34 resultados para Employer unions


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This paper presents a pilot project to reinforce participatory practices in standardization. The INTERNORM project is funded by the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. It aims to create an interactive knowledge center based on the sharing of academic skills and the experiences accumulated by the civil society, especially consumer associations, environmental associations and trade unions to strengthen the participatory process of standardization. The first objective of the project is action-oriented: INTERNORM provides a common knowledge pool supporting the participation of civil society actors to international standard-setting activities by bringing them together with academic experts in working groups and by providing logistic and financial support to their participation to meetings of national and international technical committees. The second objective of the project is analytical: the standardization action initiated through INTERNORM provides a research field for a better understanding of the participatory dynamics underpinning international standardization. The paper presents three incentives that explain civil society (non-)involvement in standardization that try to overcome conventional resource-based hypotheses: an operational incentive, related to the use of standards in the selective goods provided by associations to their membership; a thematic incentive, provided by the setting of priorities by strategic committees created in some standardization organization; a rhetorical incentive, related to the discursive resource that civil society concerns offers to the different stakeholders.


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This paper presents a pilot project (INTERNORM) funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2013) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in international standard setting bodies such as the ISO. It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology. It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. The INTERNORM project has been designed as a platform of knowledge exchange between CSO and academic experts, with earmarked funding and official membership to a national standardisation body. But INTERNORM cannot substitute for a long- established lack of resources in time, money and expertise of CSOs. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation thus appears as less a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure only, than of dedicated means to shift the geometry of actors and the framing of socio-technical change.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess consequences of physical violence at work and identify their predictors. METHODS: Among the patients in a medicolegal consultation from 2007 to 2010, the subsample of workplace violence victims (n = 185) was identified and contacted again in average 30 months after the assault. Eighty-six victims (47 %) participated. Ordinal logistic regression analyses assessed the effect of 9 potential risk factors on physical, psychological and work consequences summarized in a severity score (0-9). RESULTS: Severity score distribution was as follows: 4+: 14 %; 1-3: 42 %; and 0: 44 %. Initial psychological distress resulting from the violence was a strong predictor (p < 0.001) of the severity score both on work and long-term psychological consequences. Gender and age did not reach significant levels in multivariable analyses even though female victims had overall more severe consequences. Unexpectedly, only among workers whose jobs implied high awareness of the risk of violence, first-time violence was associated with long-term psychological and physical consequences (p = 0.004). Among the factors assessed at follow-up, perceived lack of employers' support or absence of employer was associated with higher values on the severity score. The seven other assessed factors (initial physical injuries; previous experience of violence; preexisting health problems; working alone; internal violence; lack of support from colleagues; and lack of support from family or friends) were not significantly associated with the severity score. CONCLUSIONS: Being a victim of workplace violence can result in long-term consequences on health and employment, their severity increases with the seriousness of initial psychological distress. Support from the employer can help prevent negative outcomes.


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A new device for the analyses of nurses' satisfaction has been developed and validated on two types of general and intensive treatments at the University Hospital in Vaudois, Switzerland. A questionnaire has been elaborated for identifying the variables linked with characteristics of the nurse's work, as well as personal variables of the employer which could have an influence on the level of satisfaction. In identifying the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, it has been possible to propose recommendations and corrective measures in order to improve the level of global satisfaction of the nursing team.


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This paper presents a pilot project to reinforce participatory practices in standardization. The INTERNORM project creates an interactive knowledge center based on the sharing of academic skills and experiences accumulated by the civil society, especially consumer associations, environmental associations and trade unions to strengthen the participatory process of standardization. The first objective of the project is action-oriented: INTERNORM provides a common knowledge pool supporting the participation of civil society actors to international standard-setting activities by bringing them together with academic experts in working groups and providing logistic and financial support to their participation in meetings of national and international technical committees. The second objective is analytical: the standardization action provides a research field for a better understanding of the participatory dynamics underpinning international standardization. This paper presents three incentives that explain civil society (non-)involvement in standardization that overcome conventional resource-based hypotheses: an operational incentive related to the use of standards in the selective goods provided by associations to their membership; a thematic incentive provided by the setting of priorities by strategic committees created in some standardization organization; and a rhetorical incentive related to the discursive resource that civil society concerns offers to the different stakeholders.


