37 resultados para Denominator neglect


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Résumé Rôle des paramètres sociopolitiques et des connaissances dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques¦La recherche analyse (1) la mise en oeuvre de la gestion des risques hydrologiques et (2) les connaissances dont disposent les acteurs sur ces derniers, ainsi que (3) les interdépendances entre ces deux volets. Au total, trois études de cas ont été réalisées dont deux études régionales (ville de Berne, commune de Saillon) et une étude sur un acteur spécifique (les corporations de digues dans le canton de Berne). Les données empiriques ont été obtenues par des entretiens oraux semi-directifs et des enquêtes écrites.¦La gestion des risques hydrologiques est fortement influencée par des paramètres sociopolitiques, c'est-à-dire par les intérêts et les objectifs des acteurs, par les rapports de force entre ceux-ci ainsi que par les processus de négociation et de décision. Dans la pratique, les démarches de gestion se restreignent toutefois majoritairement aux aspects physiques, techniques et administratifs des risques hydrologiques. La dimension sociopolitique est ainsi négligée, ce qui est source de conflits qui ralentissent considérablement la planification de la protection contre les crues, voire la bloquent même complètement. La gestion des risques hydrologiques est en outre largement focalisée sur la réduction des aléas. Lés débats sur la vulnérabilité sont nettement plus rares bien qu'ils soient indispensables lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter les risques de façon holistique.¦Etant donné l'importance de la dimension sociopolitique et de la vulnérabilité, il est nécessaire que les démarches prévues dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques soient reconsidérées et adaptées. De plus, une meilleure intégration de tous les acteurs concernés est primordiale afin de trouver des solutions qui soient acceptables pour une majorité. Pour l'instant, le recours à des instruments de négociation est insuffisant.¦Les connaissances des risques hydrologiques et de leur gestion peuvent être classées en quatre répertoires (connaissances du système, de l'événement, de l'intervention et connaissances sociopolitiques) qui influent tous sur la réduction des risques. Parmi les facteurs les plus importants susceptibles de déclencher des transformations se trouvent l'occurrence de crues, la réalisation d'études (portant sur les aléas, la vulnérabilité, les mesures, etc.), l'échange de connaissances entre les acteurs, ainsi que la recherche de solutions lors de la gestion.¦Les caractéristiques des connaissances varient considérablement selon les acteurs. L'appartenance à un groupe donné ne permet toutefois pas à elle seule de déterminer l'état des connaissances : tous les acteurs peuvent avoir des connaissances pertinentes pour la gestion des risques. Les différences entre les acteurs rendent pourtant la communication compliquée. Ce problème pourrait être atténué par des médiateurs qui assureraient un travail de traduction. Dans la pratique, de telles instances manquent généralement.¦La gestion et les connaissances des risques hydrologiques sont fortement interdépendantes. L'état et les caractéristiques des connaissances déterminent directement la qualité de la protection contre les crues. Des lacunes ou des imprécisions peuvent donc entraîner une gestion non adaptée aux risques présents. Afin d'éviter une telle situation, il est important que les connaissances sur les risques hydrologiques et sur les possibilités d'y faire face soient régulièrement remises à jour. Ne devant pas se restreindre à l'expérience de crues passées, il est impératif qu'elles contiennent aussi des réflexions prospectives et des scénarios novateurs.¦La gestion n'est pas seulement demandeuse en connaissances, elle est également susceptible d'en générer de nouvelles et d'élargir les connaissances existantes. Il convient donc de considérer la création et le transfert de connaissances comme une tâche centrale de la gestion des risques.¦Zusammenfassung Die Rolle der soziopolitischen Parameter und des Wissens im Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken¦Die Arbeit untersucht drei Themenbereiche: (1) den soziopolitischen Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken, (2) das Wissen, über das die Akteure bezüglich der Hochwasserrisiken verfügen sowie (3) die Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen beiden Themenfeldern. Insgesamt wurden drei Fallstudien durchgeführt, darunter zwei regionale Studien (Stadt Bern, Gemeinde Saillon) und eine Untersuchung eines spezifischen Akteurs (Schwellenkorporationen im Kanton Bern). Die empirischen Daten wurden anhand von halbstandardisierten Interviews und schriftlichen Umfragen erhoben.¦Das Management hydrologischer Risiken ist stark von soziopolitischen Parametern beeinflusst, d.h. von Interessen und Zielvorstellungen der Akteure, von Machtverhältnissen und von Verhandlungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen. Die in der Praxis vorgesehenen Schritte zur Reduktion der Hochwasserrisiken beschränken sich jedoch meist auf die physischen, administrativen und technischen Aspekte der Risiken. Die Vernachlässigung ihrer soziopolitischen Dimension führt zu Konflikten, welche die Planung von Hochwasserschutzprojekten deutlich verlangsamen oder gar blockieren. Des Weiteren konzentriert sich das Risikomanagement im Wesentlichen auf die Reduktion der Gefahren. Gesellschaftliche Debatten zur Vulnerabilität sind deutlich seltener, obschon sie für einen umfassenden Umgang mit Risiken unabdingbar sind.