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RÉSUMÉ Le but d'un traitement antimicrobien est d'éradiquer une infection bactérienne. Cependant, il est souvent difficile d'en évaluer rapidement l'efficacité en utilisant les techniques standard. L'estimation de la viabilité bactérienne par marqueurs moléculaires permettrait d'accélérer le processus. Ce travail étudie donc la possibilité d'utiliser le RNA ribosomal (rRNA) à cet effet. Des cultures de Streptococcus gordonii sensibles (parent Wt) et tolérants (mutant Tol 1) à l'action bactéricide de la pénicilline ont été exposées à différents antibiotiques. La survie bactérienne au cours du temps a été déterminée en comparant deux méthodes. La méthode de référence par compte viable a été comparée à une méthode moléculaire consistant à amplifier par PCR quantitative en temps réel une partie du génome bactérien. La cible choisie devait refléter la viabilité cellulaire et par conséquent être synthétisée de manière constitutive lors de la vie de la bactérie et être détruite rapidement lors de la mort cellulaire. Le choix s'est porté sur un fragment du gène 16S-rRNA. Ce travail a permis de valider ce choix en corrélant ce marqueur moléculaire à la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique bactéricide. De manière attendue, les S. gordonii sensibles à la pénicilline ont perdu ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml après 48 heures de traitement par pénicilline alors que le mutant tolérant Tol1 en a perdu ≥ 1 log10 CFU/ml. De manière intéressant, la quantité de marqueur a augmenté proportionnellement au compte viable durant la phase de croissance bactérienne. Après administration du traitement antibiotique, l'évolution du marqueur dépendait de la capacité de la bactérie à survivre à l'action de l'antibiotique. Stable lors du traitement des souches tolérantes, la quantité de marqueur détectée diminuait de manière proportionnelle au compte viable lors du traitement des souches sensibles. Cette corrélation s'est confirmée lors de l'utilisation d'autres antibiotiques bactéricides. En conclusion, l'amplification par PCR du RNA ribosomal 16S permet d'évaluer rapidement la viabilité bactérienne au cours d'un traitement antibiotique en évitant le recours à la mise en culture dont les résultats ne sont obtenus qu'après plus de 24 heures. Cette méthode offre donc au clinicien une évaluation rapide de l'efficacité du traitement, particulièrement dans les situations, comme le choc septique, où l'initiation sans délai d'un traitement efficace est une des conditions essentielles du succès thérapeutique. ABSTRACT Assessing bacterial viability by molecular markers might help accelerate the measurement of antibiotic-induced killing. This study investigated whether ribosomal RNA (rRNA) could be suitable for this purpose. Cultures of penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-tolerant (Tol1 mutant) Streptococcus gordonii were exposed to mechanistically different penicillin and levofloxacin. Bacterial survival was assessed by viable counts, and compared to quantitative real-time PCR amplification of either the 16S-rRNA genes (rDNA) or the 16S rRNA, following reverse transcription. Penicillin-susceptible S. gordonii lost ≥ 4 log10 CFU/ml of viability over 48 h of penicillin treatment. In comparison, the Toll mutant lost ≤ 1 log10 CFU/ml. Amplification of a 427-base fragment of 16S rDNA yielded amplicons that increased proportionally to viable counts during bacterial growth, but did not decrease during drug-induced killing. In contrast, the same 427-base fragment amplified from 16S rDNA paralleled both bacterial growth and drug-induced killing. It also differentiated between penicillin-induced killing of the parent and the Toll mutant (≥4 log10 CFU/ml and ≤1 lo10 CFU/ml, respectively), and detected killing by mechanistically unrelated levofloxacin. Since large fragments of polynucleotides might be degraded faster than smaller fragments the experiments were repeated by amplifying a 119-base region internal to the origina1 427-base fragment. The amount of 119-base amplicons increased proportionally to viability during growth, but remained stable during drug treatment. Thus, 16S rRNA was a marker of antibiotic-induced killing, but the size of the amplified fragment was critical to differentiate between live and dead bacteria.
