55 resultados para Conditional Directed Graph
To link the presence of intrathecal virus-specific oligoclonal immunoglobulin G (IgG) in multiple sclerosis patients to a demyelinating activity, aggregating rat brain cell cultures were treated with antibodies directed against two viruses, namely, rubella (RV) and hepatitis B (HB). Anti-RV antibodies in the presence of complement decreased myelin basic protein concentrations in a dose-dependent manner, whereas anti-HB antibodies had no effect. A similar but less pronounced effect was observed on the enzymatic activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase, which is enriched in noncompact membranes of oligodendrocytes. These effects were comparable to those in cultures treated with antibodies directed against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), previously found to be myelinotoxic both in vitro and in vivo. Sequence homologies were found between structural glycoprotein E(2) of RV and MOG, suggesting that demyelination was due to molecular mimicry. To support the hypothesis that demyelination was caused by anti-RV IgG that recognized an MOG epitope, we found that anti-RV antibodies depleted MOG in a dose-dependent manner. Further evidence came from the demonstration that anti-RV and anti-MOG IgG colocalized on oligodendrocyte processes and that both revealed by Western blot a 28 kDa protein in CNS myelin, a molecular weight corresponding to MOG. These findings suggest that a virus such as RV exhibiting molecular mimicry with MOG can trigger an autoimmune demyelination.
The immune system and iron availability are intimately linked as appropriate iron supply is needed for cell proliferation, while excess iron, as observed in hemochromatosis, may reduce subsets of lymphocytes. We have tested the effects of a ferritin H gene deletion on lymphocytes. Mx-Cre mediated conditional deletion of ferritin H in bone marrow reduced the number of mature B cells and peripheral T cells in all lymphoid organs. FACS analysis showed an increase in the labile iron pool, enhanced reactive oxygen species formation and mitochondrial depolarization. The findings were confirmed by a B-cell specific deletion using Fth(lox/lox) ; CD19-Cre mice. Mature B cells were strongly under-represented in bone marrow and spleen of the deleted mice, whereas pre-B and immature B cells were not affected. Bone marrow B cells showed increased proliferation as judged by the number of cells in S and G2/M phase as well as BrdU incorporation. Upon in vitro culture with B-cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF), ferritin H-deleted spleen B cells showed lower survival rates than wild type cells. This was partially reversed with iron-chelator deferiprone. The loss of T cells was also confirmed by a T cell-specific deletion in Fth(lox/lox) ;CD4-Cre mice. Our data show that ferritin H is required for B and T cell survival by actively reducing the labile iron pool. They further suggest that natural B and T cell maturation is influenced by intracellular iron levels and possibly deregulated in iron excess or deprivation.
We describe a new rapid and efficient polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis method. This procedure is effective with any plasmid and it employs four oligonucleotide primers. One primer contains the desired mutation, the second is oriented in the opposite direction (one of these two primers should be phosphorylated), and the third and fourth should be coding in complementary fashion for a unique restriction site to be introduced in a nonessential region. The method consists of two simultaneous PCR reactions; the PCR products are digested with the enzyme that recognizes the newly introduced unique restriction site and then ligased and used to transform competent bacteria. Additionally, the use of Dpn I facilitates the elimination of template DNA. The newly introduced restriction site is essential for ligation in the correct orientation of the two-PCR products and is further used for mutant screening. Resulting plasmids carry both the new restriction site and the desired mutation. Using this method, more than 20 mutants have already been generated (using two different kinds of templates); all these mutants were sequenced for the desired mutation and transfected into AtT-20 cells and the expressed mutant proteins encoded by the vector were assayed.
