149 resultados para Candida, invasive candidiasis, sepsis,nosocomial infection, candidemia
OBJECTIVES: To provide a global, up-to-date picture of the prevalence, treatment, and outcomes of Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients and compare Candida with bacterial bloodstream infection. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of the Extended Prevalence of Infection in the ICU Study (EPIC II). Demographic, physiological, infection-related and therapeutic data were collected. Patients were grouped as having Candida, Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and combined Candida/bacterial bloodstream infection. Outcome data were assessed at intensive care unit and hospital discharge. SETTING: EPIC II included 1265 intensive care units in 76 countries. PATIENTS: Patients in participating intensive care units on study day. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULTS: Of the 14,414 patients in EPIC II, 99 patients had Candida bloodstream infections for a prevalence of 6.9 per 1000 patients. Sixty-one patients had candidemia alone and 38 patients had combined bloodstream infections. Candida albicans (n = 70) was the predominant species. Primary therapy included monotherapy with fluconazole (n = 39), caspofungin (n = 16), and a polyene-based product (n = 12). Combination therapy was infrequently used (n = 10). Compared with patients with Gram-positive (n = 420) and Gram-negative (n = 264) bloodstream infections, patients with candidemia were more likely to have solid tumors (p < .05) and appeared to have been in an intensive care unit longer (14 days [range, 5-25 days], 8 days [range, 3-20 days], and 10 days [range, 2-23 days], respectively), but this difference was not statistically significant. Severity of illness and organ dysfunction scores were similar between groups. Patients with Candida bloodstream infections, compared with patients with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bloodstream infections, had the greatest crude intensive care unit mortality rates (42.6%, 25.3%, and 29.1%, respectively) and longer intensive care unit lengths of stay (median [interquartile range]) (33 days [18-44], 20 days [9-43], and 21 days [8-46], respectively); however, these differences were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Candidemia remains a significant problem in intensive care units patients. In the EPIC II population, Candida albicans was the most common organism and fluconazole remained the predominant antifungal agent used. Candida bloodstream infections are associated with high intensive care unit and hospital mortality rates and resource use.
Invasive candidiasis (IC) is a relatively common syndrome in neonates and children and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. These guidelines provide recommendations for the prevention and treatment of IC in neonates and children. Appropriate agents for the prevention of IC in neonates at high risk include fluconazole (A-I), nystatin (B-II) or lactoferrin ± Lactobacillus (B-II). The treatment of IC in neonates is complicated by the high likelihood of disseminated disease, including the possibility of infection within the central nervous system. Amphotericin B deoxycholate (B-II), liposomal amphotericin B (B-II), amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) (C-II), fluconazole (B-II), micafungin (B-II) and caspofungin (C-II) can all be potentially used. Recommendations for the prevention of IC in children are largely extrapolated from studies performed in adults with concomitant pharmacokinetic data and models in children. For allogeneic HSCT recipients, fluconazole (A-I), voriconazole (A-I), micafungin (A-I), itraconazole (B-II) and posaconazole (B-II) can all be used. Similar recommendations are made for the prevention of IC in children in other risk groups. With several exceptions, recommendations for the treatment of IC in children are extrapolated from adult studies, with concomitant pharmacokinetic studies. Amphotericin B deoxycholate (C-I), liposomal amphotericin B (A-I), ABLC (B-II), micafungin (A-I), caspofungin (A-I), anidulafungin (B-II), fluconazole (B-I) and voriconazole (B-I) can all be used.
Invasive candidiasis is associated with high mortality rates, ranging from 35% to 60%, in the range reported for septic shock. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis differ according to the patient's immune status; the majority of cases in immunocompromised hosts are candidaemia, whereas non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis accounts for the majority of cases in critically ill patients. In contrast to candidaemia, non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis is difficult to prove, especially in critically ill patients. Up to 80% of these patients are colonized, but only 5-30% develop invasive infection. The differentiation of colonization and proven infection is challenging, and evolution from the former to the latter requires seven to 10 days. This continuum from colonization of mucosal surfaces to local invasion and then invasive infection makes it difficult to identify those critically ill patients likely to benefit most from antifungal prophylaxis or early empirical antifungal treatment. Early empirical treatment of non-candidaemic systemic candidiasis currently relies on the positive predictive value of risk assessment strategies, such as the colonization index, candida score, and predictive rules based on combinations of risk factors such as candida colonization, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and abdominal surgery. Although guidelines recently scored these strategies as being supported by limited evidence, they are widely used at bedside and have substantially decreased the incidence of invasive candidiasis.
