194 resultados para Benign liver tumor
Experimental studies in nude mice with human colon-carcinoma grafts demonstrated the therapeutic efficiency of F(ab')2 fragments to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) labeled with a high dose of 131Iodine. A phase I/II study was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose of 131I-labeled F(ab')2 fragments (131I-F(ab')2) from anti-CEA monoclonal antibody F6, its limiting organ toxicity and tumor uptake. Ten patients with non-resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer (9 detected by CT scan and 1 by laparotomy) were treated with 131I-F(ab')2, doses ranging from 87 mCi to 300 mCi for the first 5 patients, with a constant 300-mCi dose for the last 5 patients. For all the patients, autologous bone marrow was harvested and stored before treatment. Circulating CEA ranged from 2 to 126 ng/ml. No severe adverse events were observed during or immediately following infusion of therapeutic doses. The 9 patients with radiologic evidence of liver metastases showed uptake of 131I-F(ab')2 in the metastases, as observed by single-photon-emission tomography. The only toxicity was hematologic, and no severe aplasia was observed when up to 250 mCi was infused. At the 300-mCi dose, 5 out of 6 patients presented grade-3 or -4 hematologic toxicity, with a nadir for neutrophils and thrombocytes ranging from 25 to 35 days after infusion. In these 5 cases, bone marrow was re-infused. No clinical complications were observed during aplasia. The tumor response could be evaluated in 9 out of 10 patients. One patient showed a partial response of one small liver metastasis (2 cm in diameter) and a stable evolution of the other metastases, 2 patients had stable disease, and 6 showed tumor progression at the time of evaluation (2 or 3 months after injection) by CT scan. This phase-I/II study demonstrated that a dose of 300 mCi of 131I-F(ab')2 from the anti-CEA Mab F6 is well tolerated with bone-marrow rescue, whereas a dose of 200 mCi can be infused without severe bone-marrow toxicity.
Expression of two important glucose transporter proteins, GLUT 2 (which is the typical glucose transporter in hepatocytes of adult liver) and the erythroid/brain type glucose transporter GLUT 1 (representing the typical glucose transporter in fetal liver parenchyma), was studied immunocytochemically during hepatocarcinogenesis in rats at different time points between 7 and 65 wk after cessation of 7-wk administration of 12 mg/kg of body weight of N-nitrosomorpholine p.o. (stop model). Foci of altered hepatocytes excessively storing glycogen (GSF) and mixed cell foci (MCF) composed of both glycogenotic and glycogen-poor cells were present at all time points studied. Seven wk after withdrawal of the carcinogen, GSF were the predominant type of focus of altered hepatocytes. Morphometrical evaluation of the focal lesions revealed that the number and volume fraction of GSF increased steadily until Wk 65. MCF were rare at 7 wk, increased slightly in number and size until Wk 37, but showed a pronounced elevation in their number and volume fraction from Wk 37 to Wk 65. In both GSF and MCF, GLUT 2 was generally decreased or partially absent at all time points. Consequently, foci of decreased GLUT 2 expression showed a steady increase in number and volume fraction from Wk 7 to Wk 65. GLUT 1 was lacking in GSF but occurred in some MCF from Wk 50 onward. The liver type glucose transporter GLUT 2 was decreased in all adenomas and hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). In three of seven adenomas and 10 of 12 carcinomas, expression of GLUT 1 was increased compared with normal liver parenchyma. In two cases of adenoid HCC, cells of ductular formations coexpressed GLUT 2 and GLUT 1. In contrast, normal bile ducts, bile duct proliferations, and cystic cholangiomas expressed only GLUT 1. Seven of 12 HCC contained many microvessels intensely stained for GLUT 1, a phenomenon never observed in normal liver. Whenever adenoid tumor formations occurred, GLUT 1-positive microvessels were located in the immediate vicinity of these formations. Only in one HCC were such microvessels found in the absence of adenoid formations. Our studies indicate that a reduction of GLUT 2 expression occurs already in early preneoplastic hepatic foci and is maintained throughout hepatocarcinogenesis, including benign and malignant neoplasms. Reexpression of GLUT 1, however, appears in a few MCF and in the majority of adenomas and carcinomas.