¦Angesichts der Bedeutung der soziopolitischen Dimension und der Vulnerabilität ist es notwendig, dass die Vorgehensweise im Risikomanagement überdacht und angepasst wird. Zudem ist eine bessere Integration aller betroffener Akteure unablässig, um mehrheitsfähige Lösungen zu finden. Zur Zeit ist der Rückgriff auf entsprechende Instrumente ungenügend.¦Das Wissen über hydrologische Risiken und deren Management kann in vier Repertoires eingeteilt werden (Systemwissen, Ereigniswissen, Interventionswissen, soziopolitisches Wissen), die alle bei der Reduktion von Risiken bedeutsam sind. Zu den wichtigsten Faktoren, die Wissenstransformationen auslösen, gehören Hochwasserereignisse, die Durchführung von Studien (zu Gefahren, zur Vulnerabilität, zu Massnahmen usw.), der Wissensaustausch zwischen Akteuren und die Suche nach Lösungen während des Risikomanagements.¦Die Merkmale der Wissensformen unterschieden sich stark zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren. Die Zugehörigkeit eines Akteurs zu einer bestimmten Gruppe ist jedoch kein ausreichendes Kriterium, um dessen Wissensstand zu bestimmen: Alle Akteure können über Wissen verfügen, das für den Umgang mit Risiken relevant ist. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren gestalten die Kommunikation allerdings schwierig. Das Problem liesse sich entschärfen, indem Mediatoren eingesetzt würden, die als Übersetzer und Vermittler agierten. In der Praxis fehlen solche Instanzen weitgehend.¦Zwischen dem Umgang mit hydrologischen Risken und dem Wissen bestehen enge Wechselwirkungen. Der Zustand und die Eigenschaften der Wissensformen bestimmen direkt die Qualität des Hochwasserschutzes. Lückenhaftes und unpräzises Wissen kann demnach zu einem Risikomanagement führen, das den tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten nicht angepasst ist. Um eine solche Situation zu verhindern, muss das Wissen über Risiken und Hochwasserschutz regelmässig aktualisiert werden. Dabei darf es sich nicht auf die Erfahrung vergangener Hochwasser beschränken, sondern hat auch vorausschauende Überlegungen und neuartige Szenarien einzubeziehen.¦Das Risikomanagement benötigt nicht nur Wissen, es trägt auch dazu bei, neues Wissen zu t generieren und bestehendes zu erweitern. Die Erarbeitung und der Transfer von Wissen sind deshalb als zentrale Aufgaben des Risikomanagements zu betrachten.¦Abstract¦The role of socio-political parameters and of knowledge in the management of hydrological risks¦The purpose of the thesis is to analyse (1) the socio-political management of hydrological risks, (2) the knowledge about hydrological risks, and (3) the interaction between risk management and knowledge. Three case studies were carried out, two at a regional level (city of Berne, village of Saillon) and one about a specific stakeholder (the dyke corporations in the canton of Berne). Empirical data were collected by the means of semi-structured interviews and surveys.¦The management of hydrological risks is highly influenced by socio-political issues, i.e. by interests and goals of stakeholders, by the balance of power between stakeholders, as well as by negotiations and decision-making processes. In practice, however, risk management is mainly constrained by physical, technical, and administrative aspects. The neglect of the socio-political dimension may thus be the source of conflicts which significantly delay the planning and implementation of flood protection measures, or even stop them. Furthermore, risk management mostly concentrates on hazard reduction. Discussions on vulnerability issues are less frequent although they are fundamental for treating risks in a holistic manner.¦Because of the importance of the social-political dimension and of vulnerability issues, it is necessary that the common approach of managing hydrological risks is reconsidered and adapted. Moreover, the integration of all stakeholders that are concerned with hydrological risks is essential for finding solutions which are supported by a majority. For instance, the application of appropriate negotiation instruments is insufficient.¦Knowledge about hydrological risks and their management can be classified into four categories (system knowledge, event knowledge, intervention knowledge, socio-political knowledge) which are all influencing the reduction of risks. Among the most important factors that are likely to trigger knowledge transformations, one can point out flood events, studies about risk parameters (hazards, vulnerability, protection measures, etc.), knowledge exchange between stakeholders, and the search for solutions during risk management.¦The characteristics of knowledge vary considerably between stakeholders. The affiliation to a specific group is thus not a sufficient criterion to determine the quality of a stakeholder's knowledge: every stakeholder may have knowledge that is relevant for risk management. However, differences between stakeholders complicate the communication. This problem could be attenuated by mediators which ensure the translation between stakeholders. In practice, such instances are generally lacking.¦The management and knowledge of hydrological risks are highly interdependent. The state and the characteristics of the four categories of knowledge determine directly the quality of flood protection. Gaps and imprecison may thus lead to forms of management which are not adapted to the actual risks. This kind of situation can be avoided by updating regularly the knowledge about hydrological risks and about protection measures. However, knowledge must not be restricted to the experience of past floods. On the contrary, it is indispensable also to involve prospective reflections and new scenarios.¦Risk management does not only require knowledge, it may also generate new knowledge and enlarge existing knowledge. The creation and the transfer of knowledge has thus to be seen as a central task in risk management.


