31 resultados para Corporations -- Headquarters


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Enterprise-wide architecture has become a necessity for organizations to (re)align information technology (IT) to changing business requirements. Since a city planning metaphor inspired enterprise-wide architecture, this dissertation's research axes can be outlined by similarities between cities and enterprises. Both are characterized as dynamic super-systems that need to address the evolving interest of various architecture stakeholders. Further, both should simultaneously adhere to a set of principles to guide the evolution of architecture towards the expected benefits. The extant literature on enterprise-wide architecture not only disregards architecture adoption's complexities but also remains vague about how principles guide architecture evolution. To bridge this gap, this dissertation contains three interrelated research streams examining the principles and adoption of enterprise-wide architecture. The first research stream investigates organizational intricacies inherent in architecture adoption. It characterizes architecture adoption as an ongoing organizational adaptation process. By analyzing organizational response behaviors in this adaptation process, it also identifies four archetypes that represent very diverse architecture approaches. The second research stream ontologically clarifies the nature of architecture principles along with outlining new avenues for theoretical contributions. This research stream also provides an empirically validated set of principles and proposes a research model illustrating how principles can be applied to generate expected architecture benefits. The third research stream examines architecture adoption in multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs are Specified by unique organizational characteristics that constantly strive for balancing global integration and local responsiveness. This research stream characterizes MNCs' architecture adoption as a continuous endeavor. This endeavor tries to constantly synchron ize architecture with stakeholders' beliefs about how to balance global integration and local responsiveness. To conclude, this dissertation provides a thorough explanation of a long-term journey in Which organizations learn over time to adopt an effective architecture approach. It also clarifies the role of principles to purposefully guide the aforementioned learning process. - L'Architecture d'Entreprise (AE) est devenue une nécessité pour permettre aux organisations de (ré)aligner les technologies de l'information (TI) avec les changements en termes de besoins métiers. En se basant sur la métaphore de la planification urbaine dont l'AE s'est inspirée, cette dissertation peut être présentée comme une comparaison entre les villes et les entreprises; les deux sont des super-systèmes dynamiques ayant besoin de répondre aux intérêts d'acteurs divers et variés en constants évolution. De plus, les deux devraient souscrire simultanément à un ensemble de principes afin de faire converger l'évolution de l'architecture vers les bénéfices attendus. La littérature sur l'AE, non seulement ne prend pas en considération les complexités de l'adoption d'architecture, mais aussi reste vague sur la manière dont les principes guident l'évolution de l'architecture. Pour pallier ce manque, cette dissertation est composée de trois volets de recherche étroitement liés examinant les principes et l'adoption de l'AE. Le premier volet examine la complexité organisationnelle inhérente à l'adoption de l'architecture. Il caractérise l'adoption de l'architecture en tant que processus d'adaptation continu. En analysant le comportement organisationnel en réponse à ce processus d'adaptation, ce volet distingue quatre archétypes représentant la diversité des approches de l'architecture. Le deuxième volet de recherche clarifie de manière ontologique la nature des principes d'architecture et envisage les contributions théoriques futures possibles. Cet axe de recherche fournit aussi un ensemble de principes, validés de manière empirique, et propose un modèle de recherche illustrant la manière dont ces principes peuvent être appliqués afin de générer les bénéfices attendus de l'architecture. Le troisième volet examine l'adoption de l'architecture dans les entreprises multinationales. Ces dernières possèdent des caractéristiques organisationnelles uniques et sont constamment à la recherche d'un équilibre entre une intégration globale et une flexibilité locale tout en prenant en compte les convictions des divers acteurs sur la manière d'atteindre cet équilibre. Pour conclure, cette dissertation fournit une explication sur le long voyage au cours duquel les entreprises apprennent à adopter une approche d'architecture efficace. Elle clarifie aussi le rôle des principes dans l'accompagnement de ce processus d'apprentissage.