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Over the last few years, most OECD countries have extended their activation policy to new groups of non-working people, including the long-term unemployed (LTU). However, it is widely known that employers tend to regard LTU people as potentially problematic persons. This is likely to constitute a major obstacle for long-term unemployed jobseekers. On the basis of a survey among employers in a Swiss canton (N = 722), this article aims to shed light on the perception employers have of the long-term unemployed and whether this may matter for their recruitment practices. It also asks what, from the employer point of view, may facilitate access to employment for an LTU person. A key finding is that large companies have a worse image of the long-term unemployed and are less likely to hire them. Furthermore, independent of company size, a test period or the recommendation of a trustworthy person is seen as the factors most likely to facilitate access to jobs for LTU people.


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The expansion of international standardization has reinforced enduring questions on the legitimacy of standards. In that respect, the participation of all stakeholders, including the weakest ones (unions, NGO, consumers' associations) is crucial. Given the recognized role of consumers' associations to express legitimate objectives, the question of their representation becomes central. In order to get a deeper understanding of their participation, this article explores the evolution of their representation within the Swiss national mirror committees of international standardization between 1987 and 2007. It probes the extent to which their participation is determined by the distinctiveness of issues supposedly related to consumers' concerns and by their own use of standards. The empirical findings of our study indicate an underrepresentation of consumers' associations and confirm the topical specificity of their implication in standardization processes. Finally, we found evidence that the use of standards in an association's activities supports and encourages its participation in standardization committees.


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Afin que la base de données de l'assurance invalidite (AI) soit utilisable à des fins de recherche, il serait nécessaire de restructurer le mode de récolte de données; unifier les définitions de l'impotence et de l'invalidité utilisées à l'AI avec celles de l'Organisation mondiale de la sante (OMS); employer les codes de la classification internationale des maladies (CIM); organiser le système de telle manière qu'il soit possible d'obtenir des listes d'assurés par année de naissance, par année d'entrée à l'AI, par diagnostic et par année d'âge.


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The key reference on the labour market and the logics of squad formation in the five main European leagues. One hundred richly coloured pages, illustrated by graphics, maps, rankings, statistical models and analysis in French and English which... - inform managers about potential strategies to put their clubs on the road to success - help managers of federations and players' unions to understand current trends and to take decisions - suggest to journalists new lines of investigation likely to interest the general public - allow researchers and students to benefit from reliable and comparable sources, developed with the greatest possible rigour - give fans the possibility to understand in detail the dynamics at work in their favourite sport and club Demographic Study of Footballers in Europe The Demographic Study of European Footballers is an annual publication destined for anyone who wishes to acquire a scientific understanding of the European football players' labour market. It presents the dynamics at work in 36 first division leagues in UEFA member countries. This edition covers our biggest ever survey comprising more than 520 clubs and 13,000 footballers. Statistical indicators relative to nine thematics (morphology, age, experience training, origin, etc.) allow the comparison of player profiles and squad compositions at league and club level. Through easily-understable regression analyses, the Study brings to light the principle differences between clubs and leagues according to economic and sporting level of championships. The final part presents the list of the most promising players under 23 years of age by league and position