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Violence and aggression in human drinking society, either physical, psychological, sexual or resulting from neglect are not only debilitating both for the victim and the offender but extremely prevalent and pervasive. While being on the frontline to identify and rate auto- and hetero aggressive behaviour risk, the general health practitioner remains keen to protect his special relationship. When a history of violent behaviour becomes apparent, discernment must be thoroughly assessed and a critical exploration of its larger impact on family, children, co-workers and everyday fellow citizen should become compulsory.


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In the context of the investigation of the use of automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) for the evaluation of fingerprint evidence, the current study presents investigations into the variability of scores from an AFIS system when fingermarks from a known donor are compared to fingerprints that are not from the same source. The ultimate goal is to propose a model, based on likelihood ratios, which allows the evaluation of mark-to-print comparisons. In particular, this model, through its use of AFIS technology, benefits from the possibility of using a large amount of data, as well as from an already built-in proximity measure, the AFIS score. More precisely, the numerator of the LR is obtained from scores issued from comparisons between impressions from the same source and showing the same minutia configuration. The denominator of the LR is obtained by extracting scores from comparisons of the questioned mark with a database of non-matching sources. This paper focuses solely on the assignment of the denominator of the LR. We refer to it by the generic term of between-finger variability. The issues addressed in this paper in relation to between-finger variability are the required sample size, the influence of the finger number and general pattern, as well as that of the number of minutiae included and their configuration on a given finger. Results show that reliable estimation of between-finger variability is feasible with 10,000 scores. These scores should come from the appropriate finger number/general pattern combination as defined by the mark. Furthermore, strategies of obtaining between-finger variability when these elements cannot be conclusively seen on the mark (and its position with respect to other marks for finger number) have been presented. These results immediately allow case-by-case estimation of the between-finger variability in an operational setting.


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Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) inhibitors have emerged as interesting therapeutic candidates. Of these, (S)-roscovitine has been proposed as potential neuroprotective molecule for stroke while (R)-roscovitine is currently entering phase II clinical trials against cancers and phase I clinical tests against glomerulonephritis. In addition, (R)-roscovitine has been suggested as potential antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory drug. Dysfunction of intracellular calcium balance is a common denominator of these diseases, and the two roscovitine enantiomers (S and R) are known to modulate calcium voltage channel activity differentially. Here, we provide a detailed description of short- and long-term responses of roscovitine on intracellular calcium handling in renal epithelial cells. Short-term exposure to (S)-roscovitine induced a cytosolic calcium peak, which was abolished after stores depletion with cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Instead, (R)-roscovitine caused a calcium peak followed by a small calcium plateau. Cytosolic calcium response was prevented after stores depletion. Bafilomycin, a selective vacuolar H(+)-ATPase inhibitor, abolished the small calcium plateau. Long-term exposure to (R)-roscovitine significantly reduced the basal calcium level compared to control and (S)-roscovitine treated cells. However, both enantiomers increased calcium accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Consistently, cells treated with (R)-roscovitine showed a significant increase in SERCA activity, whereas (S)-roscovitine incubation resulted in a reduced PMCA expression. We also found a tonic decreased ability to release calcium from the ER, likely via IP3 signaling, under treatment with (S)- or (R)-roscovitine. Together our data revealed that (S)-roscovitine and (R)-roscovitine exert distinct enantiospecific effects on intracellular calcium signaling in renal epithelial cells. This distinct pharmacological profile can be relevant for roscovitine clinical use.