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Corporations do not exist in a vacuum, they are embedded in a socio-political context. This context shapes our ideas about what managers within corporations and corporations within society do or should do. The rise of a global world order at the threshold of the 21st century is transforming our society at high speed. Questions of business integrity and sustainability move center stage. This book, written on the occasion of the HEC Lausanne centennial by some thirty professors, discusses various aspects of responsible management practices for the 21st century and provides some key insights for managers today and tomorrow.


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There is no doubt about the necessity of protecting digital communication: Citizens are entrusting their most confidential and sensitive data to digital processing and communication, and so do governments, corporations, and armed forces. Digital communication networks are also an integral component of many critical infrastructures we are seriously depending on in our daily lives. Transportation services, financial services, energy grids, food production and distribution networks are only a few examples of such infrastructures. Protecting digital communication means protecting confidentiality and integrity by encrypting and authenticating its contents. But most digital communication is not secure today. Nevertheless, some of the most ardent problems could be solved with a more stringent use of current cryptographic technologies. Quite surprisingly, a new cryptographic primitive emerges from the ap-plication of quantum mechanics to information and communication theory: Quantum Key Distribution. QKD is difficult to understand, it is complex, technically challenging, and costly-yet it enables two parties to share a secret key for use in any subsequent cryptographic task, with an unprecedented long-term security. It is disputed, whether technically and economically fea-sible applications can be found. Our vision is, that despite technical difficulty and inherent limitations, Quantum Key Distribution has a great potential and fits well with other cryptographic primitives, enabling the development of highly secure new applications and services. In this thesis we take a structured approach to analyze the practical applicability of QKD and display several use cases of different complexity, for which it can be a technology of choice, either because of its unique forward security features, or because of its practicability.


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Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a generic computing language that provides an outstanding case study of commodification of service standards. The development of this language in the late 1990s marked a shift in computer science as its extensibility let store and share any kind of data. Many office suites software rely on it. The chapter highlights how the largest multinational firms pay special attention to gain a recognised international standard for such a major technological innovation. It argues that standardisation processes affects market structures and can lead to market capture. By examining how a strategic use of standardisation arenas can generate profits, it shows that Microsoft succeeded in making its own technical solution a recognised ISO standard in 2008, while the same arena already adopted two years earlier the open source standard set by IBM and Sun Microsystems. Yet XML standardisation also helped to establish a distinct model of information technology services at the expense of Microsoft monopoly on proprietary software


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Lay perceptions of collectives (e.g., groups, organizations, countries) implicated in the 2009 H1N1 outbreak were studied. Collectives serve symbolic functions to help laypersons make sense of the uncertainty involved in a disease outbreak. We argue that lay representations are dramatized, featuring characters like heroes, villains and victims. In interviews conducted soon after the outbreak, 47 Swiss respondents discussed the risk posed by H1N1, its origins and effects, and protective measures. Countries were the most frequent collectives mentioned. Poor, underdeveloped countries were depicted as victims, albeit ambivalently, as they were viewed as partly responsible for their own plight. Experts (physicians, researchers) and political and health authorities were depicted as heroes. Two villains emerged: the media (viewed as fear mongering or as a puppet serving powerful interests) and private corporations (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry). Laypersons' framing of disease threat diverges substantially from official perspectives.