Le développement dune candidose invasive est une complication hospitalière particulièrement redoutée en raison de sa mortalité élevée, comparable à celle du choc septique (40 %-60 %). La candidémie survient chez 0,05 % des patients hospitalisés, mais touche près de 1 % de ceux séjournant en réanimation, et est responsable de 5 à 10 % des bactériémies nosocomiales. Bien quune proportion élevée de patients hospitalisés soient colonisés par des levures du genre Candida, seule une minorité développe une candidose sévère. Celle-ci est toutefois difficile à diagnostiquer : les signes évocateurs dune dissémination ne surviennent habituellement que tardivement. Un traitement empirique précoce ou préemptif pourrait améliorer le pronostic, mais pour des raisons tant épidémiologiques quéconomiques, un tel traitement ne peut être appliqué à tous les patients à risque de développer une candidose sévère. Chez les patients présentant des facteurs de risque, la pratique de cultures de surveillance systématiques permet de déceler le développement dune colonisation et d'en quantifier le degré, de manière à ne débuter un traitement préemptif que lorsque lindex de colonisation dépasse un seuil critique prédictif d'infection secondaire. Ces éléments physiopathologiques et la mise à disposition des dérivés triazolés moins toxiques que l'amphotéricine B ont permis l'application de traitements prophylactiques. Chez les patients immunosupprimés, la généralisation de cette approche a été incriminée comme lun des éléments déterminant de lémergence dinfections à Candida non albicans dont le pronostic est moins favorable. Pour les patients de réanimation, une stricte limitation aux groupes soigneusement identifiés comme étant à risque élevé et chez lesquels lefficacité de la prophylaxie a pu être démontrée doit contribuer à limiter cet impact épidémiologique défavorable.
As the mortality associated with invasive Candida infections remains high, it is important to make optimal use of available diagnostic tools to initiate antifungal therapy as early as possible and to select the most appropriate antifungal drug. A panel of experts of the European Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) undertook a data review and compiled guidelines for the clinical utility and accuracy of different diagnostic tests and procedures for detection of Candida infections. Recommendations about the microbiological investigation and detection of candidaemia, invasive candidiasis, chronic disseminated candidiasis, and oropharyngeal, oesophageal, and vaginal candidiasis were included. In addition, remarks about antifungal susceptibility testing and therapeutic drug monitoring were made.
Invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis are major complications in surgical and onco-hematological patients, and still associated with an important morbidity and mortality. A large number of studies highlighted the potential role of host genetic polymorphisms that may influence susceptibility to fungal pathogens, but many were limited by insufficient statistical power, problematic design, and/or lack of replication. However, some relevant polymorphisms are now emerging from well-conducted studies whose associations have been replicated and/or are supported by strong biological evidence. Such polymorphisms together with other biomarkers may play a role in the prediction, diagnosis, and management of severe fungal infections in high-risk patients in the coming years.
PURPOSE: Thirty to forty percent of patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis develop intra-abdominal invasive candidiasis (IC). A corrected Candida colonization index (CCI) > or =0.4 is a powerful predictor of IC. Fluconazole prevents intra-abdominal IC in this setting, but azole-resistant Candida species are emerging. The aim of this study was to explore the efficacy and safety of caspofungin for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in high-risk surgical patients. METHODS: Prospective non-comparative single-center study in consecutive adult surgical patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Preventive caspofungin therapy (70 mg, then 50 mg/day) was given until resolution of the surgical condition. Candida colonization index and CCI, occurrence of intra-abdominal IC and adverse events were monitored. RESULTS: Nineteen patients were studied: 16 (84%) had recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage and 3 (16%) acute necrotizing pancreatitis. The median duration of preventive caspofungin therapy was 16 days (range 4-46). The colonization index decreased significantly during study therapy, and the CCI remained <0.4 in all patients. Caspofungin was successful for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in 18/19 patients (95%, 1 breakthrough IC 5 days after inclusion). No drug-related adverse event requiring caspofungin discontinuation occurred. CONCLUSION: Caspofungin may be efficacious and safe for prevention of intra-abdominal candidiasis in high-risk surgical patients. This needs to be further investigated in randomized trials.
