141 resultados para Compulsory vaccination


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Tumor vaccines may induce activation and expansion of specific CD8 T cells which can subsequently destroy tumor cells in cancer patients. This phenomenon can be observed in approximately 5-20% of vaccinated melanoma patients. We searched for factors associated with T cell responsiveness to peptide vaccines. Peptide antigen-specific T cells were quantified and characterized ex vivo before and after vaccination. T cell responses occurred primarily in patients with T cells that were already pre-activated before vaccination. Thus, peptide vaccines can efficiently boost CD8 T cells that are pre-activated by endogenous tumor antigen. Our results identify a new state of T cell responsiveness and help to explain and predict tumor vaccine efficacy.


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BACKGROUND: Monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragments are powerful biotherapeutics for various debilitating diseases. However, high production costs, functional limitations such as inadequate pharmacokinetics and tissue accessibility are the current principal disadvantages for broadening their use in clinic. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We report a novel method for the long-term delivery of antibody fragments. We designed an allogenous immunoisolated implant consisting of polymer encapsulated myoblasts engineered to chronically release scFv antibodies targeted against the N-terminus of the Aβ peptide. Following a 6-month intracerebral therapy we observed a significant reduction of the production and aggregation of the Aβ peptide in the APP23 transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, functional assessment showed prevention of behavioral deficits related to anxiety and memory traits. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: The chronic local release of antibodies using immunoisolated polymer cell implants represents an alternative passive vaccination strategy in Alzheimer's disease. This novel technique could potentially benefit other diseases presently treated by local and systemic antibody administration.


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Both the underlying molecular mechanisms and the kinetics of TCR repertoire selection following vaccination against tumor Ags in humans have remained largely unexplored. To gain insight into these questions, we performed a functional and structural longitudinal analysis of the TCR of circulating CD8(+) T cells specific for the HLA-A2-restricted immunodominant epitope from the melanocyte differentiation Ag Melan-A in a melanoma patient who developed a vigorous and sustained Ag-specific T cell response following vaccination with the corresponding synthetic peptide. We observed an increase in functional avidity of Ag recognition and in tumor reactivity in the postimmune Melan-A-specific populations as compared with the preimmune blood sample. Improved Ag recognition correlated with an increase in the t(1/2) of peptide/MHC interaction with the TCR as assessed by kinetic analysis of A2/Melan-A peptide multimer staining decay. Ex vivo analysis of the clonal composition of Melan-A-specific CD8(+) T cells at different time points during vaccination revealed that the response was the result of asynchronous expansion of several distinct T cell clones. Some of these T cell clones were also identified at a metastatic tumor site. Collectively, these data show that tumor peptide-driven immune stimulation leads to the selection of high-avidity T cell clones of increased tumor reactivity that independently evolve within oligoclonal populations.


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The ability of vaccines to induce memory cytotoxic T-cell responses in the lung is crucial in stemming and treating pulmonary diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. However, most approaches to subunit vaccines produce primarily humoral and only to a lesser extent cellular immune responses. We developed a nanoparticle (NP)-based carrier that, upon delivery to the lung, specifically targets pulmonary dendritic cells, thus enhancing antigen uptake and transport to the draining lymph node; antigen coupling via a disulfide link promotes highly efficient cross-presentation after uptake, inducing potent protective mucosal and systemic CD8(+) T-cell immunity. Pulmonary immunization with NP-conjugated ovalbumin (NP-ova) with CpG induced a threefold enhancement of splenic antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells displaying increased CD107a expression and IFN-γ production compared with immunization with soluble (i.e., unconjugated) ova with CpG. This enhanced response was accompanied by a potent Th17 cytokine profile in CD4(+) T cells. After 50 d, NP-ova and CpG also led to substantial enhancements in memory CD8(+) T-cell effector functions. Importantly, pulmonary vaccination with NP-ova and CpG induced as much as 10-fold increased frequencies of antigen-specific effector CD8(+) T cells to the lung and completely protected mice from morbidity following influenza-ova infection. Here, we highlight recruitment to the lung of a long-lasting pool of protective effector memory cytotoxic T-cells by our disulfide-linked antigen-conjugated NP formulation. These results suggest the reduction-reversible NP system is a highly promising platform for vaccines specifically targeting intracellular pathogens infecting the lung.


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Immunization route may be pivotal for tissue-specific localization of the effector T cell response (Sandoval et al., this issue).