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Molecular shape has long been known to be an important property for the process of molecular recognition. Previous studies postulated the existence of a drug-like shape space that could be used to artificially bias the composition of screening libraries, with the aim to increase the chance of success in Hit Identification. In this work, it was analysed to which extend this assumption holds true. Normalized Principal Moments of Inertia Ratios (NPRs) have been used to describe the molecular shape of small molecules. It was investigated, whether active molecules of diverse targets are located in preferred subspaces of the NPR shape space. Results illustrated a significantly stronger clustering than could be expected by chance, with parts of the space unlikely to be occupied by active compounds. Furthermore, a strong enrichment of elongated, rather flat shapes could be observed, while globular compounds were highly underrepresented. This was confirmed for a wide range of small molecule datasets from different origins. Active compounds exhibited a high overlap in their shape distributions across different targets, making a purely shape­ based discrimination very difficult. An additional perspective was provided by comparing the shapes of protein binding pockets with those of their respective ligands. Although more globular than their ligands, it was observed that binding sites shapes exhibited a similarly skewed distribution in shape space: spherical shapes were highly underrepresented. This was different for unoccupied binding pockets of smaller size. These were on the contrary identified to possess a more globular shape. The relation between shape complementarity and exhibited bioactivity was analysed; a moderate correlation between bioactivity and parameters including pocket coverage, distance in shape space, and others could be identified, which reflects the importance of shape complementarity. However, this also suggests that other aspects are of relevance for molecular recognition. A subsequent analysis assessed if and how shape and volume information retrieved from pocket or respective reference ligands could be used as a pre-filter in a virtual screening approach. ln Lead Optimization compounds need to get optimized with respect to a variety of pararneters. Here, the availability of past success stories is very valuable, as they can guide medicinal chemists during their analogue synthesis plans. However, although of tremendous interest for the public domain, so far only large corporations had the ability to mine historical knowledge in their proprietary databases. With the aim to provide such information, the SwissBioisostere database was developed and released during this thesis. This database contains information on 21,293,355 performed substructural exchanges, corresponding to 5,586,462 unique replacements that have been measured in 35,039 assays against 1,948 molecular targets representing 30 target classes, and on their impact on bioactivity . A user-friendly interface was developed that provides facile access to these data and is accessible at http//www.swissbioisostere.ch. The ChEMBL database was used as primary data source of bioactivity information. Matched molecular pairs have been identified in the extracted and cleaned data. Success-based scores were developed and integrated into the database to allow re-ranking of proposed replacements by their past outcomes. It was analysed to which degree these scores correlate with chemical similarity of the underlying fragments. An unexpectedly weak relationship was detected and further investigated. Use cases of this database were envisioned, and functionalities implemented accordingly: replacement outcomes are aggregatable at the assay level, and it was shawn that an aggregation at the target or target class level could also be performed, but should be accompanied by a careful case-by-case assessment. It was furthermore observed that replacement success depends on the activity of the starting compound A within a matched molecular pair A-B. With increasing potency the probability to lose bioactivity through any substructural exchange was significantly higher than in low affine binders. A potential existence of a publication bias could be refuted. Furthermore, often performed medicinal chemistry strategies for structure-activity-relationship exploration were analysed using the acquired data. Finally, data originating from pharmaceutical companies were compared with those reported in the literature. It could be seen that industrial medicinal chemistry can access replacement information not available in the public domain. In contrast, a large amount of often-performed replacements within companies could also be identified in literature data. Preferences for particular replacements differed between these two sources. The value of combining different endpoints in an evaluation of molecular replacements was investigated. The performed studies highlighted furthermore that there seem to exist no universal substructural replacement that always retains bioactivity irrespective of the biological environment. A generalization of bioisosteric replacements seems therefore not possible. - La forme tridimensionnelle des molécules a depuis longtemps été reconnue comme une propriété importante pour le processus de reconnaissance moléculaire. Des études antérieures ont postulé que les médicaments occupent préférentiellement un sous-ensemble de l'espace des formes des molécules. Ce sous-ensemble pourrait être utilisé pour biaiser la composition de chimiothèques à cribler, dans le but d'augmenter les chances d'identifier des Hits. L'analyse et la validation de cette assertion fait l'objet de cette première partie. Les Ratios de Moments Principaux d'Inertie Normalisés (RPN) ont été utilisés pour décrire la forme tridimensionnelle de petites molécules de type médicament. Il a été étudié si les molécules actives sur des cibles différentes se co-localisaient dans des sous-espaces privilégiés de l'espace des formes. Les résultats montrent des regroupements de molécules incompatibles avec une répartition aléatoire, avec certaines parties de l'espace peu susceptibles d'être occupées par des composés actifs. Par ailleurs, un fort enrichissement en formes allongées et plutôt plates a pu être observé, tandis que les composés globulaires étaient fortement sous-représentés. Cela a été confirmé pour un large ensemble de compilations de molécules d'origines différentes. Les distributions de forme des molécules actives sur des cibles différentes se recoupent largement, rendant une discrimination fondée uniquement sur la forme très difficile. Une perspective supplémentaire a été ajoutée par la comparaison des formes des ligands avec celles de leurs sites de liaison (poches) dans leurs protéines respectives. Bien que plus globulaires que leurs ligands, il a été observé que les formes des poches présentent une distribution dans l'espace des formes avec le même type d'asymétrie que celle observée pour les ligands: les formes sphériques sont fortement sous­ représentées. Un résultat différent a été obtenu pour les poches de plus petite taille et cristallisées sans ligand: elles possédaient une forme plus globulaire. La relation entre complémentarité de forme et bioactivité a été également analysée; une corrélation modérée entre bioactivité et des paramètres tels que remplissage de poche, distance dans l'espace des formes, ainsi que d'autres, a pu être identifiée. Ceci reflète l'importance de la complémentarité des formes, mais aussi l'implication d'autres facteurs. Une analyse ultérieure a évalué si et comment la forme et le volume d'une poche ou de ses ligands de référence pouvaient être utilisés comme un pré-filtre dans une approche de criblage virtuel. Durant l'optimisation d'un Lead, de nombreux paramètres doivent être optimisés simultanément. Dans ce contexte, la disponibilité d'exemples d'optimisations réussies est précieuse, car ils peuvent orienter les chimistes médicinaux dans leurs plans de synthèse par analogie. Cependant, bien que d'un extrême intérêt pour les chercheurs dans le domaine public, seules les grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques avaient jusqu'à présent la capacité d'exploiter de telles connaissances au sein de leurs bases de données internes. Dans le but de remédier à cette limitation, la base de données SwissBioisostere a été élaborée et publiée dans le domaine public au cours de cette thèse. Cette base de données contient des informations sur 21 293 355 échanges sous-structuraux observés, correspondant à 5 586 462 remplacements uniques mesurés dans 35 039 tests contre 1948 cibles représentant 30 familles, ainsi que sur leur impact sur la bioactivité. Une interface a été développée pour permettre un accès facile à ces données, accessible à http:/ /www.swissbioisostere.ch. La base de données ChEMBL a été utilisée comme source de données de bioactivité. Une version modifiée de l'algorithme de Hussain et Rea a été implémentée pour identifier les Matched Molecular Pairs (MMP) dans les données préparées au préalable. Des scores de succès ont été développés et intégrés dans la base de données pour permettre un reclassement des remplacements proposés selon leurs résultats précédemment observés. La corrélation entre ces scores et la similarité chimique des fragments correspondants a été étudiée. Une corrélation plus faible qu'attendue a été détectée et analysée. Différents cas d'utilisation de cette base de données ont été envisagés, et les fonctionnalités correspondantes implémentées: l'agrégation des résultats de remplacement est effectuée au niveau de chaque test, et il a été montré qu'elle pourrait également être effectuée au niveau de la cible ou de la classe de cible, sous réserve d'une analyse au cas par cas. Il a en outre été constaté que le succès d'un remplacement dépend de l'activité du composé A au sein d'une paire A-B. Il a été montré que la probabilité de perdre la bioactivité à la suite d'un remplacement moléculaire quelconque est plus importante au sein des molécules les plus actives que chez les molécules de plus faible activité. L'existence potentielle d'un biais lié au processus de publication par articles a pu être réfutée. En outre, les stratégies fréquentes de chimie médicinale pour l'exploration des relations structure-activité ont été analysées à l'aide des données acquises. Enfin, les données provenant des compagnies pharmaceutiques ont été comparées à celles reportées dans la littérature. Il a pu être constaté que les chimistes médicinaux dans l'industrie peuvent accéder à des remplacements qui ne sont pas disponibles dans le domaine public. Par contre, un grand nombre de remplacements fréquemment observés dans les données de l'industrie ont également pu être identifiés dans les données de la littérature. Les préférences pour certains remplacements particuliers diffèrent entre ces deux sources. L'intérêt d'évaluer les remplacements moléculaires simultanément selon plusieurs paramètres (bioactivité et stabilité métabolique par ex.) a aussi été étudié. Les études réalisées ont souligné qu'il semble n'exister aucun remplacement sous-structural universel qui conserve toujours la bioactivité quel que soit le contexte biologique. Une généralisation des remplacements bioisostériques ne semble donc pas possible.


