24 resultados para Discrete wavelet packet transform


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Individual learning (e.g., trial-and-error) and social learning (e.g., imitation) are alternative ways of acquiring and expressing the appropriate phenotype in an environment. The optimal choice between using individual learning and/or social learning may be dictated by the life-stage or age of an organism. Of special interest is a learning schedule in which social learning precedes individual learning, because such a schedule is apparently a necessary condition for cumulative culture. Assuming two obligatory learning stages per discrete generation, we obtain the evolutionarily stable learning schedules for the three situations where the environment is constant, fluctuates between generations, or fluctuates within generations. During each learning stage, we assume that an organism may target the optimal phenotype in the current environment by individual learning, and/or the mature phenotype of the previous generation by oblique social learning. In the absence of exogenous costs to learning, the evolutionarily stable learning schedules are predicted to be either pure social learning followed by pure individual learning ("bang-bang" control) or pure individual learning at both stages ("flat" control). Moreover, we find for each situation that the evolutionarily stable learning schedule is also the one that optimizes the learned phenotype at equilibrium.


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Generalized Born methods are currently among the solvation models most commonly used for biological applications. We reformulate the generalized Born molecular volume method initially described by (Lee et al, 2003, J Phys Chem, 116, 10606; Lee et al, 2003, J Comp Chem, 24, 1348) using fast Fourier transform convolution integrals. Changes in the initial method are discussed and analyzed. Finally, the method is extensively checked with snapshots from common molecular modeling applications: binding free energy computations and docking. Biologically relevant test systems are chosen, including 855-36091 atoms. It is clearly demonstrated that, precision-wise, the proposed method performs as good as the original, and could better benefit from hardware accelerated boards.


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Resume : Mieux comprendre les stromatolithes et les tapis microbiens est un sujet important en biogéosciences puisque cela aide à l'étude des premières formes de vie sur Terre, a mieux cerner l'écologie des communautés microbiennes et la contribution des microorganismes a la biominéralisation, et même à poser certains fondements dans les recherches en exobiologie. D'autre part, la modélisation est un outil puissant utilisé dans les sciences naturelles pour appréhender différents phénomènes de façon théorique. Les modèles sont généralement construits sur un système d'équations différentielles et les résultats sont obtenus en résolvant ce système. Les logiciels disponibles pour implémenter les modèles incluent les logiciels mathématiques et les logiciels généraux de simulation. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de développer des modèles et des logiciels pour aider a comprendre, via la simulation, le fonctionnement des stromatolithes et des tapis microbiens. Ces logiciels ont été développés en C++ en ne partant d'aucun pré-requis de façon a privilégier performance et flexibilité maximales. Cette démarche permet de construire des modèles bien plus spécifiques et plus appropriés aux phénomènes a modéliser. Premièrement, nous avons étudié la croissance et la morphologie des stromatolithes. Nous avons construit un modèle tridimensionnel fondé sur l'agrégation par diffusion limitée. Le modèle a été implémenté en deux applications C++: un moteur de simulation capable d'exécuter un batch de simulations et de produire des fichiers de résultats, et un outil de visualisation qui permet d'analyser les résultats en trois dimensions. Après avoir vérifié que ce modèle peut en effet reproduire la croissance et la morphologie de plusieurs types de stromatolithes, nous avons introduit un processus de sédimentation comme facteur externe. Ceci nous a mené a des résultats intéressants, et permis de soutenir l'hypothèse que la morphologie des stromatolithes pourrait être le résultat de facteurs externes autant que de facteurs internes. Ceci est important car la classification des stromatolithes est généralement fondée sur leur morphologie, imposant que la forme d'un stromatolithe est dépendante de facteurs internes uniquement (c'est-à-dire les tapis microbiens). Les résultats avancés dans ce mémoire contredisent donc ces assertions communément admises. Ensuite, nous avons décidé de mener des recherches plus en profondeur sur les aspects fonctionnels des tapis microbiens. Nous avons construit un modèle bidimensionnel de réaction-diffusion fondé sur la simulation discrète. Ce modèle a été implémenté dans une application C++ qui permet de paramétrer et exécuter des simulations. Nous avons ensuite pu comparer les résultats de simulation avec des données du monde réel et vérifier que le modèle peut en effet imiter le comportement de certains tapis microbiens. Ainsi, nous avons pu émettre et vérifier des hypothèses sur le fonctionnement de certains tapis microbiens pour nous aider à mieux en comprendre certains aspects, comme la dynamique des éléments, en particulier le soufre et l'oxygène. En conclusion, ce travail a abouti à l'écriture de logiciels dédiés à la simulation de tapis microbiens d'un point de vue tant morphologique que fonctionnel, suivant deux approches différentes, l'une holistique, l'autre plus analytique. Ces logiciels sont gratuits et diffusés sous licence GPL (General Public License). Abstract : Better understanding of stromatolites and microbial mats is an important topic in biogeosciences as it helps studying the early forms of life on Earth, provides clues re- garding the ecology of microbial ecosystems and their contribution to biomineralization, and gives basis to a new science, exobiology. On the other hand, modelling is a powerful tool used in natural sciences for the theoretical approach of various phenomena. Models are usually built on a system of differential equations and results are obtained by solving that system. Available software to implement models includes mathematical solvers and general simulation software. The main objective of this thesis is to develop models and software able to help to understand the functioning of stromatolites and microbial mats. Software was developed in C++ from scratch for maximum performance and flexibility. This allows to build models much more specific to a phenomenon rather than general software. First, we studied stromatolite growth and morphology. We built a three-dimensional model based on diffusion-limited aggregation. The model was implemented in two C++ applications: a simulator engine, which can run a batch of simulations and produce result files, and a Visualization tool, which allows results to be analysed in three dimensions. After verifying that our model can indeed reproduce the growth and morphology of several types of stromatolites, we introduced a sedimentation process as an external factor. This lead to interesting results, and allowed to emit the hypothesis that stromatolite morphology may be the result of external factors as much as internal factors. This is important as stromatolite classification is usually based on their morphology, imposing that a stromatolite shape is dependant on internal factors only (i.e. the microbial mat). This statement is contradicted by our findings, Second, we decided to investigate deeper the functioning of microbial mats, We built a two-dimensional reaction-diffusion model based on discrete simulation, The model was implemented in a C++ application that allows setting and running simulations. We could then compare simulation results with real world data and verify that our model can indeed mimic the behaviour of some microbial mats. Thus, we have proposed and verified hypotheses regarding microbial mats functioning in order to help to better understand them, e.g. the cycle of some elements such as oxygen or sulfur. ln conclusion, this PhD provides a simulation software, dealing with two different approaches. This software is free and available under a GPL licence.


