58 resultados para Dizziness Handicap Inventory


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La thèse montre le développement parallèle, entre le XIXe et le début du XXe siècle, de la prise en charge sociale et médicale des personnes ayant des infirmités corporelles en Suisse romande. Au cours de cette période, qui fait suite à l'avènement de la médecine clinique, bon nombre de personnes atteintes de maladie chronique, déformations osseuses, paralysie ou « infirmités de l'âge » sont déclarées incurables ou infirmes et chassées des hôpitaux, au profit des cas cliniques guérissables. Elles sont alors « récupérées », d'une part, par des institutions philanthropiques émanant de milieux ecclésiastiques ou médicaux, parfois conservateurs. D'autre part, dans les cantons romands institués au début du siècle suite à la Révolution helvétique, un certain nombre de lois viennent renforcer le pouvoir des nouveaux gouvernements autonomes, imposant notamment leurs objectifs institutionnels dans les domaines de la santé et de l'assistance. La seconde moitié du siècle voit aussi l'avènement de l'Etat progressiste promu par les radicaux ainsi que de la médecine universitaire dite moderne, favorisant l'essor d'institutions privées puis publiques visant la curabilité et l'éducation des personnes atteintes de déficiences physiques, principalement les enfants. La rencontre entre charité privée et assistance publique en matière de prise en charge sociale et médicale de l'infirmité est alors souvent complémentaire, parfois aussi conflictuelle, reflétant les enjeux sociaux, économiques, politiques et culturels qui se jouent autour des conceptions du corps individuel, mais aussi du corps social.La thèse examine donc, dans une première partie intitulée « L'assistance des infirmes et des incurables : lois et institutions d'une nouvelle problématique sociale », les constructions institutionnelles et normatives du secours organisé dans les différents cantons romands par les pouvoirs publics et la philanthropie, où s'expriment médecins, politiques et théologiens sur les catégories d'individus déclarés incurables et infirmes. En interrogeant le passage de l'incurabilité à la curabilité, la seconde partie de la thèse, intitulée « La médecine de la scoliose au pied bot : développement de thérapies techniques et physiques autour du corps infirme », se centre ensuite sur l'histoire médicale ayant trait au corps handicapé, prenant comme terrain d'investigation les cantons de Vaud et de Genève du fait du rayonnement et de l'essor des Hôpitaux cantonaux et des Facultés de médecine dans ces deux régions au cours du XIXe siècle. Tout en s'intéressant aux diverses affections concernées, la scoliose et le pied bot, considérés comme des affections orthopédiques typiques du XIXe siècle, constituent une sorte de fil rouge heuristique qui traverse le siècle, permettant de comprendre l'histoire médicale du corps infirme dans ses multiples dimensions : l'essor d'institutions et de disciplines médicales, les développements techniques, les théories et les pratiques des divers champs médicaux tels que l'orthopédie, la chirurgie et certaines thérapies physiques (hydrothérapie, massage, gymnastique médicale, mécanothérapie) ; une interrogation portant sur les rapports sociaux de sexe ainsi que sur les rapports de classe permet d'affiner l'analyse. L'ensemble de la thèse est en outre ponctuée d'exemples de parcours de vie de personnes dites infirmes, incurables, ou désignées comme « cas orthopédiques », soit par l'évocation des « experts » sociaux et médicaux, soit, plus rarement, par les témoignages des principaux concernés. L'examen de l'ensemble de ces processus vise à l'élaboration d'une histoire inédite de la prise en charge sociale et médicale du corps handicapé en Suisse romande au cours du « long » XIXe siècle, participant aussi à l'histoire socioculturelle des représentations du handicap corporel.