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Abstract: On Sunday 1745-8-29 a small upheaval occurred in Bagnes, a rather marginal mountain valley in the Swiss Alps, against the abbot of St-Maurice, the local feudal lord. In our perspective, this movement was nothing but one element in a long-term struggle, carried out by a stable and quite well organized political faction. The detailed analysis of the conflicts, of their protagonists as well as an analysis of the mobilization networks allows to highlight crucial aspects of local political life and reveals the active role of working classes. The micro-historical approach leads to some conclusions which challenge classical interpretation of pre-modern rural revolts. The case of Bagnes sheds light on the active and innovative character of popular politics, still underestimated in studies about pre-modern rural societies. The participants in the struggle against the abbot had a political program which was not limited to the quest for local autonomy. They fought for an opening of local corporations and a weakening of the control mechanism, for economic, political and cultural evolution of their valley. Bagnes rebels were decidedly "innovative rebels" Résumé: Le dimanche 29 août 1745, une petite émeute éclate à Bagnes, une vallée marginale des Alpes suisses, contre le seigneur, l'abbé de St-Maurice. Dans notre perspective, cette révolte n'est qu'un élément d'une lutte de longue haleine, pendant laquelle l'opposition au seigneur représente une partie active et bien organisée du conflit. L'analyse détaillée des protagonistes des luttes politiques, ainsi que des réseaux sociaux qui influencent la mobilisation, permet de mieux comprendre les dynamiques d'organisation de la vie politique locale et le rôle actif des couches populaires. Cette perspective autorise quelques conclusions, qui remettent en question les interprétations classiques des révoltes rurales d'Ancien Régime. Dans le cas de Bagnes, le caractère actif et novateur de la « politique populaire » encore négligé dans les études sur la période moderne, apparaît évident. Les protagonistes de la lutte contre l'abbé soutiennent un projet politique qui ne se réduit pas à une autonomie maximale de la région. Au contraire, ils prônent une ouverture des corporations locales, une transformation des structures économiques, politiques et culturelles de la vallée. Les émeutiers du Châble étaient décidément des « rebelles-novateurs ».