Résumé Le fer joue un rôle important dans la plupart des fonctions biologiques mais sa présence excessive provoque la production de molécules réactives d'oxygène (ROS) qui peuvent contribuer à diverses maladies. La protéine de stockage du fer, la ferritine H, capte l'excès en fer et le stocke sous forme non-toxique, ce qui empêche des dommages potentiels. La délétion de la ferritine H dans des souris knock-out a été essayée antérieurement, mais ces souris mouraient au stade précoce du développement embryonnaire. Pour étudier l'importance du fer, et en particulier son stockage dans la ferritine, et pour pouvoir mieux comprendre les fonctions de la ferritine H, nous avons créé un modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H, selon le système classique de Cre-LoxP. Le premier exon et la région du promoteur du gène de la ferritine H ont été entourés de sites loxP. La mortalité embryonnaire provoquée par la délétion constitutive du gène de la ferritine H a été confirmée en croisant nos souris avec des souris exprimant nestin-Cre1. En croisant nos souris avec des souris transgéniques Mx-Cre, nous avons observé que l'induction de Cre par injection de polyI-polyC provoque la délétion presque complète de la ferritine H dans le foie (> 99%) et la rate (> 88%). Ces tissus ont également perdu une grande partie de leur réserve de fer. Cette observation apporte pour la première fois la preuve in vivo que la ferritine H est indispensable pour le stockage du fer, que les fonctions de la ferritine H et de la ferritine L ne sont pas équivalentes, et que la ferritine L ne peut pas assumer seule la fonction de stockage du fer. Dans le foie des souris knock-out, l'expression de l'ARN messager de l'hepcidine a été induite après 10 jours. En même temps, l'expression de l'ARN messager des gènes codant pour des protéines de l'absorption de fer (DMT1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 et hephaestin) a été réprimée mais dans le duodénum seulement. L'expression d'hepcidine est inversément corrélée avec celle des gènes liés à l'absorption de fer. Cette observation corrobore des études antérieures. Mais, en plus, elle montre également que cette répression se produit seulement dans l'intestin. Nous pouvons ainsi tirer la conclusion suivante : ou bien l'hepcidine a un récepteur spécifique dans le duodénum ou bien les gènes liés à l'absorption de fer dans le duodénum ont un facteur spécifique de transcription sensible à l'hepcidine. Aucune répression de DMT1 et de ferroportin n'a été observée dans les macrophages de la rate après l'induction d'hepcidine. La délétion de ferritine H a entraîné une augmentation du taux de mortalité des cellules hépatiques, ainsi que des altérations dans l'architecture normale du tissu de la rate. Vu par l'immunohistologie, le nombre de lymphocytes B et T était réduit dans la rate, tendant à démontrer que la ferritine H et l'homéostase du fer jouent un rôle dans l'immunité. En conclusion, le modèle de souris knock-out conditionnelles de la ferritine H nous fournit un outil précieux pour l'étude in vivo du rôle joué par la ferritine dans l'homéostase du fer, dans les dommages créés par les ROS, ainsi que dans l'apoptose et l'immunité. Summary Iron plays an important role in most biological functions. However, excess of iron results in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could substantially contribute to pathology of various diseases. Ferritin H scavenges excess of iron and stores it in non-toxic form and potentially prevents the damage. Fenitin H targeting in mice has been attempted before, however, straight knockout was lethal in early embryonic stage. To study the role of iron and its storage protein ferritin and to further elucidate ferritin H functions, we aimed at creating a conditional ferritin H knockout mouse model by classical Cre-LoxP system. First exon along with promoter region of the ferritin H gene was foxed. Embryonic lethality of the constitutive ferritin H deletion was confirmed by crossing the foxed mice with mice expressing nestin Cre-1 as transgene. Almost complete deletion was observed in liver (> 99%) and spleen (>88%) upon induction of Cre by injecting polyI-polyC in Fth Lox/Lox; MxCre mice. These tissues also lost substantial fraction of their iron stores. This provides first in vivo evidence that ferritin H is required for iron storage, ferritin H and L functions are not redundant and that ferritin L cannot perform iron storage function alone. Hepcidin mRNA expression was induced after 10 days in the livers of deleted mice and, simultaneously, mRNA expression of iron absorption related genes (DMT 1, ferroportin, Dcytb1 and hephaestin) was repressed in duodenum only. Hepcidin expression is inversely correlated with that of duodenal iron absorption related genes. This is in agreement with previous studies. However, we also show that this repression happens only in intestine. This leads to the conclusion that either hepcidin has a specific receptor in duodenum or the iron absorption related genes have duodenum specific transcription factor that is responsive to hepcidin. No repression of DMT1 and ferroportin was observed in spleen macrophages upon hepcidin induction. Ferritin H deletion showed increased cell death in liver and disruption of normal architecture of spleen. B lymphocytes were reduced in spleen on immunohistology which point towards a role of ferritin H and iron homeostasis in immunity. In conclusion, ferritin H conditional knockout mouse model provides us with an invaluable tool to study the in vivo role of ferritin H in iron homeostasis, ROS mediated damage, apoptosis and immunity.
