260 resultados para Beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test


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Résumé L'objectif de cette étude est la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à l'inflammation articulaire dans un modèle murin d'arthrite induite par le zymosan (ZIA). En particulier, la participation du récepteur Toll 2 (TLR2) et du complément C3 a été recherchée. L'inflammation articulaire a été quantifiée par l'accumulation de Technetium (Tc) in vivo, et par histologie des articulations arthritiques. Les réponses humorales et cellulaires induites par le zymosan ont été quantifiées par la prolifération lymphocytaire in vitro et par la mesure de la production d'anticorps dirigés contre le zymosan in vivo. L'inflammation associée à l'arthrite induite au zymosan est, d'après le Tc-uptake, d'aspect biphasique, avec un pic après 1 jour, puis une deuxième phase plus tardive. La deuxième phase persiste jusqu'au 24 ème jour et est associée au développement d'une immunité spécifique contre le zymosan. Les souris déficientes pour TLR-2 présentent une réduction significative de l'inflammation articulaire précoce (jour 1) et tardive (jour 24), ainsi qu'une nette diminution de l'infiltrat inflammatoire dans la membrane synoviale. De plus, la prolifération de cellules du ganglion lymphatique ainsi que le taux d'IgG dirigés contre le zymosan sont diminués de façon significative après 25 jour d'arthrite chez les souris déficientes en TLR2 par rapport aux souris sauvages contrôles. Par contraste, chez les souris déficientes pour C3 on n'observe pas de différence dans l'uptake de Tc ou le scoring histologique par rapport à la lignée sauvage. Ces résultats montrent que l'arthrite induite au zymosan n'est pas seulement un modèle d'inflammation aigue, mais que l'inflammation synoviale persiste même après 25 jours. Ce modèle implique à la fois des mécanismes d'immunité innée et acquise. Le signalling via TLR 2 semble jouer in rôle dans l'immunité au zymosan et pourrait être responsable de la nature biphasique de ce modèle d'arthrite. Abstract The interplay between the innate and acquired immune systems in chronic inflammation is not well documented. We have investigated the mechanisms of inflammation in murine zymosan-induced arthritis (ZIA) in the light of recent data on the roles of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and Dentin-1 in the activation of monocyte/macrophages by zymosan. The severity of inflammation, joint histology, lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production in response to zymosan were analyzed in mice deficient in TLR2 and complement C3, and the effects of Dentin-1 inhibition by laminarin were studied. In comparison with wild-type animals, TLR2-deficient mice showed a significant decrease in the early (day 1) and late phases (day 24) of joint inflammation. C3-deficient mice showed no differences in technetium uptake or histological scoring. TLR2-deficient mice also showed a significant decrease in lymph node cell proliferation in response to zymosan and a lower IgG antibody response to zymosan at day 25 in comparison with wild-type controls, indicating that TLR2 signalling has a role in the development of acquired immune responses to zymosan. Although laminarin, a soluble β-glucan, was able to significantly inhibit zymosan uptake by macrophages in vitro, it had no effect on ZIA in vivo. These results show that ZIA is more prolonged than was originally described and involves both the innate and acquired immune pathways. C3 does not seem to have a major role in this model of joint inflammation.


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Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.


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The clinical success of adoptive immunotherapy of cancer relies on the selection of target antigens that are highly expressed in tumor cells but absent in essential normal tissues. A group of genes that encode the cancer/testis or cancer germline antigens have been proposed as ideal targets for immunotherapy due to their high expression in multiple cancer types and their restricted expression in immunoprivileged normal tissues. In the present work we report the isolation and characterization of human T cell receptors (TCRs) with specificity for synovial sarcoma X breakpoint 2 (SSX2), a cancer/testis antigen expressed in melanoma, prostate cancer, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and pancreatic cancer, among other tumors. We isolated seven HLA-A2 restricted T cell receptors from natural T cell clones derived from tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes of two SSX2-seropositive melanoma patients, and selected four TCRs for cloning into retroviral vectors. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) transduced with three of four SSX2 TCRs showed SSX241-49 (KASEKIFYV) peptide specific reactivity, tumor cell recognition and tetramer binding. One of these, TCR-5, exhibited tetramer binding in both CD4 and CD8 cells and was selected for further studies. Antigen-specific and HLA-A*0201-restricted interferon-γ release, cell lysis and lymphocyte proliferation was observed following culture of TCR engineered human PBL with relevant tumor cell lines. Codon optimization was found to increase TCR-5 expression in transduced T cells, and this construct has been selected for development of clinical grade viral vector producing cells. The tumor-specific pattern of expression of SSX2, along with the potent and selective activity of TCR-5, makes this TCR an attractive candidate for potential TCR gene therapy to treat multiple cancer histologies.


