58 resultados para Córtex pré-frontal - Fisiologia
In order to understand relationships between executive and structural deficits in the frontal cortex of patients within normal aging or Alzheimer's disease, we studied frontal pathological changes in young and old controls compared to cases with sporadic (AD) or familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). We performed a semi-automatic computer assisted analysis of the distribution of beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits revealed by Abeta immunostaining as well as of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) revealed by Gallyas silver staining in Brodman areas 10 (frontal polar), 12 (ventro-infero-median) and 24 (anterior cingular), using tissue samples from 5 FAD, 6 sporadic AD and 10 control brains. We also performed densitometric measurements of glial fibrillary acidic protein, principal compound of intermediate filaments of astrocytes, and of phosphorylated neurofilament H and M epitopes in areas 10 and 24. All regions studied seem almost completely spared in normal old controls, with only the oldest ones exhibiting a weak percentage of beta-amyloid deposit and hardly any NFT. On the contrary, all AD and FAD cases were severely damaged as shown by statistically significant increased percentages of beta-amyloid deposit, as well as by a high number of NFT. FAD cases (all from the same family) had statistically more beta-amyloid and GFAP than sporadic AD cases in both areas 10 and 24 and statistically more NFT only in area 24. The correlation between the percentage of beta-amyloid and the number of NFT was significant only for area 24. Altogether, these data suggest that the frontal cortex can be spared by AD type lesions in normal aging, but is severely damaged in sporadic and still more in familial Alzheimer's disease. The frontal regions appear to be differentially vulnerable, with area 12 having the less amyloid burden, area 24 the less NFT and area 10 having both more amyloid and more NFT. This pattern of damage in frontal regions may represent a strong neuroanatomical support for the deterioration of attention and cognitive capacities as well as for the presence of emotional and behavioral troubles in AD patients.
A case is described of a patient who presented almost simultaneously the impression that his left arm was amputated and the feeling of the presence of his invisible Doppelgänger. While these body scheme disorders have both been described after (right) parietal lesions, a right frontal opercular ischaemic stroke was found in the neurological work up. Diffusion tensor imaging showed that the stroke involved the ventral bundle of the superior longitudinal fasciculus that connects the parietal to the frontal lobe. The unusual clinical presentation of this frontal lesion may have been due to a 'diaschisis'-like phenomenon via the superior longitudinal fasciculus.
Il y a relativement peu d'études portant sur la santé au travail des professionnels des urgences préhospitalières. Toutefois, quelques études suggèrent que les problèmes de santé mentale sont particulièrement fréquents et graves pour cette population de travailleurs et travailleuses. Notre étude visait d'une part à identifier certains facteurs professionnels associés à différents symptômes chez des professionnels des urgences pré-hospitalières. D'autre part, cette étude visait à identifier et à documenter diverses stratégies de préservation de la santé utiliséespar ces professionnels dans le cadre de leur travailDans un premier temps, une phase qualitative centrée sur l'observation du travail réel a été effectuée. Au cours de cette phase, les chercheurs ont accompagné des équipages de professionnels des urgences pré-hospitalières pour la durée entière de la journée de travail et pour une moyenne d'environ une semaine (4 X 12 heures) par équipage. Les analyses des données d'observation ont été réalisées en équipe multidisciplinaire. Certaines interventions ont été filmées et utilisées dans le cadre d'entretiens en auto-confrontation. Les observations ont été effectuées dans 11 services pour un total de 416 heures d'observation et 70 interventions. L'analyse de l'activité réelle de travail a été effectuée à travers diverses thématiques comme par exemple le travail d'équipe, l'organisation, ou la charge physique. Dans un second temps, un questionnaire a été développé et administré à l'ensemble des ambulanciers (N=669) en Suisse francophone. Cette démarche visait 1-à documenter l'état de santé de ces professionnels et 2- à mettre en évidence des associations entre certains facteurs liés au travail et des indicateurs de santé.Au total, 374 questionnaires ont été retournés. Cette démarche a permis de constater que les professionnels des urgences pré-hospitalières sont nombreux (14 %) à avoir un score élevé (associé à un risque augmenté de troubles psychiques) pour le General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Des associations ont été observées entre le fait d'avoir un score élevé pour le GHQ et certaines caractéristiques du travail (le type d'intervention, le ratio efforts-récompenses de Siegrist, de même que certains aspects organisationnels ou liés à la supervision). 20 % des participants mentionnentaussi souffrir de séquelles psychiques attribuables à des interventions particulièrement diffi ciles sur le plan émotionnel. Les stratégies observées concernent par exemple l'utilisation des ressources disponibles (médecin conseil, collègues, psychologues), différentes stratégies de coping psychologique, des aménagements spontanés des rôles entre collègues, diverses modalités visant à développer/maintenir les compétences.Notre étude confi rme l'importance des problèmes de santé psychique pour des collectifs de professionnels des urgences pré-hospitalières. Notre démarche a aussi permis de constater que ces professionnels ont recours à diverses stratégies pour réguler leur activité de travail. Ces stratégies comportent un potentiel pour la préservation de la santé mentale.