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The family doctor facing complexity must decide in situations of low certainty and low agreement. Complexity is in part subjective but can also be measured. Changes in the health systems aim to reduce health costs. They tend to give priority to simple situations and to neglect complexity. One role of an academic institute of family medicine is to present and promote the results of scientific research supporting the principles of family medicine, taking into account both the local context and health systems reforms. In Switzerland the new challenge is the introduction of managed care.


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To what extent do social policy preferences explain party choice? This question has received little attention over the past years, because the bulk of the literature has argued that electoral choice is increasingly shaped by identity-based attitudes, rather than by preferences for economic-distributive social policies. We argue that in the wake of this debate, the significance of social policy preferences for electoral choice has been underestimated, because most contributions neglect social policy debates that are specific to post-industrial societies. In particular, they merely focus on income redistribution, while neglecting distributive conflicts around social investment. The Selects 2011 data allows investigating this crucial distinction for Switzerland. Our empirical analyses confirm that it is pivotal to take the pluridimensionality of distributive conflicts seriously: when looking at preferences for social investment rather than income redistribution, we find that social policy preferences are significant explanatory factors for the choice of the five major Swiss political parties.


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Left unilateral spatial neglect resulting from right brain damage is characterized by loss of awareness for stimuli in the contralesional side of space, despite intact visual pathways. We examined using fMRI whether patients with neglect are more likely to consciously detect in the neglected hemifield, emotionally negative complex scenes rather than visually similar neutral pictures and if so, what neural mechanisms mediate this effect. Photographs of emotional and neutral scenes taken from the IAPS were presented in a divided visual field paradigm. As expected, the detection rate for emotional stimuli presented in the neglected field was higher than for neutral ones. Successful detection of emotional scenes as opposed to neutral stimuli in the left visual field (LVF) produced activations in the parahippocampal and anterior cingulate areas in the right hemisphere. Detection of emotional stimuli presented in the intact right visual field (RVF) activated a distributed network of structures in the left hemisphere, including anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, insula, as well as visual striate and extrastriate areas. LVF-RVF contrasts for emotional stimuli revealed activations in right and left attention related prefrontal areas whereas RVF-LVF comparison showed activations in the posterior cingulate and extrastriate visual cortex in the left hemisphere. An additional analysis contrasting detected vs. undetected emotional LVF stimuli showed involvement of left anterior cingulate, right frontal and extrastriate areas. We hypothesize that beneficial role of emotion in overcoming neglect is achieved by activation of frontal and limbic lobe networks, which provide a privileged access of emotional stimuli to attention by top-down modulation of processing in the higher-order extrastriate visual areas. Our results point to the importance of top-down regulatory role of the frontal attentional systems, which might enhance visual activations and lead to greater salience of emotional stimuli for perceptual awareness.


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The calcium-binding protein calretinin has emerged as a useful marker for the identification of mesotheliomas of the epithelioid and mixed types, but its putative role in tumor development has not been addressed previously. Although exposure to asbestos fibers is considered the main cause of mesothelioma, undoubtedly, not all mesothelioma patients have a history of asbestos exposure. The question as to whether the SV40 virus is involved as a possible co-factor is still highly debated. Here we show that increased expression of SV40 early gene products in the mesothelial cell line MeT-5A induces the expression of calretinin and that elevated calretinin levels strongly correlate with increased resistance to asbestos cytotoxicity. Calretinin alone mediates a significant part of this protective effect because cells stably transfected with calretinin cDNA were clearly more resistant to the toxic effects of crocidolite than mock-transfected control cells. Down-regulation of calretinin by antisense methods restored the sensitivity to asbestos toxicity to a large degree. The protective effect observed in clones with higher calretinin expression levels could be eliminated by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors, implying an important role for the PI3K/AKT signaling (survival) pathway in mediating the protective effect. Up-regulation of calretinin, resulting from either asbestos exposure or SV40 oncoproteins, may be a common denominator that leads to increased resistance to asbestos cytotoxicity and thereby contributes to mesothelioma carcinogenesis.