BACKGROUND: Intravenous recombinant tissular plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is the only approved pharmacological treatment for acute ischaemic stroke. The authors aimed to analyse potential causes of the variable effect on early course and late outcome. METHODS AND RESULTS: 136 patients (42% women, 58% men) treated with intravenous rt-PA within 3 h of stroke onset in an acute stroke unit over a 3-year period, were included. Early clinical profiles of evolution at 48 h were divided into clinical improvement (CI) (decrease >4 points in the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)); clinical worsening (CW) (increase >4 points NIHSS); clinical worsening after initial improvement (CWFI) (variations of >4 points in the NIHSS). Patients with clinical stability (no NIHSS modification or <4 points) were excluded. The patients showed in 66.9% CI, 13.2% CW 8.1 % CWFI and 11.8% remained stable. Female sex, no hyperlipaemia and peripheral arterial disease were associated with CW. Male sex and smoking were associated with CI. Absence of arterial occlusion on admission (28.4%) and arterial recanalisation at 24 h were associated with CI. Main causes of clinical deterioration included symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (sICH), persistent occlusion and cerebral oedema. 23.5% developed ICH, 6.6% of which had sICH. At 3 months, 15.5% had died. Mortality was increased in CW, mainly related to sICH and cerebral oedema. The outcome of CWFI was intermediate between CW and CI. CONCLUSIONS: Early clinical profiles of evolution in thrombolysed patients vary considerably. Even with CI, it is critical to maintain vessel permeability to avoid subsequent CW.
We have taken advantage of the natural milieu of matched pair of azole sensitive (AS) and azole resistant (AR) clinical isolates of Candida glabrata for expressing its major ABC multidrug transporter, CgCdr1p for structure and functional analysis. This was accomplished by tagging a green fluorescent protein (GFP) downstream of ORF of CgCDR1 and integrating the resultant fusion protein at its native chromosomal locus in AS and AR backgrounds. The characterization confirmed that in comparison to AS isolate, CgCdr1p-GFP was over-expressed in AR isolates due to its hyperactive native promoter and the GFP tag did not affect its functionality in either construct. We observed that in addition to Rhodamine 6 G (R6G) and Fluconazole (FLC), a recently identified fluorescent substrate of multidrug transporters Nile Red (NR) could also be expelled by CgCdr1p. Competition assays with these substrates revealed the presence of overlapping multiple drug binding sites in CgCdr1p. Point mutations employing site directed mutagenesis confirmed that the role played by unique amino acid residues critical to ATP catalysis and localization of ABC drug transporter proteins are well conserved in C. glabrata as in other yeasts. This study demonstrates a first in vivo novel system where over-expression of GFP tagged MDR transporter protein can be driven by its own hyperactive promoter of AR isolates. Taken together, this in vivo system can be exploited for the structure and functional analysis of CgCdr1p and similar proteins wherein the artefactual concerns encountered in using heterologous systems are totally excluded.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Regulation of gene expression in the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) over Peyer's patches is largely unknown. CCL20, a chemokine that recruits immature dendritic cells, is one of the few FAE-specific markers described so far. Lymphotoxin beta (LTalpha1beta2) expressed on the membrane of immune cells triggers CCL20 expression in enterocytes. In this study, we measured expression profiles of LTalpha1beta2-treated intestinal epithelial cells and selected CCL20 -coregulated genes to identify new FAE markers. METHODS: Genomic profiles of T84 and Caco-2 cell lines treated with either LTalpha1beta2, flagellin, or tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured using the Affymetrix GeneChip U133A. Clustering analysis was used to select CCL20 -coregulated genes, and laser dissection microscopy and real-time polymerase chain reaction on human biopsy specimens was used to assess the expression of the selected markers. RESULTS: Applying a 2-way analysis of variance, we identified regulated genes upon the different treatments. A subset of genes involved in inflammation and related to the nuclear factor kappaB pathway was coregulated with CCL20 . Among these genes, the antiapoptotic factor TNFAIP3 was highly expressed in the FAE. CCL23 , which was not coregulated in vitro with CCL20 , was also specifically expressed in the FAE. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified 2 novel human FAE specifically expressed genes. Most of the CCL20 -coregulated genes did not show FAE-specific expression, suggesting that other signaling pathways are critical to modulate FAE-specific gene expression.