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with radiolabeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen antibodies after complete resection of liver metastases (LM) from colorectal cancer. Patients and Methods: Twenty-two patients planned for surgery of one to four LM received a preoperative diagnostic dose of a 131I-F(ab')2-labeled anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody F6 (8-10 mCi/5 mg). 131I-F(ab')2 uptake was analyzed using direct radioactivity counting, and tumor-to-normal liver ratios were recorded. Ten patients with tumor-to-normal liver ratios of >5 and three others were treated with a therapeutic injection [180-200 mCi 131I/50 mg F(ab')2] 30 to 64 days after surgery. RESULTS: Median 131I-F(ab')2 immunoreactivity in patient serum remained at 91% of initial values for up to 96 hours after injection. The main and dose-limiting-toxicity was hematologic, with 92% and 85% grades 3 to 4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, respectively. Complete spontaneous recovery occurred in all patients. No human anti-mouse antibody response was observed after the diagnosis dose; however, 10 of the 13 treated patients developed human anti-mouse antibody approximately 3 months later. Two treated patients presented extrahepatic metastases at the time of RIT (one bone and one abdominal node) and two relapsed within 3 months of RIT (one in the lung and the other in the liver). Two patients are still alive, and one of these is disease-free at 93 months after resection. At a median follow-up of 127 months, the median disease-free survival is 12 months and the median overall survival is 50 months. CONCLUSION: RIT is feasible in an adjuvant setting after complete resection of LM from colorectal cancer and should be considered for future trials, possibly in combination with chemotherapy, because of the generally poor prognosis of these patients.
Copper-67 has comparable beta-particle emissions to that of 131I, but it displays more favorable gamma emission characteristics for application in radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study investigates the potential of 67Cu-labeled monoclonal antibody (MAb) 35 for RIT of colorectal carcinoma. METHODS: Biokinetics of simultaneously injected 67Cu- and 125I-labeled MAb35 were studied in six patients scheduled for surgery of primary colorectal cancer. RESULTS: Whole-body clearance (T 1/2) of 67Cu, estimated from sequential anterior and posterior whole-body scans and corrected for decay of 67Cu, was 41 hr. Serum clearance of 67Cu was faster (27.41 hr) than that of 125I (38.33 hr). Mean tumor uptake of the 67Cu-labeled compound (0.0133% ID/g) exceeded that of 125I (0.0095% ID/g), and tumor-to-blood ratios were higher for 67Cu than for 125I, with averages of 6.07 and 2.41, respectively. The average 67Cu/125I ratio was 1.9 for tumor uptake, 0.7 for blood and 2.6 for tumor-to-blood ratios. Nonspecific liver uptake of 67Cu as calculated from whole-body scans was high in four patients, up to 25% of residual whole-body activity at 48 hr, but did not increase with time. We also observed some nonspecific bowel activity, as well as moderate to high uptake in benign polyps. CONCLUSION: Copper-67-labeled MAb35 is more favorable than its radioiodine-labeled counterpart for RIT of colorectal carcinoma due to higher tumor-to-blood ratios, but the problem of nonspecific liver and bowel uptake must first be overcome. The absolute accumulation of activity in tumor remains low, however, so the probability of cure with this compound alone is questionable. The use of 67Cu as one component of a multimodality adjuvant treatment seems to remain the most appropriate application for RIT.