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ABSTRACT¦Naturally acquired tumor-specific T-cells can be detected in most advanced cancer patients.¦Yet, they often fail to control or eliminate the disease, in contrast to many virus-specific CD8¦T lymphocytes. Therapeutic vaccines aim at inducing and boosting specific T-cells mediated¦immunity to reduce tumor burden. The properties of CD8 T-cells required for protection from¦infectious disease and cancer are only partially characterized.¦The objectives of this study were to assess effector functions, stage of differentiation and¦clonotype selection of tumor-reactive T lymphocytes following peptide vaccination in¦melanoma patients over time. Results were compared to protective viral-specific T-cell¦responses found in healthy individuals. We also characterized dominant versus low/non¦dominant T-cell clonotypes with the aim to further understand the in vivo function of each set¦of frequency-based specific T-cells.¦Here we developed and applied a novel approach for molecular and functional analysis of¦single T lymphocytes ex vivo. T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotype mapping revealed rapid¦selection and expansion of co-dominant T-cell clonotypes, which made up the majority of the¦highly differentiated "effector" T-cells, but only 25% of the less differentiated "effectormemory"¦cells, mostly composed of non-dominant clonotypes. Moreover, we show that¦advanced effector cell differentiation was indeed clonotype-dependent. Surprisingly, however,¦the acquisition of effector functions (cytokine production, killing) was clonotype-independent.¦Vaccination of melanoma patients with native peptide induced competent effector function in¦both dominant and non-dominant clonotypes, suggesting that most if not all clonotypes¦participating in a T-cell response have the potential to develop equal functional competence.¦In contrast, many T-cells remained poorly functional after vaccination with analog peptide,¦despite similar clonotype-dependent differentiation. Our findings show that the type of¦peptide vaccine has a critical influence on the selection and functional activation of the¦clonotypic T-cell repertoire. They also show that systematic assessment of individual T-cells¦identifies the cellular basis of immune responses, contributing to the rational development of¦vaccines.


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BACKGROUND: Vaccination coverage for influenza in the elderly remains low when the physician is the only person responsible for immunization. Integration of other health care workers may improve the coverage rate of at-risk groups. OBJECTIVES: To estimate vaccination coverage rate by using a strategy based on the systematic intervention of a health care professional proposing vaccination before the doctor's consultation, to evaluate the changes in coverage rates before and after introduction of this strategy, and to assess the feasibility of this intervention and the achieved coverage rate in family physician offices. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study in a medical outpatient clinic and 5 family physician practices in Switzerland. POPULATION: Participants consisted of all patients 65 years or older attending a medical outpatient clinic during the vaccination period in 1999 (n = 401), patients 65 years or older regularly followed at a medical outpatient clinic in 1998 and 1999 (n = 195), and patients 65 years or older presenting to 5 family physician offices in 1999 (n = 598). OUTCOME MEASURED: Rates of vaccination coverage. RESULTS: Among all participants, vaccination coverage rates in 1999 were 85% at the medical outpatient clinic and 83% in family physician offices. Among participants regularly followed at the medical outpatient clinic, vaccination coverage increased from 48% in 1998 to 76% in 1999. Rates of refusal were 9% at the medical outpatient clinic and 14% in the family physician offices. CONCLUSIONS: The systematic intervention of a health care professional to suggest vaccination before the doctor's visit is an effective measure to achieve high coverage rate. Such a strategy also improves outpatient clinic or private practice efficiency by reducing pressures on physicians.