Guidelines for the management of patients with invasive candidiasis and mucosal candidiasis were prepared by an Expert Panel of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. These updated guidelines replace the previous guidelines published in the 15 January 2004 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases and are intended for use by health care providers who care for patients who either have or are at risk of these infections. Since 2004, several new antifungal agents have become available, and several new studies have been published relating to the treatment of candidemia, other forms of invasive candidiasis, and mucosal disease, including oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis. There are also recent prospective data on the prevention of invasive candidiasis in high-risk neonates and adults and on the empiric treatment of suspected invasive candidiasis in adults. This new information is incorporated into this revised document.
Invasive fungal infections (IFI) are life-threatening diseases that are of particular concern in specific debilitated or immunosuppressed populations. Invasive candidiasis (IC) is the most frequent of the IFI, being one of the major causes of nosocomial bloodstream infection and a feared complication in patients with recurrent gastrointestinal surgery or prolonged stay in the intensive-care unit [1,2]. Patients with hematological malignancies or prolonged chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, and those with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), represent the groups at highest risk for developing invasive aspergillosis (IA), which is associated with a high mortality rate despite the increasing availability of antifungal therapies [3,4]. An increasing incidence of IA has also been reported in non-neutropenic immunosuppressed populations such as solid-organ transplant recipients or steroid-treated patients with chronic pulmonary diseases [5]. Early diagnosis of IFI is crucial for improving chances of survival [6], but is particularly challenging owing to the lack of reliable diagnostic methods [7,8]. Significant efforts during the last few decades have focused on the prevention of these severe complications. Antifungal prophylaxis in high-risk patients has been shown to reduce the incidence of IA in patients with onco-hematological malignancies [9] and that of IC in surgical intensive-care unit patients [10]. However, its widespread use raises concerns about costs, toxicity, and the risk of emergence of resistant fungal species such as non-Aspergillus moulds or non-albicansCandida spp. [4,11,12]. Prophylactic strategies usually rely on the identification of host risk factors resulting from clinical conditions (type and duration of immunosuppression, underlying diseases, and extrinsic interventions) [8,13]. Recent advances in the field of immunogenetics may change our perspective of, and approach to, preventive strategies with the identification of subgroups of patients exhibiting a genetic predisposition to IFI.
Geographic differences in frequency and azole resistance among Candida glabrata may impact empiric antifungal therapy choice. We examined geographic variation in isolation and azole susceptibility of C. glabrata. We examined 23 305 clinical isolates of C. glabrata during ARTEMIS DISK global surveillance. Susceptibility testing to fluconazole and voriconazole was assessed by disk diffusion, and the results were grouped by geographic location: North America (NA) (2470 isolates), Latin America (LA) (2039), Europe (EU) (12 439), Africa and the Middle East (AME) (728), and Asia-Pacific (AP) (5629). Overall, C. glabrata accounted for 11.6% of 201 653 isolates of Candida and varied as a proportion of all Candida isolated from 7.4% in LA to 21.1% in NA. Decreased susceptibility (S) to fluconazole was observed in all geographic regions and ranged from 62.8% in AME to 76.7% in LA. Variation in fluconazole susceptibility was observed within each region: AP (range, 50-100% S), AME (48-86.9%), EU (44.8-88%), LA (43-92%), and NA (74.5-91.6%). Voriconazole was more active than fluconazole (range, 82.3-84.2% S) with similar regional variation. Among 22 sentinel sites participating in ARTEMIS from 2001 through 2007 (84 140 total isolates, 8163 C. glabrata), the frequency of C. glabrata isolation increased in 14 sites and the frequency of fluconazole resistance (R) increased in 11 sites over the 7-year period of study. The sites with the highest cumulative rates of fluconazole R were in Poland (22% R), the Czech Republic (27% R), Venezuela (27% R), and Greece (33% R). C. glabrata was most often isolated from blood, normally sterile body fluids and urine. There is substantial geographic and institutional variation in both frequency of isolation and azole resistance among C. glabrata. Prompt species identification and fluconazole susceptibility testing are necessary to optimize therapy for invasive candidiasis.