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Aim Structure of the Thesis In the first article, I focus on the context in which the Homo Economicus was constructed - i.e., the conception of economic actors as fully rational, informed, egocentric, and profit-maximizing. I argue that the Homo Economicus theory was developed in a specific societal context with specific (partly tacit) values and norms. These norms have implicitly influenced the behavior of economic actors and have framed the interpretation of the Homo Economicus. Different factors however have weakened this implicit influence of the broader societal values and norms on economic actors. The result is an unbridled interpretation and application of the values and norms of the Homo Economicus in the business environment, and perhaps also in the broader society. In the second article, I show that the morality of many economic actors relies on isomorphism, i.e., the attempt to fit into the group by adopting the moral norms surrounding them. In consequence, if the norms prevailing in a specific group or context (such as a specific region or a specific industry) change, it can be expected that actors with an 'isomorphism morality' will also adapt their ethical thinking and their behavior -for the 'better' or for the 'worse'. The article further describes the process through which corporations could emancipate from the ethical norms prevailing in the broader society, and therefore develop an institution with specific norms and values. These norms mainly rely on mainstream business theories praising the economic actor's self-interest and neglecting moral reasoning. Moreover, because of isomorphism morality, many economic actors have changed their perception of ethics, and have abandoned the values prevailing in the broader society in order to adopt those of the economic theory. Finally, isomorphism morality also implies that these economic actors will change their morality again if the institutional context changes. The third article highlights the role and responsibility of business scholars in promoting a systematic reflection and self-critique of the business system and develops alternative models to fill the moral void of the business institution and its inherent legitimacy crisis. Indeed, the current business institution relies on assumptions such as scientific neutrality and specialization, which seem at least partly challenged by two factors. First, self-fulfilling prophecy provides scholars with an important (even if sometimes undesired) normative influence over practical life. Second, the increasing complexity of today's (socio-political) world and interactions between the different elements constituting our society question the strong specialization of science. For instance, economic theories are not unrelated to psychology or sociology, and economic actors influence socio-political structures and processes, e.g., through lobbying (Dobbs, 2006; Rondinelli, 2002), or through marketing which changes not only the way we consume, but more generally tries to instill a specific lifestyle (Cova, 2004; M. K. Hogg & Michell, 1996; McCracken, 1988; Muniz & O'Guinn, 2001). In consequence, business scholars are key actors in shaping both tomorrow's economic world and its broader context. A greater awareness of this influence might be a first step toward an increased feeling of civic responsibility and accountability for the models and theories developed or taught in business schools.