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Vaccination by the nasal route has been successfully used for the induction of immune responses. Either the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue, or lung dendritic cells have been mainly involved. Following nasal vaccination of mice with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like-particles (VLPs), we have previously shown that interaction of the antigen with the lower respiratory tract was necessary to induce high titers of neutralizing antibodies in genital secretions. However, following a parenteral priming, nasal vaccination with HPV16 VLPs did not require interaction with the lung to induce a mucosal immune response. To evaluate the contribution of the upper and lower respiratory tissues and associated lymph nodes (LN) in the induction of humoral responses against HPV16 VLPs after nasal vaccination, we localized the immune inductive sites and identified the antigen-presenting cells involved using a specific CD4(+) T-cell hybridoma. Our results show that the trachea, the lung, and the tracheobronchial LN were the major sites responsible for the induction of the immune response against HPV16 VLP, while the NALT only played a minor role. Altogether, our data suggest that vaccination strategies aiming to induce efficient immune responses against HPV16 VLP in the female genital tract should target the lower respiratory tract.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: We reviewed the most recent literature on solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients regarding the clinical significance of influenza and the immunogenicity and safety of influenza vaccine in this population. RECENT FINDINGS: In SOT recipients, influenza is associated with significant graft dysfunction and even mortality. Early initiation of antiviral therapy is associated with a reduced risk for influenza-associated complications, mainly pneumonia. The main preventive strategy against influenza in SOT recipients remains the administration of yearly influenza vaccine. Although most studies have shown that influenza vaccination is safe after transplantation, impaired responses are expected in more immunosuppressed patients. A lower immunogenicity of influenza vaccine has been described in patients receiving mycophenolate and mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors. The optimal timing of vaccination after transplant remains to be determined, although vaccination during the early posttransplant period appears to be safe. Novel vaccination strategies, such as intradermal vaccination or use of adjuvanted vaccines, have been evaluated in SOT recipients, with inconclusive results to date. SUMMARY: The administration of influenza vaccination is strongly recommended in SOT recipients and their relatives. Further research is needed for improving the immunogenicity of influenza vaccine in this population.


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IntroductionIt has been suggested that the H1N1 vaccine may be a trigger for the onset of narcolepsy-cataplexy, a rare disease whose autoimmune origin is suspected.ObservationsWe report two patients (a 9-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man) with severe narcolepsy-cataplexy, in whom the illness appeared within 3-4 weeks after H1N1 vaccination. In both cases, symptoms developed unusually abruptly and they presented with severe daytime sleepiness and multiple daily cataplexy attacks. Other similar cases have been recently reported associated with H1N1 vaccine.ConclusionAlthough no formal link can be established, the unusual characteristics of the reported cases and the striking temporal relationship suggests that narcolepsy may be the result of an autoimmune reaction triggered by H1N1 vaccination in susceptible individuals.