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Aim This study used data from temperate forest communities to assess: (1) five different stepwise selection methods with generalized additive models, (2) the effect of weighting absences to ensure a prevalence of 0.5, (3) the effect of limiting absences beyond the environmental envelope defined by presences, (4) four different methods for incorporating spatial autocorrelation, and (5) the effect of integrating an interaction factor defined by a regression tree on the residuals of an initial environmental model. Location State of Vaud, western Switzerland. Methods Generalized additive models (GAMs) were fitted using the grasp package (generalized regression analysis and spatial predictions, http://www.cscf.ch/grasp). Results Model selection based on cross-validation appeared to be the best compromise between model stability and performance (parsimony) among the five methods tested. Weighting absences returned models that perform better than models fitted with the original sample prevalence. This appeared to be mainly due to the impact of very low prevalence values on evaluation statistics. Removing zeroes beyond the range of presences on main environmental gradients changed the set of selected predictors, and potentially their response curve shape. Moreover, removing zeroes slightly improved model performance and stability when compared with the baseline model on the same data set. Incorporating a spatial trend predictor improved model performance and stability significantly. Even better models were obtained when including local spatial autocorrelation. A novel approach to include interactions proved to be an efficient way to account for interactions between all predictors at once. Main conclusions Models and spatial predictions of 18 forest communities were significantly improved by using either: (1) cross-validation as a model selection method, (2) weighted absences, (3) limited absences, (4) predictors accounting for spatial autocorrelation, or (5) a factor variable accounting for interactions between all predictors. The final choice of model strategy should depend on the nature of the available data and the specific study aims. Statistical evaluation is useful in searching for the best modelling practice. However, one should not neglect to consider the shapes and interpretability of response curves, as well as the resulting spatial predictions in the final assessment.


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This paper describes a simulation package designed to estimate the annual income taxes paid by respondents of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP). In Switzerland, the 26 cantons have their own tax system. Additionally, tax levels vary between the over 2000 municipalities and over time. The simulation package takes account of this complexity by building on existing tables on tax levels which are provided by the Swiss Federal Tax Administration Office. Because these are limited to a few types of households and only 812 municipalities, they have to be extended to cover all households and municipalities. A further drawback of these tables is that they neglect several deductions. The tax simulation package fills this gap by taking additionally account of deductions for children, double-earner couples, third pillar and support for dependent persons according to cantonal legislation. The resulting variable on direct taxes not only serves to calculate household income net of taxes, but can also be a variable for analysis by its own account.


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Age-related cognitive impairments were studied in rats kept in semi-enriched conditions during their whole life, and tested during ontogeny and adult life in various classical spatial tasks. In addition, the effect of intrahippocampal grafts of fetal septal-diagonal band tissue, rich in cholinergic neurons, was studied in some of these subjects. The rats received bilateral cell suspensions when aged 23-24 months. Starting 4 weeks after grafting, they were trained during 5 weeks in an 8-arm maze made of connected plexiglass tunnels. No age-related impairment was detected during the first eight trials, when the maze shape was that of a classical radial maze in which the rats had already been trained when young. The older rats were impaired when the task was made more difficult by rendering two arms parallel to each other. They developed an important neglect of one of the parallel tunnels resulting in a high amount of errors before completion of the task. In addition, the old rats developed a systematic response pattern of visits to adjacent arms in a sequence, which was not observed in the younger subjects. None of these behaviours were observed in the old rats with a septal transplant. Sixteen weeks after grafting, another experiment was conducted in a homing hole board task. Rats were allowed to escape from a large circular arena through one hole out of many, and to reach home via a flexible tube under the table. The escape hole was at a fixed position according to distant room cues, and olfactory cues were made irrelevant by rotating the table between the trials. An additional cue was placed on the escape position. No age-related difference in escape was observed during training. During a probe trial with no hole connected and no proximal cue present, the old untreated rats were less clearly focussed on the training sector than were either the younger or the grafted old subjects. Taken together, these experiments indicate that enriched housing conditions and spatial training during adult life do not protect against all age-related deterioration in spatial ability. However, it might be that the considerable improvement observed in the grafted subjects results from an interaction between the graft treatment and the housing conditions.