Objective Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are paroxysmal events that, in contrast to epileptic seizures, are related to psychological causes without the presence of epileptiform EEG changes. Recent models suggest a multifactorial basis for PNES. A potentially paramount, but currently poorly understood factor is the interplay between psychiatric features and a specific vulnerability of the brain leading to a clinical picture that resembles epilepsy. Hypothesising that functional cerebral network abnormalities may predispose to the clinical phenotype, the authors undertook a characterisation of the functional connectivity in PNES patients. Methods The authors analysed the whole-head surface topography of multivariate phase synchronisation (MPS) in interictal high-density EEG of 13 PNES patients as compared with 13 age- and sex-matched controls. MPS mapping reduces the wealth of dynamic data obtained from high-density EEG to easily readable synchronisation maps, which provide an unbiased overview of any changes in functional connectivity associated with distributed cortical abnormalities. The authors computed MPS maps for both Laplacian and common-average-reference EEGs. Results In a between-group comparison, only patchy, non-uniform changes in MPS survived conservative statistical testing. However, against the background of these unimpressive group results, the authors found widespread inverse correlations between individual PNES frequency and MPS within the prefrontal and parietal cortices. Interpretation PNES appears to be associated with decreased prefrontal and parietal synchronisation, possibly reflecting dysfunction of networks within these regions.
The authors report the case of a 75-year-old man presenting with an exceptionally large giant posttraumatic mucocele of the frontal sinus years after a gunshot blast to the head. The lesion had grown so extensively that the right eye had shrunk and calcified, resulting in total monocular blindness, a complication that has been reported only once. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a giant mucocele of such a large size is reported. We describe how the patient underwent surgical removal of this massive lesion, cranial base reconstruction, and a cosmetic oculoplastic procedure. The etiology, clinical presentation, and possible complications are reviewed, as well as the importance of a regular clinical follow-up and early surgical cure. Although the diagnosis and management of mucoceles are nowadays considered quite standard, the exceptional size of the lesion illustrated here emphasizes the destructive potential of such seemingly indolent lesions. Despite the benign histology of mucoceles, one should never underestimate their morbid potential or be lulled in delaying surgical cure. Large mucoceles should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent such unacceptable complications as permanent visual loss.
Background: Language processing abnormalities and inhibition difficulties are hallmark features of schizophrenia. The objective of this study is to asses the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response at two different stages of the illness and compare the frontal activity between adolescents and adults with schizophrenia. Methods: 10 adults with schizophrenia (mean age 31,5 years) and 6 psychotic adolescents with schizophrenic symptoms (mean age 16,2 years) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing two frontal tasks. Regional activation is compared in the bilateral frontal areas during a covert verbal fluency task (letter version) and a Stroop task (inhibition task). Results: Preliminary results show poorer task performance and less frontal cortex activation during both tasks in the adult group of patients with schizophrenia. In the adolescent patients group, fMRI analysis show significant and larger activity in the left frontal operculum (Broca's area) in the verbal fluency task and greater activity in the medium cingulate during the inhibition phase of the Stroop task. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest a decrease of frontal activity in the course of the illness. We assume that schizophrenia contributes to frontal brain activity reduction.