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In my thesis I present the findings of a multiple-case study on the CSR approach of three multinational companies, applying Basu and Palazzo's (2008) CSR-character as a process model of sensemaking, Suchman's (1995) framework on legitimation strategies, and Habermas (1996) concept of deliberative democracy. The theoretical framework is based on the assumption of a postnational constellation (Habermas, 2001) which sends multinational companies onto a process of sensemaking (Weick, 1995) with regards to their responsibilities in a globalizing world. The major reason is that mainstream CSR-concepts are based on the assumption of a liberal market economy embedded in a nation state that do not fit the changing conditions for legitimation of corporate behavior in a globalizing world. For the purpose of this study, I primarily looked at two research questions: (i) How can the CSR approach of a multinational corporation be systematized empirically? (ii) What is the impact of the changing conditions in the postnational constellation on the CSR approach of the studied multinational corporations? For the analysis, I adopted a holistic approach (Patton, 1980), combining elements of a deductive and inductive theory building methodology (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Van de Ven, 1992) and rigorous qualitative data analysis. Primary data was collected through 90 semi-structured interviews in two rounds with executives and managers in three multinational companies and their respective stakeholders. Raw data originating from interview tapes, field notes, and contact sheets was processed, stored, and managed using the software program QSR NVIVO 7. In the analysis, I applied qualitative methods to strengthen the interpretative part as well as quantitative methods to identify dominating dimensions and patterns. I found three different coping behaviors that provide insights into the corporate mindset. The results suggest that multinational corporations increasingly turn towards relational approaches of CSR to achieve moral legitimacy in formalized dialogical exchanges with their stakeholders since legitimacy can no longer be derived only from a national framework. I also looked at the degree to which they have reacted to the postnational constellation by the assumption of former state duties and the underlying reasoning. The findings indicate that CSR approaches become increasingly comprehensive through integrating political strategies that reflect the growing (self-) perception of multinational companies as political actors. Based on the results, I developed a model which relates the different dimensions of corporate responsibility to the discussion on deliberative democracy, global governance and social innovation to provide guidance for multinational companies in a postnational world. With my thesis, I contribute to management research by (i) delivering a comprehensive critique of the mainstream CSR-literature and (ii) filling the gap of thorough qualitative research on CSR in a globalizing world using the CSR-character as an empirical device, and (iii) to organizational studies by further advancing a deliberative view of the firm proposed by Scherer and Palazzo (2008).