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SUMMARY Under stressful conditions, mutant or post-translationally modified proteins may spontaneously misfold and form toxie species, which may further assemble into a continuum of increasingly large and insoluble toxic oligomers that may further condense into less toxic, compact amyloids in the cell Intracellular accumulation of aggregated proteins is a common denominator of several neurodegenerative diseases. To cope with the cytotoxicity induced by abnormal, aggregated proteins, cells have evolved various defence mechanisms among which, the molecular chaperones Hsp70. Hsp70 (DnaK in E. coii) is an ATPase chaperone involved in many physiological processes in the cell, such as assisting de novo protein folding, dissociating native protein oligomers and serving as pulling motors in the import of polypeptides into organelles. In addition, Hsp70 chaperones can actively solubilize and reactivate stable protein aggregates, such as heat- or mutation-induced aggregates. Hsp70 requires the cooperation of two other co-chaperones: Hsp40 and NEF (Nucleotide exchange factor) to fulfil its unfolding activity. In the first experimental section of this thesis (Chapter II), we studied by biochemical analysis the in vitro interaction between recombinant human aggregated α-synuclein (a-Syn oligomers) mimicking toxic a-Syn oligomers species in PD brains, with a model Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system (the E. coii DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). We found that chaperone-mediated unfolding of two denatured model enzymes were strongly affected by α-Syn oligomers but, remarkably, not by monomers. This in vitro observed dysfunction of the Hsp70 chaperone system resulted from the sequestration of the Hsp40 proteins by the oligomeric α-synuclein species. In the second experimental part (Chapter III), we performed in vitro biochemical analysis of the co-chaperone function of three E. coii Hsp40s proteins (DnaJ, CbpA and DjlA) in the ATP-fuelled DnaK-mediated refolding of a model DnaK chaperone substrate into its native state. Hsp40s activities were compared using dose-response approaches in two types of in vitro assays: refolding of heat-denatured G6PDH and DnaK-mediated ATPase activity. We also observed that the disaggregation efficiency of Hsp70 does not directly correlate with Hsp40 binding affinity. Besides, we found that these E. coii Hsp40s confer substrate specificity to DnaK, CbpA being more effective in the DnaK-mediated disaggregation of large G6PDH aggregates than DnaJ under certain conditions. Sensibilisées par différents stress ou mutations, certaines protéines fonctionnelles de la cellule peuvent spontanément se convertir en formes inactives, mal pliées, enrichies en feuillets bêta, et exposant des surfaces hydrophobes favorisant l'agrégation. Cherchant à se stabiliser, les surfaces hydrophobes peuvent s'associer aux régions hydrophobes d'autres protéines mal pliées, formant des agrégats protéiques stables: les amyloïdes. Le dépôt intracellulaire de protéines agrégées est un dénominateur commun à de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives. Afin de contrer la cytotoxicité induite par les protéines agrégées, les cellules ont développé plusieurs mécanismes de défense, parmi lesquels, les chaperonnes moléculaires Hsp70. Hsp70 nécessite la collaboration de deux autres co-chaperonnes : Hsp40 et NEF pour accomplir son activité de désagrégation. Hsp70 (DnaK, chez E. coli) est impliquée par ailleurs dans d'autres fonctions physiologiques telles que l'assistanat de protéines néosynthétisées à la sortie du ribosome, ou le transport transmembranaire de polypeptides. Par ailleurs, les chaperonnes Hsp70 peuvent également solubiliser et réactiver des protéines agrégées à la suite d'un stress ou d'une mutation. Dans la première partie expérimentale de cette thèse (Chapter II), nous avons étudié in vitro l'interaction entre les oligomères d'a-synucleine, responsables entre autres, de la maladie de Parkinson, et le système chaperon Hsp70/Hsp40 (système Escherichia coli DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE). Nous avons démontré que contrairement aux monomères, les oligomères d'a-synucleine inhibaient le système chaperon lors du repliement de protéines agrégées. Cette dysfonction du système chaperon résulte de la séquestration des chaperonnes Hsp40 par les oligomères d'a-synucleine. La deuxième partie expérimentale (Chapitre III) est consacrée à une étude in vitro de la fonction co-chaperonne de trois Hsp40 d'is. coli (DnaJ, CbpA, et DjlA) lors de la désagrégation par DnaK d'une protéine pré-agrégée. Leurs activités ont été comparées par le biais d'une approche dose-réponse au niveau de deux analyses enzymatiques: le repliement de la protéine agrégée et l'activité ATPase de DnaK. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis en évidence que l'efficacité de désagrégation d'Hsp70 et l'affinité des chaperonnes Hsp40 vis-à-vis de leur substrat n'étaient pas corrélées positivement. Nous avons également montré que ces trois chaperonnes Hsp40 étaient directement impliquées dans la spécificité des fonctions accomplies par les chaperonnes Hsp70. En effet, DnaK en présence de CbpA assure la désagrégation de large agrégats protéiques avec une efficacité nettement plus accrue qu'en présence de DnaJ.