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Si on raconte volontiers que les Muses sont des divinités féminines d'origine grecque, en lien avec l'art et à l'inspiration, on est toutefois bien démuni lorsqu'il s'agit d'en présenter une image claire. Liées qu'elles sont aux mystères de la création, elles ne s'inscrivent que difficilement dans notre vision pragmatique et utilitaire du monde, - et par suite dans les concepts, catégories et autres réflexes inhérents à notre raison moderne. N'étant pas des figures historiques factuelles et univoques, mais des déesses et personnages mythiques, par définition multiples et ambigus, elles sont impossibles à déterminer en bonne et due forme en leur complexe réalité. Comment faire alors pour ne pas se fourvoyer en se mettant à l'écoute des Muses telles qu'elles apparaissent à l'aube de notre tradition, dans les textes de la Grèce archaïque (8è-5è s. av. J.-C.) ? Il faut d'abord constituer un corpus cohérent : à l'exception des tragédies et comédies ainsi que des écrits aujourd'hui classés en philosophie, l'étude prend en considération tous les passages explicitement ou implicitement musicaux de cette époque - un ensemble de 250 extraits de 22 auteurs et 2 corpus de textes pour un total de 279 occurrences musicales. Il s'agit ensuite de faire un pari : gager que loin d'être de simples fictions ou enjolivures, les Muses ont une existence, importance et partant influence bien réelle pour les Grecs ; que chacune de leurs mentions ou évocations exprime une expérience sincère, dénuée de faux-semblant et forte d'une certaine cohérence logique. Il convient enfin d'employer - par-delà les diverses écoles et chapelles - tous les moyens d'investigation à disposition pour creuser et déployer en toute patience et toute rigueur chacun des passages qui concerne, directement ou indirectement, les divinités ; non sans à la fois tout mettre en oeuvre pour ne pas y plaquer nos vues et par suite éviter tout anachronisme. Au vu des divergences que présentent les textes - en fonction de l'époque, des genres poétiques, sans doute également de la sensibilité des auteurs et de la nature de leur auditoire -, on a tôt fait de remarquer que loin de former une vérité unique, les multiples indications musicales constituent bien plutôt une somme de vérités successives, tantôt individuelles, propres à tel ou tel chanteur ou chanteur-poète, tantôt communes à quelques-uns, parfois semblables chez tous. Dépendantes à la fois de la tradition et de l'expérience individuelle, elles présentent somme toute une instructive multiplicité de constantes et de variantes. L'enjeu de chacun des six mouvements du travail - qui concernent respectivement les chants d'Homère, d'Hésiode, des Hymnes homériques, les fragments lyriques, ainsi que les vers de Pindare et de Bacchylide - est de repérer, dévoiler et valoriser les continuités et divergences à l'oeuvre. Les résultats ont été synthétisés dans autant de reprises, à chaque fois centrées sur les questions rectrices de l'origine, de la nature, des rôles et de l'influence des Muses, dans le but de dégager l'image la plus nette possible des divinités et de gagner une vue d'ensemble inédite offrant un nouvel éclairage du phénomène musical à ses origines. S'il ne fallait retenir que trois gains, ce seraient ceux-ci: 1. Bien que mêlant quantité de ressemblances et de dissemblances a priori fantaisistes, la pléthore d'attributs et d'épithètes musicaux s'inscrit dans une étonnante logique - appelée musicale -, qui déborde par maints côtés notre vision rationnelle-morale du monde. 2. Si les rapports qu'entretiennent les chanteurs et chanteurs-poètes avec les Muses sont multiples et s'inscrivent dans un mouvement non linéaire, ils se situent cependant entre deux relations extrêmes, allant de la « fusion » (Homère) à la « confusion » (Bacchylide). 3. Se faisant jour pour célébrer et rappeler les hauts-faits divins ou/et humains du monde, la tâche des Muses s'avère finalement de l'ordre de l'éducation : par l'intermédiaire des chanteurs(-poètes), elles ouvrent les hommes à l'équilibre et à l'harmonie de toute chose au sein du monde.


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This paper presents the first results of the INTERNORM pilot project funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2014) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in two ISO technical committees (TC), the ISO TC 228 on "tourism and related services" and the ISO TC 229 on "nanotechnologies". It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology to address three questions: to which extent do CSOs identify participation in standardisation as worth of their mobilisation? How is the pluralisation of knowledge and expertise supporting CSO position during the deliberation? To which extent can CSO access and influence standardisation beyond their consultative role? It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation is not so much a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure and resources only, than of opportunistic CSOs mobilization, of distinct thematic incentives and concrete outcomes to be expected in standardisation arenas or in the broader use of international standards.