Background: The increasing availability of different monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) opens the way to more specific biologic therapy of cancer patients. However, despite the significant success of therapy in breast and ovarian carcinomas with anti-HER2 mAbs as well as in non-Hodkin B cell lymphomas with anti-CD20 mAbs, certain B cell malignancies such as B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL) respond poorly to anti-CD20 mAb, due to the low surface expression of this molecule. Thus, new mAbs adapted to each types of tumour will help to develop personalised mAb treatment. To this aim, we analyse the biological and therapeutic properties of three mAbs directed against the CD5, CD71 or HLA-DR molecules highly expressed on B-CLL cells. Results: The three mAbs, after purification and radiolabelling demonstrated high and specific binding capacity to various human leukaemia target cells. Further in vitro analysis showed that mAb anti-CD5 induced neither growth inhibition nor apoptosis, mAb anti-CD71 induced proliferation inhibition with no early sign of cell death and mAb anti-HLA-DR induced specific cell aggregation, but without evidence of apoptosis. All three mAbs induced various degrees of ADCC by NK cells, as well as phagocytosis by macrophages. Only the anti-HLA-DR mAb induced complement mediated lysis. Coincubation of different pairs of mAbs did not significantly modify the in vitro results. In contrast with these discrete and heterogeneous in vitro effects, in vivo the three mAbs demonstrated marked anti-tumour efficacy and prolongation of mice survival in two models of SCID mice, grafted either intraperitoneally or intravenously with the CD5 transfected JOK1-5.3 cells. This cell line was derived from a human hairy cell leukaemia, a type of malignancy known to have very similar biological properties as the B-CLL, whose cells constitutively express CD5. Interestingly, the combined injection of anti-CD5 with anti-HLA-DR or with anti-CD71 led to longer mouse survival, as compared to single mAb injection, up to complete inhibition of tumour growth in 100% mice treated with both anti-HLA-DR and anti-CD5. Conclusions: Altogether these data suggest that the combined use of two mAbs, such as anti-HLA-DR and anti-CD5, may significantly enhance their therapeutic potential.
Deduction allows us to draw consequences from previous knowledge. Deductive reasoning can be applied to several types of problem, for example, conditional, syllogistic, and relational. It has been assumed that the same cognitive operations underlie solutions to them all; however, this hypothesis remains to be tested empirically. We used event-related fMRI, in the same group of subjects, to compare reasoning-related activity associated with conditional and syllogistic deductive problems. Furthermore, we assessed reasoning-related activity for the two main stages of deduction, namely encoding of premises and their integration. Encoding syllogistic premises for reasoning was associated with activation of BA 44/45 more than encoding them for literal recall. During integration, left fronto-lateral cortex (BA 44/45, 6) and basal ganglia activated with both conditional and syllogistic reasoning. Besides that, integration of syllogistic problems additionally was associated with activation of left parietal (BA 7) and left ventro-lateral frontal cortex (BA 47). This difference suggests a dissociation between conditional and syllogistic reasoning at the integration stage. Our finding indicates that the integration of conditional and syllogistic reasoning is carried out by means of different, but partly overlapping, sets of anatomical regions and by inference, cognitive processes. The involvement of BA 44/45 during both encoding (syllogisms) and premise integration (syllogisms and conditionals) suggests a central role in deductive reasoning for syntactic manipulations and formal/linguistic representations.
In this study we investigated the effect of medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) on the global characteristics of brain connectivity estimated by topological measures. We used DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) to construct a connectivity matrix where the nodes represents the anatomical ROIs and the edges are the connections between any pair of ROIs weighted by the mean GFA/FA values. A significant difference was found between the patient group vs control group in characteristic path length, clustering coefficient and small-worldness. This suggests that the MTLE network is less efficient compared to the network of the control group.
The use of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in cancer therapy is limited by its short circulatory half-life and its severe systemic side effects. To overcome these limitations, we evaluated the capability of a bispecific antibody (BAb) directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and human TNFalpha to target this cytokine in tumors. A BAb was constructed by coupling the Fab' fragments from an anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (MAb) to the Fab' fragments from an anti-TNFalpha MAb via a stable thioether linkage. The double specificity of the BAb for CEA and TNFalpha was demonstrated using a BIAcoreTM two-step analysis. The affinity constants of the BAb for CEA immobilized on a sensor chip and for soluble TNFalpha added to the CEA-BAb complex were as high as those of the parental MAbs (1.7 x 10(9) M-1 and 6.6 x 10(8) M-1, respectively). The radiolabeled 125I-labeled BAb retained high immunoreactivity with both CEA and TNFalpha immobilized on a solid phase. In nude mice xenografted with the human colorectal carcinoma T380, the 125I-labeled BAb showed a tumor localization and biodistribution comparable to that of 131I-labeled anti-CEA parental F(ab')2 with 25-30% of the injected dose (ID)/g tumor at 24 h and 20% ID/g tumor at 48 h. To target TNFalpha to the tumor, a two-step i.v. injection protocol was used first, in which a variable dose of 125I-labeled BAb was injected, followed 24 or 48 h later by a constant dose of 131I-labeled TNFalpha (1 microg). Mice pretreated with 3 microg of BAb and sacrificed 2, 4, 6, or 8 h after the injection of TNFalpha showed a 1.5- to 2-fold increased concentration of 131I-labeled TNFalpha in the tumor as compared to control mice, which received TNFalpha alone. With a higher dose of BAb (25 microg), mice showed a better targeting of TNFalpha with a 3.2-fold increased concentration of 131I-labeled TNFalpha in the tumor: 9.3% versus 2.9% ID/g in control mice 6 h after TNFa injection. In a one-step injection protocol using a premixed BAb-TNFalpha preparation, similar results were obtained 6 h postinjection (3.5-fold increased TNFalpha tumor concentration). A longer retention time of TNFalpha was observed leading to an 8.1-fold increased concentration of TNFalpha in the tumor 14 h postinjection (4.4 versus 0.5% ID/g tumor for BAb-treated and control mice, respectively). These results show that our BAb is able, first, to localize in a human colon carcinoma and, there, to immunoabsorb the i.v.-injected TNFalpha, leading to its increased concentration at the tumor site.