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Disorders of language, spatial perception, attention, memory, calculation and praxis are a frequent consequence of acquired brain damage [in particular, stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI)] and a major determinant of disability. The rehabilitation of aphasia and, more recently, of other cognitive disorders is an important area of neurological rehabilitation. We report here a review of the available evidence about effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. Given the limited number and generally low quality of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in this area of therapeutic intervention, the Task Force considered, besides the available Cochrane reviews, evidence of lower classes which was critically analysed until a consensus was reached. In particular, we considered evidence from small group or single cases studies including an appropriate statistical evaluation of effect sizes. The general conclusion is that there is evidence to award a grade A, B or C recommendation to some forms of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with neuropsychological deficits in the post-acute stage after a focal brain lesion (stroke, TBI). These include aphasia therapy, rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect (ULN), attentional training in the post-acute stage after TBI, the use of electronic memory aids in memory disorders, and the treatment of apraxia with compensatory strategies. There is clearly a need for adequately designed studies in this area, which should take into account specific problems such as patient heterogeneity and treatment standardization.


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Our mental representation of the world is far from objective. For example, western Canadians estimate the locations of North American cities to be too far to the west. This bias could be due to a reference point effect, in which people estimate more space between places close to them than far from them, or to representational pseudoneglect, in which neurologically intact individuals favor the left side of space when asked to image a scene.We tested whether either or both of these biases influence the geographic world representations of neurologically intact young adults from Edmonton and Ottawa, which are in western and eastern Canada, respectively. Individuals were asked to locate NorthAmerican cities on a two-dimensional grid. Both groups revealed effects of representational pseudoneglect in this novel paradigm, but they also each exhibited reference point effects. These results inform theories in both cognitive psychology and neuroscience.