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Working in a NGO often involves providing life saving resources (food, medicine, equipment, water, etc) to needy populations around the globe. Such duty requires highly dedicated employees and humanitarian workers are said to face a hign degree of pressure in their daily work. Despite the evidence of taxing work demands, and a high potential for stress related problems, very few studies on occupational chronic stress have specifically looked at NGO workers. Assuming that "field stress" can relay to workers at headquarters, we carried out an exploratory study about occupational health among employees of a NGO's headquarters. We sent a questionnaire to all employees (N=130) of a NGO headquarters located in Switzerland. We used the TST questionnaire (French version of the Langner's questionnaire on psychiatric symptoms) to identify cases with potential mental health problems. We also included in the questionnaire some items about motivation, acknowledgment, work-life balance, job demand, and autonomy. A total of 75 employees answered our questionnaire (57% response rate). 44% of our sample were men (n=33) and 56% were women (n=42). The mean age was of 40 years (SD=7.6). 56% were working at the headquarters of the NGO in questions as of 2 years or less. Not surprisingly, a majority of respondents reported to be highly motivated (74%) and the meaning of work was important for 80% of them. However, 35% indicated having problems in conciliating their private and professional life. Most frequent reported symptoms included feeling "weak all over" (81%), having "trouble getting asleep often" (35%), "clogging in nose" (35%), feeling "nervous often" (33%), and "memory not all right" (33%). The score for psychiatric symptoms was high in 8 (11%) employees whose health might therefore be at risk. In comparison, other sudies showed that this proportion was 9% for French teachers and 16% for sales personnel1. Results show that symptoms of mental health problems do occur among NGO workers. Some of these symptoms are known to be linked to occupational stress. Chronic stress manifests itself first in non-specific symptoms (e.g. fatigue) and later in specific pathologies. This could explain the relatively low proportion of cases with a high score in Langner's scale than was expected. Therefore, we hypothesize a healthy worker effect. The fact that our sample is 40 years old in average, and that the turnover is quite high can also support this hypothesis. Further research is needed in order to better understand occupational stress in this specific population. An upcoming study will investigate the role of organizational factors associated with health complaints. Therefore, a longitudinal survey including quantitative and qualitative methods is appropriate.


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Bien que présenté comme un modèle de stabilité, le fédéralisme est constamment remis en question. Le but de l'article est de présenter quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques lues à travers les effectifs de la fonction publique en Suisse. Pour ce faire, nous distinguerons quatre types d'employeurs : Confédération, cantons, communes et corporations de droit public, lesquels représentent 10,5 % du total des actifs en Suisse. Nous analyserons la densité administrative, la variation des emplois et le degré de décentralisation selon la culture, le territoire et la religion. Il ressort que la fonction publique intermédiaire, c'est-à-dire les cantons, joue le premier rôle avec ses 140'000 emplois en équivalents plein temps (EPT) sur un total de 328'000, en hausse de 10,3 % par rapport à 2001. Les communes comptent 38 % des agents publics (+3,6 % par rapport à 2001), loin devant la Confédération, 11 % du total (en perte de vitesse : -1,2 %) et les corporations de droit public, 9 % du total (+14,5 %). Le taux d'administration est plus élevé dans la partie francophone que dans la partie germanophone, ainsi que dans les centres économiques et les zones frontières. Les écarts entre les cantons peuvent varier du simple au triple. En fait, deux modèles politico-administratifs transparaissent : le premier « cantonaliste » et davantage étatiste dans la partie latine, l'autre « communaliste » et décentralisé, dominant dans la partie germanophone. Le quotient de décentralisation administrative montre de grandes différences entre l'est et l'ouest, qui s'estompent toutefois avec la modernisation des institutions et le repositionnement de la Suisse face à l'Europe.