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Zymosan induced arthritis is thought to be dependent on activation of the alternative pathway of complement and is short lived. Recently it has been demonstrated that zymosan is capable of activating the innate immune system via toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR6. These receptors play a role in linking the innate to the adaptive immune response. We have therefore reinvestigated the mechanisms by which zymosan induces arthritis by analyzing the kinetic of inflammation, the joint histology, lymphocyte proliferation in wild type and TLR2 deficient mice.


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BAFF (BLyS, TALL-1, THANK, zTNF4) is a member of the TNF superfamily that specifically regulates B lymphocyte proliferation and survival. Mice transgenic (Tg) for BAFF develop an autoimmune condition similar to systemic lupus erythematosus. We now demonstrate that BAFF Tg mice, as they age, develop a secondary pathology reminiscent of Sjögren's syndrome (SS), which is manifested by severe sialadenitis, decreased saliva production, and destruction of submaxillary glands. In humans, SS also correlates with elevated levels of circulating BAFF, as well as a dramatic upregulation of BAFF expression in inflamed salivary glands. A likely explanation for disease in BAFF Tg mice is excessive survival signals to autoreactive B cells, possibly as they pass through a critical tolerance checkpoint while maturing in the spleen. The marginal zone (MZ) B cell compartment, one of the enlarged B cell subsets in the spleen of BAFF Tg mice, is a potential reservoir of autoreactive B cells. Interestingly, B cells with an MZ-like phenotype infiltrate the salivary glands of BAFF Tg mice, suggesting that cells of this compartment potentially participate in tissue damage in SS and possibly other autoimmune diseases. We conclude that altered B cell differentiation and tolerance induced by excess BAFF may be central to SS pathogenesis.


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T-cell receptor (TCR) engagement induces the maturation of thymocytes and the activation and proliferation of peripheral T cells through signaling pathways that target several transcription factors. The transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) has an essential role in the activation of mature T cells but the signaling pathway leading from TCR stimulation to NF-κB activation is not well defined. Carma1, Bcl10 and MALT1 are recently identified proteins that have an important and previously unexpected role in antigen receptor-induced NF-κB activation and the control of lymphocyte proliferation. We believe that the recent advances in this field could stimulate research for the development of new immunomodulatory drugs and could lead to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of lymphomas and potentially of other immune disorders.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are essential in glucose and lipid metabolism and are implicated in metabolic disorders predisposing to atherosclerosis, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Conversely, antidiabetic glitazones and hypolipidemic fibrate drugs, known as PPARgamma and PPARalpha ligands, respectively, reduce the process of atherosclerotic lesion formation, which involves chronic immunoinflammatory processes. Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC-II) molecules, expressed on the surface of specialized cells, are directly involved in the activation of T lymphocytes and in the control of the immune response. Interestingly, expression of MHC-II has recently been observed in atherosclerotic plaques, and it can be induced by the proinflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in vascular cells. To explore a possible role for PPAR ligands in the regulation of the immune response, we investigated whether PPAR activation affects MHC-II expression in atheroma-associated cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that PPARgamma but not PPARalpha ligands act as inhibitors of IFN-gamma-induced MHC-II expression and thus as repressors of MHC-II-mediated T-cell activation. All different types of PPARgamma ligands tested inhibit MHC-II. This effect of PPARgamma ligands is due to a specific inhibition of promoter IV of CIITA and does not concern constitutive expression of MHC-II. Thus, the beneficial effects of antidiabetic PPARgamma activators on atherosclerotic plaque development may be partly explained by their repression of MHC-II expression and subsequent inhibition of T-lymphocyte activation.


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Lymphocyte homeostasis is regulated by mechanisms that control lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis. Activation-induced cell death is mediated by the expression of death ligands and receptors, which, when triggered, activate an apoptotic cascade. Bovine T cells transformed by the intracellular parasite Theileria parva proliferate in an uncontrolled manner and undergo clonal expansion. They constitutively express the death receptor Fas and its ligand, FasL but do not undergo apoptosis. Upon elimination of the parasite from the host cell by treatment with a theilericidal drug, cells become increasingly sensitive to Fas/FasL-induced apoptosis. In normal T cells, the sensitivity to death receptor killing is regulated by specific inhibitor proteins. We found that anti-apoptotic proteins such as cellular (c)-FLIP, which functions as a catalytically inactive form of caspase-8, and X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) as well as c-IAP, which can block downstream executioner caspases, are constitutively expressed in T. parva-transformed T cells. Expression of these proteins is rapidly down-regulated upon parasite elimination. Antiapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) are also expressed but, in contrast to c-FLIP, c-IAP, and X-chromosome-linked IAP, do not appear to be tightly regulated by the presence of the parasite. Finally, we show that, in contrast to the situation in tumor cells, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway is not essential for c-FLIP expression. Our findings indicate that by inducing the expression of antiapoptotic proteins, T. parva allows the host cell to escape destruction by homeostatic mechanisms that would normally be activated to limit the continuous expansion of a T cell population.


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L'hormonoradiothérapie concomitante est utilisée depuis plusieurs années en pratique clinique quotidienne dans les cancers localement évolués de la prostate. Le transfert de ce concept en pathologie mammaire a été très peu rapporté dans la littérature, mais semble pourtant licite devant l'hormonodépendance fréquente des cancers du sein et la synergie potentielle de ces deux armes thérapeutiques. En situation adjuvante, deux stratégies sont actuellement utilisées : la prescription d'un inhibiteur de l'aromatase d'emblée ou après un délai plus ou moins long de tamoxifène. En pratique, ces molécules peuvent donc interagir avec la radiothérapie adjuvante. Les études rétrospectives récemment publiées n'ont pas mis en évidence de différence significative sur l'incidence des évènements, notamment locorégionaux, de l'association concomitante ou séquentielle du tamoxifène à la radiothérapie. La toxicité de l'association reste discutable en termes de fibroses sous-cutanée et pulmonaire. Il semble que le tamoxifène aggraverait les séquelles postradiques uniquement chez les patientes prédisposées à souffrir d'effets tardifs de la radiothérapie et identifiées par un test prédictif biologique. La prudence reste donc encore de mise du moins pour ces patientes. Cet article détaille les avantages et les risques de l'utilisation concomitante de la radiothérapie et de l'hormonothérapie adjuvantes des cancers localisés du sein. Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.


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Recent data showing expression of activating NK receptors (NKR) by conventional T lymphocytes raise the question of their role in the triggering of TCR-independent responses that could be damaging for the host. Transgenic mice expressing the activating receptor Ly49D/DAP12 offer the opportunity to better understand the relevance of ITAM signaling in the biology of T cells. In vitro experiments showed that Ly49D engagement on T lymphocytes by a cognate MHC class I ligand expressed by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells or by specific Ab triggered cellular activation of both CD4 and CD8 populations with modulation of activation markers and cytokine production. The forced expression of the ITAM signaling chain DAP12 is mandatory for Ly49D-transgenic T cell activation. In addition, Ly49D stimulation induced T lymphocyte proliferation, which was much stronger for CD8 T cells. Phenotypic analysis of anti-Ly49D-stimulated CD8 T cells and their ability to produce high levels of IFN-gamma and to kill target cells indicate that Ly49D ligation generates effector cytotoxic CD8 T cells. Ly49D engagement by itself also triggered cytotoxic activity of activated CD8 T cells. Adoptive transfer experiments confirmed that Ly49D-transgenic CD8 T cells are able to control growth of CHO tumor cells or RMA cells transfected with Hm1-C4, the Ly49D ligand normally expressed by CHO. In conclusion, Ly49D engagement on T cells leads to T cell activation and to a full range of TCR-independent effector functions of CD8 T cells.


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The relationship between the binding of Vicia villosa (VV) lectin and the expression of cytolytic function in T lymphoblasts has been investigated using flow cytofluorometric techniques. Spleen cells activated in vitro in 5-day mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) were incubated sequentially with VV, rabbit anti-V antiserum, and fluoresceinated sheep anti-rabbit IgG. When these stained MLC cells were passed on a flow cytometer gated to exclude nonviable cells and small lymphocytes, a single heterogeneous peak of fluorescence was seen, as compared to control MLC cells that had not been incubated with VV. Fluorescence of lymphoblasts was dependent upon lectin dose and was eliminated when staining was performed in the presence of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, the appropriate competitive sugar for VV. T cell blast populations activated against H-2, Mls, or parasite antigens all had comparable levels of fluorescence after staining with VV, although the cytolytic activity of these cells varied widely. Furthermore, when MLC lymphoblasts binding large or small amounts of VV were sorted on the basis of their relative fluorescence intensity and tested for cytolytic function, no appreciable difference in activity between the 2 populations was observed. These results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that VV binds selectively to cytolytic T lymphocytes.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine in chimpanzees if candidate HIV-1 subunit protein vaccines were capable of eliciting long-lasting T-cell memory responses in the absence of viral infection, and to determine the specific characteristics of these responses. DESIGN: A longitudinal study of cell-mediated immune responses induced in three chimpanzees following immunization with subunit envelope glycoproteins of either HIV-1 or herpes simplex virus (HSV)-2. Following these pre-clinical observations, four human volunteers who had been immunized 7 years previously with the same HIV-1 vaccine candidate donated blood for assessment of immune responses. METHODS: Responses were monitored by protein and peptide based ELISpot assays, lymphocyte proliferation, and intracellular cytokine staining. Humoral responses were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and virus neutralization assays. RESULTS: Although antigen (Ag)-specific CD4 T-cell responses persisted for at least 5 years in chimpanzees, CD8 T-cell responses were discordant and declined within 2 years. Detailed cellular analyses revealed that strong Th1 in addition to Th2 type responses were induced by AS2/gp120 and persisted, whereas CD8 T-cell memory declined in peripheral blood. The specificity of both Th and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses revealed that the majority of responses were directed to conserved epitopes. The remarkable persistence of Ag-specific CD4 T-cell memory was characterized as a population of the CD45RA-CD62L-CCR7- "effector phenotype" producing the cytokines IFNgamma, IL-2 and IL-4 upon epitope-specific recognition. Importantly, results in chimpanzees were confirmed in peripheral blood of one of four human volunteers studied more than 7 years after immunization. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that epitope-specific Th1 and Th2 cytokine-dependent Th responses can be induced and maintained for longer than 5 years by immunization with subunit proteins of HIV-1.