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Most corporate codes of conduct and multi-stakeholder sustainability standards guarantee workers' rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, but many authors are sceptical about the concrete impact of codes and standards of this kind. In this paper we use Hancher and Moran's (1998) concept of 'regulatory space' to assess the potential of private transnational regulation to support the growth of trade union membership and collective bargaining relationships, drawing on some preliminary case study results from a project on the impact of the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) social conditionality on worker organization and social dialogue. One of the major effects of neoliberal economic and industrial policy has been the routine exclusion of workers' organizations from regulatory processes on the grounds that they introduce inappropriate 'political' motives into what ought to be technical decision-making processes. This, rather than any direct attack on their capacity to take action, is what seems best to explain the global decline in union influence (Cradden 2004; Howell 2007; Howe 2012). The evidence we present in the paper suggests that private labour regulation may under certain conditions contribute to a reversal of this tendency, re-establishing the legitimacy of workers' organizations within regulatory processes and by extension the legitimacy of their use of economic and social power. We argue that guarantees of freedom of association and bargaining rights within private regulation schemes are effective to the extent that they can be used by workers' organizations in support of a claim for access to the regulatory space within which the terms and conditions of the employment relationship are determined. Our case study evidence shows that certain trade unions in East Africa have indeed been able to use IFC and other private regulation schemes as levers to win recognition from employers and to establish collective bargaining relationships. Although they did not attempt to use formal procedures to make a claim for the enforcement of freedom of association rights on behalf of their members, the unions did use enterprises' adherence to private regulation schemes as a normative point of reference in argument and political exchange about worker representation. For these unions, the regulation was a useful addition to the range of arguments that they could deploy as means to justify their demand for recognition by employers. By contrast, the private regulation that helps workers' organizations to win access to regulatory processes does little to ensure that they are able to participate meaningfully, whether in terms of technical capacity or of their ability to mobilize social power as a counterweight to the economic power of employers. To the extent that our East African unions were able to make an impact on terms and conditions of employment via their participation in regulatory space it was solely on the basis of their own capacities and resources and the application of national labour law.


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Inherited retinal dystrophies are phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous. This extensive heterogeneity poses a challenge when performing molecular diagnosis of patients, especially in developing countries. In this study, we applied homozygosity mapping as a tool to reduce the complexity given by genetic heterogeneity and identify disease-causing variants in consanguineous Pakistani pedigrees. DNA samples from eight families with autosomal recessive retinal dystrophies were subjected to genome wide homozygosity mapping (seven by SNP arrays and one by STR markers) and genes comprised within the detected homozygous regions were analyzed by Sanger sequencing. All families displayed consistent autozygous genomic regions. Sequence analysis of candidate genes identified four previously-reported mutations in CNGB3, CNGA3, RHO, and PDE6A, as well as three novel mutations: c.2656C > T (p.L886F) in RPGRIP1, c.991G > C (p.G331R) in CNGA3, and c.413-1G > A (IVS6-1G > A) in CNGB1. This latter mutation impacted pre-mRNA splicing of CNGB1 by creating a -1 frameshift leading to a premature termination codon. In addition to better delineating the genetic landscape of inherited retinal dystrophies in Pakistan, our data confirm that combining homozygosity mapping and candidate gene sequencing is a powerful approach for mutation identification in populations where consanguineous unions are common.


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Over the last years, in a context of international tax competition, international and regional institutions such as the G20, the OECD, and the European Union are redefining what is acceptable in terms of corporate fiscal policy. Certain Swiss preferential tax treatments are considered by the above-mentioned institutions as harmful tax practices. As a consequence, the Swiss government has planned a third corporate tax reform (CTR III). The objective of this reform is to ensure international acceptability of the corporate tax system without prejudicing local public finances and Swiss corporate tax attractiveness. Therefore, we can posit that the CTR III is an internationalized object influenced by both regulation trends and tax competition framework. The main purpose of this paper is to provide elements of answer on how the currently discussed CTR III is influenced by the international environment, by focusing on its content as well as the reactions and positions of local stakeholders. With the help of internationalization literature, two distinct internationalization processes have been identified through the propositions of compliance measures with internationally-defined standards and competitiveness-enhancing measures. With regard to the configuration of local actors, the degree of conflict seems to be rather high. The current content of the reform is supported by the business community and right-wing parties and rejected by the unions and the Socialist Party.