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Cette étude de la BADAC analyse le niveau d'implication des régions et des cantons dans le réseau des collaborations intercantonales. Nos résultats démontrent que certaines parties de la Suisse participent davantage aux collaborations intercantonales via les Conférences régionales. Le canton du Tessin est particulièrement actif à ce niveau avec une participation dans 20 Conférences régionales différentes (Conférences des Gouvernements avec moins de 26 cantons participants). La Suisse orientale est également très active (en moyenne 16 affiliations), tout comme Zürich et l'Espace Mittelland (12 et 10) alors que les cantons de la Suisse centrale et de la Suisse romande sont moins impliqués (7, respectivement 8,5 participations en moyenne). De même, ces derniers sont plus rarement membres de fondations, d'associations ou de corporations de droit publics intercantonales. Si la participation aux conférences régionales est élevée au Tessin, ce dernier passe moins par les accords concordataires (à caractères généralement plus administratifs que politiques) à cause de la distance géographique et linguistique. L'étude montre aussi que les collaborations intercantonales s'opèrent le plus souvent sur le plan régional et qu'il faut bien distinguer les coopérations locales des collaborations regroupant l'ensemble des cantons, beaucoup plus rares. L'introduction de la nouvelle répartition des tâches (RPT) en 2008 a certainement eu pour conséquence de renforcer la collaboration intercantonale. Or, les concordats regroupant plus des 2/3 des cantons restent plutôt rares et ils doivent être soutenus par les Conférences intercantonales regroupant tous les cantons s'ils veulent aboutir (seuls 20% des concordats regroupent plus de 17 cantons). Notre enquête montre aussi que le nombre de concordats n'a pas fortement augmenté en 2008. On compte en effet en moyenne 2,5 nouvelles collaborations entre le 1.1 et le 31.12.2008.


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The purpose of this article is to show how globalization processes contributed to the decline of national institutions in the selection and development of Swiss business elites, drawing from empirical data from two recent research projects. The first database contains profile characteristics of CEOs and chairmen from 110 biggest Swiss companies over a 30 years period. The second database contains information collected in 2009 on profiles and careers of more than 900 top managers working for more than 100 multinational corporations in four countries (France, Germany, United Kingdom and Switzerland). The analysis of our data allows us to illustrate and describe the globalization of profiles and the decline of national and traditional elements. The Swiss case can be brought in perspective and compared with other countries, in particular with France.


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This articles describes three models which played a key role in the evolution of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and all the organizations which contribute to the staging of the Olympic Games and constitute the Olympic System, from its beginnings in 1894 to the present day. This evolution and the addition of many stakeholders has increased the complexity of the management of the Olympic System over the years from pure Olympic administration (when the IOC headquarters moved to Lausanne in 1915) to Olympic network governance which must take into consideration more than 24 types of stakeholders, including goverments and intergovernmental organizations.


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Purpose To show that differences in the extent to which firms engage in unrelated diversification can be attributed to differences in ownership structure. Methodology/approach We draw on longitudinal data and use a panel analysis specification to test our hypotheses. Findings We find that unrelated diversification destroys value; pressure-sensitive Anglo-American owners in a firmâs equity reduce unrelated diversification, whereas pressure-resistant domestic owners increase unrelated diversification; the greater the firmâs free cash flow, the greater the negative effect of pressure-sensitive Anglo-American owners on unrelated diversification. Research limitations/implications We contribute to corporate governance and strategy research by bringing in ownersâ institutional origin as a shaper of owner preferences in particular with regards to unrelated diversification. Future research may expand our investigation to more than one home institutional context, and theorize on institutional origin effects beyond the dichotomy between Anglo-American and non-Anglo-American (not oriented toward shareholder value maximization) owners. Practical implications Policy makers, financial analysts, owners, and managers may want to reflect about the implications of ownership structure, as well as promoting or joining corporations with particular ownership configurations. Social implications A shareholder value-destroying strategy, such as unrelated diversification has adverse consequences for society at large, in terms of opportunity costs, that is, resources could be allocated to value-creating activities instead. Promoting an ownership configuration that creates value should contribute to social welfare. Originality/value Owners may not be exclusively driven by shareholder value maximization, but can be influenced by normative beliefs (biases) stemming from the institutional context they originate from.