Antifungal therapy failure can be associated with increased resistance to the employed antifungal agents. Candida glabrata, the second most common cause of invasive candidiasis, is intrinsically less susceptible to the azole class of antifungals and accounts for 15% of all Candida bloodstream infections. Here, we show that C. glabrata MED2 (CgMED2), which codes for a tail subunit of the RNA polymerase II Mediator complex, is required for resistance to azole antifungal drugs in C. glabrata. An inability to transcriptionally activate genes encoding a zinc finger transcriptional factor, CgPdr1, and multidrug efflux pump, CgCdr1, primarily contributes to the elevated susceptibility of the Cgmed2Δ mutant toward azole antifungals. We also report for the first time that the Cgmed2Δ mutant exhibits sensitivity to caspofungin, a constitutively activated protein kinase C-mediated cell wall integrity pathway, and elevated adherence to epithelial cells. The increased adherence of the Cgmed2Δ mutant was attributed to the elevated expression of the EPA1 and EPA7 genes. Further, our data demonstrate that CgMED2 is required for intracellular proliferation in human macrophages and modulates survival in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis. Lastly, we show an essential requirement for CgMed2, along with the Mediator middle subunit CgNut1 and the Mediator cyclin-dependent kinase/cyclin subunit CgSrb8, for the high-level fluconazole resistance conferred by the hyperactive allele of CgPdr1. Together, our findings underscore a pivotal role for CgMed2 in basal tolerance and acquired resistance to azole antifungals.
The authors describe an invasive Aspergillus fumigatus deep-burn wound infection in a severely burned patient that was successfully treated with a combination of topical terbinafine and systemic voriconazole antifungal therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing the effective control of an invasive deep-burn wound infection using this combination.
A total of 189 Candida albicans isolates have been typed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. The results obtained confirm the clonal mode of reproduction of C. albicans. The C. albicans populations found in the oropharynx of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, in the oropharynx of healthy carriers, or in association with invasive candidiasis could not be distinguished. No clone or group of clones could be associated with the appearance of clinical disorders or with a reduced in vitro susceptibility to the antifungal agent fluconazole. Multiple and sequential oral isolates from 24 HIV-infected patients were also typed by restriction enzyme analysis with the enzymes EcoRI and HinfI and by use of the Ca3 repetitive probe. The results obtained by the combination of all three typing methods show that all but one patient each carried a unique major C. albicans clone in their oropharynx. The 21 patients with sequential isolates had the same C. albicans clones in their throats during recurrent oropharyngeal candidiasis episodes, independently of clinical status or of changes of in vitro susceptibility to fluconazole. Finally, several isolates of the same C. albicans clone found simultaneously in the oropharynx of a patient may present different levels of susceptibility to fluconazole.
Les infections liées aux accès vasculaires sont à l'origine d'une proportion importante des infections nosocomiales. Elles comprennent leur colonisation par des micro-organismes, les infections du site d'insertion et les bactériémies et fongémies qui leur sont associées ou attribuées. Une bactériémie complique l'insertion de 3 à 5 % des voies veineuses, correspondant à une incidence de 2 à 14 épisodes pour 1000 jourcathéters. Cette proportion ne représente toutefois que la partie visible de l'iceberg puisque la plupart des épisodes de sepsis clinique sans foyer infectieux associé sont également considérés comme liés aux accès vasculaires. Après un rappel de leur physiopathologie, cet article passe en revue les éléments importants pour leur prévention, y compris ceux concernant l'utilisation de cathéters imprégnés de désinfectants ou d'antibiotiques. Pour terminer, nous discutons en détail les stratégies préventives globales. Fondées sur la prise en compte d'un ensemble d'éléments spécifiques, ces approches sont centrées sur l'éducation du personnel au respect des règles d'hygiène de base et sur l'introduction de recommandations précises pour l'insertion et l'utilisation des accès vasculaires.