CcrM is a DNA methyltransferase that methylates the adenine in GANTC motifs in the chromo-some of the bacterial model Caulobacter crescentus. The loss of the CcrM homolog is lethal in C. crescentus and in several other species of Alphaproteobacteria. In this research, we used different experimental and bioinformatic approaches to determine why CcrM is so critical to the physiology of C. crescentus. We first showed that CcrM is a resident orphan DNA methyltransferase in non-Rickettsiales Alphaproteobacteria and that its gene is strictly conserved in this clade (with only one ex¬ception among the genomes sequenced so far). In C. crescentus, cells depleted in CcrM in rich medium quickly lose viability and present an elongated phenotype characteristic of an im¬pairment in cell division. Using minimal medium instead of rich medium as selective and main¬tenance substrate, we could generate a AccrM mutant that presents a viability comparable to the wild type strain and only mild morphological defects. On the basis of a transcriptomic ap¬proach, we determined that several genes essential for cell division were downregulated in the AccrM strain in minimal medium. We offered decisive arguments to support that the efficient transcription of two of these genes, ftsZ and mipZ, coding respectively for the Z-ring forming GTPase FtsZ and an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerization needed for the correct positioning of the Z- ring at mid-cell, requires the methylation of an adenine in a conserved GANTC motif located in their core promoter region. We propose a model, according to which the genome of C. crescentus encodes a transcriptional activator that requires a methylated adenine in a GANTC context to bind to DNA and suggest that this transcriptional regulator might be the global cell-cycle regulator GcrA. In addition, combining a classic genetic approach and in vitro evolution experiments, we showed that the mortality and cell division defects of the AccrM strain in rich medium are mainly due to limiting intracellular levels of the FtsZ protein. We also studied the dynamics of GANTC methylation in C. crescentus using the SMRT technol¬ogy developed by Pacific Biosciences. Our findings support the commonly accepted model, accord¬ing to which the methylation state of GANTC motifs varies during the cell cycle of C. crescentus: before the initiation of DNA replication, the GANTC motifs are fully-methylated (methylated on both strands); when the DNA gets replicated, the GANTC motifs become hemi-methylated (methyl¬ated on one strand only) and this occurs at different times during replication for different loci along the chromosome depending on their position relative to the origin of replication; the GANTC mo¬tifs are only remethylated after DNA replication has finished as a consequence of the massive and short-lived expression of CcrM in predivisional cells. About 30 GANTC motifs in the C. crescentus chromosome were found to be undermethylated in most of the bacterial population; these might be protected from CcrM activity by DNA binding proteins and some of them could be involved in methylation-based bistable transcriptional switches. - CcrM est une ADN méthyltransférase qui méthyle les adénines dans le contexte GANTC dans le génome de la bactérie modèle Caulobacter crescentus. La perte de l'homologue de CcrM chez C. crescentus et chez plusieurs autres espèces d'Alphaproteobactéries est létale. Dans le courant de cette recherche, nous tentons de déterminer pourquoi la protéine CcrM est cruciale pour la survie de C. crescentus. Nous démontrons d'abord que CcrM est une adénine méthyltransférase orpheline résidente, dont le gène fait partie du génome minimal partagé par les Alphaprotéobactéries non-Rickettsiales (à une exception près). Lorsqu'une souche de C. crescentus est privée de CcrM, sa viabilité décroît rapi¬dement et ses cellules présentent une morphologie allongée qui suggère que la division cellulaire est inhibée. Nous sommes parvenus à créer une souche AccrM en utilisant un milieu minimum, au lieu du milieu riche classiquement employé, comme milieu de sélection et de maintenance pour la souche. Lorsque nous avons étudié le transcriptome de cette souche de C. crescentus privée de CcrM, nous avons pu constater que plusieurs gènes essentiels pour le bon déroulement de la division cellulaire bactérienne étaient réprimés. En particulier, l'expression adéquate des gènes ftsZ et mipZ - qui codent, respectivement, pour FtsZ, la protéine qui constitue, au milieu de la cellule, un anneau protéique qui initie le processus de division et pour MipZ, un inhibiteur