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BACKGROUND: Peer pressure is regarded as an important determinant of substance use, sexual behavior and juvenile delinquency. However, few peer pressure scales are validated, especially in French or German. Little is known about the factor structure of such scales or the kind of scale needed: some scales takes into account both peer pressure to do and peer pressure not to do, while others consider only peer pressure to do. The aim of the present study was to adapt French and German versions of the Peer Pressure Inventory, which is one of the most widely used scales in this field. We considered its factor structure and concurrent validity. METHODS: Five thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven young Swiss men filled in a questionnaire on peer pressure, substance use, and other variables (conformity, involvement) in a cohort study. RESULTS: We identified a four-factor structure, with the three factors of the initial Peer Pressure Inventory (involvement, conformity, misconduct) and adding a new one (relationship with girls). A non-valued scale (from no peer pressure to peer pressure to do only) showed stronger psychometric qualities than a valued scale (from peer pressure not to do to peer pressure to do). Concurrent validity was also good. Each behavior or attitude was significantly associated with peer pressure. CONCLUSION: Peer pressure seems to be a multidimensional concept. In this study, peer pressure to do showed the strongest influence on participants. Indeed, peer pressure not to do did not add anything useful. Only peer pressure to do affected young Swiss men's behaviors and attitudes and was reliable.


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This article presents the Antenatal Perceived Stress Inventory. The originality of this scale is to assess the impact of events experienced during pregnancy on the stress perceived by mothers. Scale validation was performed using data from 150 French-speaking nulliparous mothers and collected between 36 and 39 weeks of gestation (T1), and between 2 days (T2) and 6 weeks postpartum (T3). Factor analysis revealed a hierarchical three-factor structure that closely fit the data, including medical and obstetric risks/fetal health (F1), psychosocial changes (F2), and the prospect of childbirth (F3). The Antenatal Perceived Stress Inventory is a valid French prenatal stress scale with good psychometric properties.


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In the canton de Vaud (Switzerland) the psychiatric units devoted to mental retardation have been suppressed during the deinstitutionalization process in the 1970/80s. However, the use of psychiatric hospitalizations has increased these last years. This increase is accompanied by an interdiction of seclusion and restraint outside of the specialized psychiatric unit. A unit of liaison psychiatry has been created as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization and to assist directly the staff of specialized institutions for people with mental retardation or the family of the patient. The article describes the challenges of liaison psychiatry in this field and the potential benefits of research for the psychiatry of mental retardation.


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Kirton's Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI) is a widely-used measure of "cognitive style." Surprisingly, there is very little research investigating the discriminant and incremental validity of the KAI. In two studies (n = 213), we examined whether (a) we could predict KAI scores with the "big five" personality dimensions and (b) the KAI scores predicted leadership behavior when controlling for personality and ability. Correcting for measurement error, we found that KAI scores were predicted mostly by personality and gender (multiple R = 0.82). KAI scores did not predict variance in leadership while controlling for established predictors. Our findings add to recent literature that questions the uniqueness and utility of cognitive style or similar "style" constructs; researchers using such measures must control for the big five factors and correct for measurement error to avoid confounded interpretations.


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The Constructive Thinking Inventory (CTI) measures cognitive coping strategies used in everyday problem solving. The main objective of this study was to assess the factorial structure, the internal consistency, the correspondence with the American normative values, and the discriminant validity of the French translation. A community sample of 777 students aged 12 to 26 years, recruited from schools, colleges and universities, answered the 108item selfreport CTI questionnaire during a class period. A sample of 60 male adolescent offenders aged 13 to 18 years, recruited from two institutions for juvenile offenders, answered the CTI during an individual interview. Results show that the French translation of the CTI follows an identical factorial structure as the Epstein's American version in both adolescents and young adults, and that its internal consistency is satisfactory. Differences in Constructive Thinking profiles according to gender and age and between Swiss and American samples, are discussed. Juvenile offenders differed from community youths on most of the scales, speaking for a good discriminant validity of the CTI. In conclusion, the French translation of the CTI appears to preserve the original version's psychometric properties. The present study provides normative values from a community sample of Swiss adolescents and young adults.