OBJECTIVE:: The purpose of this study was to assess outcomes and indications in a large cohort of patients who underwent liver transplantation (LT) for liver metastases (LM) from neuroendocrine tumors (NET) over a 27-year period. BACKGROUND:: LT for NET remains controversial due to the absence of clear selection criteria and the scarcity and heterogeneity of reported cases. METHODS:: This retrospective multicentric study included 213 patients who underwent LT for NET performed in 35 centers in 11 European countries between 1982 and 2009. One hundred seven patients underwent transplantation before 2000 and 106 after 2000. Mean age at the time of LT was 46 years. Half of the patients presented hormone secretion and 55% had hepatomegaly. Before LT, 83% of patients had undergone surgical treatment of the primary tumor and/or LM and 76% had received chemotherapy. The median interval between diagnosis of LM and LT was 25 months (range, 1-149 months). In addition to LT, 24 patients underwent major resection procedures and 30 patients underwent minor resection procedures. RESULTS:: Three-month postoperative mortality was 10%. At 5 years after LT, overall survival (OS) was 52% and disease-free survival was 30%. At 5 years from diagnosis of LM, OS was 73%. Multivariate analysis identified 3 predictors of poor outcome, that is, major resection in addition to LT, poor tumor differentiation, and hepatomegaly. Since 2000, 5-year OS has increased to 59% in relation with fewer patients presenting poor prognostic factors. Multivariate analysis of the 106 cases treated since 2000 identified the following predictors of poor outcome: hepatomegaly, age more than 45 years, and any amount of resection concurrent with LT. CONCLUSIONS:: LT is an effective treatment of unresectable LM from NET. Patient selection based on the aforementioned predictors can achieve a 5-year OS between 60% and 80%. However, use of overly restrictive criteria may deny LT to some patients who could benefit. Optimal timing for LT in patients with stable versus progressive disease remains unclear.
Gorlin syndrome or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant condition mainly characterized by the development of mandibular keratocysts which often have their onset during the second decade of life and/or multiple basal cell carcinoma (BCC) normally arising during the third decade. Cardiac and ovarian fibromas can be found. Patients with NBCCS develop the childhood brain malignancy medulloblastoma (now often called primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor [PNET]) in 5% of cases. The risk of other malignant neoplasms is not clearly increased, although lymphoma and meningioma can occur in this condition. Wilms tumor has been mentioned in the literature four times. We describe a patient with a 10.9 Mb 9q22.3 deletion spanning 9q22.2 through 9q31.1 that includes the entire codifying sequence of the gene PTCH1, with Wilms tumor, multiple neoplasms (lung, liver, mesenteric, gastric and renal leiomyomas, lung typical carcinoid tumor, adenomatoid tumor of the pleura) and a severe clinical presentation. We propose including leiomyomas among minor criteria of the NBCCS.
Purified fractions from a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) were investigated, in a murine model, for induction of leukocyte stimulating activities. The fractions FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced splenocyte proliferation in vitro in C57Bl/10ScSn (LPS responder) mice comparable to LPS, and in C57Bl/10ScCr (LPS non responder) mice. They also stimulated the release of nitrogen radicals in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) from several mouse inbred strains including both C57Bl/10ScSn and C57Bl/10ScCr mice. Stimulation of NO production could be blocked by L-NMMA, an inhibitor of iNOS, and enhanced by the simultaneous addition of IFN-gamma. Moreover, stimulation of macrophages by FSLE-1 and FSLE-2 induced a cytostatic effect of the activated macrophages for Abelson 8-1 tumor cells. The stimulatory activity of the purified fractions is partially due to trace amounts of LPS derived from the fetal liver extract which was enriched during purification. Our results may help to explain the beneficial effect of the extract in patients which has been observed clinically.
In a mode of nude mice bearing a human colon carcinoma xenograft, the biodistribution and tumor localization of metatetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (m-THPC) coupled to polyethylene glycol (PEG) were compared with those of the free form of this photosensitizer used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). At different times after i.v. injection of both forms of 125I-labeled photosensitizer, m-THPC-PEG gave on average a 2-fold higher tumor uptake than free m-THPC. In addition, at early times after injection, m-THPC-PEG showed a 2-fold longer blood circulating half-life and a 4-fold lower liver uptake than free m-THPC. The tumor to normal tissue ratios of radioactivity concentrations were always higher for m-THPC-PEG than for free m-THPC at any time point studied from 2 to 96 hr post-injection. Significant coefficients of correlation between direct fluorescence measurements and radioactivity counting were obtained within each organ tested. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that m-THPC-PEG was preferentially localized near the tumor vessels, whereas m-THPC was more diffusely distributed inside the tumor tissue. To verify whether m-THPC-PEG conjugate remained phototoxic in vivo, PDT experiments were performed 72 hr after injection and showed that m-THPC-PEG was as potent as free m-THPC in the induction of tumor regression provided that the irradiation does for m-THPC-PEG conjugate was adapted to a well-tolerated 2-fold higher level. The overall results demonstrate first the possibility of improving the in vivo tumor localization of a hydrophobic dye used for PDT by coupling it to PEG and second that a photosensitizer conjugated to a macromolecule can remain phototoxic in vivo.