de la polymérisation de FtsZ qui est indispensable pour le bon positionnement de l'anneau FtsZ - est dépendante de la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un motif GANTC conservé situé dans leur région promotrice. Nous présentons un modèle selon lequel le génome de C. crescentus code pour un facteur de transcription qui exige la présence d'une adénine méthylée dans un contexte GANTC pour s'attacher à l'ADN et nous suggérons qu'il pourrait s'agir du régulateur global du cycle cellulaire GcrA. En outre, nous montrons, en combinant la génétique classique et une approche basée sur l'évolution expérimentale, que la mortalité et l'inhibition de la division cellulaire caractéristiques de la souche àccrMeη milieu riche sont dues à des niveaux excessivement bas de protéine FtsZ. Nous avons aussi étudié la dynamique de la méthylation du chromosome de C. crescentus sur la base de la technologie SMRT développée par Pacific Biosciences. Nous confirmons le modèle communément accepté, qui affirme que l'état de méthylation des motifs GANTC change durant le cycle cellulaire de C. crescentus: les motifs GANTC sont complètement méthylés (méthylés sur les deux brins) avant de début de la réplication de l'ADN; ils deviennent hémi-méthylés (méthylés sur un brin seulement) une fois répliqués, ce qui arrive à différents moments durant la réplication pour différents sites le long du chromosome en fonction de leur position par rapport à l'origine de répli-cation; finalement, les motifs GANTC sont reméthylés après la fin de la réplication du chromosome lorsque la protéine CcrM est massivement, mais très transitoirement, produite. Par ailleurs, nous identifions dans le chromosome de C. crescentus environ 30 motifs GANTC qui restent en perma-nence non-méthylés dans une grande partie de la population bactérienne; ces motifs sont probable-ment protégés de l'action de CcrM par des protéines qui s'attachent à l'ADN et certains d'entre eux pourraient être impliqués dans des mécanismes de régulation générant une transcription bistable.
Dietary obesity is a major factor in the development of type 2 diabetes and is associated with intra-adipose tissue hypoxia and activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α). Here we report that, in mice, Hif1α activation in visceral white adipocytes is critical to maintain dietary obesity and associated pathologies, including glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, and cardiomyopathy. This function of Hif1α is linked to its capacity to suppress β-oxidation, in part, through transcriptional repression of sirtuin 2 (Sirt2) NAD(+)-dependent deacetylase. Reduced Sirt2 function directly translates into diminished deacetylation of PPARγ coactivator 1α (Pgc1α) and expression of β-oxidation and mitochondrial genes. Importantly, visceral adipose tissue from human obese subjects is characterized by high levels of HIF1α and low levels of SIRT2. Thus, by negatively regulating the Sirt2-Pgc1α regulatory axis, Hif1α negates adipocyte-intrinsic pathways of fatty acid catabolism, thereby creating a metabolic state supporting the development of obesity.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Emergency room (ER) interpretation of the ECG is critical to assessment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Our aim was to assess its reliability in our institution, a tertiary teaching hospital. METHODS: Over a 6-month period all consecutive patients admitted for ACS were included in the study. ECG interpretation by emergency physicians (EPs) was recorded on a preformatted sheet and compared with the interpretation of two specialist physicians (SPs). Discrepancies between the 2 specialists were resolved by an ECG specialist. RESULTS: Over the 6-month period, 692 consecutive patients were admitted with suspected ACS. ECG interpretation was available in 641 cases (93%). Concordance between SPs was 87%. Interpretation of normality or abnormality of the ECG was concordant between EPs and SPs in 475 cases (74%, kappa = 0.51). Interpretation of ischaemic modifications was concordant in 69% of cases, and as many ST segment elevations were unrecognised as overdiagnosed (5% each). The same findings occurred for ST segment depressions and negative T waves (12% each). CONCLUSIONS: Interpretation of the ECG recorded during ACS by 2 SPs was discrepant in 13% of cases. Similarly, EP interpretation was discrepant from SP interpretation in 25% of cases, equally distributed between over- and underdiagnosing of ischaemic changes. The clinical implications and impact of medical education on ECG interpretation require further study.