We have reported the identification of human gene MAGE-1, which directs the expression of an antigen recognized on a melanoma by autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). We show here that CTL directed against this antigen, which was named MZ2-E, recognize a nonapeptide encoded by the third exon of gene MAGE-1. The CTL also recognize this peptide when it is presented by mouse cells transfected with an HLA-A1 gene, confirming the association of antigen MZ2-E with the HLA-A1 molecule. Other members of the MAGE gene family do not code for the same peptide, suggesting that only MAGE-1 produces the antigen recognized by the anti-MZ2-E CTL. Our results open the possibility of immunizing HLA-A1 patients whose tumor expresses MAGE-1 either with the antigenic peptide or with autologous antigen-presenting cells pulsed with the peptide.
BACKGROUND: Tumour control of vitreous seeds remains challenging owing to their resistance to radiation and systemic chemotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To describe the short-term efficacy of intravitreal melphalan for vitreous disease in retinoblastoma using a new injection technique and dose. METHODS: This study is a retrospective non-comparative review of 23 consecutive heavily pretreated patients (23 eyes) with active vitreous seeding and eligible for intravitreous chemotherapy (IViC). They received a total of 122 intravitreal injections of melphalan (20-30 μg) given every 7-10 days. The ocular status was objectively monitored under anaesthesia with fundus photography. RESULTS: All patients are alive without evidence of extraocular spread (95% CI 82.19% to 100%). Concomitant treatments, including other chemotherapeutic modalities, were used until complete sterilisation of the retinal seeding source and subretinal seeds. Globe retention was achieved in 87% (20/23) of cases. All retained eyes were in complete remission after a median follow-up period of 22 months (range 9-31 months). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of ocular survival rates at 2 years was 84.14% (95% CI 62.48% to 95.28%). A localised peripheral salt-and-pepper retinopathy was noted in 10 eyes (43%) at the site of injection. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first clinically documented case series of patients with retinoblastoma treated with IViC. Despite a possible confounding effect of concomitant chemotherapy prescription using other routes of administration in four of the successfully treated eyes (20%), IViC achieved an unprecedented success rate of tumour control in the presence of vitreous seeding. Of note, none of the treated eyes required external beam irradiation to control the vitreous seeding. Further studies are required to assess IViC retinal toxicity and to better delineate its role in the management of retinoblastoma.
All higher plants possess multiple phytochrome photoreceptors, with phytochrome A (phyA) being light labile and other members of the family being relatively light stable (phyB-phyE in Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana]). phyA also differs from other members of the family because it enables plants to deetiolate in far-red light-rich environments typical of dense vegetational cover. Later in development, phyA counteracts the shade avoidance syndrome. Light-induced degradation of phyA favors the establishment of a robust shade avoidance syndrome and was proposed to be important for phyA-mediated deetiolation in far-red light. phyA is ubiquitylated and targeted for proteasome-mediated degradation in response to light. Cullin1 and the ubiquitin E3 ligase CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1) have been implicated in this process. Here, we systematically analyze the requirement of cullins in this process and show that only CULLIN1 plays an important role in light-induced phyA degradation. In addition, the role of COP1 in this process is conditional and depends on the presence of metabolizable sugar in the growth medium. COP1 acts with SUPPRESSOR OF PHYTOCHROME A (SPA) proteins. Unexpectedly, the light-induced decline of phyA levels is reduced in spa mutants irrespective of the growth medium, suggesting a COP1-independent role for SPA proteins.