RATIONALE: Dopamine D2 receptors are the main target of antipsychotic drugs. In the brain, D2 receptors coexpress with adenosine A2A and CB1 cannabinoid receptors, leading to functional interactions. OBJECTIVES: The protein and messenger RNA (mRNA) contents of A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors were quantified in postmortem prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was performed in subjects suffering schizophrenia (n=31) who mainly died by suicide, matched with non-schizophrenia suicide victims (n=13) and non-suicide controls (n=33). The density of receptor proteins was evaluated by immunodetection techniques, and their relative mRNA expression was quantified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: In schizophrenia, the densities of A2A (90+/-6%, n=24) and D2-like receptors (95+/-5%, n=22) did not differ from those in controls (100%). Antipsychotic treatment did not induce changes in the protein expression. In contrast, the immunodensity of CB1 receptors was significantly decreased (71+/-7%, n=11; p<0.05) in antipsychotic-treated subjects with schizophrenia but not in drug-free subjects (104+/-13%, n=11). The relative mRNA amounts encoding for A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors were similar in brains of drug-free, antipsychotic-treated subjects with schizophrenia and controls. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that antipsychotics induce down-regulation of CB1 receptors in brain. Since A2A, D2, and CB1 receptors coexpress on brain GABAergic neurons and reductions in markers of GABA neurotransmission have been identified in schizophrenia, a lower density of CB1 receptor induced by antipsychotics could represent an adaptative mechanism that reduces the endocannabinoid-mediated suppression of GABA release, contributing to the normalization of cognitive functions in the disorder.
Most linguistic and interactional studies on public and media debates focus on the way talk-in- interaction is locally managed by the moderator. For example, they analyze the extent to which the questions asked are both sequentially and categorically relevant. The present paper aims at enriching these studies by discussing the profitability of a multimodal and longitudinal approach to membership categorization practices. The approach is multimodal in the sense that it does not focus exclusively on verbal features. The approach is also longitudinal by considering the extent to which a debate is pre- configured. To this end, particular attention is paid to the posters promoting the encounters and to the way the participants are positioned in physical space.
To assess the impact of electoral systems on voting turnout, cross-national studies can be usefully complemented by studies of turnout in local elections in countries using more than one electoral system at that level. In this article, we look at data from a 1998 survey of Swiss municipalities to revisit the findings of our earlier study. This previous study, based on a 1988 survey, concluded, in particular, that there exists a positive relationship between proportional representation elections, party politicization, and voter turnout. The moment is opportune since, in the interval, turnout has markedly declined in Swiss municipalities, as elsewhere. By testing whether municipalities with proportional representation voting were more or less successful in stemming the decline, we learn more about the relationship among these three phenomena. We use the results for those Swiss municipalities which participated in both surveys as our primary source.
Introduction: Les personnes âgées de 65 ans ou plus représentent 15% de la population générale dans les pays occidentaux. Le vieillissement de cette population va accroître encore cette proportion pour atteindre 20% dès 2030. Les urgences gériatriques représentent environ 15% des admissions dans les services d'accueil et de traitement des urgences (SAU), mais peu de données pré-hospitalières existent. Méthode: Etude rétrospective entre 2003 et 2007 des interventions des services d'urgences pré-hospitaliers (ambulances, SMUR) de notre région (env. 670'000 habitants) à partir des rapports de missions effectués pour chaque intervention par ces entités (n = 42'000). Extraction des données démographiques (âge, sexe), des lieux de prise en charge, des degrés de gravité (score NACA) et des catégories diagnostiques de la population âgée de 65 ans ou plus. Résultats: Les urgences gériatriques représentent entre 40 et 50% des interventions pré-hospitalières totales (ambulances, SMUR). Ces chiffres sont encore entre 4 et 8% pour les sujets très âgés de 90 ans et plus. Le sexe ratio H : F est de 0,72 pour les interventions des ambulances, alors qu'il est de 1,03 pour celles des SMUR. Le lieu de prise en charge est le domicile dans près de 70% des cas. Près des ¾ des interventions sont bénignes (degrés de gravité NACA 0-3), avec plus de 92% des interventions relevant de problèmes de type maladies (et non d'accidents). Pour les cas pris en charge par les SMUR, près de 70% sont de nature cardio-vasculaires. Discussion: La charge que représente les urgences gériatriques pour le secteur pré-hospitalier n'est pas négligeable et nécessite dès aujourd'hui une réflexion afin de dimensionner ce secteur aux exigences de ce type d'urgences pour le futur proche. Non seulement les moyens (personnel, véhicules, matériel) devront être proportionnés, mais aussi les particularités de la prise en charge, la formation spécifique et les aspects éthiques. Ce dernier aspect qui n'est pas des moindres et les limites de la prise en charge devront également être abordés. Conclusion: Les urgences gériatriques représentent près de la moitié des interventions des services pré-hospitaliers (ambulances, SMUR). Le vieillissement à venir de la population risque de mettre encore plus ces services sous «haute tension» et doit faire réfléchir ses acteurs et ses décideurs à s'adapter à cette évolution incontournable.