The three-dimensional (3D) correction of glenoid erosion is critical to the long-term success of total shoulder replacement (TSR). In order to characterise the 3D morphology of eroded glenoid surfaces, we looked for a set of morphological parameters useful for TSR planning. We defined a scapular coordinates system based on non-eroded bony landmarks. The maximum glenoid version was measured and specified in 3D by its orientation angle. Medialisation was considered relative to the spino-glenoid notch. We analysed regular CT scans of 19 normal (N) and 86 osteoarthritic (OA) scapulae. When the maximum version of OA shoulders was higher than 10°, the orientation was not only posterior, but extended in postero-superior (35%), postero-inferior (6%) and anterior sectors (4%). The medialisation of the glenoid was higher in OA than normal shoulders. The orientation angle of maximum version appeared as a critical parameter to specify the glenoid shape in 3D. It will be very useful in planning the best position for the glenoid in TSR.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review major findings on the T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire diversity in response to several viral infections based on conventional methods of PCR, cloning and sequencing and to discuss their limitations in light of the recent methodological advances in deep sequencing.¦RECENT FINDINGS: Direct sequencing of TCR expressed by Ag-specific T cells isolated ex vivo has revealed that the TCR repertoire is not as restricted as previously estimated. Furthermore, analyses performed independently of the T-cell clonal hierarchy have brought to light an unexpected diversity. The choice of methods is critical to characterize the complexity of the repertoire. Recent advances in deep sequencing have uncovered the diversity of the TCR repertoire and shown that the size of the repertoire in naive and Ag-experienced memory T cells is three-fold to 15-fold larger than formerly estimated. Interestingly, the TCR complementary determining region 3 sequences are not randomly selected and a certain degree of shared TCR repertoire has been observed between different individuals.¦SUMMARY: Deep sequencing is a major methodological advance allowing more accurate molecular characterization of the TCR repertoire. In the near future, such technologies will further contribute to delineate the complexity of pathogen-specific T-cell response and help defining correlates of a protective immunity.
OBJECTIVES: There are some common occupational agents and exposure circumstances where evidence of carcinogenicity is substantial but not yet conclusive for humans. The objectives are to identify research gaps and needs for twenty agents prioritized for review based on evidence of widespread human exposures and potential carcinogenicity in animals or humans. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review was conducted of new data published since the most recent pertinent IARC monograph meeting. DATA EXTRACTION: Reviewers were charged with identifying data gaps and general and specific approaches to address them, focusing on research that would be important in resolving classification uncertainties. An expert meeting brought reviewers together to discuss each agent and the identified data gaps and approaches. DATA SYNTHESIS: Several overarching issues were identified that pertained to multiple agents; these included the importance of recognizing that carcinogenic agents can act through multiple toxicity pathways and mechanisms, including epigenetic mechanisms, oxidative stress and immuno- and hormonal modulation. CONCLUSIONS: Studies in occupational populations provide important opportunities to understand the mechanisms through which exogenous agents cause cancer and intervene to prevent human exposure and/or prevent or detect cancer among those already exposed. Scientific developments are likely to increase the challenges and complexities of carcinogen testing and evaluation in the future, and epidemiologic studies will be particularly critical to inform carcinogen classification and risk assessment processes.[Authors]
One aspect of person-job fit reflects congruence between personal preferences and job design; as congruence increases so should satisfaction. We hypothesized that power distance would moderate whether fit is related to satisfaction with degree of job formalization. We obtained measures of job-formalization, fit and satisfaction, as well as organizational commitment from employees (n = 772) in a multinational firm with subsidiaries in six countries. Confirming previous findings, individuals from low power-distance cultures were most satisfied with increasing fit. However, the extent to which individuals from high power-distance cultures were satisfied did not necessarily depend on increasing fit, but mostly on whether the degree of formalization received was congruent to cultural norms. Irrespective of culture, satisfaction with formalization predicted a broad measure of organizational commitment. Apart from our novel extension of fit theory, we show how moderation can be tested in the context of polynomial response surface regression and how specific hypotheses can be tested regarding different points on the response surface.