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THESIS SUMMARY : Metastasis is a multistep process involving tumour cell-autonomous features, the host tissue stroma of the primary tumour, the blood or lymphatic system as well as a receptive target organ. Most studies on factors influencing metastasis have concentrated on the characteristics of the disseminating tumour cell and on early steps of metastasis including invasion and angiogenesis. Although these steps are necessary for tumour cells to disseminate, it is the challenges encountered in the later steps of metastasis -survival while in the circulation and engraftment and outgrowth in the target organ -that account for the inefficiency of circulating tumour cells in establishing secondary lesions. Full understanding of the metastatic process therefore requires elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate these late steps, and in particular that determine what makes any given tissue permissive for metastatic tumour growth. To address this issue, we assessed the mechanisms whereby a physiological situation -pregnancy -can alter host permissiveness toward metastasis. We show that pregnant NOD/SCID mice -injected intravenously with tumour cells -develop more metastases than their non-pregnant counterparts irrespective of the tumour cell type. There was no direct effect of pregnancy-related circulating factors on tumour cell proliferation, and subcutaneous tumour growth does not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant animals. However, decreased elimination of tumour cells from the lung microvasculature was observed in pregnant mice, prompting us to assess whether pregnancy-related adaptations in innate immunity could account for this differential clearing. We found that natural killer (NK) cell fractions are decreased in blood and spleen of pregnant mice and that NK cell cytotoxicity is impaired, as reported previously. The use of NK-deficient mice or tumour cell lines resistant to NK killing abrogates the difference in metastasis load between pregnant and virgin mice. CD11 b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have previously been shown to accumulate in tumour-bearing mice and to down-modulate NK activity. Accordingly, we show an increase in MDSC in pregnant mouse blood, spleen, lungs and liver. Depletion of MDSC prior to tumour cell injection decreased metastasis load in pregnant NOD/SCID mice but had no effect on virgin mice. Similarly, adoptive transfer of MDSC extracted from pregnant mice into virgin mice lead to increased metastasis take. In parallel, we investigated whether the lung and liver microenvironments are modified during pregnancy thereby providing a more "permissive soil" for the establishment of metastases. A comparative analysis of microarray data of pregnant mouse lungs and liver with "premetastatic niche" gene expression profiles of these organs shows that similar mechanisms could mediate an increase in lung and liver metastasis in pregnant mice and in mice harbouring an aggressive primary tumour. Several commonly up-regulated genes point towards the recruitment of myeloid cells, consistent with the accumulation of MDSC observed in pregnant mice. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy before. Although the role of MDSC in pregnancy requires further investigation we suggest that MDSC accumulation constitutes an important and hitherto unrecognised common denominator of maternal immune tolerance and cancer immune escape. RESUME DE THESE : La métastatisation est un processus en plusieurs étapes qui implique des compétences particulières chez les cellules tumorales, le stroma de la tumeur primaire, les vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques ainsi qu'un organe cible' réceptif. Jusqu'alors, la recherche s'est principalement intéressée aux facteurs qui influencent les étapes précoces de la métastatisation donc aux caractéristiques de la cellule métastatique, et aux processus tels que l'invasion et l'angiogenèse, tandis que peu d'études traitent des étapes tardives tel que la survie dans la circulation sanguine et l'établissement d'une lésion dans l'organe cible. En particulier, l'élucidation des facteurs qui déterminent la permissivité d'un tissu à la greffe de cellules disséminantes est indispensable à la compréhension de ce processus complexe qu'est la métastatisation. Nous proposons ici un modèle de souris récapitulant les étapes tardives de la métastatisation dans un contexte d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide, et nous évaluons les mécanismes impliqués. Les souris gestantes développent plus de métastases après l'injection intraveineuse de cellules tumorales, indépendamment du type de tumeur d'origine. Les taux élevés d'hormones et de facteurs de croissance chez la souris gravide n'inflúencent pas la prolifération des cellules tumorales et fa croissance de tumeurs sous-cutanées n'est pas non plus accélérée par la gestation. En revanche, une fois injectées, les cellules tumorales sont éliminées ` moins rapidement des vaisseaux pulmonaires chez la souris gravide que chez les contrôles. Cette observation est compatible avec un effet de la gestation sur l'immunité innée et nous avons mis en évidence une diminution des proportions de cellules NK (natural killer) dans le sang et la rate en particulier, ainsi qu'une cytotoxicité moindre envers des cellules tumorales. En utilisant des souris déficientes en cellules NK ou en injectant des cellules résistantes à l'attaqué par des cellules NK, la différence entre souris gestantes et non-gestantes disparaît. Il a été démontré chez des souris porteuses de tumeurs, que l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives de la lignée myélo-monocytaire (ou MDSC pour myeloid-derived suppressor tells) pouvait être responsable d'une inhibition de l'activité de cellules NK. Des nombres augmentés de ces cellules, caractérisées par les marqueurs de surface CD11b et Gr-1, ont été trouvés dans le sang, la rate, les poumons et le foie de souris gravides. Leur rôle dans la métastatisation est démontré par le fait que leur dépletion diminue le nombre de lésions secondaires chez la souris gestante, tandis que leur transfert dans des souris non-gestantes augmente le taux de métastases. L'utilisation de puces à ADN sur les foies et poumons de souris gravides a permis de mettre en évidence des différences d'expression génique proches de celles observées dans l'établissement de niches pré-métastatiques. Ceci suggère que des mécanismes similaires pourraient être responsables d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide et chez la souris porteuse d'une tumeur primaire agressive, telle que, en particulier, l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives dans les organes cibles. C'est la première fois que l'accumulation de MDSC est évoquée chez la souris gravide et nous proposons ici que celles-ci jouent un rôle dans la tolérance immunitaire envers le foetus et sont responsables de l'échappement de cellules tumorales injectées à la surveillance immunitaire par des cellules NK.