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) represents an innovative tool in the cancer research pipeline, which is increasingly being used in clinical and pharmaceutical applications. The unique properties of the technique, especially the amount of data generated, make the handling of data from multiple IMS acquisitions challenging. This work presents a histology-driven IMS approach aiming to identify discriminant lipid signatures from the simultaneous mining of IMS data sets from multiple samples. The feasibility of the developed workflow is evaluated on a set of three human colorectal cancer liver metastasis (CRCLM) tissue sections. Lipid IMS on tissue sections was performed using MALDI-TOF/TOF MS in both negative and positive ionization modes after 1,5-diaminonaphthalene matrix deposition by sublimation. The combination of both positive and negative acquisition results was performed during data mining to simplify the process and interrogate a larger lipidome into a single analysis. To reduce the complexity of the IMS data sets, a sub data set was generated by randomly selecting a fixed number of spectra from a histologically defined region of interest, resulting in a 10-fold data reduction. Principal component analysis confirmed that the molecular selectivity of the regions of interest is maintained after data reduction. Partial least-squares and heat map analyses demonstrated a selective signature of the CRCLM, revealing lipids that are significantly up- and down-regulated in the tumor region. This comprehensive approach is thus of interest for defining disease signatures directly from IMS data sets by the use of combinatory data mining, opening novel routes of investigation for addressing the demands of the clinical setting.
Uveal melanoma is associated with a high mortality rate once metastases occur, with over >90% of metastatic patients dying within less than 1 year from metastases to the liver. The intraarterial hepatic (iah) administration of the alkylating agent fotemustine holds some promise with response rates of 36% and median survival of 15 months. Here, we investigated whether the DNA-repair-protein MGMT may be involved in the variability of response to fotemustine and temozolomide in uveal melanoma. Epigenetic inactivation of MGMT has been demonstrated to be a predictive marker for benefit from alkylating agent therapy in glioblastoma. We found a methylated MGMT promoter in 6% of liver metastases from 34 uveal melanoma patients. The mean MGMT activity measured in liver metastases with negligible liver tissue content was significantly lower than in liver tissue (146 versus 523 fmol/mg protein, p = 0.002). Expression of the MGMT protein was detectable in 50% of 88 metastases by immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray. Expression was heterogeneous, and in accordance with MGMT activity data, usually lower than in the surrounding liver. Differential MGMT activity/expression between metastasis and liver tissue and more efficient depletion of MGMT with higher doses of alkylating agent therapy using iah delivery may provide the pharmacologic window for the higher response rate. However, these results do not support MGMT methylation status or protein expression as predictive markers for treatment outcome to iah chemotherapy with alkylating agents.
Background: We demonstrated that DC Bead (Biocompatibles UK, Ltd) could be loaded with sunitinib and injected intra-arterially in the rabbit without unexpected toxicity. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the antitumoral effect of sunitinib eluting beads in the VX2 tumor model of liver cancer. Methods: VX2 tumors were implanted in the left liver lobe of New-Zealand white rabbits. Animals were assigned to 3 groups: Group 1 (n=6) received 1.5mg of sunitinib loaded in 0.05ml of 100-300um DC Bead, group 2 (n=5) received 0.05ml of 100-300um DC Bead, group 3 (n=5) received 0.05ml NaCl 0.9% in the left hepatic artery. One animal in each group was sacrificed at 24 hours and the others were followed for survival until day 15. Liver enzymes were measured daily. In group 1, plasmatic sunitinib concentration were measured daily by LC MS/MS tandem mass spectroscopy. At day 15 all living animals were sacrificed. After sacrifice, the livers were harvested for determination of the VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity by western blot and histopathological examination. Results: In group 1, no animals died during follow-up. In group 2, 2 animals died during follow-up on day x. In control group 3, 3 animals died during follow up on day x. In group 1 plasmatic sunitinib levels remained under therapeutic concentration throughout the experiment. Very high concentrations of sunitinib were measured in the liver tissue 24 and 15 days after embolization. Inhibition of the phosphorylation of the RTK was demonstrated at 24h and 15 days in groups 1. Sunitinib eluting beads seemed to penetrate in the tumor more effectively and there was more necrosis around the beads than their bland counterparts. Conclusions: Administration of sunitinib eluting beads in VX2 carrying rabbits resulted invery high drug concentrations at the site of embolization with minimal systemic passage. Despite the very high tissular sunitinib concentration we did not observe any additional toxicity with loaded beads. Sunitinib eluting beads inhibit the activation of RTK's triggered by ischemia and seem to prolong survival of the treated animals. Therefore we consider that local treatment with sunitinib may provide a promising approach for the treatment of liver cancer.