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Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a well-established method for geophysical characterization and has shown potential for monitoring geologic CO2 sequestration, due to its sensitivity to electrical resistivity contrasts generated by liquid/gas saturation variability. In contrast to deterministic inversion approaches, probabilistic inversion provides the full posterior probability density function of the saturation field and accounts for the uncertainties inherent in the petrophysical parameters relating the resistivity to saturation. In this study, the data are from benchtop ERT experiments conducted during gas injection into a quasi-2D brine-saturated sand chamber with a packing that mimics a simple anticlinal geological reservoir. The saturation fields are estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion of the measured data and compared to independent saturation measurements from light transmission through the chamber. Different model parameterizations are evaluated in terms of the recovered saturation and petrophysical parameter values. The saturation field is parameterized (1) in Cartesian coordinates, (2) by means of its discrete cosine transform coefficients, and (3) by fixed saturation values in structural elements whose shape and location is assumed known or represented by an arbitrary Gaussian Bell structure. Results show that the estimated saturation fields are in overall agreement with saturations measured by light transmission, but differ strongly in terms of parameter estimates, parameter uncertainties and computational intensity. Discretization in the frequency domain (as in the discrete cosine transform parameterization) provides more accurate models at a lower computational cost compared to spatially discretized (Cartesian) models. A priori knowledge about the expected geologic structures allows for non-discretized model descriptions with markedly reduced degrees of freedom. Constraining the solutions to the known injected gas volume improved estimates of saturation and parameter values of the petrophysical relationship. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated fingermark residues using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (μ- FTIR) in order to obtain fundamental information about the marks' initial composition and aging kinetics. This knowledge would be an asset for fundamental research on fingermarks, such as for dating purposes. Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) and single-point reflection modes were tested on fresh fingermarks. ATR proved to be better suited and this mode was subsequently selected for further aging studies. Eccrine and sebaceous material was found in fresh and aged fingermarks and the spectral regions 1000-1850 cm-1 and 2700-3600 cm-1 were identified as the most informative. The impact of substrates (aluminium and glass slides) and storage conditions (storage in the light and in the dark) on fingermark aging was also studied. Chemometric analyses showed that fingermarks could be grouped according to their age regardless of the substrate when they were stored in an open box kept in an air-conditioned laboratory at around 20°C next to a window. On the contrary, when fingermarks were stored in the dark, only specimens deposited on the same substrate could be grouped by age. Thus, the substrate appeared to influence aging of fingermarks in the dark. Furthermore, PLS regression analyses were conducted in order to study the possibility of modelling fingermark aging for potential fingermark dating applications. The resulting models showed an overall precision of ±3 days and clearly demonstrated their capability to differentiate older fingermarks (20 and 34-days old) from newer ones (1, 3, 7 and 9-days old) regardless of the substrate and lighting conditions. These results are promising from a fingermark dating perspective. Further research is required to fully validate such models and assess their robustness and limitations in uncontrolled casework conditions.


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We study discrete-time models in which death benefits can depend on a stock price index, the logarithm of which is modeled as a random walk. Examples of such benefit payments include put and call options, barrier options, and lookback options. Because the distribution of the curtate-future-lifetime can be approximated by a linear combination of geometric distributions, it suffices to consider curtate-future-lifetimes with a geometric distribution. In binomial and trinomial tree models, closed-form expressions for the expectations of the discounted benefit payment are obtained for a series of options. They are based on results concerning geometric stopping of a random walk, in particular also on a version of the Wiener-Hopf factorization.