaillance étaient associés à un IC important: erreurs lors de la création d'un document (IC 256), information inadéquate car pratique non validée ou recommandation non généralisable (IC 147) et absence de relecture après la conversion du document en format publiable (ex : PDF) (IC 144). Mesures correctives: Une procédure standard (SOP) a été élaborée pour la gestion du site intranet/Internet. Le format standard des informations (initiales de l'auteur, dates de création et de mise à jour, logo de la pharmacie), la validation et la politique de mise à jour des documents ainsi que la procédure d'archivage y sont clairement définis. Une fiche de suivi accompagnant chaque document a été créée pour la traçabilité de toutes les modifications effectuées et la fréquence de révision à respecter. Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de déterminer et de quantifier les points critiques à améliorer sur le site intranet/Internet de la Pharmacie des HUG. Les mesures correctives entreprises doivent permettre d'améliorer les principales faiblesses et défaillances mises en évidence. La mise en place d'un comité éditorial et scientifique devra être évaluée à l'avenir. Le NetScoring et l'analyse AMDEC sont des outils utiles pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité d'un site Internet, sous réserve d'une interprétation critique des résultats obtenus avant la mise en place de mesures correctives. Malgré une approche totalement différente, ces outils ont permis de mettre en évidence des lacunes similaires.
A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), a member of the TNF ligand superfamily with an important role in humoral immunity, is also implicated in several cancers as a prosurvival factor. APRIL binds two different TNF receptors, B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) and transmembrane activator and cylclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), and also interacts independently with heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Because APRIL shares binding of the TNF receptors with B cell activation factor, separating the precise signaling pathways activated by either ligand in a given context has proven quite difficult. In this study, we have used the protein design algorithm FoldX to successfully generate a BCMA-specific variant of APRIL, APRIL-R206E, and two TACI-selective variants, D132F and D132Y. These APRIL variants show selective activity toward their receptors in several in vitro assays. Moreover, we have used these ligands to show that BCMA and TACI have a distinct role in APRIL-induced B cell stimulation. We conclude that these ligands are useful tools for studying APRIL biology in the context of individual receptor activation.
Isotopic and trace element compositions of Miocene and Pliocene phosphatic brachiopods (Lingulidae and Discinidae) from southern North Sea, the Central Paratethys and the Atlantic coast of Europe were investigated in order to trace past environmental conditions and marine connections between the northern boreal and the southern subtropical-tropical marine basins. The North Sea genus Glottidia yielded low epsilon(Nd) and high delta O-18(PO4) values through the Mio-Pliocene indicating cold habitat temperature where the local seawater was dominated by the Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the Middle Miocene Lingulidae and Discinidae of the Paratethys inhabited warm subtropical seawater with the possible influence of the Indian Ocean via the Mediterranean, as supported by their average epsilon(Nd) value of -8.3. The combined geochemical data support a thermal and marine separation of the Paratethys from the North Sea with no direct connection or major exchange of water from the Miocene onwards. The temperature in the Paratethys was very similar to that inferred from brachiopods from the Middle Miocene of western France, but the seawater epsilon(Nd) value here is identical to that of contemporaneous Atlantic Ocean. A Late Miocene lingulid brachiopod from southern Portugal has a high delta O-18(PO4), similar to the specimens investigated from the North Sea, reflecting either a deep water habitat or formation after the onset of major global cooling that resulted in an increased delta O-18 value of seawater. The epsilon(Nd) value of -8.4 for this site is compatible with an influence of Mediterranean outflow. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.