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RESUME Le diagnostic d'infection tuberculeuse repose essentiellement sur le test tuberculinique (test de Mantoux). Cependant, le résultat de ce dernier est également influencé par d'autres facteurs, le plus important étant la vaccination par le Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), interaction connue depuis de nombreuses années. Il est généralement admis que l'effet de la vaccination peut entraîner des réactions positives jusqu'à un diamètre d'induration de 15 mm. Au-delà, la positivité du test est en général attribuée à une primo-infection tuberculeuse. Peu d'études se sont réellement penchées sur le sujet. Chez le personnel de soins soumis à des Mantoux répétés, cette notion revêt une importance particulière pour interpréter correctement une réaction fortement positive en l'absence de facteurs de risque tuberculeux, dans un pays à faible endémie tuberculeuse. Notre étude a cherché à déterminer si le diamètre transversal de l'induration du Mantoux était un critère fiable pour distinguer une positivité associée à une infection tuberculeuse de celle associée à une ancienne vaccination. Elle s'est attachée à rechercher un seuil au-delà duquel l'infection tuberculeuse pourrait être considérée comme probable. Entre janvier 1991 et mars 1998, tous les nouveaux employés du CHUV ont été invités à recevoir un test tuberculinique à l'occasion de leur visite d'entrée à la Médecine du personnel. En cas de réponse négative, un deuxième test a été pratiqué une semaine plus tard, pour détecter un éventuel effet booster. Lors de la première visite, l'infirmière a rempli un questionnaire comprenant les données démographiques usuelles, des informations concernant les facteurs pouvant influencer la positivité du test, notamment les antécédents de vaccination par le BCG, les expositions à la tuberculose et l'existence d'antécédents d'infection tuberculeuse. Parmi les 5117 sujets inclus dans l'étude, nous avons trouvé que l'influence de la vaccination variait en fonction de l'âge. Chez les sujets de moins de 40 ans, la vaccination par le BCG était le prédicteur le plus important d'un Mantoux positif inférieur à 18 mm, de loin supérieur aux facteurs de risque habituels pour une infection tuberculeuse, eux aussi significatifs. L'effet du BCG était présent pour des réactions allant jusqu'à 20 mm. Pour les Mantoux supérieurs à 20 mm, l'odds ratio (OR) relatif au BCG demeure clairement élevé (supérieur à 3,4) bien que non significatif. Par contre, pour les employés âgés de plus de 40 ans, le BCG est un facteur prédictif pour les tests supérieurs à 10 mm (OR 2.4) mais n'est plus un facteur significatif pour une taille supérieure à 15 mm. Ces résultats montrent que l'interprétation d'un test tuberculinique même fortement positif, doit être faite avec prudence et discernement. En effet, notre étude démontre que chez les sujets vaccinés de moins de 40 ans, dans les zones de faible endémie tuberculeuse particulièrement en l'absence de facteurs de risque pour une infection tuberculeuse, un Mantoux positif jusqu'à 18 mm est dû, le plus probablement, à une ancienne vaccination par le BCG, plutôt qu'à une infection par M tuberczilosis. L'interprétation des Mantoux de taille inférieure à 18 mm et les Mantoux effectués chez des sujets de moins de 40 ans, doit prendre en compte l'existence d'un BCG antérieur. En conséquence, la mise en évidence d'une réaction de Mantoux fortement positive ne devrait pas conduire systématiquement à un traitement préventif. L'absence de spécificité du test Mantoux, utilisé pour le dépistage de la tuberculose depuis bientôt une centaine d'année, est un problème connu. Nous démontrons que la taille de l'induration ne peut pas être utilisée de façon fiable comme critère pour identifier une infection tuberculeuse chez une personne vaccinée avec le BCG, avec le risque de sui-traiter un nombre important de sujets. Dans notre étude, 21% des sujets avaient un Mantoux supérieur ou égal à 15 mm et auraient dû être traités selon les recommandations en vigueur en Suisse si l'on ne tenait pas compte du BCG antérieur. Des tests plus spécifiques sont actuellement à l'étude et permettront vraisemblablement, à l'avenir, de palier au problème de l'absence de spécificité du test de Mantoux. Abstract : Background. Previous bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination can confound the results of a tuberculin skin test (TST). We sought to determine a cutoff diameter of TST induration beyond which the influence of BCG vaccination was negligible in evaluating potential Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a population of health care workers with a high vaccination rate and low incidence of tuberculosis. Methods. From 1991 through 1998, all new employees at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, underwent a 2-step TST at entry visit. We also gathered information on demographic characteristics, along with factors commonly associated with tuberculin positivity, including previous BCG vaccination, history of latent M. tuberculosis infection, and predictors for M. tuberculosis infection. Results. Among the 5117 investigated subjects, we found that influence of BCG vaccination on TST results varied across categories of age (likelihood ratio test, 0.0001). Prior BCG vaccination had a strong influence on skin test results of mm in diameter among persons <40 years old, compared with the influence of factors predictive of M. tuberculosis infection. Prior latent M. tuberculosis infection and travel or employment in a country in which tuberculosis is endemic also had significant influences. Conclusions. Interpretation of TST reactions of mm among BCG-vaccinated persons <40 years of age must be done with caution in areas with a low incidence of tuberculosis. In such a population, except for persons who have never been vaccinated, TST reactions of ---518 mm are more likely to be the result of prior vaccination than infection and should not systematically lead to preventive treatment.


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OBJECTIVES: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection of particular interest because of its high prevalence rate and strong causal association with cervical cancer. Two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and different countries have made or will soon make recommendations for the vaccination of girls. Even if there is a consensus to recommend a vaccination before the beginning of sexual activity, there are, however, large discrepancies between countries concerning the perceived usefulness of a catch-up procedure and of boosters. The main objective of this article is to simulate the impact on different vaccination policies upon the mid- and long-term HPV 16/18 age-specific infection rates. METHODS: We developed an epidemiological model based on the susceptible-infective-recovered approach using Swiss data. The mid- and long-term impact of different vaccination scenarios was then compared. RESULTS: The generalization of a catch-up procedure is always beneficial, whatever its extent. Moreover, pending on the length of the protection offered by the vaccine, boosters will also be very useful. CONCLUSIONS: To be really effective, a vaccination campaign against HPV infection should at least include a catch-up to early reach a drop in HPV 16/18 prevalence, and maybe boosters. Otherwise, the protection insured for women in their 20s could be lower than expected, resulting in higher risks to later develop cervical cancer.


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ABSTRACT: We evaluated the impact of a nurse program for hepatitis B virus vaccination in a center from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Immunity (anti-HBs >10 IU/mL) increased from 32% to 76% in the intervention center (n = 238) where vaccine management was endorsed by nurses, but only from 33% to 39% in control centers (n = 2712, P < 0.001) where management remained in charge of physicians. Immunity against HBV in the HIV population is insufficient in Switzerland. Specific nurse vaccination program may efficiently improve health care.