A comprehensive understanding of the complex, autologous cellular interactions and regulatory mechanisms that occur during normal dendritic cell (DC)-stimulated immune responses is critical to optimizing DC-based immunotherapy. We have found that mature, immunogenic human monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) up-regulate the immune-inhibitory enzyme, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Under stringent autologous culture conditions without exogenous cytokines, mature moDCs expand regulatory T cells (Tregs) by an IDO-dependent mechanism. The priming of resting T cells with autologous, IDO-expressing, mature moDCs results in up to 10-fold expansion of CD4(+)CD25(bright)Foxp3(+)CD127(neg) Tregs. Treg expansion requires moDC contact, CD80/CD86 ligation, and endogenous interleukin-2. Cytofluorographically sorted CD4(+) CD25(bright)Foxp3(+) Tregs inhibit as much as 80% to 90% of DC-stimulated autologous and allogeneic T-cell proliferation, in a dose-dependent manner at Treg:T-cell ratios of 1:1, 1:5, and as low as 1:25. CD4(+)CD25(bright)Foxp3(+) Tregs also suppress the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for the Wilms tumor antigen 1, resulting in more than an 80% decrease in specific target cell lysis. Suppression by Tregs is both contact-dependent and transforming growth factor-beta-mediated. Although mature moDCs can generate Tregs by this IDO-dependent mechanism to limit otherwise unrestrained immune responses, inhibition of this counter-regulatory pathway should also prove useful in sustaining responses stimulated by DC-based immunotherapy.
DNA vaccination is a promising approach for inducing both humoral and cellular immune responses. The mode of plasmid DNA delivery is critical to make progress in DNA vaccination. Using human papillomavirus type 16 E7 as a model antigen, this study evaluated the effect of peptide-polymer hybrid including PEI600-Tat conjugate as a novel gene delivery system on the potency of antigen-specific immunity in mice model. At ratio of 10:50 PEI-Tat/E7DNA (w/w), both humoral and cellular immune responses were significantly enhanced as compared with E7DNA construct and induced Th1 response. Therefore, this new delivery system could have promising applications in gene therapy.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Many chemotherapeutic drugs, including fluoropyrimidines, platinums, CPT-11, taxanes and adriamycin have single-agent activity in advanced gastric cancer. Although combination chemotherapy has been shown to be more effective than single agents, response rates between 30 and 50% have not fulfilled their promise as progression-free survival from the best combinations ranges between 3 and 7 months and overall survival between 8 and 11 months. The development of targeted therapies in gastric cancer clearly stays behind the integration of these novel agents into new treatment concepts for patients with colorectal cancer. This review summarizes the experience and major recent advances in the development of targeted therapies in advanced gastric cancer. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent publications on targeted therapies in gastric cancer are limited to nonrandomized phase I or II trials. The majority of agents tested were angiogenesis inhibitors or agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptors epidermal growth factor receptor 1 and HER2. SUMMARY: Adequately powered, randomized phase III trials are necessary to define the clinical role of targeted therapies in advanced gastric cancer. Biomarker studies to correlate with treatment outcomes will be critical to identify patients who benefit most from chemotherapy and targeted therapy.
OBJECTIVES: Because early etiologic identification is critical to select appropriate specific status epilepticus (SE) management, we aim to validate a clinical tool we developed that uses history and readily available investigations to guide prompt etiologic assessment. METHODS: This prospective multicenter study included all adult patients treated for SE of all but anoxic causes from four academic centers. The proposed tool is designed as a checklist covering frequent precipitating factors for SE. The study team completed the checklist at the time the patient was identified by electroencephalography (EEG) request. Only information available in the emergency department or at the time of in-hospital SE identification was used. Concordance between the etiology indicated by the tool and the determined etiology at hospital discharge was analyzed, together with interrater agreement. RESULTS: Two hundred twelve patients were included. Concordance between the etiology hypothesis generated using the tool and the finally determined etiology was 88.7% (95% confidence interval (CI) 86.4-89.8) (κ = 0.88). Interrater agreement was 83.3% (95% CI 80.4-96) (κ = 0.81). SIGNIFICANCE: This tool is valid and reliable for identification early the etiology of an SE. Physicians managing patients in SE may benefit from using it to identify promptly the underlying etiology, thus facilitating selection of the appropriate treatment.