Seborrheic keratoses (SKs) are common, benign epithelial tumors of the skin that do not, or very rarely, progress into malignancy, for reasons that are not understood. We investigated this by gene expression profiling of human SKs and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and found that several genes previously connected with keratinocyte tumor development were similarly modulated in SKs and SCCs, whereas the expression of others differed by only a few fold. In contrast, the tyrosine kinase receptor FGF receptor-3 (FGFR3) and the transcription factor forkhead box N1 (FOXN1) were highly expressed in SKs, and close to undetectable in SCCs. We also showed that increased FGFR3 activity was sufficient to induce FOXN1 expression, counteract the inhibitory effect of EGFR signaling on FOXN1 expression and differentiation, and induce differentiation in a FOXN1-dependent manner. Knockdown of FOXN1 expression in primary human keratinocytes cooperated with oncogenic RAS in the induction of SCC-like tumors, whereas increased FOXN1 expression triggered the SCC cells to shift to a benign SK-like tumor phenotype, which included increased FGFR3 expression. Thus,we have uncovered a positive regulatory loop between FGFR3 and FOXN1 that underlies a benign versus malignant skin tumor phenotype.
TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a member of the TNF family with potent apoptosis-inducing properties in tumor cells. In particular, TRAIL strongly synergizes with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs to induce tumor cell death. Thus, TRAIL has been proposed as a promising future cancer therapy. Little, however, is known regarding what the role of TRAIL is in normal untransformed cells and whether therapeutic administration of TRAIL, alone or in combination with other apoptotic triggers, may cause tissue damage. In this study, we investigated the role of TRAIL in Fas-induced (CD95/Apo-1-induced) hepatocyte apoptosis and liver damage. While TRAIL alone failed to induce apoptosis in isolated murine hepatocytes, it strongly amplified Fas-induced cell death. Importantly, endogenous TRAIL was found to critically regulate anti-Fas antibody-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, liver damage, and associated lethality in vivo. TRAIL enhanced anti-Fas-induced hepatocyte apoptosis through the activation of JNK and its downstream substrate, the proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim. Consistently, TRAIL- and Bim-deficient mice and wild-type mice treated with a JNK inhibitor were protected against anti-Fas-induced liver damage. We conclude that TRAIL and Bim are important response modifiers of hepatocyte apoptosis and identify liver damage and lethality as a possible risk of TRAIL-based tumor therapy.
Gingival metastases are infrequent and invariably associated with a widespread disease and a poor prognosis. Because of their unremarkable clinical appearance, they can be difficult to distinguish from more common gingival hyperplastic or reactive lesions, such as pyogenic granuloma, peripheral giant cell granuloma, and peripheral ossifying granuloma. We are reporting here an unusual case of a 36-year-old man with a mixed testicular germ cell tumor presenting as a metastatic pure choriocarcinoma involving the maxillary gingiva, extending from the first left premolar to the left second maxillary molar, mimicking a 'benign looking' gingival mass. Gingival metastases may be the first manifestation of a widespread metastatic disease and therefore particular attention must be paid to gingival lesions associated with atypical clinical symptoms and/or signs.
The glomus tumor is a rare, benign, but painful vascular neoplasm arising from the neuromyoarterial glomus. Primary intraosseous glomus tumor is even rarer, with only about 20 cases reported in the literature so far, 5 of which involved the spine. Surgical resection is currently considered the treatment of choice. We herewith present an uncommon case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor involving the right pedicle of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11). To our knowledge, this is the first case of primary intraosseous spinal glomus tumor successfully treated by percutaneous CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA).