21 resultados para Dominican poetry.
The oceanic crust fragments exposed in central America, in north-western South America, and in the Caribbean islands have been considered to represent accreted remnants of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP). On the basis of trace element and Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic compositions we infer that cumulate rocks, basalts, and diabases from coastal Ecuador have a different source than the basalts from the Dominican Republic. The latter suite includes the 86 Ma basalts of the Duarte Complex which are light rare earth element (REE) -enriched and display (relative to normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, NMORB) moderate enrichments in large ion lithophile elements, together with high Nb, Ta, Pb, and low Th contents. Moreover, they exhibit a rather restricted range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios consistent with their derivation from an ocean island-type mantle source, the composition of which includes the HIMU (high U-238/Pb-204) component characteristic of the Galapagos hotspot. In contrast, the 123 Ma Ecuadorian oceanic rocks have flat REE patterns and (relative to NMORB) are depleted in Zr, Hf, Th, and U. Moreover, they show a wide range of Nd and Pb isotopic ratios intermediate between those of ocean island basalts and NMORB. It is unlikely, on geochemical grounds, that the plume source of the Ecuadorian fragments was similar to that of the Galapagos. In addition, because of the NNE motion of the Farallon plate during the Early Cretaceous, the Ecuadorian oceanic plateau fragments could not have been derived from the Galapagos hotspot but were likely formed at a ridge-centered or near-ridge hotspot somewhere in the SE Pacific.
The De calcatione demonum seu malignorum spirituum was written in 1457 by Nicolas Jacquier, one year before his most famous work, the Flagellum hereticorum fascinariorum. The De calcatione offers initial reflections by the Burgundian dominican inquisitor on diabolical modes of actions directed at human beings and on the means at the disposal of priests and their faithful to control, expel, and trample (calcare) them. This relatively unknown text is produced at a time when purely demonological issues are linked to those on diabolical witchcraft and the sabbath. The author tries in particular to promote the idea of trampling demons, which is understood as their punishment. Now vanquished, demons are compelled to serve divine truth. In a climate of skepticism about the need to fight withcraft, the De calcatione offers an interesting reflexion about the truth status of diabolical and heretical discourses when submitted to divine power. This reflexion is based on the model of the positive figure of the possessed from exampla and from dominican hagiography. The treatise therefore aims to counter the tradition of the Episcopi canon which argues for the illusory nature of demons. Instead, it offers an argument about the reality of their actions on the occasion of the sabbat
^Raduolarians constitute a good tool for contributing to the biostratigraphy of accreted terranes and in deep-sea sediment sequences. The use of radiolarians is also proven to be valuable as a palaeoceanographic indicator. The present study evaluates radiolarians in three different geological settings, in order to better constrain the age of the sites and to try to understand their palaeoenvironmental situation at different periods, particularly in the Caribbean-Central America area. On the Jarabacoa Block, in Central Dominican Republic, a hundred meters of siliceous mudstones (Pedro Brand section in the Tireo Group) was dated as Turonian- Coniancian in age using radiolarians. A 40Ar-39Ar whole rock age of 75.1±1.1 Ma (Campanian), obtained in a basalt dyke crosscutting the radiolarian bearing rocks, a consistent minimum age for the pelagic-hemipelagic Pedro Brand section. The Jarabacoa Block is considered as the most complete outcrop section of Pacific ocean crust overlain by a first Aptian-Albian phase of Caribbean Large Igneous Province-type activity (CLIP), followed by the development of a Cenomanian-Santonian intraoceanic arc, which is in turn overlain by a late Campanian-Maastrichtian CLIP-phase. The Tireo Group records an episode of pelagic to hemi-pelagic and intermediate to acidic arc-derived sedimentation, previous to the youngest magmatic phase of the CLIP. Thus, the section of Pedro Brand has been interpreted in this study as being part of the intraoceanic arc. In northern Venezuela, a greenish radiolarite section from Siquisique Ophiolite (basalts, gabbros and some associated cherts) in Guaparo Creek has been studied. In previous studies, the Ophiolite unit (Petacas Creek section) has been dated as Bajocian-Bathonian, based on ammonites present in interpillow sediments from basalt blocks. New dating of the present study concluded in an Aptian?-Albian-Cenomanian age for the Guaparo creek section (middle Cretaceous), based on radiolarian assemblage associated to basalts-gabbros rocks of the unit. Previous plagioclase 40Ar-39Ar ages from the Siquisuique Ophiolite may be slightly younger (94-90 Ma.) and may, therefore, represent younger dykes that intruded onto a well-developed sheeted dyke complex of the Siquisique. The geochemistry of these rocks and the palaeotectonic reconstruction of the Caribbean area during this period suggest that these rocks were derived from a mid-ocean ridge with an influence of deep mantle plume. The Siquisique Ophiolite most probably represents a fragment of the proto-Caribbean basin. The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 344 drilled a transect across the convergent margin off Costa Rica. Two sites of this expedition were chosen for radiolarian biostratigraphy and palaeoceanographic studies. Both sites (U1381C and U1414A) are located in the incoming Cocos plate, in the eastern Equatorial Pacific. The succession of U1381C yields a Middle Miocene to Pleistocene age, and presents an important hiatus of approximately 10 Ma. The core of U1414A exposes a continuous sequence that deposited during Late Miocene to Pleistocene (radiolarian zones RN6-RN16). The ages were assigned based on radiolarians and correlated with nannofossil zonation and tephra 40Ar-39Ar datation. With those results, and considering the northward movement of the Cocos plate motion (about 7 cm/year), deduction is made that the sites U1381C and U1414A were initially deposited during the Miocene, several hundreds of kilometres from the current location, slightly south of the Equator. This suggests that the faunas of these sites have been subjected to different currents, first influenced by the cold tongue of the South Equatorial Current and followed by the warm Equatorial Countercurrent. At last, coastal upwelling influenced faunas of the Pleistocene. -- Les radiolaires sont considérés comme un outil utile à la biostratigraphie des terrains accrétés et des sédiments profonds. Leur utilité est aussi prouvée comme étant remarquable au niveau des reconstructions paléocéanographiques. La présente étude évalue l'importance et la présence des radiolaires de trois localités géologiquement différentes d'Amérique Centrale-Caraïbes, dans le but d'améliorer les model d'âges et de mieux comprendre la situation paléoenvironnementale à travers le temps. Dans le Bloque de Jarabacoa, au centre de la République Dominicaine, une section de cent mètres (section de Pedro Brand, Groupe de Tireo) a été datée comme faisant partie du Turonien-Santonien, en utilisant les radiolaires. Une datation 40Ar-39Ar sur roche totale de 75±1.1 Ma (Campanien) a été obtenu pour vin dyke traversant les sédiments riches en radiolaires, en cohérence avec l'âge minimum accordé à la section de Pedro Brand. Aux Caraïbes, le Bloque de Jarabacoa est considéré comme l'affleurement le plus complet présentant une succession de croûte océanique d'origine Pacifique recouverte d'une première phase d'activité volcanique de type CLIP (Caribbean Large Igneous Province) d'âge Aptien- Albien, de dépôts d'arc volcanique intra-océanique d'âge Cénomanien-Santonien, puis d'une seconde phase de type CLIP d'âge Campanien-Maastrichtien. Le Groupe de Tireo enregistre un épisode de dépôt pélagiques-hémipélagiques et d'arc volcanique, antérieur à la plus jeune phase de type CLIP. Cette étude place donc la formation de la section de Pedro Brand au moment du développement de l'arc intra-océanique. A Guaparo Creek (nord du Vénézuela), une section de radiolarite verdâtre faisant partie des ophiolites de Siquisique (basaltes, gabbros, cherts) a été étudiée. Dans des études précédentes, sur la localité de Petacas Creek, l'unité ophiolitique a été daté d'âge Bajocien- Bathonien (Jurassique) sur la base d'ammonites trouvées dans des sédiments intercalés entre des laves en coussins. Les nouvelles datations de notre étude, basées sur des assemblages à radiolaires de l'unité à basaltes-gabbros, donnent un âge Aptien?-Albien-Cénomanien (Crétacé moyen). Les âges de l'Ophiolite de Siquisique, précédement calculés par la méthode sur plagioclases, pourraient être légèrement plus jeune (94-90 Ma) et donc représenter des intrusions plus récentes de dykes dans le complexe filonien déjà bien dévelopé. La géochimie de ces roches magmatiques, ainsi que les reconstructions paléotectoniques de la zone Caraïbes durant cette période, suggèrent que ces formations sont dérivées d'une ride médio-océanique associée à l'influence d'un panache mantellique. L'ophiolite de Siquisique représente très probablement un fragment du bassin de proto¬Caraïbe. L'expédition 344 du programme IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) a eu lieu dans l'optique de forer et dresser une coupe de la marge convergente au large du Costa Rica. Deux sites de cette expédition ont été choisis pour les besoins des études de biostratigraphie et de reconstruction paléocéanographique. Ces deux sites (U1381C et U1414A) sont situés sur la plaque subductante de Cocos, dans la zone Pacifique est-équatoriale. La carotte U1381C expose une séquence s'étalant du Miocène moyen au Pléistocène, et présente un important hiatus d'environ 10 Ma. La carotte U1414A expose une séquence continue s'étalant du Miocène tardif au Pléistocène (zone à radiolaires RN6-RN16). Les âges ont été assignés sur la base des radiolaires et corrélés avec les zones à nanofossiles et les datations 40Ar-39Ar sur téphras. Avec ces résultats, et en considérant le mouvement nord de la plaque de Cocos (environ 7 cm/an), déduction est faite que les deux sites étaient initialement situés, au cours du Miocène, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de leur location actuelle, au sud de l'équateur. Cela suggère que les faunes de ces sites ont été sujettes à différents courants; premièrement influencées par la langue froide du SEC (South Equatorial Current), puis par les eaux chaudes du ECC (Equatorial Countercurrent). Pour terminer, les remontées d'eau côtières ont influencées les faunes Pléistocène.
This article analyses how Radha was depicted in miniature paintings between the 16th and 19th century in North India. Interrogating the link between text and image, contrasting poetry, style and historical settings with the visual representations of this central figure, my reflections focus on the changing nature of Radha. Through various examples from miniature paintings of different periods and schools, this article analyses the way the rich personality of Radha was transposed into images. In order to stress the changes brought to this female figure, I compare her to Krishna, the masculine figure who is always at her side. The main goal of the article is to show the normative power of images on the figure of Radha, with normativity being understood as the simplification, iconisation, aestheticisation and stereotypification of a figure with polysemous references.
Despite the difficulty of examining isolated cantos in Orlando Furioso and thus separating the text from the overall narrative structure, there are features present in Canto X which would encourage just such an approach. In addition to the borrowings from the Latin tradition to be found in the episode of Olimpia and the allegorical machine at work in the story of Ruggiero and Alcina, the canto evinces a consonance with the courtier spirit which was particularly active in the courts of Northern Italy and which went beyond a mere attention to heraldry and emblems. There is indeed a continuity with the figurative arts flourishing in Ferrara at the time, which saw Mantegna's antiquarian and sculpturesque works triumphed over by Titian's mythological paintings. So too with Ariosto, who after his initial "classicist" phase came to be inspired by Titian's work in a move that openly affirmed the originality and strength of his poetry.