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The TCR repertoire of CD8+ T cells specific for Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-associated Ags has been investigated in vitro and in vivo. Analysis of a large panel of established CD8+ CTL clones specific for M-MuLV indicated an overwhelming bias for V beta4 in BALB/c mice and for V beta5.2 in C57BL/6 mice. These V beta biases were already detectable in mixed lymphocyte:tumor cell cultures established from virus-immune spleen cells. Furthermore, direct ex vivo analysis of PBL from BALB/c or C57BL/6 mice immunized with syngeneic M-MuLV-infected tumor cells revealed a dramatic increase in CD8+ cells expressing V beta4 or V beta5.2, respectively. M-MuLV-specific CD8+ cells with an activated (CD62L-) phenotype persisted in blood of immunized mice for at least 2 mo, and exhibited decreased TCR and CD8 levels compared with their naive counterparts. In C57BL/6 mice, most M-MuLV-specific CD8+ CTL clones and immune PBL coexpressed V alpha3.2 in association with V beta5.2. Moreover, these V beta5.2+ V alpha3.2+ cells were shown to recognize the recently described H-2Db-restricted epitope (CCLCLTVFL) encoded in the leader sequence of the M-MuLV gag polyprotein. Collectively, our data demonstrate a highly restricted TCR repertoire in the CD8+ T cell response to M-MuLV-associated Ags in vivo, and suggest the potential utility of flow-microfluorometric analysis of V beta and V alpha expression in the diagnosis and monitoring of viral infections.


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Previous studies showed a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE), in association with LPS, injected into aged (>20 months) mice reversed the altered polarization (increased IL-4 and IL-10 with decreased IL-2 and IFN-gamma) in cytokine production seen from ConA stimulated lymphoid cells of those mice. Aged mice show a >60% decline in numbers and suppressive function of both CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+)Treg and so-called Tr3 (CD4(+)TGFbeta(+)). Their number/function is restored to levels seen in control (8-week-old) mice by FSLE. We have reported at length on the ability of a novel pair of immunoregulatory molecules, members of the TREM family, namely CD200:CD200R, to control development of dendritic cells (DCs) which themselves regulate production of Foxp3(+) Treg. The latter express a distinct subset of TLRs which control their function. We report that a feature of the altered Treg expression following combined treatment with FSLE and monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA (a bioactive component of lipid A of LPS) is the altered gene expression both of distinct subsets of TLRs and of CD200Rs. We speculate that this may represent one of the mechanisms by which FSLE and MPLA alter immunity in aged mice.


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In this study, the mature domains of type I (CPB) and type II (CPA) cysteine proteinases (CPs) of Leishmania infantum were expressed and their immunogenic properties defined using sera from active and recovered cases of human visceral leishmaniasis and sera from infected dogs. Immunoblotting and ELISA analysis indicated that a freeze/thaw extract of parasite antigens showed similar and intensive recognition in both active cases of human and dog sera but lower recognition in recovered human individuals. The total IgG of actively infected human sera was higher than in recovered cases when rCPs were used as antigen. In contrast to dog sera, both active and recovered human cases have higher recognition toward rCPB than rCPA. Furthermore, the asymptomatic dogs in contrast to the symptomatic cases exhibited specific lymphocyte proliferation to both crude antigens and rCPs.