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Questionnaire studies indicate that high-anxious musicians may suffer from hyperventilation symptoms before and/or during performance. Reported symptoms include amongst others shortness of breath, fast or deep breathing, dizziness and thumping heart. A self-report study by Widmer, Conway, Cohen and Davies (1997) shows that up to seventy percent of the tested highly anxious musicians are hyperventilators during performance. However, no study has yet tested if these self-reported symptoms reflect actual cardiorespiratory changes just before and during performance. Disturbances in breathing patterns and hyperventilation may negatively affect the performance quality in stressful performance situations. The main goal of this study is to determine if music performance anxiety is manifest physiologically in specific correlates of cardiorespiratory activity. We studied 74 professional music students of Swiss Music Universities divided into two groups (high- and lowanxious) based on their self-reported performance anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory by Spielberger). The students were tested in three distinct situations: baseline, performance without audience, performance with audience. We measured a) breathing patterns, end-tidal carbon dioxide, which is a good non-invasive estimator for hyperventilation, and cardiac activation and b) self-perceived emotions and self-perceived physiological activation. Analyses of heart rate, respiratory rate, self-perceived palpitations, self-perceived shortness of breath and self-perceived anxiety for the 15 most and the 15 least anxious musicians show that high-anxious and low-anxious music students have a comparable physiological activation during the different measurement periods. However, highanxious music students feel significantly more anxious and perceive significantly stronger palpitations and significantly stronger shortness of breath just before and during a public performance. The results indicate that low- and high-anxious music students a) do not differ in the considered physiological responses and b) differ in the considered self-perceived physiological symptoms and the selfreported anxiety before and/or during a public performance.


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Except for the first 2 years since July 29, 1968, Arenal volcano has continuously erupted compositionally monotonous and phenocryst-rich (similar to35%) basaltic andesites composed of plagioclase (plag), orthopyroxene (opx), clinopyroxene (cpx), spinel olivine. Detailed textural and compositional analyses of phenocrysts, mineral inclusions, and microlites reveal comparable complexities in any given sample and identify mineral components that require a minimum of four crystallization environments. We suggest three distinct crystallization environments crystallized low Mg# (<78) silicate phases from andesitic magma but at different physical conditions, such as variable pressure of crystallization and water conditions. The dominant environment, i.e., the one which accounts for the majority of minerals and overprinted all other assemblages near rims of phenocrysts, cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), orthopyroxene (Mg# similar to71-78), titanomagnetite and plagioclase (An(60) to An(85)). The second environment cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78), olivine (<Fo(78)), titanomagnetite, and very high An (similar to90) plagioclase, while the third cocrystallized clinopyroxene (Mg# 71-78) with high (>7) Al/Ti and high (>4 wt.%) Al2O3, titanomagnetite with considerable Al2O3 (10-18 wt.%) and possibly olivine but appears to lack plagioclase. A fourth crystallization environment is characterized by clinopyroxene (e.g., Mg#=similar to78-85; Cr2O3=0.15-0.7 wt.%), Al-, Cr-rich spinel olivine (similar toFo(80)), and in some circumstances high-An (>80) plagioclase. This assemblage seems to record mafic inputs into the Arenal system and crystallization at high to low pressures. Single crystals cannot be completely classified as xenocrysts, antecrysts (cognate crystals), or phenocrysts, because they often contain different parts each representing a different crystallization environment and thus belong to different categories. Bulk compositions are mostly too mafic to have crystallized the bulk of ferromagnesian minerals and thus likely do not represent liquid compositions. On the other hand, they are the cumulative products of multiple mixing events assembling melts and minerals from a variety of sources. The driving force for this multistage mixing evolution to generate erupting basaltic andesites is thought to be the ascent of mafic magma from lower crustal levels to subvolcanic depths which at the same time may also go through compositional modification by fractionation and assimilation of country rocks. Thus, mafic magmas become basaltic andesite through mixing, fractionation and assimilation by the time they arrive at subvolcanic depths. We infer new increments of basaltic andesite are supplied nearly continuously to the subvolcanic reservoir concurrently to the current eruption and that these new increments are blended into the residing, subvolcanic magma. Thus, the compositional monotony is mostly the product of repetitious production of very similar basaltic andesite. Furthermore, we propose that this quasi-constant supply of small increments of magma is the fundamental cause for small-scale, decade-long continuous volcanic activity; that is, the current eruption of Arenal is flux-controlled by inputs of mantle magmas. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.