25 resultados para Corporate social performance
Research on achievement goal promotion at University has shown that performance-approach goals are perceived as a means to succeed at University (high social utility) but are not appreciated (low social desirability). We argue that such a paradox could explain why research has detected that performance-approach goals consistently predict academic grades. First-year psychology students answered a performance-approach goal scale with standard, social desirability and social utility instructions. Participants' grades were recorded at the end of the semester. Results showed that the relationship between performance-approach goals and grades was inhibited by the increase of these goals' social desirability and facilitated by the increase of their social utility, revealing that the predictive validity of performance-approach goals depend on social value.
Bien que les activités où la compétence est un enjeu (p. ex. : problème académique) prennent souvent place dans des contextes interpersonnels (p. ex. : classe), hiérarchiques (p. ex. : enseignant-e/élèves), et spécifiques en termes de normes et de valeurs (p. ex. : culture), l'étude des buts de performance-le désir de se montrer compétent-e relativement à autrui-a le plus souvent été conduite au seul niveau intrapersonnel. S'appuyant sur le modèle transactionnel du stress et du coping, le modèle circumplexe des comportements interpersonnels, ainsi que sur la théorie de l'élaboration du conflit, la première partie de cette thèse révèle les conséquences interpersonnelles des buts de performance sur la régulation d'un comportement spécifique, à savoir le conflit sociocognitif (c.-à-d., une situation de confrontation avec un intéractant en désaccord) : les buts de performance-approche-le désir d'être meilleur-e qu'autrui-prédisent une régulation du conflit fortement agentique (dominante), soit la validation de son point de vue au détriment de celui de l'intéractant (que nous désignons régulation compétitive) ; alors que les buts de performance-évitement-le désir de ne pas être moins bon-ne qu'autrui-prédisent une régulation du conflit faiblement agentique (soumise), soit l'invalidation de son point de vue au bénéfice de celui de l'intéractant (que nous désignons régulation protective). De plus, les effets susmentionnés augmentent à mesure que l'intéractant est présenté comme supérieurement (vs. similairement) compétent. S'appuyant sur la littérature sur les structures de buts de groupe, et celle sur la socialisation des valeurs, la seconde partie de cette thèse révèle les antécédents interpersonnels des buts de performance, et plus spécifiquement le rôle du superviseur dans la socialisation des buts de performance : les buts de performance-approche d'un superviseur sont positivement associés avec l'émergence au cours du temps des buts de performance-approche de ses subordonnés (particulièrement lorsqu'ils se perçoivent comme compétents) et celle de leurs buts de performance-évitement (particulièrement lorsqu'ils se perçoivent comme incompétents). En outre, ce phénomène consistant en un processus de socialisation, les effets susmentionnés augmentent lorsque l'identification à l'endogroupe des subordonnées augmente, et lorsque l'adhésion aux valeurs culturelles occidentales dominantes (c.-à-d., rehaussement de soi) du superviseur augmente. Dans leur ensemble, ces résultats soulignent la nécessité d'étudier les buts dans leur plenum social, autrement dit, en adoptant une perspective interpersonnelle (c.-à-d., étudier les effets des buts entre les individus), positionnelle (c.-à-d., entre des individus de différentes positions sociales), et idéologique (c.- à-d., entre des individus se conformant à des normes spécifiques et adhérant à des valeurs spécifiques). -- Although competence-relevant activities (e.g., solving an academic problem) are often embedded in interpersonal (e.g., classroom), hierarchical (e.g., teacher/pupils), and norm-/value-specific (e.g., culture) settings, the study of performance goals-the desire to demonstrate competence relative to others-has mostly been conducted at the intrapersonal level alone. Drawing on the transactional model of stress and coping, the circumplex model of interpersonal behaviors, as well as on the conflict elaboration theory, the first part of this thesis reveals the interpersonal consequences of performance goals on the regulation of a specific behavior, namely socio-cognitive conflict (i.e., a situation of confrontation with a disagreeing interactant): Performance-approach goals-the desire to outperform others- predicted a highly agentic (dominant) conflict regulation, that is, the validation of one's point of view at the expense of that of the interactant (which we labeled competitive regulation); whereas performance-avoidance goals-the desire not to be outperformed by others- predicted a poorly agentic (submissive) conflict regulation, that is, the invalidation of one's point of view to the benefit of that of the interactant (which we labeled protective regulation). Furthermore, both the aforementioned effects were found to increase when the interactant was presented as being superiorly (vs. equally) in competence. Drawing on the literature on group goal structure, as well as on research on socialization of supervisors-based values, the second part of this thesis reveals the interpersonal antecedents of performance-based goals endorsement, focusing-more specifically-on the role of group-supervisors in performance goals socialization: Supervisor's performance-approach goals were positively associated with the emergence over time of subordinates' performance-approach (especially when perceiving themselves as competent) and -avoidance goals (especially when perceiving themselves as incompetent). Furthermore, providing evidence that this phenomenon essentially reflects a socialization process, both the aforementioned effects were found to increase as subordinates' in-group identification increased, and as supervisors' adherence to dominant Western values (i.e., self-enhancement values) increased. Taken together, these results advocate the need to study performance goals in their social plenum, that is, adopting an interpersonal (i.e., studying the effects of goals between individuals), positional (i.e., between individuals from different social positions), and ideological (i.e., between individuals following specific norms and endorsing specific values) perspective.
Régner, Escribe, and Dupeyrat (2007) recently demonstrated that not only performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals (respectively, the desire to outperform others and not to be outperformed by others) but also mastery goals (the desire to acquire knowledge) were related to social comparison orientation (SCO, the tendency to search for social comparison information). In the present article, the possibility of a link between mastery goals and social comparison that depends on the level of performance-approach goals-a possibility supported by a multiple-goal perspective-was tested by examining the interaction effect between mastery and performance-approach goals. This is an important endeavor, as educational settings are rarely free from performance-approach goals, even when mastery goals are promoted. In Study 1, we tested self-set achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals) as predictors of SCO; the interaction between mastery goals and performance-approach goals indicated that the higher the performance-approach goal endorsement, the stronger the link between mastery goals and SCO. In Study 2, we manipulated goal conditions; mastery goals predicted interest in social comparison in the performance-approach goal condition only. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of multiple-goal pursuit in academic settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all rights reserved)
The last economic crisis raised huge challenges for nonprofit organizations. It is now critical for nonprofit organizations to show not only their social legitimacy but also their efficiency and competency to claim for grants (Kearns, Bell, Deem, & McShane, 2012). High Performance Work Practices (HPWP) are a way to foster performance and thus to answer challenges nonprofit organizations are currently facing. However, such practices have until then only been considered for the corporate world. The entire philosophy behind nonprofit organizations contrasts radically from the for-profit sector. Human resources management in particular may differ as well. The aim of this article is precisely to analyze the challenges of implementing HPWP in nonprofit organizations. In order to explore those challenges, we study the HR practices of a nonprofit organization based in UK that struggles against poverty. Discussion of results highlights good practices that should be applied along the nonprofit sector.
Recent research has shown that, in a University context, mastery goals are highly valued, and that students may endorse these goals either because they believe in their utility (i.e., social utility), in which case mastery goals are positively linked to achievement, or to create a positive image of themselves (i.e., social desirability), in which case mastery goals do not predict academic achievement. The present two experiments induced high vs. neutral levels of mastery goals' social utility and social desirability. Results confirmed that mastery goals predicted performance only when these goals were presented as socially useful but not socially desirable, especially among low achievers, those who need mastery goals the most to succeed.